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Everything posted by FLCLrules

  1. Well my screen name is my own idea because I am a worshiper of the anime and manga I met one of my best friends that way I was humming the end credit song(ride on shooting star)and I was saying what I thought wich is Fooly Cooly rules wich I think is true.:animeswea I can make sense of the show itself because Me and my friends would sit at lunch and explain how the episodes fit toghether it became a system.Preety cool.Huh? [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][SIZE="1"][INDENT][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I removed the quote FLCLrules, it's not necessary to quote someone unless your responding to a specific part of their post, especially when the quote is more than three times your own post. ~SunfallE[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. I am asking you guys and girls because i thought about a while.Although i know a lot about FLCL the only other place i can think of is the planet where Haruko came from and another thing why did she leave the Rickenbacker guitar there my guess is so that Naota can go find her when he is older because when she hands it to him after he says "take me with you" Haruko says "Maybe when your older".Maybe that is her way of saying she will come back.That is why i think there should be a sequal to finish what the first six episodes started. [size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Please keep all FLCL discussion in one thread please, thanks ~Ikillion[/COLOR][/size]
  3. [quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]HOLY BUTT CRACK! That's a lot of FLCL! That's like.... 6 x 58 times! I don't know what that number is off the top of my head. I've probably seen it 4 or 5 times myself. It'll be a while before i can watch 'em again. Luckily though i do have their dvds if i decide to. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I have seen it about 9 to10 times.
  4. [quote name='desertphoenix'][FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Well I guess the idea behind FLCL is that is was suppose to be short and sweet like a one night stand. Now that I've seen tho whole series about 7 times over. I don't want to see a continuation on it. [spoiler]The end was suppose to symbolize Naoto going back to a normal life again and this being tragic. [/spoiler] The only thing that I'm disappointed with is how the show didn't go that in dept with Naoto's brother (was done a little better in the manga). I guess in a way I think it would be cool to see a spin-off where Mamimi goes to America to find her old boyfriend. That might have some potential, but I guess that would most likely never be made.[/COLOR][/FONT] edit: [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"]I think it's sad that that might have a better chance of being made, if not already made, than my idea.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]There wasn't supposed to be much about his brother i cansider him as a little backround about why Mamimi is alaways calling Naota by his brothers name
  5. [quote name='Xra']Hello people, anyway, last night on Adult Swim, they primiered(sp) 2 Animes back to back. The second one was Blue Gender, which i knew well about, but the first one was a funny,confusing,annoying, and attactive anime called FLCL. After seeing the first episode, I still couldn't figure out what it was about, except a lovesick girl, an alien, and a kid with things popping out of his head. So, does anyone know more on this anime?[/QUOTE]I could write a book about it i have read the manga seen the anime my friends say I know a good amount about it if you don't understand it i can help.
  6. In my opinion I think there should be a sequal because in the Sixth and final episode it ended with no epilouge i think they sould do it to answer questions and tie up loose ends.What do you think?:animeswea
  7. [quote name='Blitz_Kid']i can't decide what anime series to watch or to buy in the DVD video. i heard that Tokko was good. they said that Tokko is very volence and that fans of Gantz should watch it if you like bloody anime series. i also heard that Noein was good too. they said that it was this girl name Haruka who was this dragon torque possessor that she has the ability to change the future while Haruka had a protector. so does anyone have any idea for me?[/QUOTE]Yeah i can help and in my opinion Tokko is the better choice fast action and the story is pretty intense and so are the demon battles.:animesmil
  8. Haveing 2 parents that were raised in the same neighborhood in Baltimore i was alaways told no matter how much pressure is put on me don't smoke drink or do drugs now i don't know how you feel about this but it grinds my gears cause i have seen the effects on people:animeangr i would like to know your opinion on this problem and if you wish to discuss this more PM me at my site
  9. [quote name='Fyxe'][size=1]I wouldn't shave down there anyway. The ingrown hairs... *shudders*[/size][/QUOTE]That is what i tried to warn him about
  10. [quote name='Metalcore501']Ok during the summer months I normally shave my private area to lower sweatyness. But recently I cut my penis and had to go to the hospital, I'm all healed up but my pubic hair is growing back and am having trouble deciding if I should cut it or not..... This may seem stupid to some but I really am having trouble with this help is much appreciated. ~Metalcore~[/QUOTE]Dang i have had some problems but none like that my advice don't take the hair totally off cause if you do it will come back with one HECK of a vengance best wishes to you and your um..you know see ya
  11. Yeah i'm addictaed to the manga wich rocks i have also made a death note of my own hmm i hope they dont ban it here in america :(
  12. I wish they had a sequal for eureka7 cause i got nothing better to do on saturdays now (sniffle) :(
  13. [QUOTE=i.luv.kiba][B][COLOR=Green]i miss some of the old shows but the new aren't so bad. but things like the Oblongs (whatever THAT is) just doesn't appeal to me. oh yea and DBZ does comes on Cartoon Network now it's been there a few weeks now.old shows of course. i don't really watch it but it comes on before Yu-Gi-Oh GX so i see bits and pieces of it. plus Bleach isn't too bad but i wish One Piece would go away again =____= .i hope after Eureka 7's last episode they won't replace it w/ something stupid. that's really all i'm worried about.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=SlateGray]~the Akatsuki are Watching~ *Ustez*[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]I'm with you if they take the final Eureka7 off and put something stupid on like perfect hair for ever really dumb show dont want to get into details :rolleyes:
  14. [QUOTE=i.luv.kiba]well by my name you can kind of guess who one of my crushes is. i don't know what makes them so appealing.... probably because they're not human so they're more perfect than human. but that's just my guess. i usually have a thing for the bad guyz like Itachi or Deidara but it's usually their voice or eyes that are most appealing such as Chazz Princeton, Bankotsu or Roy Mustang. ~the Akatsuki are Watching~ *Ustez*[/QUOTE]I never really had a crush i liked them sure but i wasnt infatuated with the character i just liked haruko from FLCLs style and attitude also her purpose was to be a love intrest wich made her kinda hot well thats all i have to say about the question seeya :p
  15. I cant wait for the final episode of Eureka7 its the big climactic scene after all the problems that Renton&Eurekas' relationship has faced over all the episodes especially the episodes[spoiler] in Master Norbs words the promised land that he and Sakuya had failed at in his words.But i digress hope fully where ever they are in that final episode they will be there with the kids and they will be happy sadly[/spoiler] we can only hope for the best :animesmil [FONT=Trebuchet MS] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]In the future please use spoiler tags when discussing spoiler material and use the thread directory located at the top of the forum to find already created threads.~Ikillion[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]Wow, folks, I can't believe there isn't already a topic on this show. So far I've only seen up to episode 30 (the fansubbers, bless their hearts, are nowhere near fast enough to provide enough material to sate me), but good god what a series. I won't risk trying to say everything in an introductory post, but suffice it to say that this is the best take on the "young boy grows up by piloting a big robot" formula in years. There really hasn't been a pure coming-of-age anime since FLCL that I can remember being this good. It's directed by Tomoki Kyoda, whom a few of you may remember as the gentleman mostly responsible for the later direction of Rahxephon (he did a bunch of the later episodes, plus the ova and the movie). Frankly, though, Eureka Seven hasn't even hit its peak yet and it's already (for me, anyways) completely left much of Zeffie in the dust (albeit it doesn't have the Maya-inspired designs to fall back on). So, quick summary of the first two episodes: boy hero Renton Thurston, living in a backwater town and helping out in his granddad's mechanic shop, dreams of getting the heck out of there and joining up with a mercenary group called Gekko State. Now, Gekko State is a bunch of dudes who (seemingly) just like to go around in their rad punk rock warship, the Gekko-Go, flouting the government, publishing their own magazine, and "reffing" (which is basically a kind of sky surfing on pretty green particle waves called Trapar). Anyways, Renton's dream comes through when a Gekko State LFO (i.e. big robot that can ref; geek points if you vintage synthesizer fans recognize where they got the name from) crashes his granddad's shop and a green-haired girl named Eureka (whom Renton instantly goes nuts for) pops out and asks for a tune-up. This particular LFO, the Nirvash typeZERO, is unique: it was the first LFO ever discovered, and the prototype for all future designs. Consequently, it turns out Eureka and the Nirvash are being chased by the military, so after the Thurstons are done fixing things she high-tails it out of there. PLOT POINT: it turns out Renton's granddad had been hanging on to a phenomenally powerful device, the Amita Drive, for Renton's father; Renton gets his hands on it, and in the midst of a battle goes and delivers it to the Nirvash. The Nirvash, controlled (unknowingly) by Renton, goes and crushes a whole squad of military LFOs in one of the most beautiful mecha battles I've ever seen, and follows this up by frying the entire area with something called the "seven swell phenomenon." After this, Renton joins up with Eureka and the rest of Gekko State and the series proper starts. This isn't even scratching the surface of where the show is now, but is enough to get you started. (although I cannot let the summary go without mentioning Anemone, the bad guys' pink-haired answer to Eureka, who is cute as all get out and probably certifiable but only shows up later in the series) The show is really something wonderful, and 30 episodes in it has still yet to hit a slump of any kind (if anything it keeps getting better). The characters are extremely deep and well-sketched; the mech fights range from gorgeous mid-air balletic displays to vicious close range grinds; the music is consistently wonderful; the designs, while quite traditional and never approaching the same kind of gleeful abandon you get in Rahxephon, are always at least serviceable; the story, incredibly, seems likely to not only maintain itself through fifty-some episodes but to actually knock its message entirely out of the park. Despite some stiff competition (Noein, and maybe Kashimashi if you can even compare such a series to a mech show), Eureka is probably the best new anime series currently airing. The domestic release of the first episodes is coming out next month, and it's already on my wish list. In the meantime (and I THINK this is legal for the otakuboards, but if not I ask one of the mods to correct me), you can go and YouTube the show's four ops so far, which are fantastic (no spoilers as far as I can tell, unless you count a number of changes in hairstyle): -[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GFtFFVP7pg&search=eureka]First Opening[/URL] (check the Eva influences, and also that ungodly great op song) -[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL5d8k-KTCo&search=eureka]Second Opening[/URL] (my least favorite, saved only by that fantastic Itano Circus) -[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzYj0qIiz9w&search=eureka]Third Opening[/URL] (the cheapest-looking of the four but my favorite by far. Features an even better Itano Circus than op2, and Anemone's priceless
  17. This is a question with many answers but who did start this evil plan to fill the Otaku boards with helpfull information????? :babble: :rotflmao:
  18. Dont get me started on people who use drugs they screw up mind body and your appearance :mad: .I dont mind people that drink responibly wich is rare to find now a days :( .But illeagle drugs are just wrong because theres so much of the stuff and so many dealers and not enough law enforcement to halt all of the deals.I may be 14 but i think every kid that feels so strongly about stopping it should speak up because if we dont who will????? :animeangr
  19. HHHHHHHHHeeeeeelllllllllooooooooo!!!!!!!Does any 1 even stay up long enough to watch the greatest show on Adult Swim next 2 FLCL of course post something on my home page if you watch yes that means you 2 I.luv.kiba :animesmil later [indent][size=1][color=#007520]Heellloo!! Continually posting low quality spam posts will just have your posts deleted and threads closed. Take some time and put effort into your posts to make them easier to read. Try grammar spelling and reading the last section of [thread=55649]this thread[/thread]. And keep in mind that OB tries to aim for quality of posts, not quantity. -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
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