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Everything posted by Silent_sword909
With the arrival of all of the people, ??? slowly notices that they all possess the same type of aura as the scroll he found. He stops for a minute; where did that memory come from? Shrugging it off, but saving it for later, he surveys the room. There are alot of people, for only a night to have passed. But then again, he thought, these people were summoned here. They had to come. He gets up, walking over to the two girls that were talking. They were the only girls here; and the only ones that seemed willing to talk. Walking up, he said, "Hi!" The two girls stared at him, and then smiled. "Nice to meet you," said the short girl, with silvery hair, and dark wings. The other girl gave the same greeting. ??? smiled back at the two, and thought how odd it was that one of them had wings. After talking to them for what seemed like only a few minutes, he got the strange feeling that something was about to happen. He excused himself, (because it seemed like the right thing to do), and quickly checked everyone in the room. They too, looked tense, and even the sickly boy was up, searching. ??? hurried over to the door. He actually FELT someone coming. It had to be the last person, the one they were waiting for. He didn't know HOW he knew; he just did.
Matthias stood his ground, looking at the spear with a little shock. "Well," he said to himself, "the spear was unplanned, but the rest was already decided." These thoughts went though his head, as he turned his attention to Abaddon, who was still speaking to him. After he had finished, Matthias shrugged, and said, "Well, now that THAT'S over..." he faced Abaddon, "What's with that steam? Did you blow a gasket or something?" He sighed, getting tired of the taunting. "The monster's dead, does it REALLY matter now? Jeez," Matthias said, smirking, and lightly placing his hands on his sword hilts, just in case.. Tsubasa thought this had gone on quite enough, when Drakkan stepped in, blocking Matthias from Abaddon, and the reverse. Smiling, Drakkan said, "I think we've squabbled enough amongst ourselves for one day." When he said this, he looked from Bolt, to Arcane, and to Grace. He continued, "I think we should keep going; more demons will come to this place, given enough time." He turned to Abaddon, looking at him with empathy. No one crossed him, or they were dead. If memory proved true, then Matthias had crossed him more than once in the past, only to be thwarted by Drakkan each time. Drakkan couldn't help it; they needed all the power they could, even if it came from a good-for-nothing sarcastic angel like Matthias. He let his mind wander a bit, taking pleasure in the idea of what Arcane would do to Matthias if he was EVER given the chance. He eyed Arcane a few moments more, and, having read his expression, came to a conclusion. "Yes, just as I thought; there would be NOTHING left." He smiled wickedly.
As Toru finished counting to ten, he began to think; his eyes still closed. He frowned; this test was, to say the least, different. He had expected some big match to test his prowess, but all he got was a run-away teacher. He cocked his head to one side, and thought how best to tackle the situation. "Well," he said to himself, "I might as well chase her, and just see how it goes from there." He made some hand-signs, and two copies of himself appeared, for it was all he could conjure without seriously limiting his chakra use. "Alright then, let's do this." He called to his other two selves, and told them, "Ok, you, stay here, and stay hidden. If the teacher comes by, then confront her. And you," he said turning to the other,"I want you to go into town, and see if Tsubasa-sensei is there." Toru smirked, saying, "I have a funny feeling about this test, but then again, it's just a feeling." The three Toru's set off to their different locations, one to chase Tsubasa, one to keep watch, and the other to patrol town. The real Toru rushed along the ground, keeping to the cover of the low trees, when he heard sounds in the distance. "It must be some kind of combat going on," Toru deducted, since it was coming from the direction of the training fields. "I'll go take a peak, but I have to be careful." He snuck over to the field, and witnessed as a puppeteer ninja fought with another ninja, seeming to be made of stone. He watched as the smoke bombs were released, and saw the stone ninja on the retreat. He smirked, devising a way to combat that situation if it ever arose. All of a sudden, there was movement in the bushes. Toru quickly doused his chakra signiture, and stayed low. To his surprise, Tsubasa sensei walked to the edge of the field, to watch the match he had been watching! "Perfect," thought Toru, and as he climbed a tree, getting ready to make his assualt, he began to think again. "Wait a minute.. I don't think she'd be that careless..Would she?" He hadn't known many Jounin to be, and those that were had super reflexes and a reason to be careless. "Let's try this out." He dropped back down out of the tree, and picked up a rock. He climbed back up in the tree, and climbed out on a branch, until he was right over Tsubasa. He tossed the rock over at a nearby tree, trying to disguise the noise as an acorn. Tsubasa looked over, and while she was turned, Toru prepared himself. He dropped a rock onto Tsubasa's head, and when she looked up, he was instantly at her feet, with an upper-palm to the chin. She started to yell out, but suddenly, *POOF!!* she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "I knew it!" yelled Toru. In his mind, he had already worked out two scenario's. They both involved Tsubasa making clones, now he just had to decide which one to belive. "Well, let's see, she wouldn't want to make this easy, so of course she sent out fake copies of herself to make me lose track of the real her." This was the simple part. "Now, if only I knew what her purpose was BEHIND the excercise, then......" Toru's voice trailed off as he talked to himself. A smile slowly spread itself across his face, and he suddenly knew the answer! "Now, to go get the other clone, and tell HIM to help!" said Toru, and he ran back the way he came.
Name: Opei Flacet Age: 16 Appearance: Well built, with deep tanned skin. Around 5' 11'', with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Most of the time, he goes around without a shirt on, (this is his usual attire), with sturdy breeches that tie at the waist. He doesn't like shoes, as they constrict his feet, so he doesn't own any. Country of Origin: Austrailia Element and Starting Powers: Wind Wind God Requiem: Can control the wind, while he plays his flute, or any wind instrument. This way, he can make gusts, or just change the direction of the wind, but it only lasts while he plays. Personality: Opei is a free spirit. He is a loner, it's true, but he likes it best that way. His only friends are the plains he lives on, and the wind that blows through his hair. Despite his isolation, he has a positive outlook on life; one could almost call him a philosopher. He loves to run, and feel the wind on his face; he's optomistic and kind, to the few people he does meet, and can usually find the small bit of good in a bad situation. He doesn't like rules, and having to conform to please others. The only time he ever gets mad, is if he doesn't want to do something, and is forced to anyway. (Sorry, was alittle wierd about the sign-up yesterday, I changed the country, LoL. :D)
As Abbadon took the creatures life-force little by little, Matthias snorted. It wasn't like the demon to hold back until the end of the battle, and Matthias wanted him to know this. Lifting up his voice, he yelled to where Abbadon fought with the golem, "Well! If I would have known you could do THAT, I wouldn't have lifted a finger in this 'battle'. Honestly! Why couldn't you have done that SOONER!? It would have saved MUCH trouble!!" As soon as the taunt came out, he knew he was in for it. Tsubasa looked at him, with her usual sigh, while Drakkan looked at him and laughed. Abbadon turned, and in his eyes was the very fires of hell itself, though Matthias just smirked at him. If he was going to have to face up to Abbadon, he wasn't going to shirk from it. "As soon as I get done with this thing," said Abbadon while yanking on his spiked weapon, "I'm going to ROAST YOU." He then began to finish it off, with a series of brutal twists and turns of the chain, which would have caused a man to be ripped to shreds. Matthias laughed out loud, actually enjoying the conflict. Readying another comment, he braced his horse, for the outcome was predictable. "And another thing," said Matthias, as Tsubasa shot a glance at him that would have felled a human; she was warning him not to take this any farther. He decided to drop it, with a simple, "Your words are soooo big. If it was me, I wouldn't TALK about killing the stupid creature, I'd DO IT." He turned his horse, and began to trot away slowly; he was going to check and see if there were any more demons about to deal with, though it looked like the golem was the last of them. After all, he said smirking, you never could be TOO careful with REAL DEMONS.
??? looked back and reflected. The past couple of days had been hard. He had had to learn to do many things in order to survive. He had come out of the cave in the woods, to find a forest he knew nothing about. He managed to find his way out of the forest, and ran into a....a....well, he couldn't remember the word. All he knew, is that it was BIG. He was a little apprehensive about venturing into the (city), but as long as he had the ground beneath his feet, he knew he'd be fine. There were many...people, in this place, and none of them were the same. He had to ask many of them what things were called, and how to do things; he just COULDN'T REMEMBER! Eventually, he found out that he was in a 'city', that was next to 'the beach'. ??? searched around, trying to learn all that there was to learn. At times, he felt pangs of something in his stomach, and found that it was called hunger. He only passed out once, and then a nice 'lady' gave him something to consume so he would not be 'hungry'. He was very grateful. He decided to check out something called, and 'arcade', and when he did, he found he hated it. All the noise and flashing lights scared him, and he quickly ran out of there. He kept running once he was clear of the 'arcade', and he ran onto 'the beach'. It had been night time, and he was alone. The darkness was comforting, he didn't have to deal with the bustle of the city. He layed in the reeds, when a voice came from nowhere, "Find the others. They will gather here, at the beach house. Await them, for you are the first." Not knowing that this wasn't normal, he took it in stride, and decided the next day that he would look for this 'house'. He had found it the next morning, after he asked some kids who threw something cold at him. He found it was called, 'ice cream', and he wanted to find some, to 'consume'. It tasted good! He walked until he found the beach house, which no one had visited in years. He didn't know what fear was though, and so he walked into it. He sat on the dusty floor, and began to feel lonely, though he couldn't imagine why. Eventually, he went to sleep, and dreamed of something he couldn't remember. When he woke up, he was surprised to see a girl at the door, and he welcomed her with a smile, and a wave. Maybe SHE was one of the one's he was waiting for? He had no way to know.
Kaien lay dreaming; his unconcious mind wandering through his past. When all of a sudden, a loud noise over the intercom made him jerk awake. He sat upright on the bed, and looked around, as an announcement over the speakers told all of the pilots to meet in the main lobby of the military hotel. He grumbled, and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He hadn't slept very well, and (judging by what time it was), not very long either. Swinging his feet, he gathered up his gear, and headed outside. On his way out, he stopped by a mirror in the room. He looked himself over, and finally decided that there was nothing he could do about his appearance until he took a shower. He left the room, locking the door, and made his way to the assembly. On the way there, he put on his head-phones, and some scream-o music to drown out his worries. Inside the room, EVERYONE was there. All the hotel staff, along with the military force, were in the front of the room; while the pilots stood in the center. Kaien was a little late, (he had gotten lost), so he stood off to the side. He noticed that most of the pilots were grouped in pairs, and he again wondered who his 'partner' would be. The man at the front, (looking all important) was saying something, but Kaien couldn't hear him. It might have been the fact that he had his ear-phones on, and the music was blaring, but he didn't realize it until too late. He hurriedly took them off, only to catch the last of what he was saying. "We will have a meeting on your training at 1600 this afternoon." After this, everyone started to leave. Kaien thought to himself, "Great! Now I've missed instructions! Somebody here had to have paid attention, I'll just ask them." He tried several kids around 18, but they just laughed at his story. He walked away, promising to pay them back later, with Sharupu. He finally found a girl, who looked like she knew what she was doing (the fact that she had blue hair was TOTALLY IRRELAVENT). She was followed by what Kaien guessed to be her partner, a guy that would look intimidating in a dark alley. By the time he reached her, they were half-way across the street. He stopped her, seeing that she aimed towards the zoids pen. The man turned and looked at him, saying, "What do YOU want?" Sheepishly, Kaien said, "I just need instructions, I sortof missed the first part of the speech." He scratched the back of his head, (he did this when he was nervous). She smiled, and laughed, "Aww... you poor thing." She thought a moment, and said, "Well, first you have to get your zoid, which is where I'm headed. Then, you let it loose in the special habitat arranged for them. (At this point, Kaien had the feeling she LIKED being in control.) After that, just head over to the gi-normus house across the street, and get a room!" She smiled, and they both began to walk off. Kaien yelled after her, "Thanks!" She turned back and waved, and walked away. He smiled, and hoped there were more girls like HER at this place. He started off, going to get his zoid, and after that, he would go take a nice, looong shower. He smiled at the thought of it.
Kaien Gilford stepped out into the sunshine on the planet of Mars, and breathed deeply. He smiled; the air was MUCH better than that recycled crap on the space shuttle. He looked around, taking in everything before he went to get his zoid, Sharupu. The terrain was open; green, artificial grass covered most of the ground, and their were rolling hills in the distance. Also he noted, the only building in sight was a dome, and that lay BEYOND those hills. He quickly turned around; he was already eager to fight. He went back to the hangar, and found the workers moving the zoids into the sunshine. They seemed to like it better here too; some were rolling around in the grass, while others ran around, chasing each other (this made the ground shake a bit). He walked over to his zoid, which was standing off to the side, staring at the others. Climbing up the leg, he made his way into the cockpit. He ran his hands over the controls affectionately. They had been through so much together, him and Sharupu. Which was true; he had recieved Sharupu when he was 18, and he was STILL using him. He couldn't help it; he had grown fond of the dino-zoid. ********* When he had first started zoids battles, he was only 12. He was good with the faster zoids, which meant he could evade attacks better. The zoid he used then was a command wolf; good for any begginer. He utilized it's speed, and took many rookie titles and prizes with it. He moved on to a bear zoid, but it wasn't for him. He kept it for three years, at which point he won a tournament. The grand prize was a Gariuki, and since then, he'd used it, and he wouldn't trade his partner for the world. He had developed a bond with the tyranosaur model zoid, that he just didn't have with the others. Maybe it was because it was so much like himself? But it didn't matter; he had come here to win, again. It was something they were good at. ********* Kaien looked up from his thoughts. "Wow, we better get going," he said, looking around to the hangar, where the zoids and their pilots were leaving. "I don't wanna get left behind!" With that, he took off, pushing Sharupu to almost max speed. By the time they arrived, everyone was getting there. He had to fight his way into the 'hotel' office to find out where his room was. The receptionist told him that he'd be rooming with someone, who hadn't shown up yet. "Aww great," he had said, annoyed. He didn't need anyone to crowd in on HIS room. The receptionist also told him, to his surprise, that whoever it was would be his partner, in the battles to come. All he could think when he left the office, was, "He better be a good pilot." Finding his room amongst the chaos, he shut and locked the door behind him. He dropped his stuff off on a bed (there were two), and layed down on it. He rolled around, and hoped that Sharupu would be alright. He had left him with the handlers outside of the zoid garage. He had been excited, and Kaien had had to calm him down. He laughed at the thought of his zoid tearing up the place. Kaien then closed his eyes, and took a quick nap. Today was proving exhausting!
Matthias lay on ground, thinking. He couldn't do much else; especially since Tsubasa held him with her power while she healed him. He thought back to the start of the fight, and how he had ignored the Queen. She even said it wasn't like him. He couldn't believe he had let his feelings take him over like that. What good was he if he couldn't even protect her? He asked himself theses questions, and found no answers. He looked up from his dark thoughts, and found Tsubasa staring at him. She had used her powers to completely seal up his wounds, and regrow the tissue that was destroyed. As for the evil that had started to spread through him, she had forced it from his being. He was greatful. At length, he found she was singing, and it was beautiful to listen to. He lost himself in her voice, and soon, fell asleep. The Queen of Angels took the time he was asleep to check with Breeze. She found her, not far away, standing guard over them. When Tsubasa walked up to her, she straightened, and asked, "Is Matthias ok?" Tsubasa nodded, and suddenly, Breeze was less tense. She looked hopefully at her Queen, "The Demon Riders have taken out most of the scouting party, and the only real threat now is a magma golem. They have been having trouble, and it seems Umi was injured." Tsubasa let out a sigh; the most extreme of the group, 'Little miss thorns,' had been injured. "I suppose we should help them then?" She said as she drew her sword. Breeze looked back, "What about Matthias?" At that, a thunder clap was heard, and suddenly, Matthias stood before them. He didn't have his shirt on, and was in-the-process-of doing it while he spoke, "I'm here, I'M HERE!" He finished putting his shirt on, and and pulled out his swords. "As always, Queen, your healing is miraculous." He then called to his horse, and said, "Let's ride, shall we?"
(OoC: Why do we always use field 25? LoL, there MUST be another 24 to choose from! :D ) Toru quickly grabbed a sandwhich from his house, and money for a soda, before setting off to meet his teacher, Tsubasa. He stopped at a drink machine, and then rushed to training field number 25. He sat down to eat his sandwhich; he was soo excited! He had never had a one-on-one teacher before. When Tsubasa arrived, Toru still hadn't touched his sandwhich. She greeted him with a wave, and Toru smiled in return. For the first time, Toru got a good look at his teacher; she had long blonde hair, and pretty eyes. She wore a happy expression on her face, and it made her looks radiate. He stared for a moment, then his heart beat faster in his chest when he came to a realization; his teacher was HOT! He turned his head, embarrased, while Tsubasa walked up. She had a bottle of sake, or rice wine, along with her basket of "goodies". She sat down beside Toru, saying, "Well! Since it looks like you haven't eaten YOUR food, how about share some of mine?" He nodded, also realizing he was hungry. He scarfed his sandwhich, and accepted what Tsubasa gave him. They ate in silence. ***** Sighing, Toru looked up from his food, and leaned back as a soothing breeze blew through his hair. He layed back on the grass, and Tsubasa asked, "What are you thinking about?" He looked over at her, and said, "What I'm thinking about? Oh, that's easy. I was thinking about what style of fighter you are. I want to be ready, incase I ever have to spar with you." He sat up in the grass, while Tsubasa watched him. Toru went on, saying, "From a first impression, I would guess that you're best at ninjutsu, though you may not be too bad at the other arts as well. I would therefor have to be careful when fighting you, because of taijutsu being my specialty." He scratched his chin for a moment, "Though I MAY be able to stop your attacks with my Waterfall style taijutsu." He looked at her and smiled, his hand on the back of his head. "Sorry, when I get into one of those moods, I kinda go on and on. I'm pretty good at tactics, or so I've been told. To me, it's just being observent."
Matthias rushed forward; finally finding something to take his mind off the past. In this, Tsubasa let him lead, he was the most combat-oriented of the Angel Riders, and besides, Drakkan had told HIM to go anyway. His horse's pace was matched only by that of Rider Breeze, and she kept a little distance. She knew that the battle lust was in him, like it had been so many times before. Stopping outside the encampment, Tsubasa intended to make a plan. She called to Breeze and Bolt, and Breeze came; but not Matthias, who rushed ahead, his plan already told to him. The Queen said, "Don't get in the way of the Demon Riders, they might injure you in their fury. This is but the first battle we will face against the forces of Heaven and Hell; future battles will prove far more deadly than this. Let's try to unlock our powers before then, hmm?" Breeze nodded. Tsubasa looked at Matthias and sighed; he NEVER listened, though he meant well. ******** The Rider of Bolt, charged into the battle, his swords drawn in a flash of lightning. He sliced his way to the center, and each time he struck, a thunder clap was heard. He laughed at the unholy demise of the lesser demons, and cut even more down. Gaining the center, he turned to Abaddon, saying, " Tis more of a slaughter than a battle, wouldn't you say so?" He didn't really expect an answer, just the fact that he said it was enough. He turned, to see the other two Angels ride in; their own powers shining. When he looked away, a team of archers let loose a small barrage of arrows at him. He looked back, and even though he called a thunder bolt down to protect himself; he couldn't block ALL the arrows. One or two stuck out of his chest, and another in his arm. He turned to them; breaking the arrows off mid-shaft. "You DARE to attack me with my attention unfocused!?" He was smirking again. He held up his hand, and a ball of electrical energy formed, twirling in his palm. He shot the ball at the group of demons, and they screamed and disintegrated, being smitten with holy lightning. Matthias made a face; where the arrows were, black lines of something evil had started to spread out from the wounds, following his blood vains. "And DAMN, IT BURNS!!" thought Matthias. He then turned to see how the others fared, before trotting off to find his Queen he had left; holding onto his arrow-ridden chest."
Toru watched as his friends both got taken by Jounin. He started to panic a little. "Why aren't I getting picked?" But, soon, he overcame his doubt, telling himself that whoever did pick him, was going to be the greatest teacher in the entire leaf village! Toru jumped up, yelling, "Yeah!" Another Jounin came over, saying, "Boy, you kids today are just too noisy." Toru sat back down embarrassed. ***** A while later, there were only a few genin left in the room. By now, everyone was sweating bullets; there were only afew genin left! Toru had long since removed himself from everyone else. He was extremely bored, so he had started his chakra excercises. He would rub his hands together, to create a flowing of chakra. Then, he would go through a complicated serious of moves, original since no one but him practiced the fighting style. Eventually, someone approached him, though Toru didn't notice; he was getting to the best part of the work-out!!
Matthias Azalor rode hard beside the Queen of angels, his wings surging with electrictiy. Unbeknownst to Umi and the rest of the group, Matthias shared her same feelings, if for a different person. While it was true that he was loyal to the Queen because the angel heirarchy demanded it, it was also true that his loyalty was fueled by a passion for her that kept his heart bound forever to her. He had given up hope though, the day of the last clash of the Riders. On that day, the angels did battle with the demons, and the Earth trembled. Amidst the battle, Matthias fought Umi, each having their own beliefs about their King or Queen. She brought up her vines, and Matthias returned the attack with lightning. All the while, the King of Demons, and the Queen of Angels clashed, with their powers of light and darkness. Finally, the Drakkan thrashed the Tsubasa off of her horse, and leapt off his own to finish her. Not thinking of himself; only his Queen, Matthias leapt to help her. He found himself the prisoner of Umi's vines, and could not help the Queen. He raged at Umi, and they were neck and neck, when the immpossible happened; Drakkan had asked Tsubasa for her hand in marriage! Umi and Matthias had stood dumbstruck, as did the other demons and angels. Even more when she had accepted! Thier days of fighting each other were gone; the renegade group turned against their masters themselves. That's what had happened in thier past lives; and he went along with it. He had suppressed his love into loyalty, and was an outcast from his own feelings. He eventually ended up dieing pathetically, trying to protect the Queen, Tsubasa; as did everyone else who fought alongside him. He snapped back into reality, realizing that it was only a dream. He glanced from side to side, checking to see what everyone was doing. He found Umi looking longingly at Drakkan, and Drakkan at Tsubasa. He quickly turned his face away, looking to see if anyone had noticed the pain that had been clearly visible on his face. He rode on, until the sunset, and the Riders stopped on a slope. The demons in the distance were visible, but just barely, even with thier improved eyesight. When they set out again, he rode alone, brooding; hurt. For afterall, the pain asscociated with love is the harshest kind.
Link, the Hero of Time, DEFINATELY!! He is so awesome!! He saves the world, and he's still a kid. It makes me think that one person CAN make a difference. He's been my hero for a long time. 'Nuff said. :D
As the two women were taken over by the white light, Jack watched; caught in it as well. The first to emerge was the beautiful Riiko, who was no longer the same, but more beautiful because of it. He saw the other, Evangeline, become a vortex, and when she landed, was a dark-haired female. But one thing he couldn't get over; they had WINGS! "What's going on?!" yelled Jack. But noone heard him; he was inside his own mind. He felt the other conciounce pressing him, wanting him to give in. He fought against it; he didn't want to change like them! Then, he was overcome, the other pressence winning out. He realized that he had drawn his sword, only there was one in each hand. To everyone on the outside, it looked as if the light lifted him off the ground, with the dark clouds from Drakken now teeming with lightning; they were oblivious to the fight within him. A bolt hit him, and he changed, screaming inside. When he landed back on the ground, he had grown taller; with tanned skin, and bright blonde hair like that of a lightning bolt. He had a smirk on his face, and he was still holding his swords. He put them back together; after all, they WERE the same sword. Looking casually at the pair of white wings on his back, he walked over to the Queen, and knelt to one knee, before her. "As once I did so many years ago, my Queen, I swear again; I will protect you and serve you, with my LIFE." The Higher One laughed, saying, "Rider Bolt and creater of lighting. your loyalty is known far and wide. Your power is that you are a stratgist and along with Drakkan can easily formulate battle plans." Matthias Azalor smirked.
"Well it's that day and so far no one has put up the thread congratuating all of our mother's who are with us on OB." (Knuckles Girl-Quote) That's true. I may not be a mom, LoL, (I'm a guy) but I just called my OWN mom, and told her Happy Mother's day. I want to let anyone on the OB how much mothers mean to their children. 1) If your kid asks you a question, and can't remember what they were going to say, they will say, "I love you," and mean it; for taking the time to acknowledge them. 2) If a child scrapes their knee, they call out for Mama, because they know that a mother's love is the most powerful healing ointment. 3) If you make something for a mom, and even if YOU know it's not all that great, a mom will love it; and that makes a kid happy to have a mom. The list could go on and on, and I don't have that much time or energy to write it all down. I'll say this though; Mothers are what make the world go round. Without them, there wouldn't be a "kiss to make it better," and a bedtime "tuck-in". (A dad can do these things too; but it's just not as good as a mom doing it! :) ) I hope all of the mothers on OB have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day; you deserve it!
Finishing up at the hot springs, Gosa and Toru headed back to the assembly room. Shinaru walked up to meet them, apparently after grabbing some food. "Hey guys!" said Shinaru. They told him about the woman in the hot springs, and Shinaru laughed, "Wow, I should have went!" They made thier way to the room, when Gosa said he would catch up with them. Shinaru and Toru nodded, and continued on, finally finding a seat. There were a lot of other genin from this year there, and not too many seats left. They talked amongst themselves until everyone got quiet. A Jounin walked out on stage, welcoming everyone to the graduation of the genin. He talked some more, but by this time, nobody was listening. Then, he handed the mike over to the Hokage, and everyone became still. "We are here today to wittness genin join a cell with thier masters. Some of you will not make it; other's, will excel. I hope that whatever happens, you stay true to your ninja path, and try your best. That is all anyone can ask from you." With that, the Hokage smiled, and stepped down from the stage. Gosa came in at about that time, and whispered, "What'd I miss?" "Nothing important," laughed Shinaru and Toru quietly. Another Jounin came up on stage, explaining this year's procedures. "First," he said, "let the Jounin instructors who will be taking students this year come forward." All of a sudden, there was a big burst of smoke, and in the middle of it, (on stage!) were the Jounin. Some of them the students knew, like Snickerfox; others, the students could only wonder about. Gosa whispered to Toru and Shinaru, "Wonder who'll pick us?" "And now," said the announcer Jounin, "for the student cells...." he began to list of pairings of students, and call out the instructors.
Name: Kaien Gilford Age: 25 Gender: Male Apperance: [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/30398794/[/url] Zoid: Gairyuki ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Gairyuki.jpg[/url]) Name: Shirupu (Sharp) Crew:1 Weight:118 tons Max Speed:290 km/h Weapon: Electron Bite Fangs, Ray-Absorbing Charged Particle Cannon, Machineguns (4), Killer Claw (4) Equipment: Blox-CAS, Ion Boosters (2), Ray-Absorbing Verniers (12), Blox hardpoints (19) Post: The flight was taking too long. Kaien was nervous; apparently the fate of the WORLD lay on his shoulders, as well as the shoulders of the other pilots here. Looking around the containment area for everyone's zoids, he saw his own, which he had named Shirupu. It was a powerful zoid, IF used in the right hands. It had the ability to trade armor for it's own support team, though Kaien rarely used it. He smiled, adamantly proud of his zoid, and for a while thoughts of the coming battle cleared his head. He went over to his zoid, weaving in and out of all the zoid pilots, and entered the area made for it. It acknowlegded his presence with a low growl; which meant to Kaien that he was antsy. Putting his hand on the lower part of the zoids leg (which was as high as he could reach) he comforted it, saying, "There now, no reason to be upset. We're just going to fight some more bad guys, and win some more. Won't it be nice to get some new weapons for you? Atta boy." The zoid calmed noticeably, and Kaien realized that he had even talked away HIS OWN doubts about the upcoming trial. He went in a corner of the area, and buckled down in a chair. He had space reserved for him in the living residence, but figured that he would rather spend the trip with his zoid; the only friend he had brought with him. He yawned, quickly falling asleep.
The test was hard. Toru had had a rough sleep the night before, and it was showing; not one of the test answers had been filled in, and already 15 minutes had passed!! "Darn, I better get focused, or I'll NEVER get done on time." Toru looked at the first set of questions, which had something to do with the Ninja Code. As he read and answered the questions, his mind raced. "What kind of cell am I going to be in? Who's going to be my teacher?" And, "What am I gonna eat for lunch?!" These were just some of the questions that were floating around in his brain. He finished the first section, and moved to the next one; an essay on tactics. "Good!" thought Toru, "Tactics is my strong point. This'll be easy." Which was true; even though he was specialized in taijutsu, didn't mean that he couldn't know how to plan out a battle. Needless to say, he flew through the essay. Leaning back in his chair, he judged that he would JUST make it before the time ran out. He wasn't worried though; in his mind, he had already passed. He put his chair down, and began again on the test, smirking. Not much could get Toru Uragashi down, even on a BAD day. ******** After he handed in his test, the timer went off, telling everyone to either skip the last questions or congradulating them on a job well done. Toru once again leaned back in his chair. The students were told to head towards an assembly room, so that they could be "introduced" to thier prospective instructors. This, however, wouldn't start for around half an hour, so some left to do other things. Outside, Toru met up with Gosa and Shinaru, and they split up until the assembly. Gosa complained the entire way to the hot springs, saying that he hadn't studied for the test or ANYTHING! Toru smiled, and told him that he would pass anyway; he KNEW they were going to make it. They HAD to; with all of thier training and hardwork, they just HAD to. Then the topic changed, as they settled in for a quick soak. "Who's team do you think you'll be on, Toru?" Gosa asked. Toru shook his head; to be honest, he hardly knew the teachers! "I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out," as a girl walked into the hot springs.
(OoC: I hope it's ok that I use the same character. It took forever for me to get him perfect, and I want to play him out. :D ) Name: Toru Uragashi Age: 14 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Village of Origin: Waterfall Village, but resides in the Village Hidden in the Leaves Appearance: [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/13967940/[/url] Likes: Fighting (or taijutsu), practicing his technique, sarcasim, honesty, bravery, a good, fair fight Dislikes: Cowards, cheaters, taking command, and genjutsu Personality Quirks: Toru is a strong advocate for fair fights. He loves a challenge, but hates when others interupt the fighting with ninjutsu or genjutsu, though he can perform them as well. Will defend a friend no-matter-what. Can be sarcastic. Special Jutsu: Waterfall style taijutsu, involves infusing the users palms with chakra, allowing them to attack and defend with their palms, and do either deadly damage or block even blades (if they're good). Lengthing jutsu, when wielding his short sword, Toru can infuse some of his chakra into (or along) the blade, effectivly lengthening it by several inches. Special Weapon: His fists/ feet, his short sword and a pair of kunai, (he keeps one on both legs). Bio: Toru was part of a noble family in the Waterfall Village. He had two sisters, one older and one younger. His older sister became a shinobi, and earned great reknown for her deeds and skills. Toru admired his sister, and started training to become a shinobi himself. When his parents learned of this, they panicked, because they wanted him to become a politician and use words rather than ninjutsu. They stopped the training, and made him study. His little sister, being afew years younger than him, did not understand his torment, but talked to him and tried to make him happy. After awhile, they became very close, and Toru told her of his plan to run away to be a great shinobi. She pleaded with him not to go, but he was insistant. Soon, when he was not yet 10, he ran away, and told his sister to watch him become great. His parents and the elders were furious, because with him roaming around without guard, there was a chance that the location of the Hidden Water Village would be revealed. They could not let that happen, so, they trained Toru's small sister in the art of ninjutsu. She happened to be very good at it, and quickly became very powerful. She was then teamed up with Toru's older sister, and they began to search for him. Toru entered the ninja academy in the Hidden Leaf Village, and also excelled. He became a genin, and has proven himself on many different missions. Though he still hasn't had contact from his village, he always watches his back, in the off chance that they will send someone.
As the group walked, apparently to some, "Gypsies," Jack walked beside Ashen, not saying anything. Occasionally, he would glance back to Riiko, to see if she was alright, and more than once caught Ashen looking back as well. Jack scratched his head, and sighed, "How did I end up with THESE people?" He wondered to himself. The girl Umi; to say the least she frightened him. But, he was also impressed by the way she held her own against the other men. It seemed out of everyone here, SHE knew how to take command. He looked back at Riiko. The guy Gueno, he was intimidating! He was big, with that giant axe he now had on his back. He seemed to be a simpler man, though still not one to be trifled with. Jack suddenly got the notion that he was observing these people to see how well they would help in a fight. He shuddered, fighting didn't sit right with him. He continued on with his observations; Daimonas was a pompus fool, who would kill you as soon as look at you. Jack didn't like the way he always defended that other guy; Ashen. He was no more of a leader than Jack himself! But, in spite of his feelings, he didn't dare question the authority of the group, lest they decide he's better off dead. Then there was, Riiko. Saying her name made his head reel. It was like, she had some HIGHER PURPOSE, but, it was just a feeling. He did know, however, that he would not let her down. He had an insatiable appetite to prove himself, and win her approval. He was about to think of how to do this, when they arrived at the Gypsies camp. It was in the middle of a large clearing in the woods; far enough away from society to not be caught by local guards, yet close enough that there was always farms 'ripe' for the picking. Stopping beside Ashen, he asked, "So, what's the reason we're here? I see no need for Gypsies. What do you intend to do here?" His tone was accusing; he didn't want to get involved with such low-lifes. He heard a laughing behind him, and turned to find that the Gypsies had surrounded them. A few reached out to grab Riiko, and Jack wouldn't have it! He jumped, in a kind of springing motion, and kicked the Gypsie in the face, knocking him to the ground. Not knowing how he managed it, but not caring, he drew Riiko up closer within the circle, shielding her with his body, and those of his fellow groupmates. The Gypsies drew their weapons, and advancedupon the group of travellers.
Sign Up The Legend of the Hidden Mechs [E]
Silent_sword909 replied to Darks Anthro's topic in Theater
(OoC: As long as I get a giant robot... LoL :D Actually, I'd like to see where this goes.. ) Name: Mikey Uzama Age: 17 Race: Human Appearence:[url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/2892296/?qo=2&q=by%3Ascarletphoenix&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps[/url] Bio: Mikey Uzama was just like any other guy; slim build, not too much muscle, bad grades, you name it. There was one thing that set him apart, however; he was an ALL-STAR athlete. He played tennis, basketball, baseball, soccer, and when he could, he swam. Sports was the one thing that he was good at, everything else he just barely scraped by at. He's been friends with Rukia since she came to the colony; she was the only girl HE ever paid attention to, because she was THE ONLY ONE who didn't seem to be obsessed with him. Unfortunately, she also made friends with the school "genius", and she almost ALWAYS forced him to study. He really didn't like her; she just didn't understand sports like he did! They have fought most of the time that they've known each other, and all about the other's opinons about sports or learning. (OoC: Hope it's good enough. Can edit. :) ) -
Name: Jake Jet Age: 18 Ethnicity: White; mixture of German, Italian, Scottish, Flemish, your basic genetic mutt Personality/Style: A loner, he's never had many friends. Those he does have have lied to him and betrayed him many times over. He doesn't trust anyone; he's learned that it's the best way to make it through life. He is dark, and doesn't usually have a 'good' outlook on things. He will say what he thinks, he's not afraid to offend any one, since he has no friends to lose anyway. He is tall, at around 6'2'', but lanky, with a mop of brown hair on his head. For all his dark personality, his eyes are extremely deep blue, and to those who know him well enough (not many!) they betray his true feelings. Weapons: Uses a two-handed sword that he bought and hid from his parents, who died when the first wave of zombies hit. He's been on his own, and he knows how to survive on the street. This is why he has a few knives stashed on different parts of him. He scavenged what he could after the attack, and has a small backpack with some food stuffed in it. He's also got a lighter; he had (unitl recently) taken up smoking. He likes to stay light and be able to fight while carrying his share of supplies.
Jack got up, a little confused. He had just humbled himself in front of all these people, and HE didn't even know them!! He WAS a bit nervous; that guy with the hood had said he was a criminal. But, for some reason, he felt he could hold his own here, EVEN AGAINST the girl with the thorns. She kind of scared him. He put his hand out to the obvious leader here; the tall guy in the middle of everyone. Jack laughed nervously as the man reached to take his hand. When he did, it sent a shock wave of energy through him. He jumped back, and yelled, "Yeow!! That tingles!" He felt, different somehow, he couldn't figure out why. He looked back at the man, who replied kindly, "Well, the name's Ashen. Welcome to the crossroads!" The lady he had kneeled before earlier, looked a little uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but smile. She was so beautiful, and HE had kneeled before her. For some reason, he thought he was extremely cool at this moment. She returned the smile, with her long blonde hair flowing around her. To him, she seemed like an ANGEL, sent from the heavens. "Hello," she replied, "my name is Riiko. It's an, *giggle* honor to meet you,... uh... What did you say your name was?" Jack bowed, being compelled to by the ladies words. "I, milady, am Jack Learon, your humble servant." Again these words seemed foreign to him, but he had accepted them; they were right. She giggled again, and nodded her head. "Well met, Jack." she replied. The rest of the gathering rumbled with disapproval of the act-first-think-later fellow. But the man named Ashen digressed, he had a seemingly unknown band of strangers at his call. Now, WHAT to do with them?
Jack didn't know where he was going. He didn't even know why he went through all the trouble of carrying the sword over his shoulder; he didn't know how to use one anyways! For the last couple of days, he had been wandering somewhat aimlessly, when in truth, he had been following the path that his soul told him to take. He had traveled all the way from his raided coastal village, to an inner river valley. "Here," he thought, "is surely the place where I can restart." He couldn't quite place it, but for some reason, this PLACE called to him. He arrived at a town nestled into the middle of the river valley, and realized that it was in a sort of panic. Apparently, some very strong men had come through, and taken out some of the town's guards. He cringed at the thought of bandits, and turned to leave town. Just then, the CRAZIEST of thoughts occured to him. Maybe HE, ALONE, could find these men, and bring them to justice. He shuddered at the thought, but it seemed almost pleasing to him. He couldn't wait another second, lest he change his mind. He quickly asked the nearest person to him, which way had the men gone? They fearfully pointed, and he rushed off. He didn't know why he was doing this. Ever since the day that his village had been raided, he had not been thinking things through. He just didn't have the answers! Before long, he came upon a cross roads, where three people stood together; two men, and a most beautiful woman, with long blonde hair, and a sweet smile on her face. He waited for noone, but came up beside the woman; dropped to one knee, and said, "M'lady, I have found you. I am here to serve." As his mouth formed the words, he couldn't believe he had spoken them. He DEFINATELY couldn't explain this!