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About nekoconeko

  • Birthday 08/19/1994

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    blah, I have no life!
  • Occupation
    I have no job, I am a student

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  1. I look for depth in mangas. If there's no depth in a manga, what's the point of reading it? Over publicitized mangas aren't very good (in my opinion) either. I also don't like random points of nonsense (except in AzuManga Daioh! by Kihohiko Azuma) I do like the fantasy stories that have a realistic feel to them, like they could really happen! I do like humor in manga and also at least a little action. Honestly mangas such as Full Moon O Sagashite and Rozen Maiden are ones that I thouroughly enjoy because of the realistic fantasy in them.
  2. My name's pretty easy: Nora. I'm the only student 'Nora' at my school w/ the name. But, I've been called 'Laura' and 'Mora' instead of 'Nora'.
  3. My top 5? Ooooohhh! Soooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD 1. Rozen Maiden- I like this because....because, well, living dolls that "enslave" a human, constantly drink tea and watch cartoons is almost comical. Even though it may get confusing sometimes, it can be really easy-going. I love the art in it! Also, it was a good choice to make the opening song(s) by Ali-Project. 2. Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances)- Most things in this anime seem so true; like, they could (or did) happen in real life! Sure, there are some fantasy things in the anime, though. Yukino is just like your average popular high-school freshmen girl. I like how they incorperate some pictures from the manga. It's perfect! 3. Papuwa- Sorry, but I gotta laugh! It's over-the-top humerous! They try to put some seriousness to it, but it doesn't really work out and just goes back to silliness! At first glance it may look like a common children's show...but as you listen to the dialogue, you soon learn that that's completely not true! 4. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex- The action! The drama! GITS:SAC was amazingly put together. I enjoyed it greatly! 5. Princess Tutu- I like the simplicity of this anime. It's not a very complex story line, but it is enjoyable. Plus, I don't believe it takes place in Japan (for once). Whichm I believe gives it a uninque quality.
  4. I went to the Anime Detour here in Minnesota. It wasn't as big as I expected it to be, but it was still great! There were bunches of cosplayers (including myself) there. Lots of people asked to tack my picture.I think I spent a little more than $100 there. It was really fun.
  5. Today musical artists? Hmmm...well, I like Ken Hirai, Utada Hikaru, Ali-Project and Koda Kumi...
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