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Everything posted by WH2

  1. Blue Wizard is a kininving little bum he lies and is very homophobic he hates u all
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B] Yes there is no mod but Sephiroth and Transtic Nerve (the Gods). come to here/Tenchi and General Anime and take care of business. And WH2 get it through your little head. Adam and James have chosen the mods. No way in heaven they are gonna select more mods. [/B][/QUOTE] ok but y do u hate me?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B][size=1][b]Asking to be a mod is newbieish like and shouldn't be done. Asking to be a mod will make you less likely to bcome one. Sephiroth and TN are some of the oldist members. Adam and JAmes knew this and knew they would make good Gods. Others were picked because they were good for the job. This is the Gundam area and should talk about ONLY Gundam. Topics shouldn't be just changed for no reason. Now talk about Gundam Wing or an Admin or Mod is gonna come down here and close this topic up....[/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] y do u hate me so much?
  4. there isnt but iwant ot be it :D i love smilies :alcohol: :flasher: :cussing: :bow: :bellylaug :blulaugh:
  5. UC RGM-79 change colors ot red andblack add armor and more weapons call iot RGM-79(X) AC Oz-13 Epyon add vulcans 2 rifles more vulcans Epyon 2
  6. lol i own ew on dvd seen the movie and eps
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyadude [/i] [B]I have do have a sense of humor for jokes that are actually funny. :D Have a nice day. [/B][/QUOTE] any from GW lets hear'em
  8. Trieze is GOD! no one else period
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyadude [/i] [B]It sucks. End of story. Please someone like lock this topic or something. [/B][/QUOTE] o have a sense of humor!
  10. i *laugh* cant *laugh* stop *laugh* laughing!!! *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh*
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duomaxwell1202 [/i] [B]You people are wierd... [/B][/QUOTE] i know! tell me bout it
  12. i cant wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! icant i cant i cant i cant i cant
  13. Trieze is my favorite character in all the Gundma series i mean hes kool he rules the world i could go no but i wont damn bandai they killed him!!!
  14. i like trieze (even though es not really a pilot but the i like Trowa and Chang
  15. go sephrihoth!! i thought i kew a lot!
  16. i loved blue sub 6 my fav character was the renegade whale sub thingy adn Hyami was pretty kool althouhg i like his mutated friend
  17. its not a waste of time its just corny :mad:
  18. ummm i hate sailor moon so i guess i wouldnt like it :p
  19. yeah u could look at it that way i guess
  20. i dunno... boredom i guess
  21. i guess ur right but i still loathe them :flaming:
  22. i am not screwed up but at this [B]moment in time [/B] i [B]hate[/B] them
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