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Everything posted by WH2

  1. I hate my dad hes a big *** mother ****in jerk SO is my mom I hate them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. i know shakes head *shamefully* i know
  3. WH2


    yeah i loved pricess mononoke great emotion:D
  4. i was WH2 and my friend who is here now Bluewizard got me BANNED!!!!! o and he cracked my tooth!!!!!
  5. WH2


    i heard it was all hype and no delivery
  6. son goten u have a girlfriend? wow
  7. i never played the first is it any good?
  8. i know but alas im am poor :bawl:
  9. nobody cares :( :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  10. i think tere is but in may be hte movie :p when i have more time i will explain the 12th episode ;)
  12. my parents fight all the time and io ahte it i usually go to my room and get angry and write and draw violent stuff but dont take any advice from me i am an angry person but i cant help it
  13. have so many over 70 pc games 10+gbc games 4 gb games 2 dc 3psx 4ps2 i dotn remember or lost most of the others
  14. are u talkling bout the 13th or 12th episode? i dont the 13th but he 12th i have seen
  15. depends on the mood immortality and power i have enough intelligence teh love thing maybe but with power i can grant others immortality :D (you never said what knid of power
  16. id euther be a gundam pilot in th OYW or a siayin frmo DBZ either way my name would be Trigon/Akira Sakaya
  17. WH2

    Movie on CN

    its sumthin like that
  18. Does anybody know any details All I know is thta you can ride elephants :D
  19. i love this game!!!!!!!!!! i only have the demo though :(
  20. WH2

    Movie on CN

    i know a blue sub 6 and its geat and i mean GREAT its a mix of 2d and 3d animtaion a must watch *gets all worked up* i... i... fine i wont tell u the story :(
  21. WH2


    i ahve the 08t ms team dvds 1,2 and im getting 3, 4 and Millers report when it comes out but i have onlly seen bits and pieces of 0080 (had 1st tape but i returned it) and MSG GW (i really dont like it that much but it was the only gundam i knew then)
  22. i would like 2 be a mod
  23. the enix boards are were u well um discuss stuff that comes from enix i was there until my friend got my sn and password and got me banned! it was a good place but the admin... NOB was a bastard
  24. dream wizards a store that sell models anime and miscellenous things
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