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Everything posted by Ushima

  1. Name: Lucas Jericho Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [url]http://s73.photobucket.com/albums/i215/snowdrift_2/Male%20Anime/?action=view¤t=bb6ec4df.jpg[/url] Sample: It was cold at this time of night. Lucas' cloak was full of holes. He had come to this, city, to get away from his father. He grew up in a bad part of the country, having to fight for everything he had. He left the cloak on the ground, it wasn't helping. He entered a building he saw. A, with gray hair, man sat at a desk farther back and looked up at him. "Can I help you?" he asked with a stern look. "Are you recruiting?" Lucas asked hopefully. The gray haired smiled. "Sure your fit for this kind of work?" "A man would do anything if desperate enough." The man tossed a small bag at him. "Here, buy some new clothes. Try to bring some respect and class to this guild." Lucas scowered at the remark. Guess he deserved it, he did look pretty beat. "Right," was all Lucas said before leaving to what the man asked.
  2. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rey went out to his car to grab some equipment he haas in his trunk. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys and fumbled with them for a couple seconds. [B]"Lets see, case one, tewo, three, safe house....car, here we go."[/B] He put the key into the trunnk of his car. He lifted up the front of his car to see three cases. The largest one had a strap on it which he put around his neck. He picked up the other to with one hand and closed the trunk with the other. He grabed one case from his left hand. He saw two women approaching the building. [B]"Must be the otherperson we're waiting for."[/B] [B]"Alright, this is what gear I have on me right now. If we need more, I'll call in a few favors, see what I can get."[/B] He set the two smaller cases down before taking off the big one. Het put it behind the other two. He opened the one on the right. [B]"Here we have a few .9mm, nothing special. In this one is an M9, it fires .9mm rounds. And in here,"[/B] he motioned to the bigger case, [B]"An M16."[/B] [B]"Those guns are old."[/B] Dart said from the back room. [B]"Yeah but they're reliable. Unlike todays weapons that have computer parts in them and can be hacked. Give me one of these anyday."[/B] He loaded six bullets into his revovler before puting it in it's holster[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]"What type of hardware we using?"[/B] Rey asked as he picked up his rifle and slung it on his back once more.[B] "That I'm leaving up to you." [/B]said the man on the TV. [B]"Right. If we need guns, I have a connection here in Japan. They owe me big, so I'm sure they wont mind handing over some [I]toys[/I] we could use."[/B] [B]"Anyway, about this Taurus guy. What do we know about him, how many accomplices, equipment? This can get bad real fast."[/B] Rey was a little nervous. He was used to taking out targets from far away. The thought of acctually having to get close was a bit uneasy. He touched the rifle on his back, [B]"How bigs his head?" [/B]he asked jokingly to calm himself.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]Rey took up Saio's offer of food with out hesitation. [B]"Food? Sure, I'm starvin'. Long flight from Italy and having to deal with a cheap contracter. Would've handled the situation differently if security hadn't been crawling around."[/B] He pulled out his revolver and set it down but noticed something in the cylinder, nothing, as he did. [B]"Guess it wouldn't have mattered, I have no ammo for this anyway. And I left my sniper in the car."[/B] He removed his rifle and leaned it against the counter, thinking it impolite keeping it on. Rey started eating, his long trip to Rome and back gave him no opportunity to eat, so the sight of food for the first time in the last two days was quite enjoyable. [B]"So, what importance does that data have anyway?"[/B] asked Rey as he watched the transaction between Dart and Saio. [B]"Your a noisey little runt."[/B] Dart said [B]"You wouldn't be saying that if I would've spotted you with that thing now would you?"[/B] He pointed to his weapon, laughed and went back to eating.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]"What a cheapass." [/B]Rey complained as he left the building, stuffing his pay in a pocket. [B]"If I get the chance I'm stealing that artifact back."[/B] Rey's cell phone rang its annoying tone. [B]"Hello, Who this?" "Meet at this location." [/B]The signal cut off. Rey's arm flashed and he looked at it. [B]"This must be the GPS that stranger was talking about. Who are these other people?"[/B] Rey got in his car and pulled the door down to its closed position. "He attached a cord from his arm to the computer in his car. It read the data and plotted the GPS position on the map, which was on the main screen. Rey turned on the radio and put the volumn on max as the song Alive and Kicking by Non Point blasted through the speakers. [B]"Time to figure out what this is all about."[/B] He put the car in first gear and took off.[/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"]I hate the labeling in my school. I don't see it much where I go but that dosn't mean its not there. What do I belong to, only one group, Ninjurai! The production company that started last year with my friends media project. Currently working on a movie series; Shadow Hunter: Enter the Ninja, and soon a web tv series; 30 Minutes of Random. *end of promo*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rey drove through the streets and pulled up at a large building. He got out and took the scepter from the trunk and caried. it inside. Rey approached the young secretary. [B]"I'm here to see Mr. Drew."[/B] The secretary called up to his office. [B]"He'll see you in five minutes."[/B] she said. [B]"Thanks."[/B] he turned back to her and asked, [B]"What're you doin' later?" "Nope." "Damn, shot down again. My game's been off lately."[/B] Rey started toward the elevator and got in. He pressed button nuber twenty-five. [I]Ding[/I] and the doors opened up and he got off as several people n expensie looking suits got on. He walked down a long hallway and knocked on a door with the name Drew, on it and went in. [B]"Got somethin' for ya."[/B] He tossed the scepter at the rather short man. He struggled but finally caught it. [B]"Thank you,"[/B] he set it down on the table and opened a slid some cash toward Rey. [B]"This should be more to your interest."[/B] Rey picked up the money and counted [B]"Fifteen-hundred, I almost got my head shot off! If that happened you wouldn't have that chunk off gold and jewels!" "Still, It is rather nice to have such an item of my family's back." "Italy was in ruins when I got there like I told you. So the even remote chance of that being somehow conected to your family has a very small margin." "Whatever, here another fifteen-hundred."[/B] Rey took the cash and headed for the dorr. [B]"You know, I'm Italian to. So it could be my family's."[/B] Mr. Drew looked at Rey but he didn't see it as he was already out the door.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rey walked through the stone archway, half of it was missng though. He came to a large empty feild. "Woah, this place is big." his voice echoed and slowly faded away. [B]"Guess nothings here, oh well."[/B] His right arm flashed and a bullet wizzed by his head. [B]"Thought I lost him." [/B]He removed his rifle form his back as his left eye started to glow, activating its sensors. He peered into the darkness, and picked out the heat signature in the darkness. He raised the gun and aimed carefully. [B]"No treasures for you." [/B]He said as he squeezed the trigger. Rey walked away from the large column that he used for cover. He ejected the spent bullet from the sniper. He walked over to the fallen body and searched it. What he found was and jewel incrested scepter. [B]"Maybe I was wrong, there was some treasures here."[/B] Rey left the large building with it's huge feild. [B]"Gotta love Italy, I'm sick of it already. Nothing like the old homeland" [/B]He went to his car and got in and drove to the closest city to catch a plane back. In the airport he had to go through some extra security and clearances so he can bring his gun on the plane. Four hours later the olane touched down in Tokyo. [B]"Better turn this find in." [/B]He went to his car and went to turn his find in.[/COLOR]
  9. Name: Rey [url]http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s90/the-last-sanctum/Males/?action=view¤t=sad_boy_guilt.jpg[/url] Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 5' 7'' Weight: 233 pounds Prosthetics: His entire right arm has been replaced with digital readouts that displays misson data, target information, and other information. A bionic left eye that helps his vision. Bio: At age 13, Rey to far from what his parents reffered to as "the safe zone." He saw some stones fall from the walls. He thought nothing of it as he explored. He discovered some rathering interesting artifacts, but had no means of taking them back. As he left, more rubble fall from the ceiling. He tripped as a, rather large chunk of concret fell on his right arm. He cried out in pain as a fragment cut across his face. He laid there motionless, praying that he would slip away. Rey recieved a piece of luck that he was found by a mercenary that was sent to explore the ruins. He was takin to a facility where he was operated on after his concent. He was staring up at bright white lights for fourteen hours. His left eye had been replaced for his fighting preference, sniping. Personality: Prefers to work in groups, to have someone cover close range. But exploreing alone suits Rey fine. Sometimes he needs to get away to cool his hot head.
  10. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]"This is getting us no where." Tolv mumbled angrily. "Calm young one. I bring news." The voice startled Tolvindia, not expecting his teacher to show up. "Well Vanthos, what is it?" The grey haired vampire emerged out of the shadows. "I have a feeling that someone will show up, but not here." "Where?" Tolv said, impatient. "I'll show you. Oh, and I sent your crew back." "What!" "It'll just be me and you." Vanthos tossed Tolv a key. "Oh, this is going to be fun." Tolvindia left the park with Vanthos climbed in the driver seat of sports car."Where'd you get this thing." "Boosted it. Is that the saying you young people use?" Tolv merely laughed as he started up the car. "Do you even know how to drive Tolvindia?" "We'll find out. Where to?" Vanthos just pointed his fingure and said, "Thataway." Tolv complied by puting the car in drive and raced down the street.[/COLOR][/B]
  11. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Tolv picked up a scent, "Another of one us. Lets find it and...dispose, of it." His followers snickered in compliance and followed him as he ran, down allys, across streets. It was midnight so they didn't have to worry about being seen to much. An occasional crackhead wandering the street, but they were easily killed. They arrived at the park. "We'll wait here. If we were able to pick up the scent, pretyy sure they got ours. You guys know what to do." Tolv put put his hood and waited.[/COLOR][/B]
  12. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Tolv stood in the doorway as the tall lion figure fell from the top of the stairs. He couldn't help but laugh. "I thoughts cats always landed on their feet, guess I was wrong." He smelled gasoline on the floor behind him. He walked forward to the body on the ground. As he moved he pulled out a zippo, lit it and tossed it behind him. The room filled with flames. Tolv removed the hood of his cloak revealing he had completely transformed. He loomed over the lion's body on the floor. Tolvindia's men had backed away from him, fearing he'd lash out at them"Ein right?" silence was all that came after. "Thought so." Tolv picked up his large leg and brought it down on Ein's head knocking him out. "Grab him." Two men stepped forward and picked up the unconsious body on the floor. He put the hood over his head and reverted to his normal form. They walked out the front door draging Ein with them. Out in the courtyard away from the flames they stopped. "Leave him here." "But why?" One of his men asked. "Cause I said so stupid!" They dropped the body and headed down the mountain, leaving Tolv standing. He bent over and said in the lions ear, who was just regaining consiousness, "Next time, I want a fair fight, no grunts and no injuries holding us back. Come ready to die!" And with that he left the lion lying there in the night.[/B][/COLOR]
  13. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Tolvindia ran through the streets, followed by several other werewolves. Aracne was somewhere nearby, where exactly he didn't know. As he ran down the streets he smelled smoke, his companions smelled it to as they took a sudden left and came uppon a burning building. A small boy ran from an ally and he saw a rather large figure heading toward the mountains. He nodded and the others with him started walking forward. He put up the hood of his cloak and merged with them. ' Outside the front gate he waited, along with the rest of his crew. "This is taking foreve/r," said one of the men. "Quiet, it wont be much longer now." Tolv reassured them. "How can you be sure?" they asked back. This annoyed him. "I can already feel the change coming on, as soon as those clouds pass we'll strike." He felt his teeth grew sharper and longer, his fingers stretched and formed claws. He started to grow taller and his stomach hurt as more muscles formed. "GO, NOW!" The burst through the front gate into the courtyard, Tolv walked behind them. "FIND THEM!" he shouted after kicking the door down.[/COLOR][/B]
  14. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Tolv walked through the corridors waiting, waiting for something to happen. A vampire approached him, "Calm young werewolf." "Can it Vanthos, I'm alittle anxious." "No suprise here, only a few day to the full moon and you'll be able to complete transform, in stead of that half form." He growled as his tension increased, it was nearly inpossible for him to wait. "Hopefully, Reject has something for you to do in the mean time, my young ward." "One can hope....one can hope." he sighed.[/COLOR][/B]
  15. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Name: Tolvindia Age: 17 Gender: Male Side: Evil Creature: Werewolf (Wolf type) [url]http://s201.photobucket.com/albums/aa33/tappis/?action=view¤t=Worgenrogue.jpg[/url] Appearance: [url]http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q1/AnimeEdge/Anime%20Guys/?action=view¤t=SexyinRed.jpg[/url] Personality: Tolv is the type of person who belives that actions speaks louder then words and when he fights, he's the loudest there, atleast he tries to that is. Bio: He was walking one night with a group of friends when it all went down. They were passing through the middle of a park by a fountain. The clouds moved, revealing the moon. The wind blew, Tolvindia put up the collar of his shirt. He heard a splash as if someone walking through water and a scream. A strange beast was there and it held one of Tolv's friends. It moved fast, striking the others and bit Tolv in the arm. He heard the water in the fountain trikle as the power shut off and in the distance he heard sirens. He woke in a hospital, his eyes hurt and his vision was blurred. He adjusted to the light and noticed marks on his arm. He looked to his left and saw two beds, then his right and saw three more. The white sheets that were covering Tolv were pulled up over the head of the other beds. He went into a fit of rage, the doctors tried to restrain him. He lashed out at one, leaving a deep cut in his chest. He gazed at his left hand as he saw it had turned into a large claw. Moonlight shone in through the window. He turned on the others in the room, he killed everyone of them. He got up and made for the door but a figure in a dark cloak stopped him. He said he was a vampire and that he wanted to help. Tolv wasn't interested. The man said he'd be able to kill more. For some reason this interested Tolv and he offered to go with the stranger. He followed him through a strange shadow and reappeared before more creatures like him. The man said welcome home, Tolv couldn't be happier as he let out a long howl as he completely transformed and walked amongst his bretherin.[/COLOR][/B]
  16. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I can't belive this happened. I told them I'm not used to this but they dont listen. Damn, well nothing I can do now. Guess I just go forward." [/COLOR]Ayame moved to level 2. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I think I'm finally getting the hang of this."[/COLOR] he said after a bit of practicing the fundamentle arts of gameplay. He made his way to the tops of a few trees to figure out where exactly he is when he saw some wolves surrounding two people. He approached them, [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Want some help?"[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]"If you wouldn't mind."[/COLOR] responded the girl. Ayame lifted his right sleeve and uncoiled the chain around his arm. He swung it in circles above his head. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You got a preference to which you want taken care of first?"[/COLOR]
  17. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Outside of Game[/U] Name: Ayame Soma Age: 16 Personality: Ayame isnt really into games, but tried to get into them for his friends who are, so he is the odd man out. He works hard and jokes to himself when his spirits are down or to cheer people up. His nature defends his friends. Appearance: [url]http://s73.photobucket.com/albums/i215/snowdrift_2/Male%20Anime/?action=view¤t=AyameSoma.jpg[/url] [U]Iside of Game[/U] Name Daiskue a.k.a. Ace Age: 23 Appearance: [url]http://s57.photobucket.com/albums/g205/jack_rippers_soul/anime/boys/male%20model/?action=view¤t=ninja-guyblindedgray.jpg[/url] Weapons:Chain whip wraped around his right arm, Tanto, kunai, ninja ring [url]http://s145.photobucket.com/albums/r223/romanceme1/Weapons/?action=view¤t=BlackRoninNinjaRing.jpg[/url][/COLOR][/B]
  18. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Name: Mike Thorn Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Side: Beast Beast: Tiger Personality: Has a smart mouth and not afraid to put his two cents in every disscussion. He only respects those of greater athourity and those who earned his respect in combat. Bio: Mike grew up the oldest of three brothers with both his parents. His days consisted of going to school and coming home and sleeping all day. The day of his sixteenth birthday was the unfortunate day the mark appeared on him. His friends thought he had gotten a tatoo and thats what he told himself what it was, nothing more than a tatoo. His life remained the usual norm for 2 years until one day some strange men knocked on the door to his house. The stormed in and grabed Mike. His father tried to stop them, but one of the agents shot him. Blood spilled on the floor as Mike shook himself loose from the mans grasp. The tatoo started to burn as he was filled with anger. He felt himself start to change. A tiger now stood in Mike's place. He took a bite out of the mans side and turned his sights to the man who shot his father. He tried turning his gun but Mike already to a chunk out of his arm, then took a bite at his neck. The remaining agent was shaken at the sight. The living room floor was soaked with blood. He ran out the door but Mike remained and transformed back to himself. He grabed the gun from the man who had held him. He then went to his room and grabed his trench coat and left without a word. Several hours later he meet some people who said they could help him. He agreed to their help, longing for answers, and left with them.[/COLOR][/B]
  19. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Name: Michael Enrallo Gender: Male Age: 14 (15 in November) Year: Fourth Wand: Birch, Dragon Scale core, Twelve and a half inches Appearance: [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w192/synfulregrets/Kreidyn.sized.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Mike's good sense of humor is greatly enjoyed, but there are times he knows when when to shut up. But his jokes are his way of releasing the stress he has to deal with. His peers find him easy to be around cause of his funny nature. Bio: His family lives on the shores of England. Mike is constantly out shined by his older siblings. His brother John, Sixth year, and twin sister, Taylor and Erica, seventh years. His drive is to out do them. Mike and John constantly clash in the dualing club, which is usually really something to watch. It leaves him with new bruises everytime. Over the summer, his family travels. His most favorite location is the United State. There he was introduced to american music and fell in love with it. He is sometimes seen walking the halls mouthing words of songs, or making his own. He just shakes off the laughs he gets. He's happay and could care less what people think of him. Most of his second year he spent his free time developing new spells which his sisters are good at. Most of them backfired. He watched as once again he was out done. Yet he climbed to the challenged and perfected the spells that didn't backfired. His favorite, a spell that ocuses and maintains energy at the tip of the wand. A spell his brother from Gryffndor learned by watching him and is used in their many duals. Classes: Defense against the Dark Arts Potions Arithmancy Charms Transfiguration Other Obligations: Dualing club[/COLOR][/B]
  20. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Alex rode his skateboard the hangar after waking up and finished packing. [B]"Whats up Zane?" [/B]Alex said with his usual happy exspresion. He stepped off his board and set down his guitar case, which was big enough to hold all his weapons. In fact it does, along with a guitar. [B]"Nothing, just waiting like you. Stalking Yuki again?" "There was a misunderstanding there. I explained it to you." The only misunderstanding was that you kept changing your story." "Haha, very funny. Leave the jokes to me, ok?" "Fine, what ever."[/B] Alex put his headphones as Zane and him laughed. "That was a funny time." Alex said, deep in thought as he pulled out his revolver from the guitar case and started spining it on his fingure. [B]"Now we wait...again"[/B] Zane looked at the board by Alex's feet. [B]"Where'd you get that?" "Where I'm from, you either ride or your a social outcast." "I saw your sister fight, not bad. You must be proud." "Someone said sho looked like a slut." "Not me dude, atleast I don't think. I cant remember. Must of had one to many before I went to bed last night.[/B][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]"I cant lose this fight either." [/B]said Domsu, still confused about what was going on. His thoughts raced even more. [I]"Alright, I don't know her combat style, magic, or abilities. This is not good."[/I] He thought to himself, [I]"Thats whats gonna make this fun."[/I] He tilted his blades into their proper positions. [B]"You ready? Fair warning, all out now."[/B] Nephilim remained silent. Domsu charged again, swing his keyblades several times. They made contact with Nephilim's blade. He kept swinging in the graceful manner in which he learned. To Domsu, sword play waas an art. One blow landed on her arm. Although it left him wide open in the ill manner in which he had to swing his sword. Her sword just missed his face, Domsu backed off. [I]"Damn, shes blocking everything. Only managed to get in one hit." [/I]Domsu was a little tired. [I]"Gonna have to call in some aid." [/I]A seal appered on the ground where he stood. Light started to shine at the end of Domsu's blade. Out came a rather large purple dragon. It came at his chest and into his body. His left sleeve was torn and a tatoo glowed on his arm. Gone was his left blade. [I]"The pact is complete."[/I] its voice boomed in his head. His arm tingled and at his finger tips there were charges of electricity.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Deigo came out of the simulator. He was pretty impresive. [B]"Nice job man."[/B] Alex cogradulated him on good performance. He looked at the General, [B]"Mind if I go?" "Not at all."[/B] Alex walked into the simulator and stood in the center waiting for in to activate. [B]"Lets see what the kids got."[/B] He activated the sim and the room changed to a mountain scene. [B]"VR Sim training? This place got an upgrade"[/B] [B]"All right, what to I have to go up against?"[/B] Several mechanical droids crawled out of holes in the mountain. [B]"Eh, reminds me of a movie I saw."[/B] He drew his sowrd from his waist and ran at the droids slashing them in two. [B]"To easy." [/B]More droids appeared, but they were shooting at him this time, he ducked behind a rock. [B]"Knew it."[/B] He loaded his AK and came out from the rock shooting. All but one went down but Alex drew his switchblade and threw it hitting it in the head. He breathed heavly. [B]"Is that all?"[/B] A loud crash came as a much bigger robot, much bigger, crawled up the mountain to the flat part where Alex stood. Stone spikes impailed its feet, it was imobilized. He walked foreward towards it. [B]"Your not that tough when you cant-"[/B] He was cut off as the droid swatted him sending him into the side of the mountain carrying him half a foot in. [B]"Lucky this is only a simulation."[/B] The Golem came out of the mountain where Alex was. He was on its shoulder after it emerged from the side of the mountain. The hand of the stone giant turned into a spike and pierced the droids shell. The robot fell backwards. The feet were still held in place so the legs snapped in two. The Golem melted away back into the mountain leaving Alex standing there. He walked over to the downed droid, its remaining eyed glowed. He pulled out his revolver, which was still empty from the last time he used it. The cylinder slid out to the left and put a bullet in an empty chamber. He closed it and brought it to the top of his left arm and ran it down making it spin rapidly. He shot the bot and the mountain scenery disappeared. [B]"Aww, it was feeling like home." "Cut the jokes and get out, maybe some others want to go."[/B] He left the chamber and went back to standing against the wall.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Alex was in his room, packing for his trip to London. He'd rather be doing this then hanging around near Nanashi de Morte.[B]"This will be great fun."[/B] He changed out of his uniform and put on his civilian clothes. He put his uniform in his bag. He looked at the bear tatoo on his arm. He remembered what the man said when he had it done. [I][B]"The bear, symbol of strength, your strength lies in the stone."[/B][/I] Each one of them had a different prayer. He walked over to a shelf and pulled something off it. Alex opened his hand to reveal three Dog Tags. He put his on and put the three in the bag. They belonged to his friends who were killed in active service. He put in a CD and picked up his guitar and played along with the song, Lake Bodom. Half way through the song he heard his guitar get out of tune. He checked it, it was fine. He knew what the problem was. He walked over to the wall and hit it. [B]"Cut it out, thats not funny Yuki." "Sorry"[/B] Her room was next to his. He went back to playing music til it was time to go when someone came in. The informant looked at thier clipboard. [B]"Alex Montroy. Report to training." "I need training to?"[/B] Alex remembered how bad he was controling his poweres. [B]"I think that might be a good idea. Lead the way lieutenant."[/B] Someone else was already there, but Alex disregarded them. He had his own training to worry about. The training started. Several large disks came shooting toward him. Alex lifted his hand and stone spikes impailed them before they hit him. Several smaller disks followed. He drew his revolver and unloaded on them. He missed one, it drew closer to his face. A giant hand swatted it out of the way. Behind Alex stood a Stone Golem. Sweat was visible on Alex's forehead. It takes a lot of concentration to hold the formation together. The Lieutenant stoped the training seeing Alex wasn't feeling good. Alex walked back to his room with a smile, [B]"Got out of there easy enough."[/B][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkRed"]His breath radiated in the empty arena. It hung in the air before silently fading away. It was dark, he couldn't see, which was the point. He wiped away the sweat. [B]"Damn, cant get this."[/B] He stood up and squinted, his eyes hurt. He took a swig of water when he heard footsteps. He turns around and sees a woman. [B]"For a second there I thought..."[/B] The lights flickered on and Domsu got a good look at her face. [B]"Who the hell are you?" [/B]She laughed, [B]"Whats the matter? You don't like me?" [/B]Domsu clenched his fist. [B]"Well uhh," [/B]She was beautiful, her figure, the beauty of her skin. His thoughts were racing. [I]Must remain focused.[/I] He thought to himself [B]"Don't mess with me." "Well lets see what will happen then, shall we? I greatly want to fight someone of your...calibur." [/B]She laughed again The Mysterious girl drew a blade. A dark purple glow covered Domsu's hands. His blades materialized in his hands. He looked at the blade in his left hand, [B]"Rath," [/B]then at the one in his right, [B]"Fallen Angle." [/B]Domsu tightened his grip and charged. [B]"A fight I hope to enjoy."[/B][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]"He could be. I myself have traveled. I went home to New York to finish school. Not fun. After I served three years in the military." "The Military? Really?"[/B] Alex stood up and saluted, [B]"Corpral Alex Montroy, 1st Battalion, United States Marines."[/B] Lycoris laughed at him, he sat back down and finished working with his AK. He set it back in its case and closed it. He locked it and looked at Mycella andGabriel, who were still arguing. [B]"Don't they evere shut up. You think the time apart would have allowed them to grow up a little." "You have to admit, it is kinda funny."[/B] Lycoris was right, none of them changed over the years. They were still the same. Atleast Alex was. His sense of humor never left. Then Alex saw Gabriel's cig go up in flames. [B]"Someone get the firedepartment on standby. This place might go up soon."[/B][/COLOR]
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