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Everything posted by Ushima
[COLOR="DarkRed"]He darted between cars. In a hurry to get there. Alex parked his motorcycle ouyside the base. He walked into the base and smiled. [B]"Its been a long time."[/B] He went to his room and opened his closet. There he found his gear, a Katana, a SandW Revolver, and a large black case. He put on his uniform and exited his room. He walked down the hall, sword on his waist, revovler on his right and carrying the case. His switchblade he always carry with him in his pocket. He entered the evlevator and went down. He lifted his right sleeve revealing a bear, enraged and standing on a crest. He put his hand on it and it glowed, the doors opened and he walked in. [B] "Well, if it isn't our piromaniac and Mr. Freeze himself." [/B]he gave them a quick smile. He sat down and put the case on the table infront of him. [B]"How's it been? Good to see you guys again."[/B] He opened the case and pulled out his AK-47 Assault Rifle. He started taking it apart and cleaning it inorder to make sure the parts work properly. [B]"Don't want a jam in the middle of a fight."[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Name: Alex Montroy Codename: Granite Age: 22 Appearance: 5'7'' tall 150 pounds dragon tatoo on his back Personality: A good sense of humor, always cracks jokes. He angers people with his constant joke telling, something about a lack of respect, but he dosnt notice. Can be serious when the objective relates to him gaining something valuable, money or something he can sell. Weapons: A six shot revolver, a switchblade knife, a katana, AK-47 Powers: Stone. Can morph it into new shapes used as weapons.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Domsu clenched his fist, cracking his knuckles as he does. [B]?Prove it! How!? [/B] he thought to himself. [B]?Give me a minute.? [/B] He turned away from Nephilim; the rain started to lighten and eventually, stopped. He drew his knife and stuck it in the top of his right hand. Blood poured out, over the insignia. He turned around to face Nephilim again. [B]?I would bleed every drop of blood I have for you. Tell me, would someone do something this stupid for the one they carred for if they had no emotion??[/B] He pulled out the knife. The moon broke though the clouds and made the blood shimmer. [B]"Damn, that hurt!"[/B] [B]?The grow stronger and fight part I already have down.?[/B] Domsu hoped he was getting through. [B]?If that is not enough, then lets go with what you said. Grow stronger and fight. Lets see what comes out on top, your idea of having no emotion, or my resolve of showing you that you don?t need a heart to love."[/B] A dark purple glow surrounded Domsu?s right hand. Alpha appeared. Then I was covered in the same glow. He felt the keyblade changing. It was replaced with a black and gold blade with spots of silver. The key-chain was short and had a wing at the end. Where the blade meets the handle there is a heart. [B]?A new blade. But what about.? [/B] Domsu tried to summon Omega, but a small area on the new sword glowed. He touched it and pulled away. In his hand there was a smaller sword. It had no chain and was all black. [B]?Well this is interesting. What do you say? Ready to lay it all on the line.? ?What?s the point? You?ll end up failing.? [/B] Another tear appeared in her eye. Domsu put his keyblades away and walked over to her. He wiped the tear and looked into her eyes.[B] ?You never know until you try.?[/B] He leaned in and kissed her.[B] "I'll be waiting in the training arena to prove you wrong." [/B] And with a that he walked off, ready to fight.[/COLOR] my new blades [url]http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/wii345/d02a420587a5923293d7e4cc12a3cb7f.jpg[/url] [url]http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/wii345/DarkKeyblade.jpg[/url]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Rain pelted the top of Domsu's head. Because of the rain, he hoped no one would see his tears. Nephilim sat down on a bench several feet away. He wiped his face and walked foreward, his clothes soaked to the bone from standing in the rain for so long. He sat down on the bench and gripped his right shoulder. The wind blew making Domsu shiver. [B]"I was looking for you after the spar, but my friend said you had already left." "You mean that guy who was sitting behind me?" "Yeah, thats him." "He was leading a couple freshmen fighters in chanting your name."[/B] The thought of the sight brought a brief smile to Domsu's face. [B]"yeah, he's a little crazy."[/B] He let his left hand fall from his shoulder. It landed next to Nephilim's right, but he was unaware of it. His eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply, as if finally coming out of shock. He regained his thought before finally saying. [B]"Look,"[/B] he sighed [B]"I really like you, I mean it. All I can think about is you, but I need to show you something."[/B] Domsu had no idea that Nephilim knew he was a Nobody. He was completely new to the whole experience. His senses were undeveloped. He stood and turned to face her. He removed his right glove and held up the back of his hand, the insignia glowed a dull silver. [B]"See,"[/B] he said softly. [B]"I no longer have a heart."[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]great, now people wont be blown away and left behind when they check the story[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Domsu walked down the halls of the boys dorm. People gave him wired looks because of his torn clothes. He climbed the stairs to the second floor. He once again walked down the hall, this time stoping outside his room. He grabed the handle and turned it. The door screeched on its hinges. [B]"Still need to get that fixed."[/B] He closed the door and walked to his dresser. He removed a new shirt and pair of pants. He removed his shoes and his shredded clothes and put the new ones on. He removed is knife and belt from the torn jeans and put them on. He walked to the mirror, he gazed upon himself. He was still there, but not completly. By the time he realized he was still looking in the mirror, it was already dark. He exited his room and walked around the campus grounds. The wind blew and his hair got in the way of his eyes. He brushed it out of the way as rain started to fall. He just leaned against the wall of the training grounds, which offered no protection from the rain.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]my bad. i guess i should think things through first huh?[/B][/COLOR]
premonition never really described what he did with Fuza.
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]thank you premonition, for allowing me to still use Domsu. even though he is a nobody. *reads earlier post* banners do sound really cool. i unfortunatley havn't taken that IT class in my academy at school. that happens junior year[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Domsu was surprised, he could still see through his eyes. [I]Well that was strange[/I], he thought to himself. Then something totally unexpected happened, his wounds healed leaving the huge scars on his chest. He stood, eyes closed, and sighed. He put his hand to his chest to try and fell a heartbeat, there was none. He looked over his body to find a mark. He took off his right glove and the nobody symbol and top. [B]"Damn it!"[/B] He put his glove back on. [B]"This cant be good."[/B] Fuza walked over to Domsu. [B]"Dont worry, you were to kind a person to be that bad a nobody."[/B] They walked away from Dawn and Galian. The two walked back to the school. [B]"You ok?" "I'll be fine. I just have to get use to not having a heart." "This is one interesting school year. By the way, here's your knife."[/B] Fuza handed Domsu his red handled and black blade knife. He sheathed it as he they entered the school grounds. [B]"I need to be alone, to figure out what to do. This is all to confusing."[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Are we going to leave?"[/B] Fuza asked Domsu after Galian had yelled at them. [B]"No, this is getting interesting. We shouldn't have been all secretive, come on."[/B] Damsu and Fuza followed Galian and Dawn, who just appeared, into the forest. They increased their speed, but they lost them. They wandered arround and came to a clearing in the woods. [B]"Look at these tracks"[/B] Domsu knelt down to inspect them. [B]"Dawn obviously stood here." "How can you tell." "They way the grass is moved, see? Shes to light to make a big indication like the others. Galian knelt here. Then someone big came." "Look at the tracks Domsu, they went to that way." I lost Galian's pressance, I assume he's being carried. Lets move."[/B] The two took off toward the direction they assumed Galian, Dawn, and the unknown person were. [B]"We can only hope nothing bad has happened." "What can possibly be happining, in this amount of time that seperates us, that can be bad."[/B] Domsu reflected on his past, the murder of his parents, how unexpected it was. [B]"You have no idea."[/B] They came to rest in a bush and Domsu drew his knife. [B]"What you gonna do with that?" "Shit can go down." "Don't be negative."[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]Clang[/I] Went the keyblades as they connected together. [B]"Shouldn't we be in there?" "Nah, we can hear just fine from here, besides, I don't really care about whats going on in there right now anyway." "You always say that Fuza."[/B] They pulled there blades apart and held there stances for abit. It was quite except for whoever was speaking. The Galian burst out of the assembly. The two put there blades away. Domsu walked over to Fuza. [B]"Where's Galian going?" "Who?" "One of the people I was sparing against. Come on, lets follow him to make sure he's ok." "You can never leave someone alone to suffer, can you Domsu?" "You should know me by now."[/B] The two followed close to Galian, but not to close to give away their pressance.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Haze closed the cockpit as Endaro exited the pool of water. He roared as water dripped from the zoid. It gleamed in the light. Haze fired up Endaro's new boosters that he had installed. They greatly increased Endaro's max speed to 350. Haze opened up the files on his zoid. Music started playing, Linkin Park:Lying away from you. He saw some of the zoids, they were big and had very expensive equipment. He smiled [B]"All that stuff won't matter if you can't hit your target."[/B] He opened a com link with Kaien. [B]"Hey, thats use some team work here, what do you say?"[/B] Occ How we running the training?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]A magic seal appeared around Domsu. Ruins started to be writen in the inner circle as the bell sounded. [B]"Aw man, why does the bell always have to spoil my fun?"[/B] The seal disappeared, along with his keyblades. He found his shirt and put it on. With a towel, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He walked over to Galian and Kenso before they left, [B]"Hey, that was a good fight. I'll be seeing you guys around."[/B] He offered his hand as a sign of friendship, and Kenso shook it, followed by Galian. Donsu ran toward the bleachers. He walked, quickly, up the steps. He paused and quickly looked around. [B]"Damn, she's not here."[/B] He turned to walk away when he heard a voice, [B]"You just missed her dude."[/B] Domsu looked at the figure that was several steps above him. [B]"Fuza, what are you doing here?" "I was walking around the grounds and I hear a comotion, I check it out and it turns out to be you. Now lets quit the talking and get to class before we're late"[/B][/COLOR] Occ Fuza is the name of my second character. I just have to finish the details and find him a weapon.
agreed, but how do we end it?
heres a funny video using the pheonix wright game for the DS [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFldBVWFgWo[/url]
[COLOR=DarkRed]well, now that that's taken care of, now we just wait for someone to post[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]hey, person above me. here is a better example Name: Hal Krozark Age: 16 Level: Genin Best Jutsu: Summoning Jutsu. Is only able to summon lower power bears at the time. Taijutsu Weaponn: Besides standard equipment, A Katana, can split into two seperate blades. Appearance: [URL=http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005059319615674027][IMG]http://aycu26.webshots.com/image/17225/2005059319615674027_th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Personality: Hal is very defensive of his friends, always willing to draw his sword. Wants to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals. Enjoys being ironic and using puns. Aslo loves pissing people off by playing loud music.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]I think its one of the better layouts i've seen for a forum, and i've seen some that really suck[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][B]"I didn't accept anything!"[/B] Dronsu said sharply. Dronsu drew his knife and barried the blade deep in the trunk of a tree. [B]"Who are you to be making decisions for me?"[/B] Dronsu was pissed. Anger, the only emotion Dronsu was capable of feeling, the thing that gave him an edge in a fight, started to fill up inside him. His eyes turned their normal crimson red when this feeling arises. Dronsu withdrew his dagger and held it at the ready, ready to burry it in someone. Dronsu felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Abbandon trying to stop him, he was doing a good job of it to.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Dronsu was alone. It was times like this he was most happy. As happy as one without emotions can get. So he was content. His horse rode up to him and nudged him. He woke and remembered he had to regroup with the others. That was when their power was greater. He walked over to a tree and drew his knife and marked an arrow in the direction he was going in case they find the tree before he finds them. He walked over to a fallen angel and removed his axe from its back. Damascus stood by the tree, waiting for his master. [B]"How many more must we kill? Oh well, it matters not to me."[/B] He wipped the blood off his axe blade and off his face. He climbed his horse and rode off to find the others. Although he rather be alone, he must find them.[/COLOR] OCC. sorry i've been gone for awhile and not posting. its the end of the year and all students are angry cause they have exams to study for.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Haze smiled as he saw the joy on his sister's face. [B]"Here, catch"[/B] Haze through a zoid key and a new becon toward her. She caught it and plugged the key into the zoid. [B]"Remeber, you need that to input user information into th GS." Howed you get them?" "Dad told me to keep them from you until he revealed the zoid."[/B] She blew vincent a kiss and took off in the zoid, leaving nothing but dust in the air. [B]"Damn thats fast."[/B] He walked toward the waterfall, which is obviously where Endaro was. He waded into the pool infront. The water came up to his waist. He stared at the waterfall. He heard the sound of a zoid approaching. He turned to see it and its pilot standing at the bank of the pool.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Haze went back to his room to take a shower before training. The warm water stung his head as it soaked through the bandages on his forehead. He exited the shower and dried off and put his clothes on. Water dripped from his hair when he exited his room. He left his room and saw his sister and Vincent walking down the hall with Clair on his back. [B]"What the hell?"[/B] He laughed as Clair hopped off Vincent's back and proceded to walk with him. He jogged foreward to catch up with them. [B]"Whats up?" [/B] as he walked up on vincents left. Haze thought about what sort off training he'll be put through.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]ok, ill try to make it clear for those who are a little lost. the blade going for Kenso was an distraction to attack Domsu. Domsu's blades arn't completely underground. just prat of the shaft to deploy a shield, which broke. Whtats going on with Kenso and Galain, I dont know. What they do is up to them. my second character might be late cause lately its been rare that I get to post. It will get done though[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]"A crap!"[/B] Domsu watched as the keyblade shot towards him. But he smiled and said loudly enough for Galian and Kenso to hear, [B]"Look, I might be a fighter, but I know when to go on the defensive."[/B] Domsu stuck his blades in the gound. He knelt between the blades as the chains pulsed with energy as he spoke. The energy that came from the blades merged together to form a shield. A dragon scale patern appeared as the attack conected with the shield. A crack appeared and it grew as the attack continued. [B]"That can't be good."[/B] He spoke and not even twenty seconds after he finished the shield shatterted and Domsu was hit. He fell to the ground, several cuts became visible. [B]"I would have been out of this fighter for sure if my shield hadn't taken most of the damage." [/B] His keyblades were far away from him. He felt the side of his belt for his knife. It was still their. A light appeared in his hands as his blades disappeared from their location on the ground and into his hands.[/COLOR]