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Everything posted by Ushima

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=DarkRed]The cockpit on Endaro opened and Haze crawled out. He landed on his feet, but quickly went down. Pain from his neck due to whiplash. [B]"Ah, damn! I should move slower to avoid as much pain as I can."[/B] That was esier said than done. His dislocated shoulder made it hagain he fell on the ground, but this time it was intentional. The blood from his forehead still pouring. It reopened when Haze fell the first time. [B]"Damn, what the hell? Why did they attack us?"[/B] Clair remained silent. Haze followed his sister's gaze to dash. The zoid had been beaten down the enemy. Haze put his hand on her shoulder and she reached across her body and grabed it. A few miutes later Haze was by himself lokking for some medics. After searching for a half an hour he gave up. [B]"Screw it! I could probaly put my shoulder back in place by myself any way. Thats not a bad idea."[/B] Haze gripped his left shoulder and proceded to push it back into place. A loud crack was heard and pain erupted for his shoulder. He fell to one knee but quickly got to his feet as the intense pain subsided. [B]"Well that was fun."[/B] He noticed that the pilot Alex and his partner were near by, but he paid them no attention. They were none of his concern right now. [B]"Haze!"[/B] someone shouted from afar. Haze turned to see who was caliing him. [B]"Dad!"[/B] Haze's face light up at the sight of his father. [B]"Where's your sister?"[/B] Haze pointed toward the fallen lightning saix. His father frowned at the sight. [B]"Well that can't be good. Come on lets go."[/B] Haze followed his dad over to Clair. Haze gripped his shoulder which still hurt a bit after the forced rejoining of the joints.[/COLOR] Haze was working with his dad when Clair entered the hanger. He over heard them talking about a new zoid. Obviosly for Clair. [B]"Make sure that Gravity Canon is in secured."[/B] The mechanics finished installing Endaro's new equipment and released the restraints. Haze climbed up to his zoid's head as they approached Clair. [B]"Hayate huh? Nice one."[/B] Endaro looked the new zoid over. He could tell that it was an ally.[/COLOR]
  2. Name: Regi Wakashika Race: Shield Age: Manufactured November 1st, 2095 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'7'' and about 320 pounds. Body looks young for undercover missions. Peronality: Loyal to his superiors. Regi will follows orders to the letter. He cares less for the well beings of others, except for his commrades. His mind has a unique perception, he always wants to fight. Usually endng situations in an all out brawl, even when it's not needed. Bio: Transfered to the LAPD after serving three years with the NYPD. An, incident involving a hacker and several human and shield hostages, forced the brass to transfer him. The exact cause is still unknown, even to Regi. Regi was produced specifically for police use. He has a flaw. His constant need for fighting puts him in bad situations with the Police Brass. His small body makes him perfect for undercover patrol. Civilians and terrorists usually never suspect one so short to be a S2C agent.
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Haze watched in horror as his sister went down. [B]"Ah shit!" [/B] The music Clair started still playing. It made him lose his focus. [B]"I can't fight like this. I need my music."[/B] Haze opened the music files stored on his liger's computer. [B]"Alright, here we go. Time to kick some ass."[/B] He turned up the volume, blocking out all sound. He ran his zoid over to the fallen lightning saix, rotating his vulcan machine gun in the process to attack the griffins. He came to a stop infront of Dash, the Ozzy Osborne song-I dont wanna stop, blasting in the cockpit. Several cannon shots landed infront of Endaro, shaking the zoid. The sudden jolt made him hit his head on the dash, blood appeared on his forehead and dripped into his eyes. He looked up and noticed Vincent and Marri were having some difficulty. He adjusted the angle on his missle pods to the sky. Several rounds of missles were ejected and flew toward the griffins. They struck down few and many more took sevear damage to their wings. [B]"Damn, that means they'll have to land."[/B] A griffin charged him and Haze lowered Endaro's swords. The zoid's heads collided, but Haze has an advantage. He rotated his swords to point forward, and inward toward the zoids chestplate. The gears propeled the blades forward into the zoid. [B]"Die you filthy son of a bitch."[/B] He shook off the zoid, he was pissed. He unloaded all his missles on the incoming zoids. Several cannon shots hit Endaro. Haze was shaken and suffered whiplash. The blood from his forehead continued. Endaro suffered some damage, damage in his back right leg made it difficult for the zoid to sstand. [B]"I'll have to take manual control of the gun."[/B] Haze fliped another set of switches and the power of the turret was reverted to Endaro's controls. He took aim, but that didn't matter. In the last few rounds he fired randomly. Machine gun bullets struck the left side of Endaro, leaving holes in his armor. Haze felt his left shoulder dislocate. Before blacking out he initiated his smoke screen.Hopimg to send some sort of signal to his commrades. Ironicly, the song still playing, "[B]I dont wanna stop."[/B] sang Ozzy, the lead singer.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]whats the matter? afraid of something new? i dont know how your character would normally fight cause its not mine. and i know i attacked galian, but there is three people in the fight, i dont have to base my attacks to just one.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Guess your right. Well, meet you there."[/B] Haze's sister walked off toward her zoid. Haze approached the water fall. Endaro was standing in the pool of water, the water falling behind him. He climbed in the cockpit and left the dome. His sister passed him, not even two minutes after he left. He approached the circle of zoids and stopped Endaro next to his sister's Lightning Saix. He reflected on the times he hellped with its repairs before he became a pilot. He heard his sister be called up as a captain of the ground unit. [B]"Ground unit."[/B] He looked up at Endaro. [B]"Thats probably me."[/B] He thinks to himself. He looked around at the other members of his unit. That Alex guy and his Shadow Fox, he didn't like them. His sister approached him and asked him to pay attention. Alex seemed to be giving her a hard time. That really annoyed him. He walked over and whispered to him. [B]"Hey, don't be an ass. OK?"[/B][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gosa brought his arms together in front of his face and blocked several punches to it. He studied the patern of attack and was able to grab the clone's arm. He pulled it in close and delivered a powerful knee to its gut. The clone of Yuki disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He looked for Yuki and found her performing hand signs. He wiped the sweat from his head with his bloody left hand and drew his sword with his right. He charged his opponent. [B]"What ever that is, I better stop it."[/B] he thinks as he raises his sword and turns it to the flat side. So he wont accidentily kill Yuki. Gosa stopped short and swung his sword vertically. Yuki ducked below the attack and Gosa brought it down. She side stepped that as the timer went off. [B]"Damn, I was getting in to it."[/B] Gosa said disappointed. [B]"A little down?"[/B] Yuki said with a smile. [B]"Yeah. But whatever. We had to stop eventually."[/B][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]Haze was standing on his zoid's head by the time his sister returned. She looked up and smiled. He tossed her the towel she dropped when she took off. [B]"Don't worry. I''ll have Endaro keep an eye on him." [/B] Clair laughed at Haze's remark.[B] "Thanks." [/B] She replied before leaving the habitat. Haze noted the sarcasim in her voice. Endaro lowered his head to let Haze get off. He returned to his spot by the water fall chasing away a Rev Raptor in the proccess. He walked to the complex and entered the main lobby. He headed to the stairs and started to climb to the second floor. Passing a room he heard a thud. He chuckled, thinking about what might have caused it. [B]"Someone must have already got drunk and passed out."[/B] Haze never knew that feeling. He was straight-edge, and he liked it that way. He entered his room and found Alice unpacking. [B]"By the way, nice Geno Breaker. It's very cool."[/B] Alice turned, suprised by the sudden compliment. [B]"You know, for someone so young, your not that annoying."[/B] Haze smiled. [B]"I'm sure my sister would say different."[/B] He landed on the bed and looked at the clock. [B]"Two hours til the meeting. Better get some more rest."[/B] He slipt into a quick nap before having to go train.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Haze woke to something being draged across the floor. He grunted at the sudden noise but decided to let it slide. He should be getting up anyway. He rubbed his eyes and streched, his back cracking in the process. He looked across the room to see a woman sitting on the remaining bed. He stood up and started speaking. [B]"Hello. My name is Haze. Seeing as you are here, that means you must be my partner in the fight."[/B] Haze reached out his hand, as the woman smiled, stood up, and shook it. [B]"I'm Alice."[/B] [B]"Well it's nice to meet you, and I will see you later. I should check on my zoid."[/B] Haze turned and headed out the door. He turned left down the hall and headed down the stairs from the second floor and entered the main lobby. He exited the front door and caught a group of mechanics heading to the habitat in a transport. The transport stopped and let Haze get off before heading to where they need to go. [B]"Thank you."[/B] Haze says as the mechanic car drove off. He walked in and looked for Edaro. He stopped atleast fifteen feet away from a shadow fox and a Orudios. On his wrist was a watch with a special feature. He pressed a button and a signal went out. Endaro raised his head as he recived the signal. He stood and jumped out from behind the waterfall which was realativley close by Haze. Endaro appraoched Haze slowly and looked at the two zoids close by. [B]"Hey boy!"[/B] He growled as walked to Haze. [B]"Sorry about that. Heh."[/B][/COLOR]
  9. OOC Im gone for the weekend. Someone can post for me if they want. Just don't make him do anything stupid, thats my job. Leaving at 5 back on sunday [SIZE=1][color=DarkGreen]This type of out-of-character-posts are against the rules, plus they are pointless (you'll be back in a few days, the game won't suffer from such a short leave). If you really want to make a notice of your absence, do it in your signature or by a PM to the game's maker. Normally I'd delete this post, but now I'm going to leave it as a warning example. - Sandy[/color][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Haze remained in his cockpit as he watched the pilots climb in their zoids. He saw the horse zoid from before. He grinned as Haze looked over its visible armaments. [B]"Thats one might be tough. Well, better not sit here and wait, we're off Endaro."[/B] Haze punched in a code on his zoid's dash and the restrients stopping Endaro from leaving snapped off. They crashed on the ground with a bang. The zoid shook its body, glad to be free of the extra weight. Endaro slowly walked out of the hangers. Haze looked at the faces of the pilots he could see on the computer screen. Once outside Haze opened up on Endaro's speed. Going 250 MPH. Relativley slow for the Liger Type zoid. Endaro was capable of faster speed. Not as fast as his sister Clair's zoid, but Haze didn't prefer going that fast. Thats why he turned down the Lightning Saix when offered. They appraoched the zoid habitat. They entered and stood in the stood taking in the scene. Endaro roared loudly as his eyes wandered around his new home. [B]"You like it already, dont you?"[/B] He growled in compliance. Haze exited Endaro, taking the start up key-card and his bag with him. He watched as Endaro tan off to enjoy himself. [B]"I've never seem a happier zoid."[/B] Haze started walking to the housing complex. Once there, he entered through the door and headed to his room. Once again there were two beds. Haze didn't bother complaining since he already did that. He fell on his bed and drifted off to finish his sleep.[/COLOR] OOC Im gone for the weekend. Someone can post for me if they want. Just don't make him do anything stupid, thats my job. Leaving at back on sunday
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gosa got to his feet and kept running. He didn't understand why. Something in his mind told him to. ([B]Why? Why am I running away?[/B]) These thoughts raced through his head as he ducked behind a tree as several kunai struck the back of it. He peered around the trunk to see if he could spot Yuki. She was there, waiting for him. Gosa still felt scared, but he knew that he had to over come it. He pulled out a kunai and stuck it in his palm. [B]"AHH! Damn that hurt!"[/B] The fealing of feear dispappeared and was replaced by the feeling of pain. He pulled the blood stained kunai from his hand and stuck it in the tree to hold it there. He reached in his bag and pulled out a roll of bandages. He wraped his palm to stop the bleeding and close the wound to prevent infection. He grabed the kunai and walked out from behind the tree. [B]"I'll have to watch out for those seeds of yours."[/B] Gosa smiled at the enjoyment of this battle. [B]"Two hours to go, lets make it a good battle."[/B] Gosa threw his kunai at Yuki.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Domsu yanked on his sword's keychains pulling them into the air. He caught them as he stood up. He raised the blades and crossed them into a X. He blocked Kenso's attack. Kenso tried pushing Domsu back, but he held his ground. He slowly opened his amber eyes to see Kenso struggling to push him back. [B]"I have been training in upper body strength. You really think you can push me back."[/B] Domsu released the keyblade and spun around to Kenso's side. He fell forward, but Domsu disregarded him and went after Galian. He charged Galian with his arms crossed. As he approached he swung out his arms delivering two vertical slashes. Galian held his keyblade vertically straight out infront as Domsu's keyblades conneccted. The sound of the metal sounded throughout the building. Kenso was up and charged Domsu. He held Galians blade still with Alpha and he fliped Omega upside down to try to block Kenso's next attack.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]Haze woke to the sound of someone speaking on the inter-com. [B]"All pilots report to the Main Lobby."[/B] He slowly rolled off the bed landing on the floor. He quickly got up, the impact completely waking him. He looked around, his partner still didn't seem to show up. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabed a bottle of soda before grabbing his jacket and walking down the hall. He saw his sister and what appears to be her partner. He was a big guy. Abviously not one to piss off. [B]"We will have a meeting on your training at 1600 this afternoon."[/B] [B]"Finally! Now that it's over I should go check on Endaro. But first."[/B] Haze walked back to his room and packed his stuff, his clothes, and his other essentials. He exited the lobby and headed for the hanger. He could have went on the transport, but it would have taken an hour to arrive. So he decided to walk to the back of the dome where the zoids were held. [B]"It's quite peaceful here. Endaro would love fighting here."[/B] He entered the hanger and looked around. In the back against the wall was Endaro, next to him a Geno Breaker. He took a quick look around once again and noticed all the zoids were in pairs. [B]"That must be my partner's zoid. This just got a little more interesting."[/B] He walked down, between the two rows of zoids. A lightning saix seemed to notice him and followed him with its eyes as Haze walked by. Endaro's eyes shown as what little light shined on him in the back of the hanger. Endaro lowered his head and Haze climbed in. He put his bag behind the chair. He inputed the code and the lights in the cockpit turned on. [I]System activated[/I], the computers main screen blinked and the outside cameras relayed an image of the outside to the screen.[B] "Outside is wonderful. What a great place to beat our opponents, dont you think?"[/B] Endaro lifted his head back and roared as loudly as he could. It echoed throughout the hanger and was heard by the approaching transport carrying the pilots.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]Haze watched as his sister left the ship and headed for the dome. [B]"Always in a hurry."[/B] He went outside to find Endaro. He stopped to look around the green feild. There were lots of zoids here. Some unique and some strange. A Wyvern type zoid flew over his head. Unknowing to Haze, Endaro snuck up on him. He lowered his head and delivered a powerful roar. Haze fell over, scared half to death. He quickly got to his feet, people staring at him, he didn't like that. [B]"Why do you always do that?"[/B] He asked this knowing the zoid couldn't respond. Endaro lowered his head and Haze climbed in the cockpit. He inputed the access code and the zoid's systems started up. [B]"Better run a diagnostic screening."[/B] He pushed a few buttons on the dash and the computer went through all of Endaro's operating systems, weapons and equipment. [B]"Alright, lets do this. We'll go full speed, just for fun."[/B] Endaro reigned before running off. Haze noticed a horse type zoid lift off the ground. [B]"Well thats different."[/B] Haze activated Endaro's booster and pulled infront of the ariborn zoid. It didn't last much longer as the zoid above now reached full speed. Haze arrived at the dome and was told to leave Endaro with the handlers. He exited the zoid and stared at it, light gleaming off its blades. Haze entered te building to receive his room assignment. [B]"What? I'm bunking with a women?"[/B] Haze didn't like the idea of sharing his living space with a women, especially if she's older. Once he learned that she was to be his battle partner, he decided to change his attitude. [B]"Alright, if I have to. But I still dont like it."[/B] He grabed his bag and headed for his rooom. Once inside he took the bed on the right. He unpacked and fell on the bed. [B]"I dont care who my roommate is right now. I need some sleep."[/B] Haze drifted off into a dream about the combat that was to follow.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gosa watched as Yuki did more hand signs to produce another vortex of snow. He took it full blast and only smiled, yet he was still cold. His skin turned a light blue color and started shaking. He put his hands together to focus his chakra. [B]"Flaming Druson!"[/B] His body slowly consumed by fire, moving up his legs and torso. He allowed himself to lose a little of his control over the flame to warm his body. Yuki's jutsu ended and Gosa canceled his bloodlimit. [B]"I told you it's not one to mess with."[/B] Gosa grinned as he prepares to go on the offensive. [B]"Well there is still several hours left in the fight. It's not over yet." [/B] She went into a deffensive stance. Her better judgment knowing that Gosa was about to try something. Gosa produced two clones and charged Yuki. She drew a kunai and stabbed the first clone and it disappeared. The second one came at her right. She narrowly missed it by backing up. That clone disappeared as well. Gosa used the smoke from the canceled jutsu as a distraction to get in close for an attack. He punched with his left hand and Yuki grabed it and pulled him forward. Gosa dug in his heels to prevent him from moving. Yuki held on to Gosa's arm with great strength. [B]"Heh, I'm right handed."[/B] Gosa delivered a body shot to Yuki's torso. She staggered back wraping her arms around her stomach. [B]"I told you I wasn't going to make it easy."[/B] Gosa said, cracking his neck and knuckles.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gosa wached as Yuki left for the battle feild. [B]"I wonder how Yue is doing?"[/B] [B]"Got yourself a girl there, huh kid?"[/B] Gosa turned, suprised to see the ramen server was evesdropping. But it didn't last long. He was flatered to here that people think he had someone special. [B]"No, not yet. I'm hoping though. I have my someone in mind. My sister keeps bugging me to tell her. Sorry, but I must go."[/B] He bowed, showing espect to his elder before running off to the feild he was suppose to report to. He stopped before it came into view and decided to walk to save some energy. [B]"No sense of burning it all. I might have to fight."[/B] Gosa grinned his excited smile. [B]"Sounds like fun."[/B] He put his hands in his pockets as the feild opened up before him. He saw Yuki and Keasora waiting for him.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"I am Gosa Kosenki. I like fighting, humor and girls. One in particular. I can summon bears. My favorite is Gubo, he's really funny."[/B]Gosa told the shop keeper what he wanted and watched as it was prepared. "My parents were killed eight years ago. If we have to fight, let me warn you. My bloodlimit is not one to mess with." He took his ramen and started eating it and waiting for instructor to finish his.[/COLOR]
  18. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red][B]"Two scouts. There armies are deffinetly on the move."[/B] Dronsu heard noise in the distance. "A fight? But how? They should have been following me around them. Damn! That Drakkan, no sense of direction what so fucking ever." He reflected on a time similar to this. "Lets go help." He kicked his horse and it took off in the direction of the fight. "How dare they start a fight knowing I'm not there." He approached the area were the combat was taking place. He raised his hand and several stone spikes impailed the five demons that stood infront of him. He drew his axe and charged the horde of monsters slashing at them left and right.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Acknowledgement. Thanks but I don't need any, nor do I want it."[/B] Domsu finished stretching and stood shaking his arms. They twitched with the lust for battle. A feeling he has felt before. They day his parents were murdered, he wanted to fight and kill. He looked at Nephilim and caught her eye. His face turned red as he turned back to his opponent and thaught to himself, ([B]Great! She's watching. Hope I don't make a fool of myself.[/B]) Domsu extended his left arm as his Omega keyblade formed in his hand. He moved his red hair out of the way of his deep amber eyes with his right hand before extending it. The light reappeared and left just as fast. In its place it left the red keyblade Alpha. Everyone stared at him, a senior fighter was a rare thing. Most of them usually droped out by now. Being out-weighed by gunners and drivers. [B]"This is going to be fun. Hope you guys can put up a good fight." [/B] He knelt down and placed the keyblades at his sides on the ground. He folded his arms across his chest and waited for the first move.[/COLOR]
  20. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]Domsu was riding behind everyone. He didn't care where they were going, as long as he gets to fight. He rode forward, up to Drakkan's left side. His giant horse's, big to support his and the axe's weight, stone hooves bounded down the dird trail. [B]"I'll scout ahead."[/B] The gray mount rode forward. Alone, just how Dronsu liked it. He felt nothing. Not the warmth of his horse nor the wind in his face. Ahead of him were two wandering demons, not causing any trouble. He decided to kill them anyway. He raised his hand and two stone spikes peirced the demons torsos. He stopped and his horse reigned. [B]"Easy Damascus." [/B] He patted his horse and ran his hands through it's black mane as he waited for his fellow riders.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Hey wait up, I'll go with you. I'm headed back there anyway."[/B] Gubo disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He ran to catch up with Yue before she got to far ahead. He slowed down and walked next to her. He put his hands in his pockets and stared at the ground, deep in thought. [B]"Who do hope is your Jounin instructor?" "I don't know. Someone who is strong." "Same here. I need new training methods."[/B] They approached the academy gate. [B]"Why do you want to get stronger?" "I want to protect those who are close to me."[/B] He paused before muttering under his breath, [B]"Like you." "Did you say something?" "Yeah, were gonna be late, lets go." [/B] They ran as they entered the academy and slowed as they enter the assembly room[/COLOR]
  22. Just another day in the year, but its a day for you moms out there. :animesmil
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]After the hot springs, Gosa didn't go straight back to the Academy. He had a few questions for Gaaza. He returned to the diamond but he wasn't there. He walked and stood on the pitcher's mound, the wind blowing his silver hair. He picked up a ball and threw it at the fence. It clanged as the ball hit the fence and the sound hung in the air. He felt like he was being watched. He turned and saw someone staring at him. It was Yue, someone he has had his eye on for some time. 'The ball roled back to his side and he picked it up before walking over to her. ([B]Aw crap! Should I really being doing this.[/B]) [B]"Hey, whats up?"[/B] He tossed the ball up slighty and Yue caught before he could. [B]"Nothing much. What brings you here?" "I was going to play with Gubo. "Who's Gubo?"[/B] Gosa summoned the little cub who walked over and nuged Yue's hand that still contained the baseball. [B]"I think he likes you."[/B][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Three way huh? Thats cool. I needed a new training method anyway. Oh and when I said "yes you" I was pointing out you cause you didn't seem to know who I was talking to. Nex time don't judge so quickly."[/B] Domsu walked over to the sparing feild. His opponents following behind him. He over heard them talking, obviously some sort of strategy. He noticed his shirt but didn't pick it up, knowing it would restrict his arm movement. That was one of the things he learned in combat class. Even the simplist of things can slow your attack down leaving you open to a counter-attack. It was his favorite class due to the opportunity to learn new combat tactics. The sight of the three men walking to the battlefeild was enough to spur the on-lookers. Three ways were always an interesting thing to watch. Domsu grinned. [B]"Heh, looks like we'll have some spectators."[/B] He stopped and turned around to face his opponents. He glanced at the bleachers and eyed the girl with the parasol. [B]"There she is again."[/B] He turned his head quickly as she turned her head around to face the feild were the spar was about to ensue. He started his usual streches, which he always does before fighting. His opponents did so as well.[/COLOR]
  25. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]The rock burst and Gueno was shrowded in darkness. He stood in th black as he watched himself be encased in stone. Slowly the stone moved up his body, he felt like he was getting heavier. Soon the stone coered him from top to bottom. He moved closer to the figure and touched it's forehead. The stone started to crack. Slowly chipping away revealing a new person. A man in a black shirt and jacket. Blue hair and an eyepatch Two strpa from his back where his wings are. The man reached out and grabed Gueno by his throat. A black energy formed between them. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, he was in the stranger's body. He was thrusted back into the real world, the only thing different was that he was mounted on a black horse. He raised his axe and shouted. [B]"I am Dronsu! Rider of stone!"[/B][/COLOR]
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