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Everything posted by Ushima

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gosa hit several more balls before having a hilarious idea.. [B]"Here, think fast."[/B] Gosa tossed a ball at the strange man who was observing him. Before thee ball was caught, he whistled to get Gubo's attention. [B]"Get the ball."[/B] Gubo took off from his spot on the pitchers mound and tackled the man with the baseball. Gosa fell over laughing for five minutes. He walked over to him and offered his hand. "I'm Gosa, and you are?" The man took Gosa's hand and stood up, brushing himself off. [B]"I'm Gaaza of the Desert."[/B] [B]"Nice to meet you dude. Now I have to go or I'm gonna be late."[/B] Gosa collected the equipment and returned it to the supply shed near by. Gosa ran as fast as he could to get to the Academy on time. Gubo was right behind him. He entered the front gates and waited for his friends to show up. It was brought to his attention that Gubo had brought a ball with him. [B]"You still want to play?"[/B] Gosa took the ball from him and tossed it as far as he could. Gubo bounded after it and returned it to Gosa. The next time he threw it, it rolled next to a girl who was sitting by a tree. She picked it up and looked at it. Gubo didn't go near, not trusting the stranger. Gosa was forced to walk over to retrive the ball. He approached the girl, his hand outstreched to recive the ball. She dropped it in front of her. he bent down and picked it up and when he stood up he got a good look at her face. Her deep dark eyes and smooth skin, he noticed a card in her other hand. Gosa turned a light shade of red and quickly turned around. He threw the ball as Gubo ran after it. [B]"Thanks."[/B] says Gosa[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]The time for the test had arrived and Gosa was already inside with Toru as Shinaru arrived. They talked for a bit before the bell rang and the seperated. Gosa was in a classroom with about twenty other students. ([B]Damn, I don't know any of these. Oh well just have to focus.[/B]) He turned the page and his eyes lit up. ([B]Alright! A section on binding jutsu.[/B]) He filled in the answers and just barley finished writing when the timer went off. He exited the room and walked with Toru and Shinaru into the assembly room to be assigned to their instructors. The hokage walked up on the stage.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gosa awoke to the abrupt shaking of his sister. [B]"Come on. Get up lazy bum." [/B] She moved the pillow and his head fell swiftly to the matress. [B]"Will you stop coming in here and doing that."[/B] He grabed his gear and went downstairs. He decided not to have breakfast and just grab an apple. He walked to the baseball diamond to start his morning work out. Once he arrived he surveyed the feild. The morning mist still lumbers low to the ground. [B]"A little depressing. I know what will make this scene more cheerful."[/B] Gosa summoned his friend Gubo. A little black bear cub that has been his friend since he was young boy. Gubo was the first bear Gosa was able to summon after alot of practice. Gubo has no special skills, but he's is a good companion if your lonley. [B]"Hey Gubo! Lets hit some balls."[/B] He saw Gubo's eyes light up at the mention of play. Gosa grabed a bat and a ball and proceded to hit them. He watched and laughed as Gubo stumbled after them.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Tsuma Kosenki Age: 17 Gender: Female Rank: Chunin Village: Leaf Appearance: [url]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i318/NightmareMiku/ninjagirl.jpg[/url] Likes: food, guys, meditation, her brother Dislikes: jerks, spiders, heaters, her brother Blood limit: (See other character) Summoning Jutsu: Attack bears- medium level summons Weapon: spiked gloves (gloved with spikes on the knuckles) Bio: Saved her brother Gosa when her parents were killed and she went to live with her uncle with and brother who is a genin. Is often found watching over her brother. She knows about his crush and often teases him about it. Often hangs out with the kunochi in the village, she is quite popular amognst some of the men.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]Domsu punched the the training bag continuesly as he watched a man run by. ([B]He seems strong, I think I might ask him to spar later.[/B]) Domsu was really working up a sweat. His shirt was drenched with it, he took it off and the sophomor girls started blushing. He turned to walk away but then, just as fast, turned back around to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to the training bag. The sound of the emense kick radiated throughout the training arena. He walked over to the weights and put two 45 pound weights on each side of the bar and started lifting. Being in the fighter class, one must have good upper body strength. [B]"fourty-six, fourty-seven, fourty-eight, fourty-nine, fifty."[/B] He put the bar down and picked up his bottle of water and emptyed it in one go. Domsu noticed a couple of freshmen boys who were fighters and decided to give them some pointers. He showed them motions that if practiced can improve sword skills. [B]"Alright, time to ask him."[/B] Domsu made his way across the arena to the man he saw running earlier. He seemed to have stoped running to get some water. [B]"Excuse me. Yes you, would you like to spar?"[/B] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Haze Weathers Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2000204085140222915][IMG]http://aycu25.webshots.com/image/13224/2000204085140222915_th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Zoid:[URL=http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005085167755448830][IMG]http://aycu25.webshots.com/image/14464/2005085167755448830_th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Meugen Liger Name: Endaro Crew: 1 Weight: 70 tons Max speed: 305 MPH Weapons: Twin blades, back mounted dual vulcan canon, front shoulder mounted missle pods, blade tail. Equipment: Boosters, smoke screen tubes, radar, inferred sensors Bio: Haze continued to look out of the window as his sister left to the cargo area where the zoids were held. All he could think about was the upcoming battles. His heart was racing, it wanted to fight, although he was fairly new to combat. He'd only been piloting for three years. Many of his skills came from watching his sister as she practiced. Haze left the window to check on Endaro. As he approached, the zoid lowered its head. He put his hand on it and rubbed it, comforting the zoid. [B]"Where almost there buddy. Soon we'll get to fight."[/B] Haze glanced left to see his sister struggling with her zoid. He laughed at her annoyance. He remembered the day his sister asked him to join her crew. He was the pain back then, always messing up. [B]"Good times."[/B] Endaro seems to remember to as he shakes his head as if trying to forget.[/COLOR]
  6. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]Gueno drew his axe and saw as the gypsies went after Umi. He swung his axe, but the gypsie dodge. This brought it closer to Gueno in order for him to punch it in the face. [B]"You ok?"[/B] Umi drew her whip and snapped it. The sound echoing throughout hte clearing. [B]"Thanks, but I don't need your help." "Least you could do is say thanks."[/B] Gueno saw as Jack stood by Riiko. ([B]Hope he dosn't get to in over his head.[/B]) The sound of a whip echoed in his ear. He struck out with his axe with surprising speed. A gypsie rushed in and Gueno blocked with his knife. He kicked the gypsie and it went to Umi. She lashed at it with her whip and it went down. [B]"Nice move."[/B] Gueno was surprised at Umi's skil. No doubt she was good, but Gueno found her to be amazing at combat. Gueno waited for further orders for Ashen.[/COLOR]
  7. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red][B]"I'll go. It's not my fault if you guys get killed though."[/B] Gueno looked at the bodies of the soldiers he killed. [B]"I'll go to."[/B] Speaks Jack, still standing by Gueno. [B]"I need some time to think before we set off."[/B] He walked away towards Daimonas. He stopped and pulled him close enough to whisper in his ear. Gueno's knife poking his chest. [B]"You have no idea what I have been through. You think I'm, afraid, of that sword of yours? I'm more afraid of your bad breath."[/B] He walked away from the group, shoving Daimonas with his shoulder, to collect his thoughts. Jack walked up behind Gueno. [B]"You ok? You seem angry." "Do you have any idea how it feels to be on the run for five years? "No, I don't" "Then stop asking questions about how I feel unless you understand."[/B] Gueno turned and saw Jack staring at him. [B]"Look, I know you mean well. But.. You know what? Screw it. I forgot what I was going to say anyway."[/B] Gueno felt a connection between him a Jack. Like there were friends from before. ([B]I still don't understand.[/B]) Gueno removed his cloak and left it on the ground. The weather was getting warmer anyway. [B]"Alright, lets do this."[/B] Gueno and Jack return to the group.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Gosa Kosenki Age: 15 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Village of Origin: Hidden Leaf Appearance: [url]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi152.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fs167%2Fcloudstrifejen%2FCalintz_Evil_2_by_shadow70121.jpg&searchTerm=calintz&pageOffset=6[/url] Likes: Girls, irony, humor, perfecting his skills, fighting bad guys, fighting, Yue Dislikes: Posers, people with no honor or sense of humor, girls who dont like him Personalty quirks: Gosa will protect anything he thinks is right. He will not back down. A good ally to have in a brawl. Blood limit: Flaming Druson Binding Justsu(Nin or Gen): good for ambush Summoning Jutsu: Recon and Message relaying bears. Low level bears even an idiot like Naruto could summon. But then again, he is Naruto. Special weapon: Single katana that divides into two seperate blades. Bio: Gosa was often by himself. He has a close circle of friends. Parents were killed and he went to live with his with his uncle with his sister who is also a shinobi. He entered the academy when he was ten. There was this strange kid who seemed really happy to be there. It creeped him out. But the kids good attitude rubed off on Gosa and he started doing better.[/COLOR]
  9. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]Gueno stepped forward to the kid on the ground and grabed him by his arm and picked him up. He whispered [B]"Do you go around pledging your loyalty to every pretty girl you meet?"[/B] He looked him in the eye and turned around to the rest of the group. [B]"I suggest that if we want to carry on this conversation, we take it else where."[/B] Gueno saw several soldiers coming out of the forest. Four out of the five were privates and carried swords. The fifth was the commanding officer, which are not required to carry standard equipment. Behind his back was an axe. (Axe!) said the voice in his head. [B]"Aww man! Not again."[/B] Gueno approached the horsemen as they dismounted. They walked up to Gueno and compared his face to one on a wanted poster. [B]"This is it, kill him!"[/B] Gueno drew his sword to block the the on coming attack. He drew his knife and slash the neck of the soldier. To more men approached and he took the out with a simple slash. The next one approached and Gueno stabbed him, getting his sword stuck. It broke as he tried to remove it. The CO struck with a verticle slash. Gueno simply sidestepped to avoid it. He grabbed the neck of the CO and delivered a powerfull choke slam on a tree trunk. Blood trickled down turning the ground red. He examined his broken sword and removed the topaz stone in it's hilt, thinking he could sell it. He tossed the sword. [B]"Useless."[/B] Gueno noticed the axe on the ground and felt drawn to it. His dark eyes turned blood red as he grabed it. The voice in his head no longer was there. [B]"Now this is me."[/B] He put the axe on his back using the strap the commanding officer used to keep it there. He turned back to the group and walked over to them as his eyes went from red back to black. [B]"Well thats pretty much how I spend my day."[/B] He wiped the blood from his face and pocketed the topaz. He marked on a nearby tree [I]V[/I]. Below that, the number 56.[/COLOR]
  10. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]Well if thats all there is to this little gathering, then I'm moving on." Gueno sheathed his weapons and turned to walk away. "Wait!" says the one names Ashen. "Isn't it strange that all of us has gathered here." Gueno turns and gets a better look at him. He seemed familliar. "Nothing happenes by accident. It all happenes like it's suppose to." Gueno's mind is in overdrive. He seemed to recall saying that before. "Alright, I want answers. Who are you people?" He removed his hood revealing his face. His blue hair blowing in the wind. These people, he felt like he could trust them. Gueno turned to the young boy who was on his knees. "She's right dude. You did look like an idiot." "Shut up!. Who are you anyway." "I am Gueno Nathruta. Wanted by this country's militia."[/COLOR]
  11. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]Dawn arose as Gueno neared the exit of the forest. The energy he felt last night was distant. The crossroads appeared and there were several people consversing. He approached them as a voice talked in his head. "Axe, axe, axe." It repeted over and over. (What is that voice?) He put up his hood as he neared them. Out of th coner of his eye he saw some animals retreat back into the forest. They know something might go down. The only thing visible was his mouth, no one can see his eyes. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword. The Topaz jewel gleming in the morning sun. "Do I have to add to my body count?" He walked passed them when someond's hand blocked his path. "Where do you think your going, stranger?" Gueno loooked them in the eye, knowing they wouldn't be able to identify his face. "I've seen people stronger than you try to take my bounty." He grew his sword and held it to his annoyance's face. "Please, don't be one of them." In his left hand he drew his dagger. He held the both strangely, like they didn't belong in his hands. It was like something else did, something bigger. (Axe!) Said the voice in his head. (Go away damn it.)[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I can't stand by and watch this anymore."[/COLOR] He felt his jaw where Kusu punched to get him out of his way and go back to fighting Toru. He noticed as Kusu was about to stab Toru. He rushed up behind him and grabed his arm. "What?" Kusu looked at Gosa. [COLOR=DarkRed]"No one kills my friends."[/COLOR] He threw his opponent backwards and Toru looked at him. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"You don't have to do-."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I have to do this. Last time I saw someone get killed I couldn't do anything."[/COLOR] Tears appeared on Gosa's cheeks. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Your parents?"[/COLOR] asked Toru [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yes."[/COLOR] Gosa replied as his hand made his way to his heart. "Aww the baby is crying." Kusu laughed. [COLOR=DarkRed]"SHUT UP! I'm sick of you."[/COLOR] He turned to Toru and knelt to talk. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Alright we need some teamwork here. You down?"[/COLOR] Gosa stuck out his fist. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"I'm down."[/COLOR] Toru pounded Gosa's fist. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll follow your lead."[/COLOR]
  13. Ushima


    [COLOR=Red]Gueno looked up from his seat at the bar of the Inn and saw a wanted poster of him. His bounty was worth the most after having to kill all those people. "You there, you under arrest." Gueno turned in his seat and saw several soldiers armed with swords standing between him and the exit. "You really want to do that?" A soldier swung his sword. Gueno grabed the mans arm and twisted it so the sword pointed downward. He pushed it forward, using great strength, into the soldier. He looked up and the soldiers saw his blood red eyes. They ran in fear as Gueno picked up the body. He laid it infront of the tree outside. He engraves the letter I meaning one. Bellow that was the mark 51. His eyes returned to their normal empty blackness. "There's that feeling again." He put up his hood and walked into the dark woods. It would take all night to reach the next town. He felt energy all around. It felt like his energy, yet somewhat different. The closest one was in the forest with him, somewhere. "I might finally get some answers." He walked down the path with renewed hopes of his task being accomplished.[/COLOR]
  14. Gosa noticed as bugs started to crawl up his pants. He activated his blood limit as flames appeared on his legs killing the pests. He noticed as bugs crawled on Yue. He grabed her arm as flames spread over her body. He used his control over the flames to keep them off her, letting the heat kill the bugs. When he let the flames die down a knife flew by and cut a couple strands of hair. He picked it up and looked at it. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Bone knife! Alright thats it, he's dead!"[/COLOR] He drew his sword and ran toward the practice feild. He saw Kusu swing his bone sword at Toru, who ducked under it. Gosa swung his sword as Kusu turned around. They held their swords together as they pushed, trying to gain leverage. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Remember me?"[/COLOR] "It's the punk kid from before, how have you been?" [COLOR=DarkRed]"I still have a note with your name on it. Heh heh"[/COLOR] remarked Gosa, refuring to the kunai he planed on using yesterday.
  15. Gosa and Snicker walked the forest in search for Yue. The little bear cub was following behind them. In the distance they heard someone approach from ahead. It was a fox and Yue. She stopped in-front of them. [COLOR=Navy]"Hey Gosa, how'd you do?"[/COLOR] Gosa gave her a thumbs up. She walked over to him and held out her hand. [COLOR=Navy]"Here's your key back."[/COLOR] Gosa shook his head and folded Yue's hand back over the key. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Keep it. Besides, I have plenty."[/COLOR] Gosa reached in his bag and pulled out a key ring with nine other keys on it. The cub saw the keys and tackled Gosa to get at them. [COLOR=Sienna]"Gubo want keys."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Here take them"[/COLOR] He gave the keys to Gubo, he looked content and disappeared. Yue walked over to Gosa and offerred him her hand. Gosa took it with thanks. He stood and looked Yue in the eyes. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Come on you lovebirds, lets get back to the village."[/COLOR] They let go and turned their backs blushing. Gosa never really thought of Yue as more than a squad member. He turned and ran after Snicker with Yue behind him.
  16. Gosa made his clones attack Snicker as he, himself, disappeares into the forest. He hid in the trees and waited for his target to appraoch. ([COLOR=Sienna]Gosa! I see him, he's headed your way.[/COLOR]) Gosa looked up at another tree and saw the bear cub sitting on a branch. Gosa made the required hand signs. As Snicker appraoched the tree his was in. [COLOR=DarkRed]"If this dosn't work, then I don't know what will."[/COLOR] The clones disappeared. Snicker turned his head forward at the tree. There he saw Tsubasa in a pink tanktop and jean shorts. Snicker came to a complete stop. Gosa watched this from the tree directly above. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Nows my chance"[/COLOR] Gosa jumped oot of the tree and landed softly behind Snicker. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Gottcha! I knew you couldn't resist that."[/COLOR] The image faded away and Gosa held the fox above him in victory. Snicker transformed back and Gosa fell on his stomach. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Good job, nobody has evry used women to stop me before."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Lungs being crushed, losing oxygen, everything going dark![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Sorry."[/COLOR] Snicker removes himself from Gosa's back. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Lets find Yue, shall we?"[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]Domsu woke to the sound of his alarm. His sheats were wet with sweat. He had another nightmare about that fatefull night at home. He climbed out of bed and shut off his alarm. He went to the mirror and looked at himself. Beads of sweat on his forehead. He put on his clothes over his black sleeping shorts. "Satrday, time to train." He opened the door and walked to the stairs. He exited the dorms and walked to the training ground. He was the only one there, but more seniors were bound to show up. A glowing light appeared in both his hands as Alpha and Omega appeared. He started swing his sword with great skill. Being the only fighter in his senior class.[/COLOR]
  18. Before Gosa noticed he was following Snicker out of the forest and back into the city. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What the hell, this is crazy."[/COLOR] They passed the ramen shop and noticed a ninja with pink hair and Tsubasa. Gosa watched as his sensei slowed down a bit. (Well that was interesting. I could use this information later.) Tsubasa turned around and saw two figures rush by. [COLOR=Magenta]"What was that?"[/COLOR] They were back in the forest. Snicker made a sharp turn and disappeared. Gosa stopped. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Damn, were'd he go? I got and idea."[/COLOR] Gosa bit his thumb and made the five signs for the summoning jutsu. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ninja art: Sumoning Jutsu."[/COLOR] A little black bear cub appeared in front of him. [COLOR=Sienna]"Hey Gosa, what do you need?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I need an eye in the sky, or trees so to speak."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]"I'm on it!"[/COLOR] The little cub climbed the tree and looked for Gosa's target, which was described to him mentaly. That is his special ability, to relay information.
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey! I used genjutsu. You should have seen it, she was totally scared half to death."[/COLOR] Annoyed at what his sensei was implying. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, I did have to use ninjutsu to escape my room after my first attempt at genjutsu."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Alright, alright calm down. On with the training!" [/COLOR] Snicker transformed into a fox and the two ran off. Gosa cracked his neck in preperation. [COLOR=Navy]"So, what one will you go after?"[/COLOR] As she aproached Gosa. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll take sensei. He pissed me off by accusing me of using ninjutsu. Here take this, for good luck. It's the key I had to steal."[/COLOR] Yue caught the key Gosa threw and pocketed it. [COLOR=Navy]"Thanks, good luck to you."[/COLOR] The two ran in different directions after their targets.
  20. Gosa practiced his hand signs and chakra control before deciding to give it another shot. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Right, now to bust out of this room."[/COLOR] He turned toward the door and looked at the hinges. He extended his middle and pointer fingers on his right hand and lit them on fire. He melted the metal and the door fell outward. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Easy, like I said."[/COLOR] He walked the halls looking for a doctor or nurse. ([COLOR=DarkRed]Never seems to be around when you want them.[/COLOR]) He found a nurse walking infront of him. He made the hand signs. The nurse stopped and looked up from her clipboard and saw a young boy in a hospital gown. His arms were bleeding and his clothes had even more blood on them. "Whats wrong?" said the boy. The girl blinked and the boy was no longer in front of her. "You don't like games." the boy was now behind her. She turned, but he wasn't there anymore. The room turned to darkness as the boy's figure melted in with the scene. "Mind games are my favorite." taunts the boy. The nurse screamed and fainted from fright. Gosa cancled the jutsu and walked to the body and searched her pockets for a key. He gripped the metal shaft of something. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Bingo."[/COLOR] He picked up the nurse's body and sat her in a chair against the wall. "The screams came from here." Said doctors as they rushed to Gosa's location. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Crap! Gotta go."[/COLOR]
  21. Gosa waved goodbye to Yue as she and Snicker walked out the door. [COLOR=DarkRed]"One key, couldn't be that hard...can it?"[/COLOR] Gosa finished his ramen, all of it, before removing his hospital clothes to put on his. He limped to the door. He looked to his right as a doctor rounded the corner, out of sight. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What luck. Alright, I just have to remember what Iruka sensei covered in class that day."[/COLOR] Gosa limped up behind the doctor. ([COLOR=DarkRed]Damn! That was before Toru joined the Academy. I never really paid attention until after that. I'm screwed![/COLOR]) He made a noise to get the doctor's attention. He turned around and saw Gosa making hand signs. There was silence for five minutes. "Your not supposed to be out of your room." ([COLOR=DarkRed]Damn, didn't work. Must try harder next time.[/COLOR]) The doctor walked Gosa back to his room and locked it. [COLOR=DarkRed]"It won't take me long to get out of here."[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]"The most beautiful night I have ever seen."[/COLOR] The moon shone like the sun reflecting off Gosa's sword. He walked over to the table and picked up his glass of water. He drank as Yue walked over. [COLOR=Navy]"What was it like, knowing you might have died?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I just wanted to protect my friends, and this one girl I like."[/COLOR] Gosa stared into Yue's eyes and smiled. He laid across the bed and Yue sat by his head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Thanks for, for being here with me."[/COLOR][COLOR=Navy] "Your my team mate, my friend. I couldn't leave you like this."[/COLOR]
  23. It was the middle of the night when Gosa woke from his daze. His wounds have all been healed, but his muscles ached. He raised his head and saw Yue asleep at the foot of his bed. He rolled out of bed and grabed an extra blanket. He put it over Yue. He put his hand on her cheek, "Rest, you had a long day." He whispered as to not wake her. He limped to the window and sat on the sill. He stared out at the full moon. He laughed quietly to himself. "That was an awsome fight. I had fun." He continued to sit there till morning, thats when he starts his road to recovery.
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]"No....wait, your right."[/COLOR] Gosa sheathed his sword and turned to leave. The soldier pills energy ended sooner than expected, releasing their side-effects. Gosa felt like his energy was drained. He could bearly stand, he felt extremly tired. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I need some sleep."[/COLOR] Gosa fell over as Yue reached out to catch him, but she was to slow. Gosa's hand brushed up against Yue's outstreched hand. The warmth of her soft skin was the last thing he felt. He blacked out before he hit the ground. Blood still coming from his wounds. He hit the ground with a thud. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"That looked like it hurt."[/COLOR]Snicker readjusted his mask. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Lets get him to the medics."[/COLOR]
  25. Gosa looked at Tudasa with anger. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I don't care what you think. A ninja should do whatever it takes to protect the village."[/COLOR]Yue knelt beside her teammate. [COLOR=Navy]"You serriously would have killed yourself?"[/COLOR]Gosa turned his head and looked at her. [COLOR=DarkRed]"If I must then, yes, I would have. I'm sure a ninja like Kusu would not understand." [/COLOR] Gosa welcomed death. It provides him the opportunity to see his parents again. [COLOR=DarkRed]"We cant sit here, we have to help."[/COLOR] Gosa reached into his bag and grabed his last soldier pill. He split it in two and gave half to Yue. [COLOR=Navy]"Thanks"[/COLOR] It provided Gosa enough to last in battle for fifteen minutes. He would have lasted longer if the pill was whole. He used his chakra to manipulate his sword to come to his hand. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Right, lets do this."[/COLOR]The two genin charged into battle to help their commrads.
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