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Everything posted by Flagg

  1. [SIZE="1"][B]Michael Angelo Batio [/B] The video speaks for itself [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=hb5QaCfm7bg&mode=related&search=[/url] I mean seriously just wow Well I wouldn't say his music is the best but in terms of skill I think he is unmatched[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Japan_86[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]Simple answer, and a few steps to a safe and awesome credit history: 1. Get a Credit Card 2. Buy a suitcase or safe 3. Put credit card in said suitcase or safe 4. Lock said said suitcase or safe 5. 5. Hide key And only use the card for booking flights or emergencies! Thus you can build up good credit history[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I pretty much agree with Japan here. You will probably need one at one point or at least find yourself in a better position to have one, but only use it for emergencies. Don't go around using it to pay for normal things. Bottom line is don't spend money that you don't have. It's 2 bad that this world is set up so you practically need a credit card for some things cuz I really just don't like the idea of the things.
  3. My name is Nicholas so I obtained the nick name Nick early on for obvious reasons. My oldest sister calls me Chikolas cuz she is retarded. My dad called me Bubba for around 6 or 7 years for some unknown reason and has now switched to calling me Moe because he says I move like [I]Mo[/I] - lasses (hardy har har) Back in high school this kid always either called me Mulder (as in from the x-files) or Flagg (from popular stephen king books) My grandpa when he was alive always called me Charlie... Don't as me why cuz I don't really know but my guess would be Charlie Brown? And I would like to mention my friend Eric who has somehow obtained the nickname Mr. Wuggles or sometimes just Wuggs for short. I seriously didn't even know his real name for a while when I started hanging around him. All of us just call him Mr. Wuggles Wuggles or just Wuggs and sometimes ppl look at us weird when we are in public.
  4. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Darren[/B] [SIZE="1"]Do you think I should go to a junior college for a year, set up my residency, and then transfer?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Yes I do I plan to transfer to UCR
  5. [B][SIZE="1"]Hmm lets see I'm proud of the fact that I have watched 40 episodes of anime straight without moving on 2 different occasions within a 3 day period I'm proud of the fact that I have played a console rpg for 19 hours straight on the third straight day of my not sleeping streak Proud of the fact that I am really good at soccer and running despite my flat feet and pigeon toes Proud of the fact that I succeed with minimal or no effort in just about anything that I do Proud of the fact that I consider myself a decent human being that is actually fit to walk the face of this planet. (I have personally spoken with 6 other people in my lifetime who I consider not a waste of a human life) Proud of the fact that I have spent [9:03:33 PM] Time Logged: 372 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes and 30 seconds worth of time connected to bnet (an online gaming community) Proud of the fact that I have 1,741 kills with the k98 and 561 deaths while using it on the game Day of Defeat: Source (also 779 kills with the spade) Proud of my guitar playing and skills at chess Proud of my pwnage computer And last of all I am proud of my conceit and the way I take pride in trivial matters (I honestly do amuse myself)[/SIZE][/B]
  6. [B][SIZE="1"]What would you change about our government? why? How would it help? Is there an ideal government? Is it possible to form a government that is near flawless? Do you believe that our way of checks and balances between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government really work as intended? If you could reform the American government any way you wanted how would you do it or do you think this is as good as it gets and we should leave it alone? Lets get some reasons for what you would do and make sure to include lots of detail.[/SIZE][/B] lol not a school assignment i graduated last year im just curious as to what ppl think
  7. [B][SIZE="1"]I get the same response everytime this is goin nowhere fast so this is my last post on the subject. Yes I'm saying that nothing will stop them from hating except themselves and no I don't think other people will make much of a difference in the matter. Some people simply grow up and learn to accept things and others stay kids for the rest of their lives. But I don't think that should stop us from trying. I wish everyone would stop implying that I think we shouldn't even try because if you think thats what I think then you just have not been paying much attention to what I've been saying >.< this is starting to turn into a nuh uh ya hu argument i think it should stop soon [/SIZE][/B]
  8. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Rachmaninoff[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]So just as you find it hard to believe that some of us think more understanding will help, I don't understand why people think it's useless to even try. I mean, I could understand that statement if we did teach it, but we don't. And in my opinion if that education helps even just a little, to cut down on the hatred or misunderstandings, it's worth it.[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="1"]Sorry, I tryed to say that I agreed with teaching about it in school I hope I didnt come across as seeing it the other way. I just wanted to get in my opinion the real reason out there since I do happen to think that some people see it a different way. It really would be hard to hate because of the unknown in this case I think. Even kids have feelings of love I know this to be a fact. So if a boy has feelings of love for a girl, and he sees some other boy who has feelings of love for another boy. You cant hold it against him if the other boy just sickens him a lil bit (sry that sounded bad). Even if he doesnt hold it against the other boy at all you cant get rid of that feeling since he himself doesnt have feelings like that for other boys. Something simple like that is all it takes so really I don't see what there is for people to not understand and thus hate about homosexuals. What it comes down to is the person in question. If they want to hate then they will hate if not then they wont. That isnt just for homosexuals that goes for pretty much anything and there is nothing to "teach" to these hate proned people.[/SIZE][/B] maybe the hostile misunderstanding goes both ways eh? O_o
  9. [SIZE="1"][B]I lost the argument to indifference and agreed that if sexual education is goin to be taught in school then homosexuality should be covered because we will never know if it will do any good unless we try. I bowed out and intended to stay out of this but I've seen some things that just made me think wow. I really can't believe that some of you think the majority of people who hate homosexuals hate them because they fear the unknown as humanity often does. I'll make it clear for you I guess. People don't like homosexuals because they personally think it is sick. You can't teach someone in school to get over that fact thus I think it would'nt make much difference to teach about it in school. Like I said before though indifference beat me with a simple statement. You never know until you try, doing nothing will get nothing done. I just don't understand how some of you can try to mask the problem though and say that it will all be solved with understanding. I look forward to the kinda responses I get from this lol :animeswea[/B][/SIZE]
  10. [B][SIZE="1"]What do I look for in girls? Well I do tend to be more attracted to girls with long dark hair for a start. I don't really want a girl that is taller then me it just feels odd to me. The most important part needed is she needs to have a sharp mind and somewhat witty although not necessarily packed with useless knowledge. She must at all costs tolerate my obsession with anime and teh interweb. I don't really care if she doesn't have the perfect body or anything as long as she has an alright face. If you find one like that let me know I have yet to anyway ha[/SIZE][/B]
  11. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]indifference[/B] [SIZE="1"][I] Here's the the thing though, if you never try, you'll never know. That's what the push is about, to make the education more complete. To find out if a better education would make a difference. Doing nothing to improve it... well that accomplishes nothing in the end, where making the education more complete just might.[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="1"]Well I think that I am correct in the long run but you are right in that if we never try we will never know. I know when I have been defeated *bows out*[/SIZE][/B]
  12. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]indifference[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]Actually that's not completely accurate. Not every state and school in the US has sex ed and many that do, have the option where their parents can choose to not have their kids attend it. I've run into cases of people who were in their early twenties and didn't even know the basics of how to have sex. [/I][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="1"]That is true but the question is will putting it in every single school to be explained in detail really do much to solve the problem? I had some decent sex ed classes where I'm from myself and I still know of plenty of people who went to those still to become teenage parents and/or end up with stds. The problem is more like people just don't care if you ask my opinion. I guess if you have sex ed in schools you might as well cover homosexuality but to be honest I don't think it would do much good to solving as many problems as people think. That is just a matter of opinion though since one can't really say for sure either way.[/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Sandy[/B] [I]I'm sorry if I sounded like I was calling you names, but that really was a genuine question: how ignorant can you be if you think that sexual education doesn't make any difference in terms of young people's sexual behaviour?[/I][/QUOTE] I was not trying to say that it makes no difference at all I am just trying to say that I don't think it is some sort of wonder solution like a lot of you seem to think.
  13. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Sandy[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]As to do whatever the majority of the population does in terms of sexual orientation, ignoring your own feelings and how you were born... I'm just glad we gay people are slowly getting away from the opression and misery that has lasted for centuries.[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][B]You misunderstand, I was saying that whatever the majority of the population decides to do in terms of teaching it in schools or not would be called fair. I was not saying to mask your feelings and try and pretend like it doesn't exist and go with the flow.[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Sandy[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]Seriously, how ignorant can you be? If people would do just fine without any type of sexual education, we wouldn't have teenage pregnancies, HIV or other sexually transmitting diseases, or boys asking why their testicles don't fit inside the condom (true story!).[/I][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][B]Ah but we already have sexual education in schools and would you not agree we already also have plenty of teenage pregnancies, cases of HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, and guessing from your true story comment boys asking why their testicles don't fit inside the condom. And please don't lash out at me and start the name calling I hardly think my ignorance is the topic of discussion here.[/B][/SIZE]
  14. I would go [B]Death Note[/B] for psychological if you have not seen it then it's probably the best choice for you. For emotional I would watch [B]Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu[/B] and/or [B]Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora[/B] both are only 6 episodes and I think worth seeing at least once by everyone. Sorry I go out of your 12-26-episode range in all three shows >.< but if you have not seen them then they are a must see regardless.
  15. [B][SIZE="1"]I'm against sex ed in school anyway but fine I'll say that if you must teach about homosexuality do it in a highshool freshmen behavior health class. Although by that time most if not everyone will know about it anyway. Thus creates the issue is sex ed in general really needed in the school system. Seriously as human beings we got along just fine loooooooong before we started sex ed in school. To argue the issue anymore would seem pointless to me so just do whatever the majority of the population wants to do and call it fair.[/SIZE][/B]
  16. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Shy[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]Homosexuality isn't something to be 'learned through experience.' Discrimination is everywhere, and most children don't have the kind of close family relationships they need to discuss this sensitive topic. In fact, most of my gay friends have been disowned by their families after 'coming out.' If children can't be educated about homosexuality and discuss it in a classroom setting, where else can they?[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][B]If children don't have the kind of close relationships they need to discuss the sensitive topic with their family I don't see how discussing it in a classroom setting where there are far more people to discriminate against them (kids in school are pretty terrible) would make it any better. Where else can they be educated? I have not a good answer but I will say that I think it's safe to say the vast amount of our knowledge isn't learned directly from school programs is it? Probably all of us reading this know about homosexuality learning it one way or another. I see no need to go out of our way to teach kids about that stuff in public school programs. I have confidence in humanity's ability to learn on their own. Do we really need schools to regulate every little thing that we learn in our lives? At once point it just starts to get ridiculous. [/B][/SIZE]
  17. Well to put it out there in the very start I think homosexuality should not be taught about in schools. I personally think that homosexuality is wrong. Does that mean I hold it against people who are homosexuals? No it doesn't. In fact, one of my good friends from highschool is a homosexual and we still got along good. However, I do believe to teach all about it in school is crossing the line. There is a difference between what a person should learn in school and what they can choose to learn on their own. I believe school should teach children only what is needed to operate in society when they are done with mandatory education. That seems like more of a personal issue and in my defence I will say that I don't think that things like regular sex ed should be taught in school either. To teach about homosexuality will undoubtadly cause it to be more accepted and work in favor of those who would promote it. But don't misunderstand me I do not want it to work in favor or against homosexuality. I just think that it's not a topic that should be addressed in school at all. If by making people more aware of it someone hopes to lessen the prejudice against it, I can calmly say that that just wont work. That is a fairy tail type answer to problem that can only be solved with time. I think at this point I'm just typing stuff for the sake of typing so I'll end it there.
  18. I still play Contra for NES because lets get real it is like one of the best games ever made. I also like to replay all my old rpgs like Xenogears, the 2 Lunar games, Suikoden and all the other rpgs I own. Also, I can't fail to mention Metal Gear Solid, Bushido Blade 1 and 2, Super Smash Brothers Melee and the ps1 Inuyasha fighting game.
  19. lol that last one was really good from 2007DigitalBoy[COLOR="goldenrod"][INDENT][SIZE="1"][B]Flagg[/B], something like that is better suited to pm's. Unless you're adding a joke yourself, comments like this are considered off topic spam. So next time include a joke or two of your own. ^_~ SunfallE[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR] Oh sry about that I guess I have no choice but to add a few more then? [B] the "bishop" came to our church today he was a ****en impostor never once moved diagonally[/B] [B] 67% of girls are stupid i belong with the other 13%[/B] [B]< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant < bawss> Right click.[/B] [B]Mike3285: wtf is a palindrome MaroonSand: no its not dude[/B] [B] God i really cant stand windows me heh i know. i moved to win2k * Felacio sucks huge c**k errr ME, not /me[/B] [B]random girl: hey! me: ...hi? me: who is this? random girl: Jessica, I saw u on myspace random girl: ur hot me: thanks random girl: np me: this girl keeps bugging me, but I don't want to talk to her me: what should I do? random girl: make up sum excuse, like ur mom is kickin u off or sumthing me: oh alright me: I have to go me: my mom is kicking me off me: bye[/B]
  20. Well these are just a few things I've read online that I thought were pretty funny I don't know if you would really call them jokes. [B] [SIZE="1"] I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"] Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"] #1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"] : Best suicide plan ever : what is it? : you go up to the top of a roof : string piano wire tight across the front edge at neck level : tie a cord to your foot and the other end to the building so that you'll be above sidewalk level when its fully stretched : then you put super glue on your hands : and put your arms around the front of the wire and then back to touch your head : then you lean forward, so the piano wire cuts your neck but not your elbows : when the cord goes taut, youll be hanging upside down with no head....except your head will be in your outstretched arms thanks to gravity and the glue, staring at someone upside down and spewing blood everywhere. : And some poor bastard will be traumatized for LIFE. : i dont think i can be your friend anymore[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"] "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield." opposite over hypotenuse dipshit[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"] so, at this college there was an extra credit question "Is hell endothermic or exothermic" this is what one kid wrote: First, we postulate that if souls exist, then they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls can also have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for souls entering hell, lets look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to hell. Since, there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change in volume in hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant. So, if hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase until all hell breaks loose (i.e.,Hell is exothermic). Of course, if hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, than the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over (i.e.,Hell is endothermic). So which is it? If we accept the postulate given by Ms.Therese Banyan during my freshman year, "That it will be a cold night in hell before I go out with you," and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having a relationship with her, the second case cannot be true. Therefore, hell is exothermic. the kid was the only one who got credit[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"] you know what's ALWAYS bothered me? cold cereal mascots I mean that is just some ********D UP S**T the Trix rabbit, for example I dunno man... if I were him I'd be f***ing KILLING some kids I remember a commercial where the f***in rabbit WENT INTO A F***IN STORE AND BOUGHT A BOX OF TRIX WITH HIS OWN F***IN MONEY. f***in kids came outta NOWHERE and basically f***in mug the poor stupid b**ch rabbit "silly rabbit Trix are for kids" F***in rabbit just sits there and looks depressed. F**K NO that wouldn't fly with me I'd have pimp-slapped EVERY ONE OF those f***in b**ches and made them go get me the REST of a "complete breakfast" and eat Trix right in front of them b**ches and THEN beat the s**t out of them some more. and wtf is with the disguises? All the dumb rabbit does is hide his ears and all of a sudden he's a f***in kid? I dunno about you, but if I SAW a 6 foot f***in RABBIT with his ears tucked under a baseball cap, I wouldn't immediately think "Hey, there's a cool lookin human kid, let me go over and share some of my cereal with him" NO. I'd be thinking "that's a 6 foot f***in RABBIT with his ears tucked under a baseball cap... what the F**K was I just smoking?" another thing... wtf is up with cereal being "A part of this complete breakfast" last time -I- checked, cereal WAS breakfast they show a big a** bowl of frosted flakes next to a waffle, a pancake, toast, a banana, a f***in grapefruit... who the F**K eats a breakfast that big not me I don't even EAT breakfast nomore I mean, I eat when I get up but the whole thought "BREAKFAST IS ONLY SERVED UNTIL SUCH AND SUCH TIME" b**ch, you make my f***ing sausage and egg sandwich when I pay you the f***ing money don't give me that s**t. Back to stupid cereal mascots... Lucky Charms. F***ING LUCKY CHARMS Lucky can turn the f***ing MOON into a marshmallow, and he can't escape a bunch of f***ing 6 year olds?!?!? C'mon now, Lucky. I KNOW your b**ch a** has got to have a "Blow the f***ing kids up" spell SOMEWHERE or make "kid marshamllows" and EAT those b**ches. "They're after me Lucky Charms!" .... KILL THEM, B**CH! I dunno why I went off on this rant here it's just always bothered me."[/SIZE][/B]
  21. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Lethargy[/B] Everyone dies when they are supposed to die, and if you disrupt this natural occurrence by choosing the time of one's demise, you are essentially playing God, Allah, Jehova, Jah, Seaxnéat, Amun, Zeus, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahman, Anshar, that rock, the sun, Bob Saget, or whatever higher power you believe or disbelieve in. It is not one's place to decide when one shall leave this world.[/QUOTE] I consider myself as a human being a part of this world and as such I should have the right to choose if I die by my own hand and when. If I made the decision to die then who is to say that that is not when I was supposed to die? I don't believe in a higher power and I'm not trying to criticize one in any way but I do believe that my life is lived by none other then myself therefor I should be the one to have the most control over it.
  22. I have never been popular in rl or the e-world nor have I cared or strived to be. I'm just a lonely anime otaku and to be honest I think it better then trying to be popular. Maybe you just should not care as much like me.
  23. I've been listening to a lot of bands I guess. Just a moment ago I was listening to [B]AFI - The Great Disappointment[/B]. Other bands besides [B]AFI[/B] include [B]Bullet for my Valentine[/B], [B]Coheed And Cambria[/B], [B]Dashboard Confessional[/B], [B]From First to Last[/B], [B]Linkin Park[/B], [B]My Chemical Romance[/B], [B]Rise Against[/B], [B]Taking Back Sunday[/B], [B]Three Days Grace[/B], and [B]Thursday[/B]. Although I listen to stuff like that most of the time I am a lover of almost all music except Country.
  24. I stole a hundred dollar bill from my moms bf. That's probably a bad thing but I don't feel any guilt or anything. Him and her were messing around when my parents were still together so it really didn't bother me at all. I find your boyfriends story to be somewhat heroic and inspiring.
  25. I'm proud to say I have almost no limits in my obsession with anime but if I had to say that I liked some things more then others then I would say that I like romance/drama and pretty much anything with an interesting plot. I want my anime to make me think.
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