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Everything posted by myanimeworld149

  1. sorivile was getting axious, he wanted to be the first to rip someone in half, the bloodlust was killing him. "sly? when are we there?! i want to kill someone!" "[I]as soon as the hyena says we can! don't worry i'm anxious as well![/I]" said the huge weasel sly, it shook a little and sorivile had to tighten his restraints a little so he wouldn't fall off his seat. "nng! go quicker! go ahead!" said sorivile pressing a button or two. "[I]patience boy! we'll get there! use the invisbilty when you see the camp, we'll be able to get one of them![/I]" "good thinking!^^ i luffs ya sly! ow! sirt no biting!" he hit a little bulge on his shirt that is his hampster, it squeaked. "i luffs you too sirt, you were first so that's makes it special!^^" the hampster squeaked happily after he said that. sorivile went back to scouring the horizon, and there, he saw it, the enemy, the meat, his favorite meal, blood. a wry smile went on him and sly. he pressed the button and his bot melted seamlessly into the scenery. "t[I]i[/I]m[I]e[/I] f[I]o[/I]r s[I]o[/I]m[I]e[/I] f[I]u[/I]n!!!" both him and his bot said in unison.
  2. OOC : is this post dead? or are waiting for someone to post so they can get inspiration?
  3. sorivile dashing ahead of everyone, instinct of a weasel taken over his thoughts, he could smell the target, he didn't need a radar, both sly and sorivile got more excited every step that sly took, light on his feet he was dashing, skidding ontop if water and almost flying. " [I]When are we going to get there?! [/I]" said his bot sly anxious. " by scent a couple minutes! i can already taste or the meat sack's blood!" said sorivile in reply happily, he laughed throwing his head back and sly did the same thing in it's own weasel laugh.
  4. Sorivile walked up to the weasel still scratching himself, this time it was the arm. [I]what's wrong?[/I] Sly cocked his head at him. "This new suit! it's so itchy!!!" [I]You'll get used to it right?Ii don't want someone squirming around.It's uncomfortable.[/I] "i'll get used to it! don't worry! you're just like sirt! worrying about me!...oh come on yes you do!" he said the last bit to the hampster on his shoulder.it just shook his head and wiggled his way back into his shirt. [I]When are we going to have fun? i'm so very anxious![/I] Said sly jumping up and down. "If you stop moving so i can get in we'll be ready as soon as everyone else is here!" He said smiling his one fang showing up obviously. Sly stood still as Sorivile hopped back in his seat and strapped in(Saftey first!) He started walking the weasel around, climbing walls and hanging above everyone waiting and watching the large doors so he and sly could go "have fun"
  5. OOC: i'm sorry guys, with my scheduale i can't do this anymore, anyone can pick up where i left off so there isn't a hole anymore. i hope you're not mad at me, and please keep kailo going! she needs to finish this story too you know! p.s. I'M SORRY!:animecry:
  6. "I never wear anything but this!" Sorivile said as he walked out of his mech.He saw the stern glare stalled. "But everything else is so itchy!" The glare kept going. "Fine fine, have it your way boss man, I'll be uncomfortable the whole trip." he walked out, little sirt on his shoulder still, giving the evil eye to the CO as Sorivile left. They got the their dorm and found the suit. "Gah, so ugly." little sirt looked at him. "What? blue and red go together!.....Oh what do you know you're a hampster!" He changed and him room again scratching his side. "This, will not help my fighting skills!" his big eyes flashed a tint of red.
  7. " Tch, how rude! ah well, back in I sup-OW! sirt!" he pulled a hampster from his shirt and scoweled at it. " No biting! Don't make me put you in the dresser again!" He let the hampster scamper up his arm and sit on his shoudler as he went back in and sat down, strapped in and took over the weasel's vision again. " So weasel bot, what can you do?" [I]press a button any button![/I] the voice popped up in his head. "Nifty keen! you can talk to me! so, do you like to have fun?" [I]Loads.[/I] "Great! now lets see...." he pressed a button and the weasel jumped.Amazed he pressed another and nothing seemed to happen. "what happened?" [I]stealth button[/I] The bot said happily [I]you learn very quickly![/I] "well thank you! you need a name.....Sly! you're Sly now!" [I]yay![/I] "Now lets see....I know!" he controls the weasel to walk around the wing, annoying the others and pretending to act like an actual weasel, sneaky, curious, mischevious, and playful.
  8. Sorivile, seeing how everyone is ignoring him, decides to hop into the cockpit that he couldn't close, the door closes and he looks around, simple buttons labeled but he couldn't read it all it's all faded out. He looks at the controls, it looked like a game control without the buttons, just the analog sticks. he grabbed hold of them and then a new vision popped up in his head, it looked as though he was looking through the eyes of his bot. he smirked to him self as he brought one stick forward making the weasel walk forward. " Cool! But now do i get out?" He looked around then almost immediately the same door on the side of the bot opened up. he got out and went to the front where the bot was looking at him head tilted to one side, sorivile though he was confused. "Don't worry." He smiled petting the large wet nose "We'll have loads of bloody good fun!" He turned to Gar. "Hey Gar?" no response" RUDE BOY! when's the fun? i want rip someone in half!" his smile was curled and wicked, eager to have his brand of "fun" (ooc: sorivile gave you all nicknames so ya....bear with it. good guys, your name is meat sack sorry to say.)
  9. (ooc: hey! you never told me it started! since i have just a bad guy i'm just gonna use him) Sorivile walks into the room. "sorry i'm late, one of the meat sacks out there got me mad." he smiles mischeviously. "Am i too late?" Something moves and catches his eye, it was a huge weasel. he walked straight up to it touched the nose, it was wet, he smiled. "weasel bot...." The giant bot pushed it's nose against him making him laugh, he notices a opening and looks at it, it was the cockpit, large and not full of buttons or levers, simple and had a comfy looking chair, he wanted to go inside but it could've been a trap seeing as the bot had a mind of it own. he hopped up top of it feeling the softness, thinking it was going to be hard and cold but no, it was soft and warm, like an actual weasel. He looks at the others. "So these are ours?" he said excitedly like a little five year old, that's all he was, an extremly smart five year old with an insane homicide's personality.
  10. Watching them she sighs." Guess i have to go too. this is not a good time to wear a dress." She walks to the edge and hops down ledge after ledge making sure no one at the bottom is looking up. (ooc: sorry it's so short, you guess can use me or w/e in your replies, my mind is in a blank right now)
  11. After gaining courage slightly and noticing someone else walk there she comes from hiding and walks over. "H-Hello." She said smiling nervously. Nie looks over. "Oh hello there!" He said getting up and looking at her. "You're a cute one! who do you think you're the reincarnation of?" " Hmmm...." She thinks playfully. " You?" " Bingo!" he said and she just laughs. "Aw! too bad your so much older and dead now, I could've dated you." She said playfully winking. " I like this girl!" he said smiling. Kailo laughs (ooc: i cant to write more but i can't think of anything.i also thought nie would of been like a charmer since he is fire, he'd be firey and flirtasious!(sp?):catgirl:)
  12. "What the?" Kailo sat there, hearing a voice in her head. Thinking it was important since all the voices in her head has never steered her wrong set out for the mountains." Mountains? well, it's not that far, i could make it in a couple hours." She made a friend along the way,it was a stray cat that followed her all the way to the mountains. She decided to keep it and name it Kira. it was black and sleek, it liked running around chasing little fireballs she controlled like a toy mouse. She got to the top after an exhausting climb and saw eight people, confused and dazed think it was an illusion scrambled the rest of the way up and kind of hid away.[I]Who are these people?[/I] She thought hard, she started thinking. (ooc: ya, i'm not so good in the begining, don't worry! i'll get more ideas as we go on!^^')
  13. (this is gonna be a challenge! i like challenges!) Name: Kailo Lisathera Age: 18 Gender: female Personality: Kailo is very sweet most of the time but does get violent when mad just like a fire. When she gets free time she enjoys reading and sketching, sometimes making fires start in a fireplace with a snap of her fingers. Many see her as a gentle kind girl, but her last three boyfriends will tell her discipline techniques are quiet harsh.(he uses a sword) Not most people know her anyways and just know her by,"That girl with the purple hair" The ones that dop know her always will say "Nice, but don't get her mad, she burned down the neighbor's house one time" So don't get her mad. Appearance: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?id=244105[/url] Rencarnation of: Nie- of the fire Power: controls fire(obviously), can concentrate the fire into a very intense small ball that can burn nthrough almost anything and cause holes in people sides, very good hand-to-hand skills, a few little surprises that will come up in the story later.(not that big, just like "oh i didn't know you can do that!" kind of thing) Weapon: a staff with a point on the bottom.(helps her control the fire) made of wood, straight and smooth the top looks like a lioness's head and a large black heart charm off it. Bio: She was met by a strange man who told her she was a reincarnation, at first she didn't believe him but sooner or later she had to once she accidently set her neighbor's house on fire.:animeswea
  14. Name: James Holran Age: 21 Personality: Smart, kind, and loves a good challenge, he'll join any game, he's also very easy to get along with Apperance: [url]http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb64/animexisxmyxlife/anime%20boys/?action=view¤t=blondblueangelguy.jpg[/url] Origins: He was a prince till his father was overthrown by his own uncle. He now lives with his best friend in a small but busy town. Crest: [url]http://s225.photobucket.com/albums/dd112/retromirrorart/?action=view¤t=Design17.jpg[/url]
  15. Name: Sorivile Ton Age:18 Personality: Completly insane, he likes to kill, he doesn't do it often though knowing if he does it too much he'll be sent back to the asylum, he has a thing for sharp objects and fire. If you befriend him he's very sweet and funny. You can always find something about him that makes you laugh like his poofy pants, or the hampster that lives in his shirt. Apperance(image if you can please): [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?id=241012[/url] (He has a fang yes, only one, he's human, just with a fang) Good/Bad: He's good, he just seems like a baddy. Mech: Dragon Other: A hampster lives in his shirt, he named it Sirt.He has a thing for calling people "meat sacks" when he doesn't know them, he also likes eating raw meat. (kinda crazy for a good guy huh?) He may seem crazy but he has moral and rules, he only kills the bad guys. ---- P.S.If you think he's not a good guy you can put him in the bad catagory and give him the weasel.I don't mind.:catgirl:
  16. yami took a quick look at her friends list. "Everyone's on but...How do I know where they are?!" Not being on for a long time had it to where she lost alot for basic things.[I]Hmmm...maybe if I...[/I]she thought clicking the name "shino" all of the sudden she blinked and she was standing at a house. [I]dang!....that was wierd, new feature maybe?[/I]she thought. before she could knock a little gruntie ran into her leg, it grumbled in disappiontment. "Oh hey there little guy, what you doing here?" she said picking up the gruntie. It grunted in surprise and excitment. "You abandoned by your owner?" The little gruntie sagged in her hands. "Well then, you can stay with me! i'll name you after my favorite color too! Blackey! because you also have that huge black nose!" she smiled and the gruntie got really happy it almost squirmed it's way out of her hands, but she held tight to the new little Blackey. She took a quick look in thw window to make sure Shino and Sinclair were there and knocked on the door. "Hello? Anyone in there?" she said. (Ooc:i forgot the series so if i made any mistake please let me know.(like the friend list thing) i'm not so good at remembering things from shows and mangas....i'm terrible at it actually.^.^')
  17. Yami spat on the ground. "So? You haven't been through what I have. So what? He burned you and scarred you for life? Try being blinded and losing your family and your team right in front of your own eyes. Also try being genetically altered at the age of 5. Don't answer; I know you'll just yell at me, I'm going to the student lounge." Yami said walking off. Inside a little girl walked up to her, her name was Nala, she was like a little sister to Yami, but wasn't really. "Onee-san? What?s going on? I don't see you at this time." "Aw, it's nothing kid," Yami said patting nala's head. "I?m just thinking, don't worry Nala." Yami gave Nala a little smile and then headed off to the student's lounge. When there, she looked out the window and got a clear view of where nami was. "Must be some guy to have her yell at us," she spat on the ground again. ?Not like I care, she's just a girl with a stupid sob story just like me. I'm of course the worst case I guess, being the one with deaths and all that...."yami laughed a bit. ?Funny, I always thought my life tragic...it probably is, mine's just not as bad as the next person probably." Yami started laughing again but stopped when she heard the door open, she turned to look. (Ooc: I?m keeping whoever opened the door open so anyone in the rp can join me, cuz it looks like monipo's got her own little battle now, might as well have spectators right?)
  18. " tch, i don't DO head on attacks nami, i use my brain...and time....time is your friend nami, not your enemy." said yami, non-chalantly. "besides, he doesn't seem tough, he reminds me of my old team mates...very head strong." [I]Look who's talkin'[/I] a little voice in her head said. Yami had a little voice, she doesn't know from where, or how, but it does get very annoying sometimes. "besides, what does he want anyways? destroy the village? rob a ramen shop? kill the present hokage? not like he really can, hokage is almost impossible to beat."
  19. Yami sat there in her seat, a solitary and isolated Genin in the class, alone, no one really liked her ever since her last team was killed and she was the only survivor. Everyone thought it was her fault. Though it wasn't, it was a bunch of ninjas from the village hidden in the mist.When she heard about the people in the woods she couldn't help but be hyper about the thrill of a chase to kill some bad person and save the day to prove she isn't to blame about her team dying."Finally!" Said Yami, shooting straight from her seat, ready to save the day" Some action!" And she sped off after the others,[I]time to save the day![/I] Yami thought.
  20. (ooc: srry XxXLolitaGothXxX , i'll try not make that mistake again...but still, yami is the type to make wrong judgments) Yami woke up and logged on the computer. "Great, I'm late, 9:30....well, better late then never," She checked a few things in her house "Hmmmm....today? Or later?" She said holding up a little french maids outfit "....I'll wear it today I guess, it'll be fun." She changed her mid-driff and short shirts for the maids dress. She looked in a mirror and laughed, "My tail sticks out like a big red feather duster!" She giggled a little more before heading out of her home.[I]Now, wear is shino or sinclair?[/I] She thought, [I]Guess I'll try Shino's house or something...or Sinclair's...or....I can go out and level up a few times! That'll be fun...maybe I can try a new world....that means I'll need to get to the chaos gate.[/I] she walked throught the market place, she did bash a few faces in, because some boys ouldn't stop yelling at her to "Bend over!" or "Would you like to come to my house?" she started regretting the outfit change. [I]darn it, where's shino or sinclair? god, I should've gotten their email addresses before they logged off.[/I] she thought still walking through the market.
  21. Yami sat in her own house still logged on and sighed."great" yami said out loud."no one here to talk to, might as well go see what's the gossip is in the market." she got up and left the house. in the market she met was able top pick alot of useless gossip, but she did find something a little intresting. "come on! I know you know about it!"said someone, he had very short brown hair. "ok, ok, I'll tell you! Just keep quiet about it!" said the other one he had short blonde hair. "One of my friends say that they found the glitch, but, it's in the core, they say the glitch is what made that thing happen awhile back." "you mean with the 6 people passing out?" "ya. but i doubt it. i think the glitch is somwhere up my!.." "ok! no need to finish the sentence! we all know you don't believe it!" That's when the voices started to wear down, yami logged off. In the real life yami did a quick search about the people that passed out. She found out alot about it from newarticles...then quickly looked up the only group she's know whith 6 people, the [B].hackers[/B]. She found alot of posts and threads, and she looked at a few, but none were interesting, so she checked the time, 8:30pm. "great, only 8:30." she said sighing "Guess i'll just check my other sites." after she checked her sites she went to bed, glad that tommorrow was a saturday, she wanted to see her new, but hyper, friends again.
  22. "so shino, I can play for about...three more hours, I always log off at 9pm...I guess...I could let you in on why I was gone so long...or what I'm after here in the world...."Yami said somewhat thinking out loud. "oh! i'd like to know about goal thing!" Said shino. [I]Oh please lord[/I]Yami thought[I]don't make her one of those a.d.d. people...she's in my party now![/I] "Ok, I guess I can tell you, as long as you promise not to tell anyone without my permission." "Promise!" " Aliright, I started out hyper and happy like you. After searching for treasure and all that. I i collected almost everything, and got bored. So, i started raising and selling grunties. It didn't get any more exciting then finding thing I already found. Then i went off gaining levels, fight monsters, all that...well, except that I never did see that monster you guys just made dissappear. That got boring too, so I decided to finally get party members. I did, but then i had to leave for a while, I came back and they were gone, anyways, now that you know my history, I found out from one of my old buddies that there's a rare item no onehasever seen or got. Also, that it grants ultimate power, and it's hidden in a major glitch in the world thought to be fixed. I'm trying to find it, but not in a hyper treasure hunter way, I'm mostly quiet, so i stay in the shadows and watch other treasure hunters...they tick me off. You don't though...it's kinda weird....well!" said yami getting up now. "You wanna help out, or shall we do something you wanna do? I'm willing to do anything right now." said yami as she takes out a staff. "What's that?" Said shino pointing to yami's staff. "Oh, this old thing?" said yami inspecting it. "Just my staff, I can control time for a short amuont of time, great for boss battles and get aways. I like to just turn into my giant cat mode and fight that way, I was able to get werewolf as career. Pretty nifty huh? I'm pretty bored of my character style right now, I'm hoping to change it sooner or later....maybe I'll wear the fench maids outfit I won."Yami said polishing her staff.
  23. (ooc: i hope this is ok, i'm completly new to this) yami was on the other side of the chaos gate already, hiding in the shadows of the castle, when she saw sinclair and shino, she started to just watch them. [I]hmmmmmmmmm..[/I]she thought [I]i guess they're alright, not too hyper...as far as i can tell, also, they look pretty nice, i need some friends anyways, all my old ones quite my party.[/I] she walked out of shadows and got behind them silently. "hello there!" she said happily. both girls jumped and squeaked in shock. yami laughed a little "wow, a little jumpy today aren't we?" she jumped over the girls and whisked there heads with her long fluffy red tail." so nice to see people that AREN'T out for treasure, you guys aren't out for treasure are you? cuz i don't like treasure hunters that much, they're all way too hyper." "ya, probably, all depends on if we find something." said shino. "well, i guess, hey, can i come along? my whole party dumped me because i wasn't able to be on here for a while, but now i'm back...and they dumped me." said yami, in her same old monotoned voice. "sure, why not! as long as it's ok with sinclair of course!" shino said happily. [I]great, hyperness.....no doubt a treasure hunter.[/I] she thought.[I]i wonder if i can find any sane people...aw well, they'll do for my first friends in my party.[/I]
  24. Name:yami michi (mickey) Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: she'll wear anything british punk, that means, plaid miniskirts w/ black leggings(she does not like her legs) and white button up shirts! Biography: she was ingulfed in her powers, she loved them so much she would study from the town library, but as her powers grew the library shrank in knowledge, so, she moved out and headed to esper hall! Powers:levetating, bending objects, can freeze time for about two secs, can teleport an apple three feet. Affinity:no idea what that means but, if you mean lesbo or straight, she's straight. Other facts:she's a quiet girl, not a bookworm or wall flower,just a little shy. she loves cute guys, but she has a passion for nerdy boys, she'll take a dungeon and dragons boy over a hunky football player any day! but you get her a smart, cute, passionate, and did i mention smart? type of guy, she'll pick him up, hold him tight, and never let go! she hates show offs and over active people, she likes nice long conversations, walks on beaches(corny, i know), riding with dolphins, and anything gothic or wicken! bad habits? she bites her nails, she kills if you piss her off enough, she has a very short fuse, and she can never for her life get a spoon to bend with her mind(she can get everything else though!)
  25. Name-yami age- 21 Gender-female Personality-mostly quiet, has a very short temper, gets along well with non-hyper people, she will try to kill you friend or not if you get in her way off her ultimate goal. Likes-peace, quiet, onigiri, sake, anyone that's not hyper. Dislikes-hyperness, loud noise, anything sudden. Class- time class, can do anything to time except it only changes it for the minute Appearance- red neko! red fur completly covering body.her face looks sorta like a cats(just that she has a cat nose and whiskers) she wear a green and brown mid-driff shirt, and tiny short blue jean shorts. her tail is big anf fluffy...she likes to use it as a pillow, she can also change into a "werecat" aka. werewolf. Bio- i discoverd the world on accident, i was just fooling around and stumbled upon it, i got hooked on it by the utter desire to be something i'm not. it's fun for me so playing the world gave me something to do and a place to finally make friends.(it's very hard for me in the real world) Occupation-werewolf(is that right? i forget what they called it) Weapons- claws, her time staff(for time spell) and teeth when in wolf form. Snippet- wake up at 6am and get to school by 7 go to my first two classes then have lunch at noon finish my last two classes(on a special learning plan) then go home at 3pm go onto the world at 4pm and play till 9pm log of at 9pm and goes to sleep. on weekends i get up at 9am and go onto the world 9:30am and play for twelve straight hours. (ooc: i hope the snippet's ok!)
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