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Everything posted by oscarX

  1. I have a crushes on someoen I actually can have instead of looking retarded while drooling over a poster of an anime girl.
  2. oscarX


    [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]*points to her signature* Thank you for failing to understand something that is merely done for fun and for calling me pathetic as well. :animesigh Honestly do you even get the point of these fake marriages? As others have said, they're just for fun and nothing more. What's pathetic is your failure to understand a joke between friends and taking things out of context since most people who have fake online marriages aren't serious about it at all, myself included. The same is true of online dating. It's mostly just for fun. So try to lighten up a little here.So what? What's wrong with it, again most of the time it's just for fun so who cares? I fail to understand why it even bothers you in the first place.I can and I would. I've been around long enough that I know people who met online and eventually met in real life and got married. And to this day are still married. Happily I might add. Dating strictly online isn't as bad as you're making it out to be. And contrary to what you think they can and do develop into real relationships. And worrying about someone turning out to be a guy is pointless. After all there are guys in real life who dress up as women and date other guys without telling them. That sort of thing is not limited to the internet you know. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I am not talking about finaly meeting them Im talking like just having a bf or gf just to have one because you cant get one and i can tell if im dating a dude in real life internet you cant
  3. Seriously Its a horrid effect and whats even worse when they dont think about the children. My parent had vows never to leave each other and Im seriously glad for it. It has a horrid efect especially the custody battle. The parents should think of the children before divorce. If they loved them unless its dire they would try to work things out.
  4. oscarX


    Gaiaonline.com I have seen in there forums gaia marriges you cant say that is not pathetic there getting fake marrige IS the most pathetic thing I have ever seen online next to cyber sex. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] Just to make it clear for everyone- I'm talking about teenagers who are just out there and have 'online girlfriends/boyfriend' [i]because they want one[/i]. Not because they really [i]do[/i] find each other's company nice, but because they want to say "I date". Does it happen in real life? Yes. Middle school is notorious for it. I just think it's more common in online dating, because it also happens to be more convenient. [/color][/QUOTE] i agree just kids wanting to have an online girl or boyfriend thats what im talking about [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=DarkRed]Why? Why is online dating dumb? Or rather why do you think it is? And I don't buy the bit about the ones that annoy you in chat rooms. A handful of irritating kids is hardly enough to base an opinion of they are all dumb and pathetic on. Also, it's already been addressed but sticking to only meeting people in real life doesn't guarantee that the person you are dating is safe. If anything, a strictly online relationship and such a young age, especially if no information as to where you live and such is given out is probably quite a bit safer than a normal one. It's a little hard to assault someone through a screen and if they get verbally abusive you just ignore them. Much easier than dealing with one of those sex offenders if you were dating them face to face.Again, why pathetic? Why are we limiting these teens to have only relationships with people they can meet face to face? Why are we labeling them as pathetic? And at the age this thread is referring to finding friends or dating someone with similar tastes even if it's online is pretty normal. Especially if you live in a community, say like mine, where a lot of parents believe anime is nothing but porn. So finding someone online who likes it too is a big attraction to a lot of kids around here.The same is true of a person you meet in real life. People cheat, steal, rape and murder. Meeting them face to face is no guarantee that you really know what they are like. Honestly, if kids are dating online at a young age, so long as they aren't giving personal information such as addresses and real names and such out. I just don't see what the fuss is. Even if they are bugging you in chat rooms. Just find another chat room or take advantage of the handy ignore button or block sender function that many of them have. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Would you back your friend up if he or she was saying I got a special someone .youll ask who it is theyll say i dont know. seriously having nothing but strict online relationships is not good if you fially get a real one your confidence will go down. I really dont see how I would back anyone up for dating omeone online and never meeting them. I wouldnt want to date anyone who might be a guy im a straight guy and a guy acting like a blond girl just creeps me out. [SIZE=3][INDENT][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]oscarX,[/B] you have already been warned about not double posting and having better quality. Using something like word or hotmail to spell check one's posts is a must. Members who continue to break the rules are candidates for a ban. ~SunfallE[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE]
  5. oscarX


    I just find it an excuse for them not able to get dates. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']So it's not like you can bash it for being inneffective -- it's just like regular dating only without sex![/COLOR][/quote] you know not evryone has sex on dates whats the point of being romantic with them if your not going to meet them
  6. Which is cooler? The PIRATES or NINJAS? This has been wondered alot and now Im asking the question.
  7. oscarX


    [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkRed]It's not necessary to edit the original post you know, you can simply explain what you mean by adding another post. Also, please do not use all caps since that's the same as shouting online. ^_~ [/COLOR][/QUOTE] sorry well i mean 12 13 15 year olds having online dates and i dont go to chatrooms anymore because in like 5 minutes theyll starts saying how the feel about me even though i dont know them and if two people like you online and they meet IT GETS REALLY REDICULOUS well i cant telll you how many times i been asked to go out with people online
  8. oscarX


    [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkRed']So you made the edit, so what? It's still the same, unless the kids, and you didn't specify what age you meant here, are we talking about teenagers or preteen? Anyway so long as they are old enough to date why should it matter how they decide to meet people? Again there is nothing pathetic about using any and all resources to meet people with similar interests since the dangers of meeting someone who would take advantage of you is the same. Or rather meeting them in the real world instead of online is no guarantee that they wouldn't be a sex offender or something worse. [/COLOR][/quote] OKAY ILL MAKE ANOTHER EDIT OF WHAT I MEAN
  9. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Looking at yaoi and yuri isn't really connected with crushes. It's like porn. Except... in cartoon form.[/color][/quote] Yeah i know that but alot of kids get in to that because they have crushes you dont have to be a genious to know some people get in to that because they have a crush on them OR they just like porn OR they were told about it by there friends I been on myotaku and some girls have crushes on the character and they talk about looking at yuri of that character
  10. oscarX


    OKAY i made the edit im not talking like eharmony or perfect match
  11. [quote name='Sephiroth][COLOR=DarkRed']As long as they look human, people can be attracted to them, I remember back in the day a lot of people had a thing for Jessica Rabbit, and way before that Betty Boop (I'm not THAT old :mad: )[/COLOR][/quote] people still have crushes on betty boop lol ---------------------------- yeah it starts really getting creepy when they crush on the character so much they start looking at yaoi and yuri etc. TO PARENTS If you have yuri and yaoi in your search thing talk to your kids about it [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]oscarX[/B], I merged your posts together, if you wish to add something use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post. Do not double post. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  12. oscarX


    I want to know what is with people dating online. Kids having girlfriends or boyfriends online is the dumbest and most pathetic thing i have ever heard of. Besides you dont know if that guy is a sex offender who wants your address. EDIT Im not saying stuff like eHormony when at first you intend to meet the person you talk to. And I intentionally put KIDS because thats is what is pathetic EDIT 2 i am not talking about adults like umm up to 15 years old your still to young your parents still have custody of you they can still claim you
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