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Everything posted by Hylian

  1. Wow congrats!!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I have been to state and placed in Wrestling and Swimming...And I am a professional gamer for ssbm lol. So I have some experience with tournaments. And my little brothers went to the world series for baseball for their age group..they got 4th I think losing to japan which is still really good >_>.
  2. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']Wouldn't that line of thinking also apply to professional sports, though? Or really anything that you enjoy and can make into a career? I would think that most people would love to get paid for doing something they enjoy. Sure, it wouldn't be as fun as doing it on your own time, at your own pace, but it's definitely better than a job you dislike.[/color][/quote] I agree with this. I hate it when people degrade professional gaming >_>...It's not like I live off video games and the tournament money. I actually pretty much only play at tournaments or when a bunch of friends are over and want to play or something. And look at it this way, would someone look down on you more for being a professional gamer or a garbage man? Professional gaming takes talent and skill just like professional sports do and is hard to get into.
  3. Big characters are generally bad because they can be combo'ed so easily. Fox can infinite combo a DK all day if he is technical enough. Not to mention DK's shield is horrible..the worst in the game. And fox is hard to grab in the first place and that is what DK is best at. Grab combos. Fox's shine prevents DK from getting those grabs in easily. I am really suprised he beat chu dat though. IC's have the best grab combos in the game. One grab especially by Chu Dat and you lose a stock. Everytime. IC's do especially well against DK as well so its suprising that Bum won >_>. Good ****.
  4. Heh. People who spam 1 move are boring to play because they are so easy. Run up to them. Wavedash backwards. Watch them do their laggy move then punish for it everytime. One good way to beat shiek with fox is his grab. Dashdance around to get a grab in then upthrow uair them. Works at almost any %'s if your opponent doesn't DI correctly. On another note, a DK player named Bum just got 4th in a huge tournament taking out the best falcon player in the world and the best IC player in the world(who also happens to be the second best in america) Crouds were amazed! lol. Just more proof that Skill > Tiers. He ended up losing to a fox though of course.
  5. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I will always hate the fact that Shiek is high/top tier, because everyone always says that that's why I choose her... T_T I chose Shiek even before I knew of tiers, and all that "good" stuff before I really liked her in Ocarina of Time, and that I could switch into Zelda, who was never playable before in any (good lol) game. And I happen to like speedy ninja-types too, and Shiek even has senbon (the needles)! But nooooo... :animeangr I play as Shiek because she is "teh uber and 1337" apparently... :( So usually, I have to use other characters just so people won't yell. Oh well...I guess it isn't fun to always win a match, anyway... ;) [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Haha yeah alot of people hate playing shiek because she is so easy to learn and so good. Fox and falco do well against her though.
  6. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]Partially. When you said that about inflammable I looked it up and forgot about it, lol. Don't be sorry it was my bad. Infamous however, having just looked it to make sure I'm not having amnesia, I was correct about regarding the prefix. :) We can split the wrongness/rightness.[/color][/QUOTE] Haha ok split it we will. I was thinking of Flammable/Inflammable when I saw infamous >_>. *slaps head* XD! Oh wells. Soo...What is your favorite game series? Mine is Zelda/SSBM >_>. I also use to play DDR alot.
  7. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]The prefix in- in this usage means not. Infamy is literally not famous but is used to say someone is famous for negative reasons. Inflammable is not flammable. I'm not sure if you are trying to be cute but those two words become antonyms when the prefix in- is given to them.[/color][/QUOTE] I'm sorry but you are REALLY mistaken. [url]http://wsu.edu/~brians/errors/inflammable.html[/url] [url]http://www.randomhouse.com/wotd/index.pperl?date=20000919[/url] "In" In the case of Inflammable is not a prefix. It is a warning. The negative of flammable is "nonflammable". And I was wrong about infamous sorta. They both mean the same thing but infamous does have a negative meaning to it.
  8. ...Famous and Infamous and be used interchangibly in any sentance >_>. Just like Flammable and InFlammible...they mean the exact same thing. People only add meaning to infamous thinking it means someone famous and bad. No. Yes, english is weird. You are supposed to use them based on the sentance structure..like who and whom. That is the only difference in the words.
  9. Hylian


    Ummm I'm pretty sure you can catch a Mr Mime Jr in Pearl...Go the the Pokemon mansion and on one of the days he will have mr mime jrs in his back yard...he did for me anyways >_>. I just breeded like 10 eevee's lol. They make eggs FAST!
  10. [QUOTE=Chaos]I joined a day before 9/11...with similar results to the stability of the board. ...Good God, what am I doing posting? I'm supposed to be lurking. The number one fad on OB? Find a rival, eat him, get banned. At least, thinking back, that seems to be the fad, seeing as how many times it has happened. *shrug* *tilts head* Am I famous or infamous? Hmm. I shall muse on that for a while.[/QUOTE] LOL. You know that Famous and infamous mean the exact same thing right? Kinda redundent >_>. And wow many of you have been here for a long time and I'm sure you all know each other pretty well ^_^.
  11. Hylian


    To the above post: I have not run into a steel coat yet but you do run into wild Steelix...>_>. On victory road there is an abundence of them..seriously >_>.
  12. ... I am not degrading him in any way. I am just telling him he has some information wrong. There are way to many misconceptions in ssbm >_>. And besides its not lile we are at each others throats...well I'm not at least..its just a friendly debate.
  13. My name is Jordan. You'd think that would be easy to remember..but I guess not. Because soooooo many people when they first meet me call me Justin or Jacob...OMG ITS SO ANNOYING! heh >_>. It really is though...it makes you feel like no one remembers you. And some people try to spell it Jorden or Jordon >_>. It's JORDAN! lol. My last name is really uniqe. Fruin. Easy to pronounce - Fru in. Just like its spelt. But apparently no one can pronounce it lol. I have heard Froin frun and all sorts of stuff >_>. My middle name..well no one knows my middle name ^_^ lol.
  14. How many of you play games competitivly or professionally? I play SSBM and go to tournaments almost every or every other week. I have traveled to other states to play with people in tournaments and enjoy playing competitivly. I am the best Samus player in Texas(well..best samus main anyways). Do you know anyone who plays games competitvly? Some popular games are SSBM,MVC2,Third Strike,Tekken,Halo 2... And I am talking about consol games not computer games like counterstirke or Quake >_>. Just wondering how many other competative games we have here :). Playing for money is exciting and tournaments are really fun as well as travveling and meeting new people. And if you have any questions on how to get into the competative gameing scene just ask. And who knows what EVO is? I went to the last one for SSBM and got to the quarter finals..I was knocked out by the 3rd best person in Texas >_>.
  15. Hylian


    I have had the game for exactly 7 days and have been playing the crap out of it. Here are my stats: Name: Hylian Time: 60:07 Badges: 8 PokeDex: 197 lvl 57 Luxray lvl 50 Staraptor lvl 51 Palkia(Though I want a glaceon instead) lvl 52 Aggron lvl 60 Infernape lvl 53 BronZong Yep. I beat the elite 4 when my highest pokemon was 49 and the last peson was REALLY REALLY HARD lol. I had to use so many items :(. Its easier with higher lvls though.
  16. Ok. I have come to enlighten everyone here about ssbm. I only read the first few pages..but from what I can tell almost no one here knows anything about the game. I see an outdated tier list, horrible information and general newbie mentalitys. Let me start off. SSBM is the most played fighting game tournaments wise. There are more tournaments for this game across the world then any other fighting game including street fighter tekken MvC2 and other competative fighting games. SSBM has one of the most intricate and uniqe physics engines and it has extreme depth to the gameplay. I myself am a very good player. I go to tournaments frequently and my skill level is that of a semi-pro. Those who compare skill level with computers..are usually laughed at. Computers are so easily manipulated that they show nothing of skill what-so-ever. I can play 3 lvl 9 computers with a handicap of one and theirs being 9 on a team vs me and win with 1 life vs their 4. Without getting hit. Or hitting them even. It is called AI abuse. Here is the current tier list. this is from my memory so I am going to get a few places wrong but the first 16 or so are 100% correct. Top tier 1.Fox 2.Falco High tier 3.Shiek 4.Marth 5.Peach 6.Ice Climbers Middle tier 7.Captain Falcon 8.Samus 9.Doctor Mario 10.Jigglypuff 11.Ganondorf 12.Mario Low Tier 13.Link 14.Luigi 15.Roy 16.Young Link 17.Zelda 18.Donkey Kong 19.Pikachu 20.Yoshi 21.Ness 22.Game & Watch 23.Bowser 24.Kirby Bottom Tier 25.Pichu 26.Mewtwo That is about right. Low tier may be a little mixed around but oh well. I main Samus and Fox...I actually have one of the best Samus's in Texas. And I pretty much know everything about this game. Here are some helpful sites for information: [url]www.smashboards.com[/url] [url]www.gamefaqs.com[/url] Mainly smashboards. I wanted to make my own topic with all of this information but w/e lol. If you disagree with any of my information or have questions about anything just ask.
  17. [QUOTE=The Heart] [B]@ Hylian:[/B] You're better than I am- you could be making [I]me[/I] a sig! :animeswea What programs do you use?[/QUOTE] Haha!!! I didn't make this. People on other sites like making me sigs for some reason though lol. I did come up with the color scheme the picture and how they look though :). Someone else did all the hard work. I think it was done in photoshop or MS Paint >_>.... Edit: And feel free to make me a sig if you want to....I definitly wouldn't mind ^_^!
  18. Hylian


    Internet relationships are what the people in the relationship make them. If both people are really serious about it then they will probably meet at some point. And I to know people that have dated online then met and got married. I have met several people off the internet actually but I wasn't dating any of them it was just for fun. If one person isn't serious in the relationship though they might lead to other person to have a false sense of trust. All in all remember this quote: "Ah, the internet. Where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents."
  19. Wow, I love how people can just stray off into random conversations here lol. Very entertaining to read ^_^! So not that many fads here eh? I just asked because I come from the land of fads, Gamefaqs. You see a fad on the internet..it probably came from gamefaqs lol. Which brings me to mention that most of you might not understand my references sometimes because of all the fads I have been indulged in...XD! Good times :).
  20. Wow lots of replys ^_^! Thanks to the admins for understanding my lack of reading abilities lol! Yeah I figured I would check the rules since I didn't see any other intro threads except a locked one and sure enough.. >_>. I would consider myself pretty intellegent >_>..I have some experience with forums lol. I post on Gamefaqs..smashboards..flashflashrevolution..and things like that alot so it not like its the first time I've use a forum before.. Oh and to the person who offered me a sig..Thanks! I already have one but it won't fit on here lol! Well I have two actually check them out: [IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/Hadou-Master/hylian2.png [/IMG] [IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/Hadou-Master/hylian.png[/IMG]] And in case the img tags don'twork >_>: [url]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/Hadou-Master/hylian2.png[/url] [url]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/Hadou-Master/hylian.png[/url]
  21. Yep. Not really new to Myotaku just the boards >_>. Mysite is Hylian88 and I might know some of you though I doubt it. Anyways! Any fads or things like that going around? And how is everyone? :) EDIT: WOW Just read the rules...ummm oops sorry lol. So now instead of an intro thread...I'm just going to ask questions! 1. Any fads here? 2. Who are the most famous members? 3. How long have you been here/Myotaku? Thanks. -Hylian
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