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Everything posted by kitex973

  1. I got into manga because my friend introduced me to Shonen JUmp and I got into anime because I use to watch DBZ early in the morning before I went to school.
  2. Who has heard of Yotsuba&!. It is currently on it's 4th volume of manga. I hope it get s adpated into an anime. It's my the same person who made Azumanga Daioh. For more info. go to [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yotsuba%26%21[/url]
  3. It seems that my mom doesn't care if I watch anime as long as it doesn't have any graphic violence or nudity. (I"m 15.)
  4. i look for anything that'll intrest me mainly action, magic, and comedy
  5. when it comes to hentai i like my hentai based on anime or manga.
  6. i hate the 3rd season intro song of naruto. it sounds soooooooooooooooooo bad[indent][color=#007520][size=1]But [i]why[/i] was it so bad? Let us know, otherwise this thread will just be full of spammy content-less posts. Give us the reasons you hate the songs. :) -r2[/size][/color][/indent]
  7. i prefer action or comedy anime because i like fighting and i like to laugh
  8. i am going to buy the 4th volume of getbackers and yotsuba&! because i enjoy reading them. getbcakers has a lot of action along with some comedy and yotsuba&! makes me laugh a lot
  9. I'm talking about the original gundam wing with Heero Yuy ( u no who i'm talking about) yeah so who likes it personally i think dat it rocks (^_^)
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