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Everything posted by HellsMinion6676

  1. This looks really exciting can't wait to get going on this one. Let me know if you want anything changed with my post Wolfie Name: Damian Price Gender: Male Age: 23 Rank: 1st Lt. (USMC) Profession: 3rd Force Recon, Special Operations Battalion Scout sniper Bio: Damian joined the Corps straight out of highschool, going in with two of his best friends. Right from the start he was at the top of his platoon in basic graduating a Lance Corporal. After training to be an assaultman he was approached by the force recon platoon and was convinced thats what his calling was in the Corps. He went to officers school and got his commission soon after his 21st birthday, he spent the next year training to be a scout sniper and the following year in various middle eastern countrys. Snippet: (one hour before ambush) The hum of the massive engines of the HC-130 was very calming, it helped to focus the mind for mission about to commence I could see my fellow Corpsmen all lined up ready for the jump, just as I was. We all knew the risks of this job, and we all lived for the rush of adrenaline that was about to happen as we fell from over 22,000 ft. "5 minutes to HALO jump!" The disembodied voice of the pilot came across our comm systems. The eight of us stood there staring at the red light at the back of the cabin and the back gate of the plane opening slowly. Then all of a sudden the green light came on and the calming sound of engines ceased, replaced by the eight screaming Marines and the rush of air as we left the plane and gravity took over our bodies. I watched as my men plummeted towards the ground in a tight formations as we had done countless times before. Two seconds later eight shoots opened up and we all floated silently to the outskirts of the middle eastern city. Once we were on the ground we headed into the city as per our orders moving in two man teams. Our mission to provide sniper support to the Army troops that were going to be moving through the city two hours from now. (two minutes to ambush) Sweat ran down my forehead as I lay in this run down building looking through my scope watching a scattering of locals moving along the near deserted streets. "Command to Sierra Two. Over." came an unfimiliar voice over the comms. "Sierra Two, go ahead command." My spotter said into the radio. "First Armored Recon is entering the city now, they will be passing your location in one minute. We are expecting very light resistance so this should be a walk in the park Sierra two. Command Out." "Another boring babysitting mission, eh Lt." The Marine beside me said. I just looked at him, he was new out of training and this was his firts assignment so he didn't know that things never go as expected. I turned back to my scope just in time to see the tanks come around the corner. Thats when I heard it rushing sound of an RPG being fired directly above us, I saw the projectile hit the third tank in line completely destroying the tracks and catching the whole thing on fire. In seconds the air was full of the sound of small arms fire and RPGs nearly all the tanks were destroyed in the initial ambush. Foot soldiers were running everywhere firing on buildings. The voice of my spotter brought me back to the job at hand. "Two targets zone 3 high." I took aim at the two men on the rooftop of the building across the street, breathed and squezed the trigger. The bullet struck the first man right under the rib cage as he was about to fire an RPG dropping him to the ground resulting in the rocket striking the ground in front of him killing the second instantly. The next forty-five seconds brought six more kills and the sounds of dying soldiers all around me. Thats when I heard hit the scream from less than a foot away. I looked at the Marine next to me, there was a pool of blood starting to form already. I quickly grabbed for the wound applying pressure as I reached for the medkit in my pack but before I could even get my fingers on it the floor underneath us exploded the next thing I remember seeing was the white trail of smoke leading to an adjacent rooftop then the blackness of unconsciousness.
  2. Sweet!!!!! about damn time you get this thing up and running
  3. [B]Name:[/B] Damian Smith [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Role in the Class:[/B] Outcast [B]Personality:[/B]He is extremely intelligent. A bit of an apathetic person, he is in this to survive, if he can save someone then ok but if not too bad. He has no problems with killing if need be but would rather just wait it out. Deep down he does care about his friends survival but wouldn't but it above his own. [B]Bit of a Biography:[/B] He is one of the smarter students in the school, could be top of the class if he wanted to, but he lacks a motivation necessary to do so. He is a member of the band a plays a variety of instuments, spends his free time playing or listening to music, playing video games, hanging with friends or going to the shooting range, he is a bit of a gun nut. He is the kind of guy that would likely go on to get some kind of PHD and then be on the frontlines in the military.
  4. it really is about time you got this thing going again.
  5. AWSOME!!!!!!!!! Bout time you posted this thing. I've been waiting for this one to start. Count me in.
  6. [quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Just make sure you actually post his time, Hells XD I have also invited another interested person, so hopefully she will sign up as well. EDIT: XD should have reloaded the page. I'm definitely in. I'll have my characers to you in a jiff.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] don't worry DB this time i have a much less hectic schedule so expect me to be here.
  7. its about time this got started, you know i want in on this one.
  8. Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, been really busy with school just starting, and darren i know will be back by monday. I was planning on trying to post tonight I should have some time. I need to read and catch up on everything. Edit:Sorry I won't have time for a post till about the middle of next week with work and the beginning of school, but i still want to be a part of this. someone can post about my character if they want to get on to the next part or whatever.
  9. Darias stood in the main antechamber of the Korriban academy, the sounds of the final bombing raids echoeing from the distance. The academy wasn't all that hard to take, the students weren't loyal to the sith lord that was in command. It was a simple matter to kill him and take control of the academy. [I]It is time to train my army.[/I] [B]"Send a message to my fleet, tell them to meet me at Kamino for the invasion of the cloning facility."[/B] Darias said turning to his officer. [B]"Right away sir."[/B] Darias walked out of the academy and towards his flagship [I]The Void.[/I] He walked onto the bridge and looked down at the destruction caused by the bombings. The ship rose into the upper atmosphere. [B]"Send a message to the academy, tell them to continue training and when the recruits are ready send them to me.[/B] With that the ship began its long journey to the planet of Kamino.
  10. Darias watched as the small group of aliens walked onto the bridge. He wanted nothing more than to kill them all and be on his way. Darias could sense the rest of the creaters still in the hanger bay, [I]I just hope this plan works, its not in my nature to retreat but there is no other alternative.[/I] Darias walked over to the control panel as the aliens watched him carefully ready to attack if he tried anything. Darias hit a single button on the console. "Hyperdrive engine online. Coordinates accepted. Destination, Nar Shadaa." Right after the announcement the large alien rushed at Darias, as he charged a large energy sword appeared in his hand, the sword came down on target, but to the creatures suprise the sword passed straight through Darias. Its energy field disrupted, the hologram vanished. Darias watched as his cruiser speed off into hyperspace, followed closely by the strange ships. As the last of the ships entered hyperspace, Darias's Flagship uncloaked nearby and all of the transport ships uncloaked. [I]Good thing we got all of the droids and Basalisk fighters off the ship in time.[/I] Darias knew he would need them if he was going to take the academy on Korriban for himself. Darias walked onto the bridge of the sith flagship [I]The Endless[/I]. the very large ship was fully equiped, well the best it could be with the limited resources that Darias had. [B]"Prepare the dropships and the wardroids."[/B] [B]"Right away sir."[/B] [B]"Navigator, take us to Korriban. And announce every one to battle stations.[/B] Aboard the cruiser in hyperspace the sith assasins watched as the aliens tried to stop the ship. The assisins grouped in the hanger bay followed the large creatures to the engine room. Once they entered the room they quickly uncloaked. [B]"We must not let them stop the ship![/B] The assisin yelled to the others.
  11. Darias's ship was by no means the most powerful ship in the system, and being that it was undermaned and nearly out of weopens, he decided to do as the strange ship had said. "All crew prepare to recieve the boarding party." Darias announced to the entire ship. Darias turned to one of his captains. "Tell the cloked ships to stay close and be ready to assault the strange ship if things start to go badly." "Aye aye sir." said the captain as he saluted and went to the comm system. "Engineers start the warm-up on the weapons and the hysperspace engines." "Right away sir." Darias walked over to the radar system and watched as the unknown ships let out multiple boarding ships. Darias could sense that there were many soldiers on each of the boarding ships. [I]If only we had made it back to Korriban I could have gotten the other ships and more soldiers.[/I] "Boarding ships have reached the hanger bay." Announced one of the tech officers. "Raise the shields, and have the cloaked assasins take up positions along the way to the bridge." Darias knew he would need every advantage he could get if things went badly. Then Darias remembered the cache of Mandalorian battle droids, and Basilisks that he had gotten on the moon of Dxun before returning here. [I]I hope I don't have to use those droids, I will need them if I make it to Korriban.[/I] "Status on the boarding parties?" Darias asked the officers. "Three of the ships have unloaded there crews and the others are landing now." "Have the soldiers prepare the droids for battle." "Sir?" "If things don't go the way we plan I fear that we will need them." "Yes sir." As the officer walked away Darias walked over to the security system control panel. He began to prepare the defence systems just in case there was trouble. Darias looked at the screen and saw strange small creatures in armor and helmets moving along the corridors, they seemed to be leading the way for larger creatures in armor of diffrent colors, most likely sybolizing their ranks, that walked a ways behind the small creatures. Darias switched the view to the hanger bay, there were vary large creatures getting out of the remaing ships, they appeared to have large shields and a large cannon on them. [I]We are really going to need those droids if things go bad.[/I] Darias though to himself.
  12. Darias watched as the strange ship descended to Naboo's surface and began an invasion of the planet. Darias walked over to the star map and put in the coordinates of Korriban. [B]"take us into hyperspace."[/B] he commanded. [B]"Aye sir."[/B] one of officers said. [I]Now to build up my army.[/I]
  13. as eager as i am to get this one started I have to agree with alamorph on this one, with school starting really soon then maybe you should wait at least to near the end of august to start this thing off, unless you want to post sign ups and leave them up for like three weeks or something. but probably not a good idea.
  14. Name: Ethan Gender: male Apparent Age: 26 Personality: Ethan is a loner at heart, he doesn't interact with the humans inless he has to and even then only to do his job. He rarely interacts with the other shinigami as well. He perfers to just float around and explore things on the planet. Eccentricities: Ethan picks up coins on the ground no matter what kind they are and throws them into the n earest body of water. Familiar: Falcon named Hesh Appearance:[IMG]http://http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/212/f/8/Guys_by_KawaiiYasha.jpg[/IMG] sorry about not finishing it but I have limited time and have to return to work, will edit when I get back.
  15. Name: Dorian Fredericks gender:male age:15 Year: 4th House:Slytherin Wand: 11 and 3 quarter inch ebony, vampire hair core appearance:[url]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/300W/images3.deviantart.com/i/2004/144/6/7/Wizard.jpg[/url] personality:Very cocky about his abilities. Can be very hot headed. Bio: Dorian comes from a very wealthy pureblood family, all of which have been in Slytherin, whose ancestors where death eaters. Dorian first abilities was being a parsle mouth(not sure if its spelt right). When he came to Hogwarts he knew he would be in slytherin. Ever since he was little he was very adept at learning magic, his parents started teaching him early so that he would now a little when he started at hogwarts, ever since he has always been advanced for his year. Classes: Transfiguration. Potions. Defence Against the Dark Arts. Herbology. Charms. History of Magic. Astronomy. Ancient Runes. Care of magical creatures //Also plays as a chaser and is in the Duelling Club Private Classes: Occlumency/Legilimency. Is working on becoming an animagus. *If you don't like any part of this let me know and I will fix it, or if you want me to add to it I will.
  16. damn this is taking forever, I feel like I am going to die from the wait.
  17. Name-Darias Zu'Brak Race-Human Age-28 Gender-Male Rank- Sith Lord Personality-Shows no mercy to anyone. Appearance-Like Anakin in the end of episode 3, before he lost his legs. Bio-Darias was taken as a child by a powerful sith lord when it was discovered that he had a very high connection to the force. He was taken to the outer reaches of the galaxy, were he could be trained in secret away from the others sith. Now older and trained in the ways of the force he has returned to the planet of Naboo to find a strange ship in orbit.
  18. Dante was sitting in the library, as was his usuall custum after his classes, he had large stacks of books sitting on the table around him. He had been doing this everyday ever since the incedent at stonehenge. Dante had just finished reading the last book in a stack of about 20 when hi secided to go a have a snack in the cafeteria. Dante rarely needed his map anymore, he had nearly memorized the layout of Esper Hall during the last 6 weeks. Dante looked down at the glove on his right hand, even though the wounds had healed he still hadn't gotten rid of the glove. [I]Thats what I get for messing with electricity before I was ready to control it.[/I] Dante arrived at the cafeteria and got a small snack, he headed towards his usual table. He usually sat with the others that were taken to stonehenge, he seemed to stay to their small group ever since the accident. Dante sat there staring his glass of water, slowly melting and refreezing the ice in it. Just as he was about to head up to his room there was an announcement,[B]"Everyone come to the meeting room at once for an emergency meeting."[/B] It sounded like Joe's voice. Dante looked at his map and saw that the meeting room was on the 6th floor. Dante decided to teleport up there instead of walk all that way. When he arrived at the meeting there were allready a few people there, Dante took a seat in the back. Before to long alot of people started pouring into the room. Dante nodded off waiting for the meeting to begin. Dante woke up to see Joe standing at a podium talking about something when suddenly he just callapsed. Everyone began to panic, some guy walked up to the podium and tried to get to calm everyone down. He seemed to be talking about going after something, Dante wasn't really paying attention, then he heard him say something about the sheild technique, maybe he could find out more about what had happened that day. Dante decided to go with this guy on this mission to save Joe. [I]Who knows maybe I'll be able to learn some new techniques to add to my growing list of powers.[/I]
  19. if you still are letting people join I would like to give this thing a try. If its okay
  20. I edited the post and got rid of the cave. sorry about that.
  21. Dante walked up and touched the stone, he had a strange sensation, like reading a book only without the book. [I]This must be what it is like to read minds.[/I] he thought. Dante walked aver to a small rock and sat down, he closed his eyes and started to try and create his own sheild. He began by trying it on a small region of his body first. He attempted to try create a sheild around his hand. it took nearly half an hour and intense concentration but he finally managed to create a sheild on his hand. Feeling very proud of himself Dante decided to take anap while the others where attemting to create their sheilds. Dante laid back on the rock. The stone was very warm, the sun must have been on it all day, it wasn't long before Dante was asleep. Dante awoke to a crash of thunder, obviously the temperal displacement didn't the the weather from changing, or it was another obstacle for the group to over come. Dante decided to try out the sheild, he concentrated on creating one on his entire body. About an hour or so later he had succeded but by then it ddn't matter he was soaked and he was trying to create the sheild so that he could stay dry. The others seemed to be talking to each other, but Dante just stayed off to the side by himself. Dante decided to go and check out the other ruins around the area while the others were working on the sheild. There was a small group of pillars off to the right of where everyone was, Dante decided that they would be a good place to start.
  22. Well I'm still up for keeping this thing going.
  23. Dante awoke to feeling of cold stone on his face. He jumped up and looked around at his surroundings, he could see ruins everywhere. [I]Where the hell am I now?[/I] he thought to himself. [B]"I have brought you to this place."[/B] stated a disembodied voice. [B]"You sound familiar, Liam is that you?[/B] Liam appeared on the other side of the large rock that Dante had found himself on top of. [B]"You posses a unique ability for learning Dante, I have brought you here along with nine other new arrivals. All will be explained later, for now you must find the others."[/B] With that Liam vanished. Dante went and sat and the edge of the large rock, from this spot he could see a vast distance, he decided to put his new powers to use. Dante stood up and walked out onto the air, he stood there for a few moments and then took off into the distance to begin his search for the others.
  24. The only thing running through Dante's mind as he was thrown around the airspace above the lake was his lesson from teleporting class and the pain he felt when he hit the ground after falling off that cliff. The only thing Dante knew was he didn't want to feel that kind of pain again. He could see Chloe suffering the same fate as he was. Dante was falling fast straight down towards the lake when the next person grabed him and threw him inches from the surface of the water, he could feel a mist from the water's surface as he went flying past it just to be thrown again into the air. Finally he was caught by the guy he had seen take Chloe to begin with. [B]"Okay, now that you have been initiated into our little club its time for you to learn how to fly. It is kind of like floating in water, you have to relax first and let the air grab ahold of you otherwise you will fall like a rock. So, first off relax and clear you mind. Now focus on the air around you, imagine it being like a solid surface for you to just lay on."[/B] Dante cleared his mind of all his thoughts. He took a deep breath and relaxed every part of his body. After feeling that he had relaxed completely Dante focused on the the air, focusing as hard as he could on it being solid and being able to hold him up. [B]'When ever you are ready let me know and I will let you give it a shot."[/B] Dante was barely listening to what Jake was saying, he wouldn't let anything break his concentration. He simply just noded that he was ready. He felt Jake let go and felt himself fall momentarily, then he could feel what seemed to be solid ground below him. He looked down and saw that he was floating 300 feet above the lake. [B]"I did it!"[/B] Dante screamed, throwing his fist into the air in enthusiasim. When he did this it broke his concentration and he began to fall towards the lake, quickly he began to refocus on the air and try to slow himself down. After falling about 40 feet or so he finally maneged to slow down and stop again. [B]"Not bad new guy."[/B] Jake yelled down to him. [B]"But now lets see how fast you can go, to get going you need to just make the air move you. Like you made it be solid to hold you up, now make it propel you.[/B] Dante looked around and saw in the distance Chloe, she seemed to be making good progress so far she was already flying around not as fast as the others but she was moving at least. Dante determined to not let her get ahead of him started himself moving, slowly at first untill he could get the hang of changing direction, he went in a few simple flight paths at first making sure that he could make his body go the direction he wanted. After feeling confident that he knew what he was doing he decided to see just how fast he could go. The change of speed was nearly instant, he had just started thinking about going faster and it happened. The sudden jerk nearly gave him whiplash but he wasn't going to stop now. He tookoff the the surface of the lake barely skimming the surface leaving a huge wake in his path. Then he went straight up trying to go as high as he could, he could feel the temperature droping rapidly as he continued higher. It was becoming increasingly harder for him to breath, Dante couldn't maintain his concentration anymore, he began to fall back towards the lake picking up speed every second. He could se the ground getting ever closer to him. He was about 2 feet away from hitting the ground when he managed to teleport himself, he was still falling but now he hit his bed not the ground, Dante was amazed as to how far he had teleported but he doubted he could manage to teleport that far again without more practice or another near death experiance. Dante lay on his bed for awhile thinking on all that he had learned in the past day, controling elements, teleporting, flying, then there was those strange things that had happened earlier, how had he seen that girl ask him that question before she did, and what about all those voices he had heard before the teleporting class. [I]This place just keeps getting weirder and weirder.[/I] He seemed to have somehow developed slight precognision and telepathy. Just one of the many mysteries that he would probably never find an answer to here at Esper Hall.
  25. [quote name='Darren']ask Hells. He knows.[/QUOTE] He isn't kidding he would die from it, he's not the worst person i have ever seen but it is bad and he would kill over from it. And I am getting impatient to, waiting around for darren to post is very boring. I have had to find things to occupy myself with.[SIZE="1"]thank god for photoshop.[/SIZE]I will go crazy soon if he doesn't post.
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