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Everything posted by HellsMinion6676

  1. After his victory over the element of earth Dante went back to his room to relax and read up on the other elements. He decided when he got back to the room that he should get cleaned up, he went to the bathroom and started the water and decided to try to control the water while he was waiting for the tub to fill. After twenty minutes of no success he decided to get in, after cleaning for awhile he decided to give it one last try before he went to study more, he focused on the water for what seemed like forever, finally as he was about to give up he saw a swirl begin to form in the water and watched as it got bigger and smaller as he willed. Proud of himself Dante went into the room and sat down at the desk in the corner and got out his elements book and started studying, he was determined to master them as fast as he could.
  2. thats good cause i have been really busy lately
  3. [CENTER]Friday 4:00pm[/CENTER] Dante slowly opened his eyes and looked at the clock he didn't remember being on the nightstand by his bed, the readout said four o'clock. [I]Damn that fall really took alot out of me.Wait a minute, my other class is starting. I better get down there.[/I] Dante jumped out of the bed and pulled out his map. He went out the door and followed the map towards the library, running all the way there. When he got there he saw few people there, he walked around a bit trying to find someone who was in the class. He went down a row of particularly old books. He browsed the covers of the books and saw one that said [I]Perciaving future events for those disinclined at it.[/I] [I]What the Hell.[/I]Dante thought. He picked up the book and instantly felt a pulse of energy shoot throughout his entire body. He saw someone walk up to him and say "[B]Are you looking for the elements class?[/B] Dante was about to answer when the person disapperead. He just stared in confusion in the direction of where the person was. A few seconds later the person walked around the corner and before she could ask the question Dante said [B]"Yeah I'm looking for the elements class." [/B] She just stared at him for a second and then said [B]"Follow me then."[/B] Dante followed her through a series of rows of books until they came into an open area with a staircase leading up, he folllowed her up the stairs. When they reached the top of the stairs Dante could see other people up there, he went to where they all were sitting and took a seat by them. He didn't recognize anyone at first, then he saw that girl from the office, the one that had wanted to be taken back for her gecko. [I]Hey theres that Chloe girl.[/I] Dante thought. The class started soon after that. The teacher's name was Mr. Anderson and seemed fairly ordinary, he were a dress shirt and tie. [B]Okay class since there are two new people joining us today we will review the basics of contoling the elements. First we shall work with water, the key to working with water is to keep you mind empty of wondering thoughts. Water requires a calm mind and body so it is best if we start by meditating, so everyone please sit in the floor and close your eyes.[/B] Just as he was saying this one of the older kids, created a ball of fire near the sprinkler system, setting the hole thing off and drenching everyone in water. [B]There you go Mr. Anderson all the water you could want.[/B] The comment brought a few laughs from the kids closest to him. Mr. Anderson just turned around and looked at the boy. All of a sudden the water stopped coming from the sprinklers, all the water that was on the floor started moving towards the boy. It began covering the boys entire body, once it had covered every inch of his body it suddenly hardened into ice. [B]Now, where was I.[/B]
  4. [QUOTE=Premonition] Ahem, anyways, are there supposed to be teachers pre-made, or do we make them oursleves?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] That is what I am wondering I just gave up and made Joe the one for teleporting, since he is always teleporting everywhere anyways, so if he doesn't like it then he can make a teacher or get over it.
  5. How about Most creative non-death post Most dramatic post Most Creative Death Cruelist character Mpst Bitchy character Favorite underground post Most off topic underground comment
  6. [CENTER]Thursday 1:30pm[/CENTER] Dante Followed the ohers untill they all got back to the ground floor. He took out his map and decided to make his way to the courtyard and hopefully be on time for the teleporting class. [I]I wonder how many ot the other new guys have signed up for classes.[/I] he thought to himself as he turned down a hallway to his left and walked into the library. [I]Damn there are a lot of books in this place.[/I] he thought. [B]"Shhhh!!!!!!"[/B] The voice seemed to come from every direction at once. [B]"Please keep your voice and thoughts quite in the library."[/B] said the voice again. Dante just continued on out into the court yard. The courtyard was a vary large open area with small gardens spaced around the edges, and a large fountian in the middle with smaller ones scattered about. [I]Sure is big enough for teleporting practice[/I] Dante thought. He decided to go and sit near the fountain and wait for everyone to show up . While he waited he saw many diffrent people walking around, all going about their activities, as he watched them he began to hear a small background noise. At first it seemed like a quite humming, but it began to build as he sat there, and before he knew it the noise was overwhelming. Suddenly it was gone. Thats when he noticed people coming his way, they all looked like they had been there alot longer than he had. [B]"Looks like theres finally a new guy brave enough to take this class."[/B] One of them said. [B]"Whats so bad about this class?"[/B] Dante asked. [B]"It's just the toughest class for teleporting there is at Esper Hall."[/B] One of the others said. [B]"And why is that?"[/B] [B]"Because the teacher is a real ***** and doesn't like people that can't handle the pressure of the class."[/B] [I]What have you gotten yourself into now [/I] Dante thought to himself. Dante had been waiting by the fountain with the others for half an hour now, it seemed like as if the teacher would never show up. The others didn't seem to care they were all just standing around talking like this was an every day thing. [B]"Hey is he always late to class?"[/B] Dante asked, not speaking to anyone inperticular. [B]"Yeah." [/B]is all they said. About ten minutes later Dante saw someone walking into the courtyard, he looked nothing like a teacher, he was dressed very casualy in baggy jeans and a T-shirt that had a band on it that Dante had never heard of. [B]"Okay class time to get started."[/B] he said. [B]"Ah, looks like we got a new face in the class."[/B] he said turning towards Dante. [B]"Okay class work on what we did yesterday while I go and start the new guy off."[/B] He walked over to were Dante was standing and sat down on the fountain. [B]"My name is Dorian, welcome to the your first teleporting class. Do you already have any teleporting abilities or are you completely new at this?" [/B] [B] "New at this." [/B] [B]"Okay then, we will have to get you to activate you inner powers to allow you to be able to teleport. So I hope your up for this." [/B] [B] "How bad could it be."[/B] Dante said calmly. Dorian just laughed a little and stood up. Then suddenly Dante found himself on top of a cliff that had to be at least a thousand foot high. [B]"Where the hell am I!" [/B]Dante screamed. [B]"Part 1 of your class." [/B]said Dorian "[B]Your power has to be awakened by extreme situation, so I brought you here. You will have to teleport to save yourself." [/B]Dorian stated coldly. [B] "wha..." [/B] suddenly Dante felt a force hit him in the chest and he went off the edge of the cliff. [I] I knew I should have just stayed in my room, why did I have to go and sign up for classes.[/I] The ground was getting very close very fast. [I]He can't let me die Dante thought. He is the teacher he won't let me hit the ground.[/I] The next thing Dante saw was his face hit the ground and then all was black. Dante woke up back in the courtyard feeling as if he had been hit by a train. [B]"Didn't think I would let you hit the ground did you." [/B]said Dorian begining to laugh. [B]"What the Hell! I could have died just now." [/B]Dante shouted. [B]"Calm down man it was perfectly safe I brought you back before your body received the full force of the impact. I do this with every student that comes here they all think that since I am the teacher that I can't let anything happen to them. Wrong. I am not a teacher I am just the guy that is telling how to do something, that is why noone calls me Mr. Dorian. Thats it for todays class, you will need some time to heal so I will teleport you back to your room."[/B] With that Dante found himself back in his room. He couldn't move any of his body, it felt like every bone in his body was broken. Dante just lay there untill he slipt into sleep.
  7. [QUOTE=Darren]2 words: Raging hormones... [B]Edit:[/B] However, let's not forget HellsMinion. He's willing to up the rating as well, but he's older than I am... So, you know, it's not just the young ones. But I suppose there has to be a balance somewhere.[/QUOTE] I want the higher rating for more graphic battles really, when I think of mature ratings I think large amounts of blood and guts kind of stuff. I don't really care about the sex thing, if its there I will either read it or skip it. Like the penopticon I usually just skiped over the sex in it.
  8. :stupid: [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo]Try rereading the rating system Rat Boy. Like I said, I don't really care, but if you start getting too descriptive I'll smack you. Keep in mind,[B] if the other players of the RPG have no issues[/B], fixing that rating is simple since I can do that at any time.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] no issues here by all means go ahead a up the rating on this thing.
  9. Dante had been sitting at the table in silence for the past ten minutes now, he was about get up and move to a table that was a bit more social when he saw someone walking towards his table. He introduced himself and sat down. Just as he did the girl that was sitting at the table grabed her empty plate and walked away. [B]"So Levon, you new here to?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, how did you guess that?"[/B] [B]"I recognized you from the bus ride yesterday. By the way my name is Dante, Dante Wilkenson, nice to meet you. I have to say its kinda nice not being the only one around here thats lost."[/B] [B]"I know what you mean. So what kind of powers do you have?"[/B] [B]"Oh, nothing too special just some telekenisis, and I can materialize objects, nothing too big just small stuff. What about you?"[/B] [B]"I can bend the light around myself and other people or objects, put simply I can make myself or others invisible."[/B] [B]"Now that sound like a usefull power to have."[/B] They continued to talk as they both finished there large portions of food, after which they both decided to go back and get more, after finishing his second helping of breakfast Dante got up and went back to his room. Once back in his room Dante set his alarm for 1 and decided he was going to get a little more rest before his first teleporting class at 2. He threw himself onto the bed was out like a light.
  10. I think there is an inconsistancy in the posts after my last one, I might have accidently put me sittig at a table with someone who had already gotten up. Not sure though.
  11. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=4]The cafeteria was fll of people by the time Dante got there. Dante watched as everone went about looking for their friends and sat in what he assumed was there every day seats. Dante looked around for some kind of bulletin board or sign up sheet for the classes, then he saw on on the wall near a large window with a good view of the courtyard. Dante walked over to the board and read what type of classes were offered. He finally found sheet for the teleportatio clases and saw that they meet in the courtyard every moring starting at 7:30 and they meet in the afternoon around 2:00. [I]They sure do like to get an early start.[/I] He though to himself. [I]I guess I will go to the one in the afternoon.[/I] He looked at the classes again and saw one that he thought he might like, it was caled controling the elements, it meet in the library every other day at 4. [I]This could be interesting. Might as well go check it out.[/I] He went and got enough food for about three people. He turned aroun and surveyed the room looking for a good place to sit. First he saw a group of people sitting in the far corner they looked like they were all wearing te same kind oof gothic clothing, that was Dante's firts choice of seating, but as he made his way across the cafeteria he saw a girl sitting alone not to far off from where he was heading. After a moment of thinking it over he decided to be social and go sit with her. He figured that she might be new he as well so maybe she was as lost here as he was.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. Dante had been wandering the halls for aout half an hour now and still hadn't found anything showing were he was. He decided to head outside and hoped he get some kind of bearing of were things might be, he walked outside and saw a few people scattered about doing various things. Dante decided to go ask one of them were he could find some food in the this place, but just as he was getting close to the first person he saw they disappeared. He was confused for a second and then someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to see Joe standing there. [B]"Admiring the teleporters?"[/B] [B]"Sure seems like it would come in handy being out here in the middle of nowhere. Being able to go any where anytime you wanted."[/B] [B]"Yeah, but most of them can't go farther than about 5 meters. They are just learning. But if your interested there is a class sign up in the cafeteria, who knows you may find some other classes you are interisted in.[/B] After saying that he started to walk off. [B]"Hey, were is the cafeteria anyways?"[/B] [B]"Oh I almost forgot heres a map of Esper Hall so you don't go wondering around all day and get lost, now I got to go find the others I'm sure they will need maps to. See you around."[/B] Dante looked at the map and decided he might as well go and check out the cafeteria, he was hungry. Maybe he would find some interesting classes, and teleporting would come in handy. Dante went back into the main building and tryed to figure out were he was on the map so that he could make his way to the cafetria when he suddenly ran into a large group of people gathered in one hallway.
  13. dang this thing was up faster than i thought it would be, you really don't waste any time do you DB. What is the first story guest?
  14. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]Dante hadn't expected a bus in the middle of nowhere. He was very supprised when the guy named Joe knew his name and even when he found out that there was a room waiting for him when he got there. After getting to the room he decided to shower and get refreshed after all the traveling he had done in the past months. Halfway through the shower he relized that he didn't have any other clothes or anything with him. After getting out of the shower he grabed a towel and went into the room to try and get some sleep before exploring the rest of the community. When he looked at the bed he was shocked to see a suitcase lying there. [I]This place just keeps getting stranger and stranger.[/I] he thought to himself. He threw the suitcase onto the floor and just feel onto the bed wearing only a towel and just feel into unconciousness. _____________________________________________________________ sometime around 8:50 Dante woke up and decided to search the suitcase and see if there was anything useful in it. He pulled the suitcase onto the bed and opened it. There was the basic travel stuff in it toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash. There was also some clothes in it, mostly just like basic solid colors. Dante dug through the bad until he found a black shirt and put it on, he went into the bathroom and got the pants he had on before and put them back on. Now that he was dressed and clean he decided to go and search around the place.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [B]Name:[/B] Dante Wilkenson [B]Age: [/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://imgplace.com/directory/dir4187/1181767267_4499.jpg[/IMG] [B]Biography:[/B] He was abandoned at the age of 9 and just left out on the streets, he was picked up by a patroling police officer. The officer later adopted him and raised him. The fact that he was abandoned at a young age may be the cause of him being an outcast from everyone else. He got in many fights throughout highschool, he hid his high intellect from everyone else, he didn't want to draw attention to himself, he discovered his powers at the age of 13. One day at school he saw a kid playing with marbles he saw one that he really wanted, after begging the kid for the marble he went off by himself in a corner some where he the marble so bad it was the only thing that he could think about and when he looked down he saw the marble floating in front of him. From then on he could materialize small objects, he later discovered his telekenetic powers. At the end of highschool just before his 19th birthday and graduation he got in a fight with a group of kids at his school, he beat off a few of them but there was too many for him to take and as he lay on the ground with the kids beating him he blacked out and the next thing he knew he woke up on scorched earth with smoldering bodies lying around. After the incident he began wondering from place to place. One day he ended up outside of a large group of buildings and something just told him to have a look around. [B]Powers:[/B] minor telekenisis, able to materialize small objects, suppressed pyrokenisis. [B]Affinity:[/B] straight [B]Other facts:[/B] Loves music, plays guitar, listens to rock mostly, kinda a punk rock type kid, likes privacy.
  16. Well I knew it was coming the almighty erasing, sorry about that things just got really busy around here. I have to look for a job and had to go to a wedding, its so crazy. Well good luck to everybody I will try to keep up and see who wins.
  17. [QUOTE=Darren] [COLOR=Green][B]Group 2[/B] Merik Jeffers Oromis Tu'wail Julian Marx[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] I believe that Oromis is dead but I'm not sure so you may want to check that.
  18. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkRed']Damn, Hells! That was sick!!! I love it! Alright, as soon as the other prisoner is released, I will start round 2. I know she's kinda late at this point, but I was busy yesterday and I guess it wasn't gotten around to...[/COLOR][/quote] Glad you liked it, sorry it took so long I was busy yesterday I will try to be on more so I can keep up with everything though.
  19. [CENTER][U]Group Three[/U][/CENTER] Alcuin was missing his dogs and the frozen land he was from, being from a cold environment that was frozen all the time he never really learned how to swim. He just hoped that the othersdidn't find out, he didn't want to seem weak in front of them. So he did as the rest of them didhe took off his heavy clothes, and secured his shoes to his body. He watched as everyone began to wade out into the water, he moved forward slowly letting his body enjoy the coldness of the water remind him of his home. the depth increased very rapidly, there was a large drop right in front of him.He could see the others already moving out farther, even Dafine was farther out than he was and she was carrying Serena. Alcuin took a deep breath and slowly inched forward feeling the edge of the underwater drop off.[B]"Now or never." [/B] he said to himself as he pushed off of the ledge propelling himself out past the drop,he tried frantically to find a way of staying afloat but all he managed to do was thrash around in the water he could feel himself sinking into the water, he could feel the could water rush into his mouth when he gasped for breath,then he saw something in the clear water. Movement under the surface. He strainded his vision to see better, but it was too far away for him to make out. Just then he felt someone grab him and pull him to the surface. [B]"Thank you."[/B]Alcuin coughed, while gasping for air. [B]"You should have told us that you couldn't swim," [/B] Dafine said in a cold voice.[B]"you could have drowned out there, what good would you be to us then."[/B] [I]What good are you to us now [/I] she thought as she began to walk away. [B]"Wait." [/B] Alcuin said. [B]"What do you want me to carry you to."[/B] [B]"No, while I was under there I saw something, something big under the water. We need to warn the others."[/B] They both turned to look at were the others were. It seems that none of the others saw Alcuin go under so they had just continued on their way. They were already almost halfway to the others side. They both knew that even they screamed as loud as they could the others wouldn't be able to hear them from this far away. Uriel was swimming strong trying to reach the other side as fast as he could, he hated swimming and couldn't wait to get out of the water.He had just reached the halfway point and decided to look and see how far the others had made it, he turned and most of the others right behind himbut he could see what looked like three people on the platform they started on, Uriel was confused as to why they were still back there, then he felt a strangeslimy sensation around his ankle. He kicked his leg and it went away,[B] "Stupid fish."[/B] he said to himself. Then he felt the same thing around his waistbut this time it didn't just go away when he moved, he felt a powerful pull downwards and the next thing he knew he mush have been about sixty feet below the surface, and still going.Thats when he saw what was pulling him down. He had been expecting some sort of squid type creature, but what he saw was completely diffrent, at firstglance it seemed to resemble a frog. It had short forelimbs and long powerful backlegs, and what had been pulling him down was a strange appendage coming out from thetop of his head. The creatures body was much longer than you would expect for a frog type creature, it was like you took a fish and put froglegs on it. As he was pulled closerto the creature Uriel could see the creatures mouth, rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. Uriel knew his life was about to end when the creature had grabed him, or at least thats what he had thought, the tentacle that had grabed him seemed to be taking him back to the surface. Uriel breathed deeply as his body broke the surface of the water. He looked around and saw that he was near the others.He could see them heading his way to make sure his was okay, thats when he realized what was happening the creature was using him as bait to bring the others his way. [B]"No, don't come any closer!"[/B] He screamed at them. Suprisingly they all listened when he said it, they all stoped not to far away. [B]"why did you tell us to stop?"[/B] Eliana asked. [B]"There is some kind of creature down there." [/B] answered Uriel. Then Uriel could feel the water around him begining to move, like it was being sucked down. After a moment he could the water aroundhim begin to move, it started to swirl around him. He looked down below him and in the clear water he could see the top of the creature, there was a small opening on top of the creature it seemed to be what was causing the newly formed whirlpool around him. Then the tenticle that was holding him suddenly let go and he fell into the swirling water around him. At first it wasn't so bad just circling around, but as he started to move toward the center of the whirlpool he began to rotate faster and faster. He began to get sick from the rotation then he reached the center and was taken under water yet again. He could see the hole on top of the creatureas he was pulled ever farther down, the hole wasn't even as big as he was. When his feet hit the hole he could feel the intense suction created by the hole, he could feel the flesh being pulled of of his feet,the creature was going skin him alive, he felt his feet slowly slide into the hole. The skin was being pulled off of his body slowly by the intense suction, he could feel the blood draining out of him, thats when every thing went black. [CENTER][IMG]http://imgplace.com/directory/dir3262/1180116120_8727.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://imgplace.com/directory/dir3262/1180116327_9107.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  20. sorry about not posting guys i didn't know that i had a death card or anything, I never got a message that said i did or anything so I didn't think that i had one. But I will post today so we can get on to the next round.
  21. I'm glad some of you liked my posts, I didn't really mean to make him to powerful I was trying to think of a way to get them down the cliff really fast and it was like 2 in the morning so it was the best i could come up with at the time. But if you like I will try to not make the characters to powerful. Nice job with the golem killing Marias I was going to have it come back later if I got a chance to. Its like you were reading my mind and knew what I wanted to happen there.I never thought people would have this much fun with the golem though.
  22. [U][CENTER]Group 1[/CENTER] [/U] Marcus moved slowly to the wall with the switch on it, he could hear the others behind him in the doorway, his highly sensitive enhanced hearing letting him here every breath they took. He positioned his hand under the switch, and so as not to blind himself when the lights came back on he turned off his nightvision inhancements. [B]"I'm turning on the lights."[/B] he called back to the others. he flipped the switch and for a moment it seemed as if nothing was going to happen, then slowly small lights began to light slowly around the cave. As the lights began to ignite the others slowly came out into the the chamber. It seemed to be an artificial cave of some sort. It wasn't a real cave but seemed to have been made to mimic one very effectively. Marcus began to survey the area for possible traps, he headed farther into the cave to see if there was an exit on the other side. The only exit he saw was a sheer drop on the other side of the cavern, seeing no other exits he returned to join the rest of the group still near the entrance. [B]"How is Damian?"[/B] he asked Marias. [B]"He seems to still be unconscious, but barely so I'm sure we could wake him up."[/B] replied Marias. Marcus looked around the cavern and spotted a small pond not to far away. [B]"Bring him over to that small pond and we'll wake him up."[/B] he said with a laugh. Marias took Damian over to the small pond and put him on the floor next to it. Marcus walked over and rolled Damian into the icy cold water of the pond. Damian was instantly brought back to consciousness, Marcus grabed him out of the water before he froze to death and sat him on the ground next to a large rock formation. Marcus left Damian to recover from the shock of the cold water, and walked back over to the others. [B]"There is only one exit out of this cavern."[/B] he said calmly. [B]"Unfortunatly it is down a sheer drop on the other side of that rock formation."[/B] he said while turning in the diretion he left Damian. [B]"I Think we should......"[/B] he began. Before he could even finish his sentence he saw the rock formation begin to move, at first only slightly then there was what seemed to be an earthquake and the entire formation rose into the air. It had to be at least 30 foot tall, and seemed to be humanoid in shape. Damian was staring at the others when he felt the build up of energy behind him, he turned and right away knew that it was an Earth elemental, a powerful being made of living stone, by the build up of power it was a very strong elemental at that. He quickly ran towards the others narrowly avoiding a stone arm crashing down on top of him. On the other side of the room the others saw the creature's arm crash down and knew for sure that it had crushed Damian, then suddenly they saw him coming at him with impossible speed. [B]"We have to get to the ledge!"[/B] Marcus screamed to everyone. The entire group followed Marcus around the side of the cavern the creature closing in behind them, every step like an earthquake, they all ran as fast as they could making a large cirle through the uneven terrain of the cavern. Marcus out in front trying to come up with a way to get everyone down the ledge before the creature could crush them. [B]"when we get to the ledge everyone jump."[/B] screamed Damian, who had now caught up with Marcus. [B]"Are you insane!" [/B] screamed Mary from the center of the group. [B]"Trust me I can get us down to the bottom of the ledge safely, all you have to do is trust me."[/B] said Damian. [I]Now to make up for making a fool of myself earlier.[/I] Thought Damian. Marcus, not sure of what to do in this situation, decided that he didn't have any better ideas so he should go along the what Damian was saying. [B]"You heard him everyone. When we get to that ledge don't hesitate just keep running right over it."[/B] he ordered everyone. Damian ran out ahead of everyone and was the first to reach the ledge. He looked over, it was a good 200 ft. drop at least. He turned to see how far behind the others were, what he saw chilled him to the bone. The elemental was nearly upon them, he knew he had to work fast if this was going to work. He turned toward the ledge and began chanting very low, pulling the magical energies from deep within him he began chanting louder, weaving the spell into the fabric of reality. Hoping he would have enough power complete the spell he turned in time for everyone to reach him, just as the creature beared down upon them all they vanished in a blinding white light. Moments later at the bottom of the cavern a crash that seemed to rock the foundations of the earth reached the group. All eyes were on Damian, the entire group was staring at him in disbelief.[B]"Amazing."[/B] said Sastasha awestruck. Everyone seemed to be waiting for Damian to say something. Damian turned to the group and said quietly, [B]"Not agian."[/B] And he fell to the floor unconscious and completely drained.
  23. Ok everyone I finally found time to post in the story, sorry about the wait. I wasn't expecting it to be starting early and I was really busy this weekend. But i finally made a post, since some of you complained I decided to introduce one of the characters that hadn't been yet. Hope you all like it.
  24. [U][CENTER]Group 1[/CENTER] [/U] Damian Legion stood in aww of what was going on in this strange place. Never before had his adrenaline been pumping so much, and he had only just arrived in this place. Since his arrival he had seen many people interacting with each other, exchanging names and places of origin. The one who said his name was Katar seemed to be causing alot of tension with the others in the group. On the contrary Sastasha seems to be getting along with the others, except Katar, in the group quite nicely. Damian had been using this time to consider all that had happened in the small amount of time he had been here. The quick rush out of the room he had appeared in seemed to cause alot of stress on many members of the group, mostly the female members, a few like Marcus seemed to be unaffected by by the situation that they found thimselves in. Damian was tired of standing around waiting for someone to take charge, he began to walk down the corridor that they had found themselves in. Marcus was the first to notice the movement down the corridor, but before he could say anything a blade the size of his entire body came shooting down the corridor towards Damian. Damian, almost realizing it too late, made a last second dodge to the side. He turned just in time to see the blade smash a gigantic gash into the floor of the corridor. The next thing he knew Marcus had him by the throut 2 feet off the floor. [B]"What the Hell do you think you are doing?"[/B] he screamed at the top of his lungs.[B]"You should never go off alone in hostile territory, you could have killed yourself or the entire group just now!"[/B] he continued. Damian barely even heard what Marcus had said to him, his mind was racing with the fact that he had almost died. His life had flashed before eyes just then, he saw all the long training sessions with the Grand Arch Mage on his planet. All the time and effort he had done hadn't prepared him for this situation. Just as Marcus seemed to begin to release his grip on Damian he felt the conciosness slip away from him,Marcus knew that the young man would drop to the floor the moment he let go of him. Marcus sat Damian down slowly on the floor and turned towards the others in the group who had been staring at him in awe of what had just happened. [B]"We need to all stick together if we are going to find a way out of the God forsaken hell hole,"[/B] he began, [B]"stupid as he is this guy had the right idea we need to keep moving. For all we know this corridor could be timed like the last room we were in."[/B] he said. There was a nod of agreement from the majority of the group. They all began to get into a fairly close group and started to head down the corridor. Marcus headed over the the unconscious Damian and threw him over his shoulders, he was unexpectingly light for someone his size and build, by looking at him he seemed to fairly well muscled and very agile, but when Marcus lifted him up he seemed to weigh nothing at all. The group moved to the end of the corridor without any more problems, Marcus approached the door. [B]"Be prepared for anything."[/B] he called back to the others. Marcus slowly opened the door to the next room, everyone seemed to be holding there breath in antisipation of what could come out of the door.
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