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Everything posted by chris00k

  1. Name: Quatre Takaishi Who they descended from: Takeru "T.K." Takaishi Age: 14 Gender: Male Personality: He likes to do things on his own, he likes to try and take charge but he always messes up until it somes to technical thinking and stratagey thinking then he is on top of his game, he likes to be left alone to his work. Appearance: (i will draw a pic and post asap) he wears dark bluejeans, chains hanging off of them with his digivice on the end, grey skater trainers, he has a black shirt with a weird picture on it then a green shirt over that open. golden hair and sun glasses but his eyes are blue. Bio: he got his digimon when he was born but he didnt get his digivice till he respected and loved his digimon Grade:9th Partner Digimon: Terriermon (he calls him Ter) Partner Digimon's Digivolution Line:(will draw pics asap) Demi Terriermon, Terriermon, evo-gargomon, Speedmon, Gilacticmon Partner Digimon's Appearance: he looks just like terriermon just insted of the white parts he is grey and he is blue in the green parts. Digivice Style: S2 style. Color: Grey main and blue areal and grip parts. Attributes: circle screen on the upper half of the digivice with two blue buttons next to it a red one on the bottem right of the screen and a circle with a4 lines out of it on the bottom half.
  2. Sounds kewl!! Name: Quatre Tiger Age: 15 Appearence: Blond hair, quiet short, blue eyes, wears army combat gear Team: Zoidien Chaos Bio: Quatre was trained by his father and when his father died his Zoid got passed on to him. Zoid: Lightning Tiger (he has suped it up for optimum performance)
  3. Name:Tigertron Allegiance: Maximal Function: What part does your character play Alternate Form: White Tiger Armament: Wipp and Sword Biography: A wild Maximal He dosen't like taking orders but he dose what needs to be done! He also LOVES to fight.
  4. chris00k

    The Elementals

    i guess this just went dead, just so u all know it was fun while it lasted thanx for a good RPG
  5. [i] At the battle feild Chris00k is in Pheonix R1 & R2 are in their AC's and there are a fleet of 50 MT's [/i] R1: There are to many of them we have to work together! R2: Yeah!! Chris00k: this is only a war up to me so let me do all the work :smirk: [i] Turns the moonlight on [/i] [i] Pheonix plyes through about 15 MT's in one go [/i] R1: hey he is good come on lets give him a hand R2: ok, Chris00k we are coming to help ya!!! [i] 2 Multi missiles fly towards R1 & R2 with chris00k saying [/i] Chris00k: hey i can do this alone and next time i wont miss you ok stay there.. [i] A AC equipt with stealth jumps down from the roof shooting Pheonix, R1 Sees him and uses his rocket to shoot him because he couldn't get a lock on him [/i] R1: Chris00k behind you [i] a rocket flyes towards the ?AC? [/i] Chris00k: what the??? EX Raven: Chris00k we meet again.. Chris00k: Target is that you? Ex Raven: You do remember me R1: Target .... [i] types the name target in to his AC [/i] R1.AC: Target.. AC's Name overload, Advantages Stelth, Short range (hand to hand) Weaknesses Long range, Partner Raven Chris00k Partner AC Pheonix... [i] R1 pushed pause on the computer [/i] R1: did u hear that R2: yeah they are old partners, but the stars are wrong he has canged that AC so has Chris00k so they will have a challange.. [i] Chris0k has sustained quiet a bit of dammage and he call for backup R1 & R2 Call for backup from the Ravens nest to send some Self controles MT's and R1 & R2 Go and help [/i] .... [i] The Raven's nest call Scott and Albert for some assistance because there are no MT's To spair..... [/i] (Overload is the oposit to Pheonix)
  6. [i] Pheonix takes out 2 MTs and sends them up in flames [/i] Chris00k: thats why he is called pheonix but it is better when i have a callange :o .... Pheonix: Systems switching to normal mode. [i] 2 Other ravens pull up [/i] R1: Well i see u have started to get a name for your self... R2: ...we would like to ask u to help us with a mission Chris00k: what is it? R2: to take out a roge ex raven Chris00k: how much will i get? R1: it is worth 543000 c..... Chris00k: well ok [i] Raven 1 sends the mission brifing, Chris00k gets back to his area in the ravens nest and sees his mechanic [/i] Chris00k: hey Harry got a new mission have a look at the brifing Harry: so u going to work with them? Chris00k: Now way!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------
  7. will 2 more people join so we can start!!!!
  8. when is this going to start? Thanx
  9. Name:chris00k AC Name:Pheonix AC Advantages (Strengths):stelth , flight & missiles AC Weaknesses:close range Main Weapons: kawasaw, multi missiles x2, sheild, head long range radar Back-up Weapons:moonlight lazer sword, mashine gun, dule chain guns, extre amo Background:he was trained to be the best with a AC since he was 4 and nearly all he knows is to fight in a AC, Ac Is powerfull and Chris00k worked 10years to make it he biuld some parts him self. AC's color and Symbol:flame red, flame orange & yellow like fire looks like a bird. logo a pheonix bird (fire bird) -------------------------------------------------------------- how many people do u need to join?
  10. Shade when are u going to start this rpg!!!!! i cant wait till it start it sounds good!
  11. when will this rpg start? can some one tell me because im getting board waiting
  12. ????? What is the story line i have no idear????
  13. Yin warrior Name: Pheonix Age:16 Appearance:He is 6.8 ft high and he wears a black, red and orange Samuri suit, he has blue eyes, Yello blond hair spiked up with a long ponie tail down to his back. Weapon: Staff of the pheonix (it is a stick the same hight as him , it is red with a blade shaped like fire on top.) Special Powers: Fire, able to fly for short pereods of time/ hover Bio: His real name is Quatre but he calls him self Pheonix from his power of fire, He is one of the youngest yin worriors, he found out about his power when he was about 7 years of age when he Parents died in a fire that he caused, He has a short temper but can be kind if you are on his right side. Other: When he gets angry his Flame power is limit less, so it is hard to fight against him.
  14. Name: Quatre Affiliation: Vice City crimes (X member of Blacker heart) Default Car: Harley Weapons: Samurai Sword, oozy, sworn off shotgun, Sniper rifle, chain saw, machine gun, remote hand grenades x20 Personality Bio: Quatre lost his memory when he was at a young age he became a member of Blacker heart, till 2½ years a go when they turned on him, now every chance he gets to get them beck he takes it, but he has a bad rep with the police. He lives in the streets and he wears Army trousers & a black shirt with a Black leather jacket.
  15. my school as a system running that locks out what they dont want us to go on and when i type in any animi show it is locked out, the system is called i gear and it locked out otakuboards from my school internet till it got up graided to v6, so it is hard to find out about animi.
  16. thanx, i was at school and they are locked out
  17. dose any one know the names of the original artists who drew: Outlaw star, Cowboy bebob,Gundam Wing, Anyof the Gundam series, Dragonball/z/gt, Yu-Gi-Oh? Because i have to do a artist reasearch and i want to do one of the anime artists from one of these programs Thanx From Chris00k:box:
  18. i will have this RPG locked in 1 week because there is only 2 poeple joining in so sorry!!!! Chris00K
  19. It is a lovely night the moon is full and the stars are twinkling Quatre is sitting in the Town?s Nature Park looking around the park, then a couple walk bye and lie on the grass near him looking in to the sky and he hears them saying to each other ?It?s a Lovely night out to night. Yea?..? The couple start to kiss Quatre looks over and walks off talking to him self ? I am dedicated to my job you will never find me doing some thing like that!? Quatre stats to walk home. At Quatre?s home his friend also partner Jean is sitting in their living room and says to Quatre ?Did you find any bounties out there?? ?Nope Jean? Why,? ?Why What? ? Why can?t I have some one to love? ?I don?t know well there are some things about you that are annoying, but sooner or latter you will find the one, the one who will love you for you!? ?When will I? ?Well I like you but I do find you annoying so just wait she will come sooner or latter? Quatre Gets a tear in his eye at that moment ?Quatre what?s wrong?? ?Nothing.. Nothing, Just something in my eye? With that Quatre walks off to his room with his head hanging low. The next morning Jean bursts in to Quatre?s room Yelling ?Quatre Get up! Quatre! Get up!? Jean pulls the covers off Quatre?s head and says ?Get up? Quatre bulls the covers over his head ?I have just found out about another bounty and the location of the person!? Quatre sits up and says ?Right now meet me at the car in 15 minutes, this bounty is ours? Jean walks out the room, Quatre Jumps out of bed and throws his trousers, shirt and his jacket on, Quatre then walks out to the weapons room and stocks up on his weponary Quatre then yells ?Jean have you seen my gun? Jean runs in to the room and says ?It is in the hidden draw on the left? ?Thanks Jean? Quatre then picks up his gun puts it in to his gun holder and says ?Right now lets go and get this bounty? Quatre and Jean Walk to the car Jean says to Quatre ?He is at the New land bank? Quatre turns the car on and floors the accelerator. Quatre and Jean start talking on there way to the New Land Bank and the subject moves to love Quatre asks Jean ?What is love?? Jean replyes with ?Well love is???? happiness and Families that type of thing? ?Well thanks that was a lot of help!? ?Well its hard to explain? ?Yeah well thanks for the help? Jean suddenly sees the turn off and yells to Quatre ?there is the turn? At the Bank The person with the bounty on their head was holding a bank robbery, Quatre And Jean sneak in threw the pack of the bank and Jean runs off ahead, Jean get seen and have a shoot off with the person with the bounty on his head, Then Quatre sneaks round behind the person with the bounty on his head and says to him ?Leave her alone your mine? the man turns round and shoots towards Quatre and Quatre goes to dive out the way and just before he sees a woman entering the bank with a gun out and shoots the bullet out the way and then shoots the man in the leg so the man falls on the floor, Quatre is just standing there staring at the woman, she walks over towards Quatre and as she walks near him his heart starts to beat faster and faster, the woman says to Quatre ?Are you ok? Quatre goes to talk to her and ??????? Quatre just cant talk to her. Latter on at Quatre?s house jean says to him ?Well that was a waist that woman took the bounty? She then looks at Quatre and he is just sitting there day dreaming ?Hello Quatre? Quatre then just says ?I think I am in love? ?What!!? ?That woman earlier? ?The one who took are bounty? ?Yeah, When think of her I get a funny feeling I have never felt before? ?Dose is make you feel weird? ?Yeah? ?Quatre that must mean you are in love!?. Quatre is at his home sitting at the table, starring at the sealing the morning after he met the woman who saved his life Jean walk in to the room and says to Quatre ?What?s up? Quatre replies with ?Just thinking about her? Jean sits at the table in front of Quatre and says ?Well that?s the way love goes? jean stands up and says ?I just found a bounty on mars? Quatre looks up and says ?Well?.? He stands up and finishes off what he was saying ?What are we sitting here for?? Jean & Quatre walk in top the garage and Jean looks over Quatre and says ?Your ship is ready to go? Quatre looks over the garage and sees his ship and says ?The Pheonix, you?re in really good condition girl? Jean looks at Quatre and says ?well you finally gave the ship a name? Quatre looked at Jean and said ?well what?s keeping us?? so Quatre and Jean got in to the Pheonix and took off for Mars.
  20. Ooc: soz i meant her lol, and is Quatre the only boy?
  21. chris00k

    Bey Blade

    Quatre: [i] yelling [/i] [b]hay when and where do we meet[/b] ( yelling is in [b]Bold[/b] ) Seifer: [B]At the tornament we will be waiting for you[/B] Kitty: We will show him how to battle Seifer: He is a good blader, But he needs to improve alot to compeet with us..
  22. [i] Quatre is following a woman threw the market [/i] Quatre: [i] Thinking: Yeah thats her [/i] Relina [i] Quatre gets his fold up scythe out and gose for The woman [/i] Quatre: Your mine [i] The woman looks round towards Quatre, sees his scythe and starts to run. The woman runs in to a ally with Quatre following her in [/i] Quatre: 5.000000 W on your head thats a lot for a woman Woman: Well [i] Pulls out a gun [/i] i have you [i] shoots & Quatre Dives out the way and pulls out his hidden Hand gun and shoots the womans hand and Foot [/i] Quatre: Your mine [i] Quatre takes her to Pheonix hand hand cuffs her to the chair [/i] Quatre: dont get blood on my chairs Woman: ha ha ha Quatre: im not joking!!!!!, im not the type to joke!!!! [i] quatre takes her in and gets 5.000000 W for it [/i]
  23. chris00k

    Bey Blade

    quatre: Cool thanx Seifer: well to start with try to get your blades stats up with.... Quatre: i just got a new launcher, my sis made it just for me she owns that Blade shop back there i went to get my blade repaird and some wax & so she gave me the new parts and she had made me a launcher that is this one. Seifer: hay I need some wax for my blade Quatre: Here you can have some ([i] Quatre handed Seifer some wax [/i]) I get things free from there but for the top blade parts i have to pay but i have a discount. Kitty: well that will be good for the team we can get more parts, Lats see your launcher ([i] Quatre shows Kitty & Seifer his launcher[/i]) Quatre: The Pheonix Flame Launcher a.k.a the original Flame launcher my sis up dated to make this.
  24. Quatre: Well how about use masuket's Crystal and heal him Alti: well mmmmmmmmmm we could, but we cant use his crystal [i] Lauren picks up masuket's crystal and it starts to glow [/i]
  25. Quatre is in pheonix flying back to mars from getting a bounty, Quatre: why is all i remember is how to fight and that this ship was my ship???? [i] Quatre tunes in his t.v to that bounty hunter channel [/i] T.v: for all you bounty hunters out their there is a 20,000 W reward on the head of this woman [i]Relina Maxwell[/i] this is a pic of her :smooch: . Quatre: i saw her earlyer [i] Quatre swings the pheonix round and heads back to earth [/i]
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