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Everything posted by chris00k
changed my info
Name: Quatre Winner Aliases (if need be): 00k Age:29 Height:5'8" Build:Well Built Clothing:Army clothing Hair colour and style: Blonde like Duo Maxwell's hair style Eye colour: blue Weapons (optional):a fold up Scythe & small hand gun hidden on the back of his belt under his jacket were it cant be seen. Homeworld/town: Mars Background: He lost his memory in the explotion of the gate Misc. Data: He only knows him self as 00k because of his memory Ship data Ship Name: Pheonix Colour:Flame red, Dome dark orange Cockpit size:3 General Description: Looks like a bird Armaments:Gatlin gun x2, 20 Homing missiles, Flame thrower Pod x2, Decoy projecters x4 (each one projects 1 copy of Pheonix move for move). Power/armour/speed(rank 1, 2 and 3, depending on which has the highest ration):2,2,3
could i join plz
Lauren: i feel the is somthing wrong with Yukito, Yukito whats wrong [i]Yukito looks towards south [/i] Lauren: in the south Quatre: we are going south then Alti: kewl Masuket: Lets go [i]all of them start to walk sout and Quatre hovers south[/i]
[i]Quatre is training in the woods[/i] Quatre: i wonder what do i need to change [i]looks at his blade [/i] Quatre: a new weight disk my one is a standerd type [i] Quatre looks at his launcher [/i] i could do with a new launcher!!! [i]Quatre heads for the BayBlade shop his Sister owns [/i] [b]The shop that Seifer went to earlyer[/b] Quatre: Hi Barry, Is Lauren in Barry (shop worker): Yeah she is round back just go back their Quatre: ko thanx [i] Quatre walks round back and sees his sister Lauren [/i] Quatre: Hay sis Lauren: hi Quatre, what parts is it you want now Quatre: New weight-ring and Launcher Lauren: ok but remember you have to advertise the shop Quatre: yeah what ever Lauren here are the three best types of weight-ring we have; * Light ring: fast and good for air attacks * Heave ring: Strong and here is the one i think you would like * Dragon Ring: Fast, Strong, helps attack & Good for flying attacks Quatre: yeah that Dragon one Lauren: here is a flame launcher, it is one i have made my self with Barry, Just for the Pheonix Quatre: thanx sis, now could you do one moor thing please Lauren: what is it? Quatre: can you give pheonix a new paint job and a wax Lauren: yeah but this will really cost you Quatre: yeah what ever [i] Lauren re painted and waxed Pheonix [/i] Lauren: here and i think it will be good in the Blade tornaments, [b]i am sponsering 2 BayBladers!!!!![/b] Quatre: who Lauren: some lad, barry delt with him, ask him Quatre: ok see ya Lauren: yeah and Quatre just [b]MOMENTIE[/b] ([i]Take it easy[/i]) [i] quatre started to talk to Barry [/i] Barry: yeah i think that his name is Seifer Quatre: Seifer!!!!!!!!!! what did you give him Barry: the sword launcher for the sponser why??? Quatre: i battled him!!!! Barry: so you just done that scrach and he broke your Weight-disk, lol Quatre: ... .. ... .. ... [i] Quatre just walks out of the shop [/i]
[i]Quatre is walking in to his room and his computer started to glow[/i] Quatre: what [i] runs threw the door, the light from the computer starts obzorbing all of his pictures of Dark Terriermon he drew and a digi egg flew out at him [/i] what is this? a egg and what is this some type of computer????? [i] the egg starts to crack and :devil: Terriermon apears, the digi-vice turns on [/i] Quatre: who are you :devil: Terriermon: you know you made me im Dark Terriermon but just call me terriermon. Quatre: and what is this? Terriermon: a digi-vice, hold it to the sky [i] Quatre holds his digi-vice to the sky, a light joins from the digi-vice to the sky then Quatre & terriermon got sent to the digital world [/i]
[i]Quatre gets up & looks around the room [/i] Quatre: i need a morning fly [i] Quatre gets dressed and gets his staff, and walks out side [/i] Quatre: now [i]holds his staff to the sky the wings on it grow, then he sits on the staff[/i] now lets see whats been going on [i] Quatre starts to fly around [/i] where are you guyes?????
Quatre: Yeah but i have another power at my disposal the power of [b]fire[/b], Pheonix Take to the sky [i]Pheonix took to the sky[/i] Now flames of the pheonix [i] The Arena filled with flames, The pheonix bitbeast still sitting above the bitbeast[/i] Kitty: what its hard for my blade to move round the arena Seifer: Well vamp will attack your blade just stay still Quatre: :smirk: i know now, Pheonix now you are in the air use your flame to speed you up!!!! [i]Pheonix reached high speed[/i] [b]Now you can do any thing!!!!!![/b]
Quatre::smirk: you think this will get me, Pheonix take to the sky (Pheonix flew up in to the air) Seifer: What you got out the way Quatre: that is only the start of it, [b]Pheonix Frie spinn[/b] Kitty: how did he do that Quatre: Pheonix is a fire bird he can take to the sky when ever he wants Seifer: Soooooo you doged are attack Quatre: i was a member of the sky flyers a few years a go, any way i will finish this here, [b] Pheonix super fire spinn [/b] (The Pheonix bitbeast started to glow and then fire ctarted to suround the bayblade and a red light came out of the blade and the [b]Pheonix[/b] from the bitbeast apeared), Now take him (pheonix started to fall sraight in to [b]Vamp[/b]) [b] All of a sudden Kitties blade hit vamp out the way
Quatre: :smirk: you have no idear what your up for (he pules out Pheonix) Seifer: nice blade but lets see if you can put your blade were your mouth is Quatre::smirk: :smirk: Kitty & Seifer: Let it rip Quatre: Pheonix lets do it, [b]SPINN OUT!![/b] Kitty: he is quiet fast Quatre: (thought)[i] Now lest show them what we got [/i] Pheonix gain speed Seifer: he is fast!! Kitty: not as fast as us, speed it up!!!!!! Quatre: I will show you the amiture
Chris: Rappidmon lets do it (pulls out a blue card) Rappidmon turns back to :naughty: Terriermon Chris swipes the blue card Bio merge activate :naughty: terriermon & Chris Bio merge to .......... [b]Mega-Gargomon[/b] (Mega-Gargomon = MG) MG: now your in for it now
Quatre: Now lets find a good blayed do destroy (Quatre is walking threw a town and saw to people talking Kitty & seifer) Quatre: You Kitty: who are you, Seifer do you know him Seifer: no never seen him before Quatre: I have been looking for you you have bayblayeds dont you Kitty & Seifer: Yeah Quatre: I want a battle i will take you both on (Pheonix starts to glow)
Quatre: Now lets see what we can do :smirk: Lauren: now you are stronger than you were Alti: I can't weight till i get my crystal i want to see how strong i will be. Quatre: There must be somthing els about getting are crystals the must be a grater power than them Masuket: We wil have to weight and see??????? Quatre: i wonder :flaming: could i get stronger than i have ever been :mad: :mad: :flaming: :flaming: (Quatre's eye's turn like :demon: his) Quatre starts to hover above the ground Lauren: hay Quatre you can fly Quatre: Cool:smirk: (Quatre flyes in to the sky and back down to the others) i have a new power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quatre: Were (Lauren & Alti start to look around) Masuket: i dont know were
( yeah but i havent been menchend for 2 pages so i thought you had forgot about me!!!) (i joined late so i will read threw and get up to date on the rpg In the mean time can you @ least in clued me!!!!)
Quatre: what is going on????????? (Quatre looks at his staff), What is wrong some thing is up with the elements!!! Quatre: From the wings of an angel i call on the power of wind.....(VooDoo flyes out of the smoke in to the sky) VooDoo: I need to find were the others are to find out what is wrong...... (VooDoo Looks in to his staff and says "Staff gide me to the others" A wing apears in the crystal pointing towards the others) VooDoo: Now to find out what is up with the elements. (VooDoo Flyes in the direction which the wing pointed) ************************************************************
Name: Quatre Digimon::devil: (dark) Terriermon Colour:Grey & Red Element: Water (& death/ Darkness if alowed)
Chris: Now lets stop messing around Rappidmon Rappidmon: yeah Chris: You know what to do Rappidmon: Yeah i know, Ultimate Rappid blast (Rappidmon fires a LOT of missiles and lazzers at Archangemon) Lauren: Now he is showing you 2 Dustin & TJ Dustin: yeah but not for long, take him out Archangemon: right (he takes Rappidmon down) Chris: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Rappidmon hold your self out we have 2 weapons left.... Lauren: what are they..... Terriermon: i know what he means Rappidmon: Right (Archangemon hits rappidmon again) Chris: Now lauren send out Terriermon Lauren & Terriermon: Yeah Lauren: (pulls out a blue card & swipes it threw her DT) Matrix Digivolution Terriermon: TERRIERMON DIGIVOLVE TO [B]GARGOMON[/B] GARGOMON MATRIX DIGIVOLVE TO [B]JOKERMON[/B] Jokermon: your in for it now Lauren: take him down Chris: remember traning Jokermon: yeah yeah yeah :laugh: bombs Archangemon: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Dustin: whats up Archangemon TJ: Jokermon's :laugh: bombs make the digimon attaked laph till it is to late that means you have to train for a bit longer till he is to strong for the :laugh: bombs Dustin: well so there is one thing your good for TJ *************************************************** (Chris & :naughty: Terriermon biomerge to [b]Mega-Gargomon[/b]) & (Lauren & Terriermon to [b]Mega-Jokermon[/b]) just if you want to know
Quatre: after what you tryed to do never, Lauren can you call on Yukito to take him away, I Cant get pheonix to other wise he will melt the ghost free but Yukito will not let him free Lauren: Well ok Yukito of the flying waves. I sommon you!!!!!, (Yukito appears) Take him away *******************************
Quatre, Lauren & Alti: Were did she go (they had entered the jungle looking for Masuket) Quatre: here could she have gone Alti: i take it she walked off last night Lauren: more like teleported there are no foot prints Quatre: yeah??????? Alti: were to thow Quatre: i know :flaming: (shoots fire in to the sky) Lauren: well lets hope she sees that -------------------------- Masuket: Hay there i think they are there that must be Quatre
(Quatre sitting thinking to him self: i just cant use the staff i dont know what would happen last time i did a tornado came to be) Quatre: :( i cant Orlai: just get your staff Quatre: well i could (Quatre grabs his staff and a white light apears) With the wings of an angel i call on the power of wind...... VooDoo ............ (Quatre walks out of the light as VooDoo) Orlai & Taikura: finaly at least one you have done it!!!!!!!!
Quatre: (sitting in woods thinking) the bayblade tornaments are coming up i have to get ready!!!!!!, But how [b](Pheonix's Bitbeast glowes)[/b] Quatre: i wonder do i realy need to battle to train its just the pheonix's speed i need to get faster [i]"mmmmmmmmmmmmmm"[/i] I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Quatre gets up and walks to the center of the woods) (He gets Pheonix ready to go) Quatre: [i]Spinn out!!!!![/i] (ustre starts throwing bits of twigs at Pheonix, Pheonix just cuts threw them, then he throws a stone cuts threw it) That good defencive and attack for ya, now [i]PHEONIX[/i] Speed & moving (Quatre starts throwing More stones and twigs now Pheonix is moving around them Pheonix span straight in to a stone) Quatre: Still Pheonix your speed **************************************************