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Everything posted by chris00k

  1. chris00k


    Right You are on a ship in the middle of space and you are looking for earth you ship computer is not to its full capacity and ts name is holly ok it is a boy thow. It Is turning 7:00 Am Quatre & Alex's Quaters (Alex is still a sleep) Quatre gets out of bed and .......... Quatre: Morning Alex, Alex are you up ..Quatre sees alex is still a sleep... okk i guess i9 will get my food ..Quatre's stomac rumbles.. Holly where are we at the moment Holly: In you room Quatre: ha ha ha no were are we Holly: Well in space Quatre: you have got us lost again ....................(some on take it from here)........................ (There was a sign up thread so can you sign up there if you have not done so already):alcohol: :hippy: :alcohol: :hippy: :alcohol: :hippy: :2women:
  2. i will start this rpg but i will only set the place and have my caricter talking till one of you join see you there
  3. (at Quatre's house) :devil: Terriermon has de digivolved and changed back to a digi egg and uatre has found a blue card but.... Quatre: i want to use this card but i dont understand what is happaning to me. Quatre's computer starts to talk it is :devil: Terriermon's voice :devil: Terriemon: What is wrong with me i feel weard (he studers) .......... where is my body im in the computer Quatre: what is happening to us i will use the blue card to bring you back but i dont know if you will change or not i wish i knew what was happening. (The Blue Card Swipes it self threw the D-Power ) Quatre: what!!!!!!!!!!! A light comes out of the computer and splits in to and enters the digiegg and the D-Power. ...........:devil: Terriermon's Digiegg Digivolve to..... ............................................................................... :naughty: (Angel) Terriermon Quatre: Whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Quatre: Thanx Lauren: why do you want to fight me Quatre: it was just a weard felling in me to fight you. Lauren: So do you still want to fight me. Quatre: i dont know im so confused. (Quatre bursts in to tears and runs off yelling "im so confused what is happening to me!!!!!!" :devil: Terriermon runs after him.) ****************************************** Take it a way chibiTerriermon (Lauren & Terriermon)
  5. ) gatlin guns ) thrusters ) one spot the thrusters
  6. you can be a cat there is a cat that has changed in to human form and can speak human so you can be that
  7. ok i will not delete this RPG but will one of you who like it join in.
  8. phyduck & Goldduck are Water& Phychic in one:ball:
  9. if no one posts a reply to this RPG i will delet because no one is joning in with it so i will delet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. you are on the mining ship RedDwarf looking for Earth because it is 5000 years since the ship got sent out Every one on reddwarf got frozen (i need a crew and we will make the story up from there) Have fun All non listed aricters post a bio like this: Name: Age: Apperance: Bio: Personaloty: -------------------------------------------- Name: Quatre Age: 25 (with out being frozen) Apperance:He has dred locks and always wears his hat, he only has 3 sets of clothes. Bio:His Fav word is smeg Personaloty:Funny
  11. commanders name: 00k Metal: infanant Energy: infanent Team: Arm Units: Brawler 00k's upgradid one stage5 hover konstrust craft. Fido x2 fle
  12. Name: 00k Race: Hybrid Gender: Male Appearance: Looks like some one you would not want to mess with Bio: Dispite hs looks he is very kind. his powers are Create fire & water at any temp & attack with it & changes form to anything!!!!
  13. my gundam's chest only has missiles in there so nothing els is in there. 1)Both the dobble gatlin guns & the all the chest missiles 2)all out attack 3)Main generator from behind (cloke activate)(second jammer actovate)
  14. ok here is my story 00k is 13 when he starts to learn that he has the power of the elements he lives in japan and got teached the japanies marchal arts. well to start with when he started with his powers he set his house on fire he killed his family so he went out hiking then after a year he had learnd how to controle his powers threw the magic madalian (i got 2 go post 2morrow)
  15. the boat 00k & Zee are on sets sail
  16. Quatre is now a Gym Laeder water & scycic gym of corse my fave types
  17. actoly how many gym leaders are ther i will be a gym leader if there isnt a lot
  18. 1) chest weppon (1000 homing missiles @ once) 2)launce wide and crosses on head all will hit unless shot down 3)Head (half of head destroyed)
  19. radar jammer broken 1 dobble beam saber 2 stab 3 threw back up generator (only main power)
  20. 00k: whats up with them Zee: The Sky 00k: ha ha ha Zee: thats what they said but they cant waight to kill some bin-ladens. 00k:Good every one has to be ready to kill some bin-ladens, my wepons are ready tokill some of them :devil: how about you. Zee: hell ya !!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. doges flyes behind and 1 Dobble Gatlin gun 2 shoot 3 Close to the power generator.....
  22. :devil: Terriermon is liying on the floor Quatre run's over and picks him up im his arms Lauren looks at Quatre and there is a tear in his eye. Quatre Says to Lauren Quatre: why did you stop him from killing :devil: Terriermon? Lauren: Because I couldnt stang there and see a Tamers Digimon Die. Quatre: Thanx i feel weard Lauren:What Quatre's D-power & :devil: Terriermon Start to glow Quatre's Crest apears in frount of him and changes from All Dark To wight Quatre: Lauren thanx but why did you save him????????????? .....................................................................................................
  23. ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i controle nature so mmmmmmmmmmmm i know i will post 2morrow when i get it all 2gether and know what i am going to post see you then
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