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Everything posted by chris00k
good could i have a warm up battle against Thrasher Slarer (Spike) Because i havnt played a RPG like this pefor propoly
Quatre has the power of the elements so Quatre is stanging on of the ledges of his castle Quatre: I comand the power of nature........***Lightning flashes***....... Start the domsday storm!!!!!!!!!! [b]Quatre's Hands Start to glow[/b] Quatre: Now Storm start bring the chosen once to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the Warlocks could sence the [B]EVIL[/B] warlock powers of Quatre.................. (What will happen next??????????????)
(cool pic chibiterriermon) :devil: Rappidmon & Quatre jump in amaze ment what they are bioemergin but how did they do that okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :devil: Rappidmon how are they doing that :devil: Rappidmon: They have became such good friends. Quatre: Well why are we not able to do that????? :devil: Rappidmon: because we are evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***Lauren & Terriermon DNA Digivolve to :naughty: AngelGargomon *** Quatre & :devil: Rappidmon: what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quatre: how dare you, :devil: rappidmon i have a DNA digivolve card......... *************Digimodifie DNA digivolve activate********* Quatre & :devil: Rappidmon :devil: DNA digivolve to DevilRappidmon
00k: is standin at dock 5 waighting for the last people to arive. (he sees Zee drive up) 00k: are you coming abored Zee: yes 00k:what up with you look like some thing is wrong what are you thinking about. Zee:Revenge 00k:cool can i help you Zee:ok but i am in charge of the plan. 00k & Zee get on the boat .................................................................................
:devil: Gargomon used :devil: Gargolazer Quatre:Finish IT off ***:devil: Gargomon :flaming: Digivolve to :devil: Rappidmon*** :devil: Rappidmon::devil: Destruction ballet (Terriermon Jumped in the way)......................................
mean wile Quatre is walking threw the Dark wood looking for a chalange....................... He Gets to the end of the wood and finds that he is in a peacefull village and now the village is not so peace full the village is now his evil layer..........................
at Quatre's house :devil: Terriermon finaly stoped laphing :devil: Terriermon: Lets go show :naughty: Terriermon whos boss Quatre waight till you have more strength and then we will go :devil: Terriermon: just use a power modify card then i will have the power i need Quatre: Ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****Digimodifiy Power activate**** (:devil: Terriermon jumped on to his feet and Quatre & :devil: Terriermon went looking for Lauren & Terriermon. When they found them there was another girl & a demidevimon there but :devil: terriermon didnt care he ran in ready to fight both of them..................
can we start the battles & the rpg story now we have to have storys of how we got the gundams
00k & ElfGirl were flying following prince and they ran in to another person with a huge power level it was Thrasher 00k: i have herd of you you are Thrasher ElfGirl: who is he 00k: he is the great Thrasher you dont know him he is my idol i have always wanted to meet him Thrasher :stop all this who are you 00k:im 00k & this is ElfGirl Thrasher: So you are one of my fans 00k: i am your biggest fan How did you get so strong. Thrasher & 00k & ElfGirl started talking for a while and then 00k asks Thrasher if he had seen a man with a strong power level and looks weard Thrasher: yes why ElfGirl: His Power Is not normal 00k: no its EVIL and i want to fight him to see who is stronger but did you get any troble from him Thrasher: No but look at this nice animal he killed 00k: right now im getting mad:flaming: (00k Powers up to full :flaming: and flys after prince) ElfGirl: Waight for me see you latter Thrasher. (ElfGirl flyes after 00k)
00k was following prince and then he saw a girl flying towards him 00k: who are you Lauren:Lauren but just call me Elfgirl 00k: ok what are you looking for Elfgirl: I felt a powerfullenergy level flying that way 00k: i was following it to, lets both go and find out what it was.
chibiterriermon said i can join this thread but be an evil wizzard so Name: Quatre Age:?? Bio: Evil Wizzard Powers: Evil Magic & Powers of nature thanx people & chibiterriermon
Another dark card apears in front of Quatre he swipes it :devil: Gargomon :flaming: digivolve to :devil: Rapidmon Cool Quatre: Attack :devil: Rapidmon Rappid blaster Before :devil: Rapidmon could deliver the attack he fell on the floor laphing from the Laphing bombs De de digivolved to :devil: Terriermon So Quatre Grabs :devil: Terriermon and run home
Name:quatre Pokemon: Scyduck bio: later personaloty: later (Team Rocket)
Name of Pilot: 00k Name of Mobile Suit: DeathArms custom weapons(max 4): 2 Dobble gatlin guns, 1 dobble scythe, Chest opens and packed with a secret wepon Bio: Just like hero youi His Gundam has a system like wing0 & Epeon, Keep an eye on your power generaters or they will be destroid. Apearance:Looks like a mix of duo & Quatre Try to talk first and wount kill unless he has to!!!!!! Attack stratagy: Talk, Defend, attack, kill if has to or makes mobile suit brake down. :naughty:
Name: 00k Race: Namic Age: 15 Height: ?? Weapon: Sord Bio: Most powerfull 15 year old in the world Description: Cool looks like Picalo Personality: Kind dosnt like to fight un less he has to. :naughty:
Name: 00k Age: 15 Height: ?? Weight: ?? wepeon(s): sord, magic book, magic madalian attacks: sord, elements, flight & invisabilaty Special Move(s): :wigout: Duplication:wigout: , :flaming: flaming:flaming: infurno, Lightning sord. Race: Japanies Looks: :demon: Ninga:demon: :flaming: :naughty:
if im not to late this is my bio ***************************************** Name: 00k Weapons: Sord, Nunchucks, Pistol Vehicle: Quiet motor bike Age: 19 Apperance: Ninga clothes Bio: japanies, trained in japanies marchial arts :naughty:
Name:Krillin Codename: 00k Age: 19 Height: 5 foot Organisation: Assasin Location: Dead people Staring weapon: Sniper or pistol Bio: not much known. he had amnesha and dose not know who he was before Description: Scary not your run of the mill person Personality: Dosen't talk much but not very frindly. good for sneaky plans :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Hi Again Name: Quatre Age: 19 Gundam's: pilots 2 gundams Sandrock & Heavyarms custom Bio: Quatre just older & pilots Heavy arms custom trowa gave him it he profers to fight in heavyarms custom against mobile dowls Looks: Quatre just older personaloty: Adult Quatre :nervous: ************************** ChibiTerriermon is Duo your fav Piolt Duo then Quatre Arm my faves my 2 fav gundams are 1)Heavyarms 2)Heavyarms custom ******************************* see you soon
Quatre is running with Dark Terriermon than all of a sudden smoke comes around the road, Lauren & terriermon see the smoke and go running to wards it and see quatre and say i knew you were behind this and then all of a sudden a dark card apears and quatre swipes it threw Dark Digimondfi and than dark light comes out of Quatre's D-power and Dark Terriermon Starts To digivolve ( Dark Terriermon digivolve to .......:flaming: DARK:flaming: GARGOMON.....) then a blue card apears in front of lauren and he uses it and terriermon starts to digivolve (........Terriermon digivolve to ....:naughty: GARGOMON:naughty: .......) **************************************************** What will happen next with :flaming: Dark:flaming: Gargomon & :naughty: Gargomon:naughty: **************************************************** Take it away ChibiTerriermon (Lauren) & Terriermon ****************************************************
00k i ssitting at the top of a mountain in japan and then suddenly he feels a huge energy coming to wards him its, its!!!!!!! Some old person (Prince) A huge evil energy and then 00k calls nimbus and 00k gets on nimbus and starts following prince............ in to the sun set ********************************************* (Keep it up people its starting to come alonge) ********************************************* :naughty:
Quatre is sitting on the internet playing the digimon game on the net next thing he knows his computer catches a virus and and his card swiper starts to glow and 2 cards apear a black vershon of the blue card and a terriamon card so he swipes the black card threw and a gray light apears and then his card swipe changes to a black digivice (Dark D-power) then he swipes the terriamon card it changes to a dark terriamon and then a yin yan digi egg apears on the screen. (***fade out***) The Digi egg hatches and a dark terriamon apears!!!!!!!!!!! the sky has turned red!!!! (***fade out***) Quatre and Dark Terriamon are walking threw the street and they spot a nother terriamon they follow it and they see a nother digimon taimer its no other than Lauren Quatre yels digimodifiy and swipes a power card threw his D-power And yells Dark Terriamon ATTACK........................ ***********Tackit ChibiTerriermon (Lauren) & Terriamon******
Hi this is chris00k im going to start a new RPG as many people can join over 2 weeks from 03/04/2002 then only people who join in that time can carry on to join you can create 1 person and add your part of the RPG you can only add 1000 words. i will add another person to it half way threw to join fill in a form like this for your person: Name: 00k Real Name: ??????? Age: ?? Power Levil: 500,000,000,000,000 Speed: 999,999,999,99 Personaloty: No one knows much about him. Gender: Male --------------------------------------------- (starting the RPG) 200 years after the cell games had been finished. The legendary Z fighters have been seporated people say thet there is people over the world that have the same power of the Z fighters. (**fade out**) there is a room on the gardeuns look out point that has some one with great power in there and there is a legend saying it is a legendary sayin in there!!!!! and they are traning for the destruction of the world by a evil s.s.j. It turning night and there is a shadow glearing over the sea from a crack in the mountin some people say he is a Z fighter and some sy he is a relative of a Z fighter and some other people say he is a goust of kami!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------- ******take it away from here****** ---------------------------------------------- thanx from chris00k:wigout: :tasty: :naughty: :excited: :worried: :nervous:
we should start a rpg story thing up it could start with me because i am the evil one so should i?:laugh: :demon: :naughty: :excited:
Name: Quatre Crest:Yin Yan didi egg:yin yan Color of Digivice: black Age:14 Type:Tamer like hennry but like ken from evil Partner:DARK Terriermon Bio:he dosent like his digimon fighting but he dose if he REALY has to, he got taken over by evil so the dark part of the yin yan. Apperance:wears dark green cargo trousers & black shirt. so what do you think???????? :wigout: :whoops: