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About sayoeimomo

  • Birthday 06/01/1991

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  • Biography
    I enjoy simming so much tha tI work outA least four days a week in order to get into shape
  • Occupation
    None A the momment

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  1. I have over six pages detailed of a story I am wanting to turn into a manga but, I am not the best drawing person. I need an artist who can work with me on this story manga. It's a vampire story that is pretty dark in a sence. "Some what of the story plot" Vlad was born the first vampire or so we thought. Turing two women into vampires for his pleasure. One Female gave birth to Vlads first son Alcuard. The other gave birth to many child for Vlad, but she thought he would make her his life compain. Instead he chose the other. Now leaving a woman alone only to be Vlad Mistress. She craves revenge for what the other woman took from her. So please contact my Otakuboards.com Mail account.
  2. Some fanfictions have very poor grammer and plots that are very poorly written. I say if your going to write a fanfiction don't make the char.s act like something else. Thats jsut annoying when ....."Example" Tohru from Fruitbasket is pretty dences, falls a lot, puts people a head of her self, and inside she is in pain, but never shows it. In many fanfictions Tohru is nothing like what she is in the manga and thats very annoying. :animeangr
  3. Really I do come a cross good fanfiction, but then there are the ones the are four hundred pages and drag out way to long. I do read books all the time and from my understand of them the way that they are step up leaves you in aw. I my self once in a while write fanfiction but, I re-edited it till is makes sence and the char. comes across almost perfect. Then there are the storys the just are wrong on so many levels. Yaio or Yuri between char.s that would never happon. I have seen a shippo/kagome story where he is still a pup. I came a cross a very well fanfiction on mediaminer.com author is Snickie tittle of story Scared Touch. Even though it was a Kurama/Kaogme story it was very well one-shot story. The once problem I have with is Kurama is not a weak and helpless. That really the one thing messed up wth the story. :animesigh I only watch or read fanficiton when I come home from swimming for two or three hours. I'm not a zombie by any means but, I just enjoy relaxing with a good show I enjoy. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Others have already said it, but too much of anything will do that to you, not just fanfiction and watching anime or reading. Good or bad quality, both will turn you into a zombie if you watch or too much.And I will turn around and disagree with you. Using a pre-established character is a good start for someone who is new to writing since the basics of their personality as well as the environment are already there for the writer to play around with. Just ask Rach, the same is done with composing, they are encouraged to take an existing popular melody and alter it and produce a piece as a means to practice. The same goes for writing. It's a hell of a lot less intimidating to play with an existing story than it is to attempt to completely create your own. It doesn't matter if they are capable of understanding the characters on an intimate level, that's something that if they really are serious about, comes with time and practice. The only danger here is never moving past using someone else character, or never attempting to break the mold. But by no means should people steer away from it altogether. Don't confuse kids just having fun with people who really are attempting to write a good fan fiction. And so what if some of them never want to improve? It is after all, for a lot of them, nothing more than something they do for fun. Plus there's no reason why you can't give them good criticism such as spelling and grammar issues without slamming them on everything that is off in the story. If it's obvious that they are new to it, then simply tailor your criticism to match what they are ready to deal with instead of completely and totally nit picking every little mistake. That discourages them more than anything. Go back and check the thread where people posted their pictures Rev, Shy is anything but ugly. lol He's one of the cutest guys in the entire thread. Anyway, in the end if you're turning into a zombie from reading fan fiction, and watching anime, then it's time to get off your butt and go do something else for a while. If you have a dog take them on a walk, or if you're into DDR do that for a while. Anything but sitting and watching a screen of some kind. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I am far from a zombie like creature walking around looking for brains :animeknow.. I work out five days a week lifting weights or on the swim team or studing or helping out with my school leadership program
  4. I been doing a lot of fanifction reading laty and I nocited. When I read for hours and hours on the computer once I stop I am sorta like a zombie. What has happoned to you from watching to much anime or reading to much fanfiction ?:catgirl:
  5. I agree with what the evertine is saying Do not cut Carbs but do not go over board. I got to McDonalds About once every two week and used to drink Coke but, Instead now I replaced it with Power aid. Do simple things to replace unheathly foofd groups or drins .I have a major sweet tooth but, I make it that I only but a boz of candy or something sweet on the weekends. Start out slow with your work out and slowly move but. I suggest try a swiiming class once or twice a week and after a while of doing it your body will slowly change for the better. But the most IMPORTENT theing is never hate your body it will only lead to pain. Be happy woth who you are and tell your self I am only doing this to be heathler. Love who you are no matter what and never go for the diet scam cause they just put back the weight you lose. Eat more fish, Drink power aid, and Talk to a doctor or someone who has more insight in this. But, you can lose it if you really choose to and once you start don't ever stop.:catgirl:
  6. I work out four days a week in order to gain more Stamia for my swimming. Try some yoga at first to limber you body in order to help you deal with more harder work out. Work out for 40 Minutes lifting 5 pound weights carefully. Talk to your nearest weight trainer for more Info .Also Get on a sport team if you can. But, Never do it alone. Cut done on what your eatting. Instead of pop drink Power Aid it help you lose the weight. If you need more Info Pm.:animeknow
  7. They need to make more of the show. I can not seem to understand the point of the bunney and the aleins always seem to show up at odd times.
  8. tis very lost of two of the anime show since I seen saw only Inuyasha and sailor moon Inuyasaha- Kikyo Sailor moon- the cats :animeknow
  9. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta][FONT=Century Gothic]28 Weeks Later will be leaving mee paranoid for about two weeks when I see it. Never could stand zombies but, sence I saw the first moive only makes since to se the second one.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] :animecry: :bash: :moron:
  10. My hero not to sound silly is Edward from Cowboy Bebop. :catgirl: She is crazy and a great hacker. Ok..My other hero is Tohru honda. She struggles to keep others happy no matter how it will effect her. :animeswea
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