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  1. I need them for a cosplay I am doing and if you could help me find them I would very much appreciate it
  2. I fully agree. When I see people smoke on the big screens I just see death sticks that make you get closer and closer to your demise. And personally I think its insutling to ban or restrict us teens watching movies just because someone is smoking. Do they think we ae dumb and make judgements on how and what we think is cool or not cool to do just because a character in a movie is doing it. :animeangr
  3. I'm not really a pie fan actually.....I never really liked pie, and some people called that blasphemy (my friends do) But my favorite pastry I have to say is red bean pastry from the Japanese marketplace I go to. Its awsome!! :animesmil and also the dumplings are good as well =3
  4. Does anyone remember Carmen Sandiago and Might Ducks Cartoon show were on in the 90's? I miss them :(
  5. I don't know how to celebrate this day....because my mother died when I was 10.............
  6. What puts me in good mood I guess if theres grey weather outside. I don't know wy but I just like the grey looking clouds in the morning. =3
  7. I was just at Acen yesterday. It was ok this year. I personally liked last year better =3. But I am looking forward to next year's Acen so I can cosplay better.
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