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Everything posted by Todesengel

  1. Diet Mountain Dew. I love it, I could easily drink a few two litre bottles of it a day if my mom bought that much, Im drinking it right now, in fact. With every other can I wonder how long it will be until I get a brain tumor from all the nutrasweet :animedepr .
  2. I'd go with option 2, seeing as I hate the cold and I hate being alone, and, because I'm assuming I would have no computer with internet connection, definately option 2. [B]Would you rather[/B] .... Search for a missing loved one for a decade, only to discover them to have been killed in the most brutal, slow, and painful way possible. [CENTER]or[/CENTER] Be the bottom/submissive in a voilent BDSM relationship with some crazy socipath for the rest of your life (Assuming you arent into voilent BDSM, of course)
  3. Well Sony's sued people before for stupid **** like this. If they are able to sue Sony, I'll consider it poetic justice. Plus I hate Sony, they suck. [size=1][color=red]Todesengel, welcome. I deleted your other message. (Tried to copied a paste, but it didn't work out the way I intended.) In any case, double posting is not allowed. The edit button is there for a reason, and we expect you to use it. Another thing, you may want to consider adding some thought to your post. We have an emphasis on quality and conversation. You can atleast give (explain) your reason. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any other staff member. ~Phenom~[/color][/size]
  4. If I could pick songs to follow me around wherever I went I would pick them according to mood and change them often. For example, Angry- Necro- Your ****ing Head Split, Cannibal Corpse- Maniacal Sad- Some Dashboard Confessional song, Just Kidding, I hate emo Infanicidal- Anal Cu*t- I lit Your Baby On Fire Lobotomized- A Gucci Mane song If I ever lose my wooden leg climbing up the topsails, and want to find it (unlikely)- Dropkick Murphys- Im shipping up to Boston Like Crushing the legions of the twilight, whatever that means- Dragonforce- Operation Ground and Pound Well, thats quite enough of my stupidity for now.
  5. I've got a small, self done rune on my leg. It looks like ****, and was an extremely bad idea. Im hoping it'll fade away on it's own but it shouldnt be too expensive to get it removed. I used to have a small, self done anarchy sign on my palm, under my thumb, but it faded away over time (I actually kind of liked that one). When I'm old enough to get tattoos, I figure ill be covered in ink.
  6. Im an ugly mofo. This was the best pic I could get, Im not the most photogenic person in the world, and I couldn't figure out how to turn the flash off, lol. [URL=http://www1.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=161283171/PictureID=3223846543/a=98114184_98114184/t_=98114184]me[/URL]
  7. (1) I like to sing along to death metal songs when nobodies home, mostly Cannibal Corpse, you can imagine how dumb I look. I also like to headbang furiously while I do it. Many a days you can hear me from my room growling "MANIACAAAAL, PHSYCOPAAAATH!" (2) I like to sing along to J-pop songs, too. (3) Going Comando, if you do it once you realize how uncomfortable underwear are. (4) Slam dancing in my room. Mostly to earlier Job For A Cowboy songs, deathcore FTW. (5) Eating at Mcdonald's, I know it's extremly bad for me, but it's just so good. (6) Getting hurt, but only quick stuff that causes a low amount of pain, getting cut, burnt, scratched, ect. I like the endorphin rush. (7) Watching internet porn, the porn part dosent make me feel guilty, but the damage Im doing to my computer does. (8) Stoner comedys, something about the plights of giggling potheads makes me laugh.
  8. Or maybe, it was that the two ultimate evils of AOL and Breaking Benjamin combined, thus creating the spawn of satan and screwing up your connection.
  9. In the begining there was me and my hadouken which created the earth and the heavens.And then I said "HADOUKEN!" and there was light, and it was good.
  10. My parents generally let me stay home when I want too, unless Ive used up all my sick days. When I was in elementary school I used to try and fake sick, but I'm not the best actor, apparently :animesmil . The only method I ever used that really worked was staying up all night before to make myself sleepy, and I look pretty ****** after Ive stayed up all night so it helped convince my parents I was sick.
  11. I really dont think it's a phase I'll grow out of because I think about the guy ALOT. Way more than anyone whos going through a "Phase" should. As for the sexual preference of the guy, he's as straight as an arrow, anything an happen I guess, but this guy is definety straight, even if he was into guys, I doubt he would admit it, because it would mess up his reputation so bad, so it's pretty much gonna remain unrequitted. There was a kid I knew in 6th grade, he admitted he was gay and was relentlesly picked on, day after day, it was so bad he switched schools, I havent seen him since, and I dont want to end up like him. If I keep having these feelings, I definatly wont come out to anyone but very close friends. Actually, I kind of regret telling my best friend, he's the kind of person that thinks sexuality is a choice, and that I could control it, he also said, as I mentioned earlier, that It was just crazy horomones/a phase.
  12. Ever since I was around 11 or 12, when I first hit puberty, I've noticed other males in a way most guys dont, but I was always too scared to think about it. But recently, I've became more open minded and decided it was ok. Im 14 now, and I'm trying to figure out if Im actually bi (I like women too), or i it's just a phase Ill grow out of. I recently told my best friend that I thought I was bi, he just told me I was stupid for thinking so and said it was active horomones/a phase I'll grow out/ect. But I'm not so sure, and I need help. So I want to know, do you think Im too young to tell or that it might actually be something? Im too scared to tell any other friends or family members (I live in a very socially backwards, homophobic town) and I'm just really, really confused, especially recently because Ive developed a huge crush on a male friend and he is all I can think about right now.
  13. [IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e10/SirEel32/retardedSuperman.jpg[/IMG] My secret is revealed! But seriously, Ill post a real pic when I find my camera.
  14. "Art F**" by a grindcore/noisegrind band called "Anal C***" Anal C***'s music is always really funny, but this is the funniest Ive heard. He listens to the f***ing Smiths He's got a mustache He wears a trenchcoat He's got a mustache He wears black tights He writes poetry He wears black lipstick Under his mustache He's got a rollercoaster haircut He dyes it jet black When his is really brown Just like his mustache He wants to be Robert Smith But with a mustache He's a f***ing art f** He's got a mustache
  15. Me and a few friends are currently starting a band, and I'm the bassist. First we are all gonna learn MCR- Give Em Hell Kid, just to get used to playing together. Im not sure what genre we are gonna be, the guitarist wants to sound like Underoath, whereas the drummer wants to sound like Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (ugh). If we start sounding like some pop punk RJA clone, them im gonna leave and start a band with one of my other friends. I like the idea of a metalcore-ish band, though, and drummers are a dime a dozen around here, so we could probably find a new drummer. :animesmil
  16. [quote name='Akuya Astarios']Basically my outlook on Human Evolution is this. A guy who wanted to be famous came up with all this stuff like humans came from monkeys (which is totally absurd) and stuff like that so he could go down in history. Those who go to church and who believe in God, know that this isn't true, so why, I ask you do they force us to "learn it" in school?[/quote] Because there is actually something backing up the idea of evolution. The only thing backing up the idea of Creationism is faith. People who go to church dont KNOW creationism is true they BELIEVE it is. Which is more absurd, A supreme being magically creating humans in his image, or humans coming from billions of years of random mutations, I would think the former. Charles Darwin wasn't just "A guy who wanted to be famous" he actually studied the subject for many years and came up with a theory of why things are the way they are, instead of relying on faith. Maybe you should be a little more open minded instead of acting like only what you beleive is right. I could easily say Jesus was just someone who wanted to be famous so he came up with all this absurd "I am the son of god" ****.
  17. Oh okay, that explains the expanded buttocks. I fell really stupid now. :( (crawls into hole) :animedepr
  18. Close minded people People who make fun of other people's weight/ appearance Avril Lavigne (or however her name is spelled) When I get called emo or goth because I sometimes wear all black People that make fun of my high voice and accent My friend who thinks Naruto is the greatest thing since sliced bread My other friend that thinks im a nerd because of my love of video games, anime, and reading People that think smart=nerdy People in general outpost brand beef jerky (It tastes like that fake bacon they feed to dogs) My Language Arts teacher who is a ***** Most rap music People that call me gay because I have both ears pierced Nu Metal (besides Korn) Youtube Myspace Funnyjunk.com People that completely dismiss a certain kind of music even though they've never listened to it People who say the PS3 is superior to the Xbox 360 and Wii Fake goths People who attempt to be "Random" and think they are funny because of it People who listen to Blink 182 and Avril Lavigne and say they are punk The song "Girlfriend" Young children who drink beer and brag about it People who dismiss certain video games because they are "Childish" My friend that thinks he's a music expert despite knowing nothing about music People who freak out about nothing People who constantly talk about how "hot" a fictional anime character is My friend who is slightly less fat than me and makes constant jokes about my weight These are some of the things that grind my gears. I could write ALOT more but I have to go to sleep.
  19. [IMG]http://evolution.haifa.ac.il/html/html_eng/images/FUTURE%20OF%20HUMAN%20EVOLUTION.jpg[/IMG] Ummmm wouldnt atrophied arm and leg muscles just serve to make humans weaker? I dont understand how that would make the species any more efficient. I suppose that with the advancement of technology, humans would no longer need to be strong, but I still dont know how weakness=efficientcy.
  20. [B]Rammstein[/B] -[URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=tslGJyEXkDI]Mein Teil[/URL] Great video and one of Rammstein's best songs. It's about a german cannibal named Armin Mewes that put up an ad on the internet saying "Looking for a well built 18-30 year old to be slaughtered." A man answered Armin's add, and they cut off and ate the man's penis together :sick:.Armin then killed the man and ate his body over time for a few weeks. I love the story and the how bizarre the video is.
  21. It's usually the sign of a great game if it devours your life but with WoW it just gets pointless because your addicted to a game thats no longer fun to you. I do understand where your coming from though, Big Sky, and agree that it would be awesome if there was a cyberpunk revolution and you never had to spend time outside the world of an MMOG.
  22. Here are a few bad games Ive played. [B]N64[/B] - DK64 was fun for a while but soon got boring. I had fun until I rescued a few of the kongs then I never played again. To this day it sits on the shelf colleting dust with my neglected Nintendo 64. [B]Sega Genesis[/B] - pretty much everything on this system excluding the sonic series was ****. But "The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare" was a special kind of ****. It was so bad it was almost good, not good in the traditional sense, but good in the sense that the quality was so bad that I was impressed by the developer's ability to make such a terrible game. All you do it the game is walk across a neverending sidewalk avoiding getting killed. Occasionally, one of Bart's missing papers would appear on the ground, and you played some mini game to get it back. It was all really confusing, and I stopped playing before I really figured it out. [B]Gamecube[/B] - Urbz: Sims in the City was THE worst Sims ever. The whole goal of the game was to become popular. As you progress through the game, you move to different areas of the city and befriend the local group there. one area has punks/goths another has skateboarders another has bikers ect. All the people in this game are really steriotypical and the only way to befriend them is to dress like them and adopt their mannerisms so this game has a really good moral to it, "If you want to be popular all you have to do is conform." [B]PC[/B] - Im going to get ambushed by WOW nerds for saying this but, World of Warcraft is bad. It's definately not the worst game on the PC and is enjoyable for about 4-6 months but once you hit the level cap, you come to the coclusion that either you have to throw away your life with raiding or PvP, or be bad at the game. Raiding sucks, guilds are usually led by annoying, selfish nerds with no lives. You will be required to show up at almost every raid to get any gear, raids usually last about 4 hours. I have a friend that got in a hardcore raiding guild and constantly fell asleep in class because he stayed up till 3 the night before. NEVER BUY WORLD OF WARCRAFT. It will devour your life and turn you into an empty shell of a person :animedepr
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