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Everything posted by affection

  1. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]Yeah, I told my Great Aunt about me trying alligator, and her being old fashioned and American... pretty much just scowled at me. It's amazing on what limits we live by. Though I'm more afraid to eat my friends Dad's food than that of a restaurant. He just makes scary looking food. The alligator I had was more of an alligator "bite", it was seasoned but it was excellent. They are really popular around here, I suppose. The restaurant I went to gained interest after that strange food came out. Many people recommend to at least try it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]I honestly can't wait to see this. I'm pretty excited about it and took the quiz on the site hahah. :)[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]Wow I completely forgot about DBZ. I remembered Pokemon, but I'm not much of a fan to their new series.. but if you just count the old series.. then.. yeah. Though, it wasn't too long ago when I watched it. Probably in 5th grade! (I'm going to be a senior this year..) Don't criticize (lol)! :P I believe the Transformers came out in like 1984ish.. I mean, it's not 100% anime, but it's pretty close. The anime purists would not be happy with it, but I liked it ;[ Not to mention it was my first introduction to this type of animation. Then from then on.. it grew onto me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]Weeeeeeeeeeeelllll..... I looooooved Sailor Moon back in the day... I love... "Tatakae! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers" Widely known to Americans as Transformers! I do realize that this was produced in the US but it was animated and shown in Japan.. and that it isn't considered Japanese animation, but I love it so I must mention it! ;( I can't really think of any on the top of my head :([/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]i think what Mitch is trying to explain is that love is immaculate. It's not something that has a definitive form - you can't add and take away from it - it isn't an action. It's a feeling. It's not something you control through your actions, nor is it something other people can control for you - love just is. If you feel it, you feel it, if you don't, you don't and that's all there is to it. The sort of love that has to be controlled is only the thing that we tell ourselves love its, brought on by the common idea of love. It becomes no longer an emotion, but a word subject to human definition.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]Of course, I wouldn't say any different. I was just saying that it comes in all forms. Needless to say some good and some bad comes out of it. But you can always feel it. I do agree with him on that, I just didn't know if I used to right wording when I explained it prior to his response.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='Copycatalyst]Love is not full of arguments. Love is not what you make it. Love is undefinable and something beyond words, so why are we wasting our time trying to give it words? Love speaks for itself, words or no words. Let us [i]act[/i] in love, rather than seek to know what it is. Let's let it be the mediator of our choices. Let's [i]love[/i'] each other as much as we can--[/quote] [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]It's impossible to define, of course. Not even a dictionary gives you something accurate. I didn't say that it was full of arguments, but people claim it to be. They say they are in love but they are the most miserable people I know.This goes for both married and unmarried couples. There is no possible way to define love, you can't even explain it to the one you love. When I say it is what you make it, I don't mean you can sit there put a little sugar and honey into love. No, I mean that you have to try. You can't be selfish because it's not going to work out. You need compromise and trust. If you don't have that, then you really don't have much.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [quote name='Semjaza']Unfortunately, I've only been able to find it in Florida. In recent years, even I make it down there, it's been harder and harder to find. If places do have it, the pieces are incredibly small. And since it's usually fried up like little nuggets, you get a lot more batter than alligator.[/quote] [FONT=Georgia]We have it up here in PA :DDDDDDD It was awesome and I never had any "out of the ordinary" foods... I even got a special pin for trying it out. "Official Gater Taster" How cool is that?!!!! Hahaha.[/FONT]
  8. King Leonidas from 300 xDDDDD! [u][URL="http://www.miieditor.com/?mii=09c0006f002e006f0000000000000000000000000000404400000001c20000010000780009400ad2186d06601158b84f04690e8a2504004d0069006900200045006400690074006f0072"]who am i?[/URL][/u] Facts: 1. Always sits in an odd manner 2. Loves sweets 3. "I am justice"
  9. [quote name='Copycatalyst']Love is not a battlefield.[/quote] [FONT=Georgia] Love is what you make it. It can be full of happiness with little arguments or full of sadness with very few happy moments. People I know have stayed together even though they argue constantly. They say they are in love... but I don't think I'd want to consider myself in "love" and have everyday an argument.. They have even fought over ice cream. Yeah, it's that bad. She's really abusive too. but they are in "love" so it doesn't matter.[/FONT]
  10. [QUOTE=Peanut][font=tahoma][size=2]I guess the point of this thread is simply, why can't someone tell the truth and give closure? Especially if theres no benefit in it for you. Besides just being a coward. Also, do you have any bad break up tales? Did you ever need closure from a relationship? A tale of blood and gory revenge? Please do tell.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Georgia]It's natural for someone to be afraid to break someone else's heart. Even if you stop loving them, doesn't mean you stop caring about them. You don't want to be the one to hurt them, you'd rather them hurt you. I think that everyone is a coward when it comes to that. (at least if they have loved them) I have really only one crappy break up and I did the breaking up. I was dating this guy, Brian, for 2 years. I finally (after a few months of thinking about it) decided that it was time for me to move on. He was just too controlling for my independent spirit ^_^;; Well.. boy that didn't happen as easy as I thought it would be. I thought since he claimed to love me, that he would try to move on or maybe even admit that we weren't together anymore.. but he didn't. He insisted that I was brainwashed by my friends (god forbid me hang out with my friends alone) and said it was just a phase... he'd watch my every move. Sometimes sit beside me and just watch me and cry. Then call me heartless because I didn't do anything about it. There's not much I can do! I wasn't going to change my mind, and that's all he wanted. I just wanted to be alone. He got my Grandmother very angry with me and had her talk to me and him at the kitchen table for about 5 hours. It was horrible. Then at school he dropped my books and kept threatening me (my teacher soon got involved)... Long story short.. he made my life miserable as soon as I dumped him and insisted that we were still together. I don't ever want to go through that again. It's not like I acted like I was in love with him, I was really distant.. he knew it was coming... he just didn't know when. :( [/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Georgia]I despise [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OuRajFzMYI][u]Samurai Champloo's theme song[/URL][/u]. When I used to hear it on Adult Swim, I'd have to turn it off. I don't know what it is about that theme song that I hate so much... I also hate Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo's theme songs. I know they have a few so I'm not going to bother looking them up.[/FONT]
  12. Maybe you are just over-reacting. Are you drinking soda a lot? You said that you're period is irregular, so then it's probably that. You can't tell if you've been ovulating? (which happens before the period) Have you had any cramps? PMS often includes both physical and emotional symptoms. Common symptoms are: * acne * breast swelling and tenderness * feeling tired * having trouble sleeping * upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea * headache or backache * appetite changes or food cravings * joint or muscle pain * trouble concentrating or remembering * tension, irritability, mood swings, or crying spells * anxiety or depression You might just be going through some PMS. (Haha.) Have you noticed any of that behavior? When/if you get your period this time around, maybe you should go on Birth Control?
  13. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]You know she must mean a whole lot to you that you wish for her happiness even if that means not being with you. I think it's great that you have met someone that makes you feel crazy, someone who you can picture yourself with. I do think that it's hard to find someone who makes your heart sing and you actually are totally selfless when it comes to them. I think you will need to give her time since she was just hurt by her ex boyfriend. You don't want to be a rebound. Be careful with your and her heart. I think you should be there for her, if she'd let you. Prove to her that you aren't someone who would hurt her, but at the same time be able to give her the space so so much needs in her life. And most of all, be yourself! Because if she can't fall in love with you, then she wasn't meant for you. Good luck![/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]Ohhhhh I didn't know their ages, so maybe 19 is old enough to know better. But they are still too immature to care.. so it is best to sever ties. For some reason I guess I thought they were like 13 or something... I wish you luck in the future.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]I procrastinate. I procrastinate saying things I should have said earlier. I'll be working on something and doing another thing at the same time. (Though I wouldn't really classify that as procrastination, but if I'm doing homework and then thinking about a new picture to draw.. I'll draw it. Then I'll finish homework.) I think it's natural to procrastinate sometimes (particularly if something is boring) My mind is never where it's SUPPOSE to be. Ever. My head is always up in the clouds.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]2[/B']. um... well i generally avoid eating strange things. i have an increadibly picky appetite and I refuse to put nasty things in my mouth. My brother's friend, though, recently took him to a Chinese buffet where the friend ate 8 tiny, purple octopi. Ew.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]HAHAHA. My friends step dad used to play with them and it was really gross. I never ate them before. They look at you. I can't even eat shrimp unless the heads are off. At Maryland they have them with the heads on because they are fresh catch. They are delicious but I made my Aunt peel them :( poor things.. [/FONT][/SIZE][quote name='Clurr][FONT=Arial']I think I wanted to try alligator once, but my mom talked me out of it. Now I'm positive I don't want to put anything like that anywhere near my mouth, hah.[/FONT][/quote] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]Believe it or not I'm naturally afraid of trying new food like that. But my friend said it was good and tasted like chicken. It was really good. Not to mention I got a pin saying that I was an official gator taster! I did it for the pin >_>[/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][INDENT]I merged your posts together [B]affection[/B], please do not double post, just use the edit button if you wish to add something. Thanks. ~indifference[/INDENT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]So I went to a seafood restaurant on Friday and decided to try "gator bites". Gator bites are made out of alligator meat. I was iffy about it at first but I thought that the worst that could happen is me spitting it out. I waited about 5 minutes with a classmate and close teacher of mine and the waitress set it on the table. It smelled so good and had breading and seasoning on it. So I took a bite and KA-POW! It was really good. I recommend it. So I was wondering : 1. Has anyone ever had gator bites? 2. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? (Did you like it?)[/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Oh, and for the love of god, don't take a year off. People do that and wake up one day only to realize that they're 30 and don't know where their life is going. Keep pushing even when it hurts like hell.[/size][/quote] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]WELL SAID! I've seen too many people say, "Oh I'll take a year off" and they just never go back... it's really sad and then they regret it in the future.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]1. [U]How are you feeling right now?[/U] I'm feeling sort of bored. I just took my SAT's today. They were a pain. I guess the place where I had to take it, didn't have air conditioning or it was broken or something... and we had to sit there from 7:45 to 12:45. I didn't mind it too much but it started getting really hot (about 90 degrees) around 11. Not to mention I was in a room filled with sick people. Everyone was coughing... I just hope that's allergies. I feel like I have nothing to accomplish anymore. Two more days until the last day of school which means I've done nothing in school lately. Then I was anticipating for today since December and now it's finally over until next year. I have no work to do anymore. It's.... scary. I'm such a nerd that I usually always have some work to do, but not anymore... not until next year. 2. [U]What's going on in your life right now? what's 'driving you' I might say.[/U] Well, I might be getting my first official job. Finally - something other than babysitting! My old teacher offered me a job in which I'll be staining wood for houses he's building. That's pretty cool. Not to mention the pay is 10 dollars per hour and that's great for how young I am. I wanted to get lessons for drawing in different forms because there's a lady that lives down the road who is teaching airbrushing and stuff, but that will cost money. My father offered to pay for it, but I really would feel so much better if I paid for it. I've been driving myself crazy about what I want to major for in college. I have a lot of work to do as a senior in high school for 07-08 and I hope I achieve them. I have to watch some of my best friends leave my school for good. So it's all jumbled in at once...[/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]1) [U]What grade are you going into after this year? Are you graduating? Or did you already graduate? If so, what year?[/U] I'm going to be a senior. I'm graduating next year, like you. 2) [U]Are you, or were you, worried? What do you plan to do with your life or are you just as confused, (and in some cases, scared) about the future as I am?[/U] I will admit to being afraid of the future but I find it so exciting to have new challenges. I'm confused because I can't settle on one thing. I want to speak many languages, I love forensics, I love carpentry, I love drawing, 3d art, ANY KIND OF ART
  21. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]I'm not going to say they are right when all they said was complete and utter filth and lies! If someone in your family said you sucked **** and you were useless you would agree with it? No family is worth that, they are trash and i have pretty much made my decision but i would really like more input.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]It's not that they are right... it's just that they like to pretend they are. Probably anything you say or do is going to be useless. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just saying what I would do. I was brought up by my Grandparents and still have an old fashion way to deal with family (especially since my family are mostly Italian!). I am no way agreeing with your cousins but like I said, it's not like they will budge. It's hard for me to support any kind of family break ups because my Grandmother was sort of in your sister's position. My Uncle told my Grandmother that she was only in it for the money and started to ignore her. She is very hurt by what he has done to her but even more hurt that he doesn't even call her a sister. Every family is different though. I'm speaking this as my own. My family are really close so it would hurt me to not talk to my cousins. My cousin has said some stupid things but we accepted her mistakes and moved on. I don't know how easy it is for your family. Que sera sera. Whaever will be... will be. Good luck with everything though.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]My Grandmother means the world to me. If anyone was to say that I was using her for money, that would be completely and utterly absurd. Family means a great deal to me and usually old folks too. If I was in your position, I would just calmly say, "Fine. You are right..." Honestly family shouldn't be broken apart and I'm sure it would hurt your Grandma a little more if she had to see a broken family. I would try my hardest to get my cousin to calm down and show her that Grammie means a whole lot to both of you guys. I realize it's easier said than done but it would be worth it. I'm not saying that I'd be best friends with these cousins but I'd at least make a truce. There is absolutely no reason to have such horrible arguments when there are more important things going on. These cousins need to realize that. But like I said, this is what I would do. I just think breaking all ties is just cowardly. (No offense hun!) I think it would be more honorable and right if you would at least try and come to a state of agreement and show them that Gram means the world to you and you would never hurt her in any way.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]If I was in anime I would like to be... Yūko Ichihara (xxxHolic), because she's a creep and I love her. She can be so free-spirited and crazy yet serious. That's pretty much how I am but still! Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle), because she touched my heart. She's so charming and caring and yet was going to let herself in a mediocre life, when she is anything but. Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club), okay who wouldn't want gorgeous guys around you all day? Not to mention she's intelligent, kind, and very family oriented (well she really only has her Dad)... She's ideal. On the more popular side, Kagura (InuYasha), I don't know what it is about her that I'm drawn to but she's always been my favorite character from InuYasha.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]I absolutely fell in love with this series. I've only watched 3 episodes but so far it's great Thank you so much for telling (us) me about it :catgirl: [/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='desertphoenix]Kind of wondering about all the [I]Bobobo-Bobo-bobo[/I'] hate. The nonsense extreme randomness kind of grew on me and I like the fact that it is making fun of the show[/quote] [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia] For some reason, I just can't get myself into it... no matter how I try. I guess some people have to like it if it still airs on Cartoon Network. Haha. :)[/FONT][/SIZE]
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