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Everything posted by KingEarthEater

  1. Well, the term "nerd" can mean 2 different things: 1) It can mean an unattractive and foolish person. 2) Or it could mean a single minded person who is felt to be socially inept. Although neither of them really relate to me, I make good grades (all A's except one B in Spanish -- which is a 85+) and do what I have to do in the class room. The thing I really don't understand about people is this: Why people think those who play sports are ignorant. I would think the exact opposite because, I'd assume that if you have a healthy body, you'd also have a healthy mind to do work and learn. I may have all A's (well, one B), but I also play football and (in my opinion) I'm doing well. I'm able to lift more weights than most kids, yet I'm the smallest kid there. I'm only 5'2 and 130lbs, but I lift more than lineman. Now, Its most likely my work ethic, but thats not where I'm going. There are other kids who fit into the stereo type of, ignorant athlete. But at the same time, I'm better than them in the class room AND the weight room (and performing all-together). Suure, people call me a geek. But they know if it all comes down to it, I'm a better performer when it comes to any situation and therefore, they just ask for my homework ;)
  2. I'm not really sure... With soap I'm not too caring about it. I'm a guy, but I don't even know what you mean by the "guy smell". Because I like to smell decent. I use a random soap. Whatever I have next to me at the time. I just grab, clean, and get out of there. Shampoo? Well, I use whatever I have next to me (just like the soap). I like to use Pert+ because it smells good. If you believe it, I really care about how I smell... the "typical" guy smell (in my opinion) is sweat DX
  3. Catgirl08 - You kinda.. brought this thread back to life. Um, I kinda want to bring that to a moderator's attention. Anyway, I'll pretend that I haven't posted in this thread yet (but I have with my other user-name). Drugs aren't bad if used for a good purpose (to reduce pain, or anything such as that). Because would you rather sit there in pain, or take a drug that would help you through it all? I think the answers pretty obvious. Because I wouldn't want to go through more pain than I would have to. I'm almost sure that everyone would agree with this, because if you would go through surgery without some pain killers, then not only are you a beast, but you have some pain tolerance.
  4. Interesting.. What do I look for in a girl... Its mostly about personality, though looks is +20 out of 50. I look for an active body type, about the same height, and a cute face. What do I look for in a girls heart you ask... THIS is a whole new world my friend. I think that personality is the most important thing in a girl, because I would marry a ugly girl with a great personality, but I wouldn't marry a girl with a pretty face and horrible personality (duh!). Personality would have to be the majority ;) So, I look for an out-going girl, that can hold her tongue if she needs to. Tells me if I'm doing something wrong (even if I don't want to believe it). Thats about it :p [B]PLUS[/B] the obvious things, like have some things in common. Thats about it... No one I've seen is actually like that though, because there aren't that many mature kids around here these days
  5. First of all, I would like to say that being important isn't really what matters. If by, "popular" you mean that your friends know about you, then I can understand. But, if you want to [I]make[/I] friend, then you should just socialize around. Ask some of your friends to get an account. Or just message people and make friends. To me, thats what its really about. I [B]hate[/B] (Well, not really hate, but a special kind of dislike) the people who are on theOtaku and just are there because they think they're cool because of it. Basically, theOtaku was made so that your friends (face to face or internet) could know more about you and thats another way to socialize. Theres nothing wrong about that, but you shouldn't very much care about being special/popular, because if you try, you won't be. There are some people who just have it in them to be known/liked by people. Its not so much that they've tried to do it, its just the way they are. Its almost like school, are you popular in school? If you are, then does it really matter to you? And if you aren't, then do you dislike the people who are well known? Its the same matter. Just ignore it, its nothing that really matters anyway. As long as you have some friends, then they'll help you when you need help. Don't worry about people not liking you. Thats [I]mostly[/I] their problem.
  6. I still play RE4.. Don't really know why, I've unlocked everything on both games, I think I just like shooting people... thats also the reason that Halo and Halo 2 got so much attention (plus the co-op mode so me and my brother could play and help each other :o). I don't really know why I still play these games though. I at least once a year play Pokemon Puzzle League. Which isn't that bad of a game, I used to be really good, but I've kinda slacked off and my skills have suffered :p I love to hit those just frames though, so enjoyable. I play a whole lot more, just don't really feel like thinking of all of em' =P EDIT - Oh, I must say that I still play a lot of Nintendo games... I actually played Punch-out a couple of weeks ago.. I'm about to play it right now too!!
  7. Since I'm still a kid, I can do some things for hella easy money. For example, my family's into football, therefore we bought the Madden games (which suck by the way). I play my Dad in it for 20 dollars. Funny thing is, I don't even have to play him to the end, if I beat him bad enough in the first half he quits :p Or even last week or so, we bought the game called Guitar Hero 2 (sure everyone's heard of it v.v'') and I play on Expert. My Dad plays on Medium. He picks free-bird and says, "If you can beat my percentage then I'll give you [I]five[/I] bucks" a--and... he loses in the end because he can't hit a majority of the fast notes =D So, mostly, my random easy money things have to do with games, but yeah :p
  8. Well, since I was born in 1992 I would say that my favorite [I]toy[/I] would be the Nintendo/Super Nintendo. Great times. After school I would always head straight to my room and play games like: Mario, Zelda, Super Punch out, Power Rangers (any of em'), and the best game of all time, Tetris Attack. Around when I was four or five, the Nintendo 64 came out. Great times with great fun. I still play that game system to this day (sometimes at least). When I was young I would say that these games are fun, but they aren't really v.v'' Some games like: Perfect dark, Pokemon Snap, Doom, Turok 64, and the game I still play to this day... Pokemon Puzzle League! Those are only some of the games I used to play when I was younger. ;)
  9. To BKstyles - I've played Oblivion. I got so addicted to that game that after my character became a vampire, I did. I stayed up a couple nights in a row at a time to play the game. Then, after I decided to finish the quest to be a regular human being again, I actually woke up at okay times and went to be at good times... it was really messed up for me. Thank God I just rented the game for five days. I also played Dead Rising. It was a fun game to me, I beat it three times or so. Never got the good ending though. Now, I'm a big fan of zombies, so I new that this game would be really really fun. But, I think it was more fun than I expected. Because I liked almost everything about the game and almost got addicted to it so much that the replay value would be a ten of ten! Anyway, I think that those games would be almost to the top of my best games list... just because I liked em' so much :/
  10. Have you ever heard of anything and everything? Yeah, seriously. Anything I can get my hands on, I'm playing. I've reached a new level of boredom, and I need something to cure it. So, I'm just playing whatever. For example, I went to (bum bum bum) Wal-Mart. We were in a hurry for no reason at all, but we went by the electronics. I saw Guitar Hero (the one for the 360) and I just started to play it. Even though my Mom and Uncle got mad at me, I think it was worth it.. broke some of the boredom off. Another example, I went to a game/movie rental place a couple of days ago and rented a game. Even though I could have gotten the game free if I just could wait for about a week, I just went there and had my Mom rent me a game for seven bucks. Dynasty Warriors 5 for the 360. Its a pretty good game... already beat it though. I have so many more.. but I'm actually posting this because I'm hella bored...
  11. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]What I really want is a girlfriend/wife with a good job who'll let me stay at home with the kids and freelance work :animesigh[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Cut off the "and freelance work" part ;) (back on topic though) Well, as long as you do what you want too, with all you can, going to your full potential, then you should be fine. There are two ways of life. One is that your life will go the way it wants to or you can take it over and accomplish what you want to in your life. Life is about choices and barriers. You make choices and if its a bad one, you overcome the barrier and learn from the mistake. You know the outcome of that bad choice, so you don't so much avoid all mistakes, but you learn from them. There isn't one human being on this planet who hasn't made a mistake. So, you might as well try your hardest at what you want and if you do make a mistake, then just shrug it off. Hope that helped some, David
  12. (In no real order really) I'm proud of my physical ability. The only thing I'm really looking forward to school next year is that I'm going to play football. The rest, I have no idea how its going to be like. Freshman of high school (heh heh.. this is where the sweat drops off of the side of my head...). I'm also proud of my mental ability. If I didn't have some special gift I wouldn't be able to play video games as well as I can. I'm not very sure if I'll continue to play them after I get out of high school, but its a though. I've actually beaten some [I]really[/I] good guys. Hmm, well not trying to sound too sad, there isn't much else about myself worth mentioning. Thanks for reading though, David
  13. I would most likely be a white chocolate bar (Six inches long, filled with dark chocolate, that has six different little square pieces that you can brake off). I actually think that would taste pretty good :animestun The wrapper would be a black piece of paper with a thin layer of gold covering the chocolate. There would be seven kinds (with little twists to them, for example, with nuts in it or M&Ms in it or have almonds on it...). Each of them would have a different name. It would have the names of the seven deadly sins on it under the actual name of the bar. The real name of the bar is [B][I]Golden Child[/I][/B]. Thats all I can think of now.. but I want some candy now D=
  14. Well, if possible, I would always choose to talk face to face. Its not that I mind any of the others, its just that I find it more comfortable. I like to see peoples facial expressions and to see them laugh (or whatever it may be). I can never really feel comfortable talking on a phone. But I like to text (which I feel pretty alone on that one). I actually text a whole lot since one of my friends moved away (and supposedly doesn't sign on aim too often). I don't really use instant messages too often either (mostly because I'm not on the computer frequently and when I am someone else is signed in to them). So, I'm not too fond of instant messaging.
  15. Okay, so for a while now, I haven't really been watching much anime at all. But I remember a while ago I watched Full Metal Alchemist and I liked it. I actually watched it all the way through (which this was my first anime ever :p). So, I want to know what you guys think I will like (since I've watched FMA). I was looking through some and none of the names looks really good... so I don't know what to start watching or anything. Anything you guys could recommend? Thank for your time, Baby Link
  16. Hobbies? Well, I like to read a bunch of books. But that wouldn't be my hobby for the reason that I like to read to better myself. Not for pleasure as some people would. But hobbies? I'm not sure what you would count as a hobby. Since a hobby is something that most people would indulge into for pleasure (and nothing else). Not for knowledge. I would have to say that my number one hobby is football. I've played games for a long time now, but it isn't a hobby anymore. Since I'm going to more tournaments and everything, I don't think I can say that its a hobby anymore. Because, I don't do it for the pleasure of saying I won, I do it for the money. But, with football, I take the look on it that I once did for video games. I used to play them for fun, until I made it to a good player. Then it became business. Not so much of play. I'm almost afraid that will happen with football to, but I think I'll enjoy it either way. Thanks for your time.
  17. [quote name='James'][color=#606060]Maybe we can hold a vote on something like this and make it a real community thing.[/color][/QUOTE] Yeah, well I don't really see a problem with it... We should do that. I'm for it. Trail and error right? As long as we learn from our mistakes then it should be a problem. I wasn't too active back in 2005 though, so I wouldn't know that much.
  18. [quote name='James'][color=#606060]As for post titles, we'll see. If the community really wants them back, we can look at reintroducing them (although I agree new titles would be better than the old ones we had).[/color][/QUOTE] I think that would change something about the boards because there will be a lot of new members who would be spamming just to see when they're finally a member. I think it would also depend a bit on - if the mods are up for the job. Because I know other sites that have the post titles and I see too much spamming. I've been here since... I think about 2005 and I think I like it the way it is. I've changed username once (so no one will ever know :p).
  19. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I believe that if a friend of mine had come to me telling me that she was thinking of getting an abortion I'd try to talk her out of it. But in the end I'd [hopefully] realize that the decision was hers to make, not mine.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] I sort of agree with that. Because I don't think that an abortion would be right if I had a choice in it, but at the same time, if I don't have a choice in the whole matter, then I would at least try to talk them out of it. Its not that I have anything against it, I just don't believe that abortion is right for [i]everyone[/i]. But, at the same time, I would have to say that if I got a girl pregnant, then I would want to keep the kid because it would be [i]my kid[/i]. I think it would have to do something with money for me though. In my life of living in the dumps, I would have to say that the only reason I would have an abortion would be because of lack of money. Not much lack of will. But if it was one of my friends, I'm not sure what I would say. I know that I would have a big sister if my Mother didn't have an abortion, but at the same time, she wouldn't have had me. So, I think that there is a freedom of choice that goes into the equation.
  20. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] My favorite, and best, fighting games are [b]Soul Calibur 2/3[/b] and [b]Def Jam: Fight For NY[/b]. I am also undefeated by a human opponent in the latter title, and those who did defeat me in [b]Soul Calibur[/b] have since been defeated dozens of times, and often times with a Perfect victory, which in my book has always negated any previous victory one has had.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Hey man! Long time no talk! Anyway, onto subject. I think I would be able to beat you in SC3. I'm hella good in that game. But not only that, I qualified for a national tournament (invite only) in the game which was held not more than three months ago. So, I'm pretty good in SC3, but yet don't play any other games. I don't exactly know why, but I think that SC is just my game. Because I've been winning tournaments left and right for a little bit now. But, sadly, some of the tournaments have age limits on them. So, if they're 16+ I can't enter. But, I'm known as the next video game generation, because of how good I am now. I don't think I'm that good, because I've lost to some trash people, but I was actually thinking of going to EVO one of these years, because its supposedly something that every video gamer (that plays games seriously) must do. They've been holding them in Las Vegas the past couple of years I believe. My (or one of them) older brother went to them, but I didn't because I didn't feel I was good enough. Even though I wasn't back then, I know I am now. But they didn't have SC3 at EVO this year, so I was kinda sad. I've been thinking about picking up DOA since that game has some crazy money in it. They had this small tournament in Dallas/Fort Worth area (which only had good people). It was about a 12 person tournament if I remember right. The winner won about 10k dollars just by winning that little tournament. Thats crazy. Just thinking about it makes me wish I picked up that game. Even at EVO this past year they had every game 5k for first place. So thats for any game you can think of. SF, DOA, MVC, T5 (and DR), anything! But I've been playing a lot of VF (Virtual Fighter 5) lately. I've been beating people at tournament and actually won one of those recently. It was a small tournament though. Only about four people if I remember right. It was in Lawton Oklahoma, so you know it was small. Thanks for your time.
  21. [quote name='The Blue Jihad']I'll let you in on a little secret about people like me: [I]we laugh at people like you[/I].[/QUOTE] Just because their jokes are so good ;) [back on topic] Anyway, I'm doing good. After getting a new username (with an unknown identity) life has been going good. But... man, you need to message me. Because we haven't talked in a long time.
  22. [quote name='White'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]So in all of this "drugs makes you bad" crap, where do the people that do drugs (or drug in my case) and haven't suffered side effects (like losing friends, ruining your education and all that random stuff) fit in? [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] I think most of that stuff is for those who are addicted. Not so much for those who it hasn't affected. Though most people would think it would affect people who do drugs in the long run if it isn't hurting them now. Then they would think that if you tried to stop, you couldn't because you [i]would be[/i] addicted to the drug. Thats just what I heard from being in school (which most of the time they don't know what they're talking about).
  23. Well this is my opinion. But I don't agree with the worlds idea of bad things. The world would say that drugs are bad. The world would say that certain people are bad. The world would say that certain music is bad for our kids. The world would say that alcohol is bad. The world would say that mistakes are bad (which is where I'm going with this). Now, I would agree with the world. Drugs are bad. That point has been established. But, one thing I wouldn't agree with is that mistakes are bad. Because if you make a mistake, then you should learn from that mistake. Not so much to be afraid of making a mistake at all. You should also learn from other peoples mistakes and such. Because our life, as human beings, to me should be to learn and to step higher. Not to stay in the same dumps and not learn from our brothers and sisters who have past away. So, to me, I would have to say, you should learn from your mistakes. If you're Father/Mother has done the drug, then you should learn from them and not do them. If you still do them, then you should only try them once. It won't help you later in life when you actually start to progress and start a living (not to sound rude at all. But I mean, "to start living" as in to start a job, have a family. The things you're [i]suppose[/i] to do).
  24. Wow... we live in the new testament. Which means that we are under a new covenent... So the old testament is there to see where Christianity came from. Not to take the rules from then and bring them into today. Otherwise, there would be no reason for Jesus in the new testament to die for our sins that we couldn't have done anything about in the old testament. Gah, thought this was common knowledge (just kidding... a little). Just thought it was right to say that.
  25. Well, I've had two accounts now.. but I'll just talk about this one (since I've changed it.. since the last thread AND because no one is suppose to know who I am... sneaky). So, I got my user name mostly by Final Fantasy 10. If you wanted to get everyones ultimate weapons, then you had to fight an Earth Eater. Which had about a million hit points. So, then I combine that with King (Which would come from King Cactuar) and I would have my oh so awesome user name!
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