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  1. In my opinion, [spoiler]the whole plot twist with Snape was genius, but I think I was expecting it; before the book came out there was posters around everywhere saying "Snape, friend or foe?" which would be stupid to ask if he killed Dumbledore, and makes you think that there would be an explanation. The whole Mrs. Weasly/Lestrange was awesome and makes you think and find out that all of the characters in the book were very strong, especially since they all fought an army of literall Death Eaters.[/spoiler] I really do hope she writes an encyclopedia explaining what happened to all the characters afterwards. (How did Harry, Ron, and Hermione finish school if they skipped a whole year?? What happened to [spoiler]Xenophilius Lovegood?? Did Kreacher end up in Hogwarts or with Harry??[/spoiler]) Besides, more money wouldn't hurt JKR. [COLOR=Red][size=1]Please note that if you're writing about spoilers in your post, then you need to include a spoiler tag, in case someone who has not read the book stumbles across the thread. -- Lady Asphyxia[/size][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]OOC: hahah, okay, sry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brendan looked at the Hopsie and felt sorry for it. It was obviously a small one, from what the Pokevice told him. He was obvioulsy not interested in catching that Hopsie even theough they have never been seen in Kanto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh. There were legends that one had been seen in Johtto, but the guy who said it probably made it up. Brendan had been thinking this whole journey, even though it hasn't lasted it for very long. Brendan wanted a Pokemon team with every type of Pokemon that he could get. He wanted a figting, a grass, a fire, a flying, an electric, a psychic, and a dragon. He of course would have to buy more pokeballs along the way, and have his eyes extremely open for pokemon if he planned on having all of those different types of Pokemon. He was thinking that raising a Charmander would be fun, would get him a fire, a flying, and a dragont type pokemon, and he would get to do research on Starter Pokemon. After that, he didn't know what else he wanted. He looked at the Hopsie, and turned away for his fellow teammates to try to catch it.[/COLOR]
  3. Posted already on Group B, if Tiffany wouldn't say that at the end, just tell me, and i'll change it.
  4. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Brendan could not believe that he is now an official trainer. His mom would flip if she found out. But he didn't care. Just like his father wouldn't care. "Enough of that junk. Pokeball, Go!" As he threw his new Pokeball, a cerulean mudfish with 4 legs, orange gills, and a foot tall tail came out. "Mudkip!", the creature said as he sprinted to Brendan, tackled him, and as they started rolling, Mudkip started licking him. "Whoa! You're pretty strong for a level 5 Pokemon, wait, you are level 5 right?" Brendan said as he took out his brand new Pokevice. His was mostly navy colored with a little bit of lightblue, it opened horizontally. As he turned it on, it said Welcome. "Hmmm...where is it, where is it? Badge info, no. Region Map, interesting, but no. Pokeblock holder, nope. Ribbons, nada. Ahh, there it is, Pokemon Info." "Mudkip, the mudfish Pokemon. Mudkip breathes water through his gills, and uses his tail as a major part of his swimming. His fin on top of his head is used as a radar, Mudkip can see without his eyes open, which gives it an advantage when he is sleeping. In the wild, they sleep burying themselves in soil at the water's edge, where they leave their eggs to hatch. Many Mudkip don't know their parents because of it, which makes it a great starter Pokemon, because they aren't attached to their home. Some parts of his body have no fur, while other parts do. Despite his size, Mudkip is very strong, and can crush boulders bigger than himself and his fin can propel him through water very fast. Click Advanced to see individual stats." "Species: Mudkip National Number: 258 Gender: Male Type: Water Level: 5 Location: Party Ability: Torrent Attacks: Tackle, Growl" "Well, that's a lot of information!" Brendan exclaimed. Mudkip was settling himself in Brendan's lap and falling asleep. As Brendan smiled, he looked at his Pokeball and saw that it was very boring. He took out his Poke-pad that he used to draw Pokemon as he traveled with Lapras, and pushed the paint button on it. A few seconds later, mini paint bottles came out and a brush to go along with it, and started painting his pokeball to look like a Diveball. A Dive ball was a special pokeball that could be found in Mossdeep city, Brendan's Home town. When he was finished, he tied his cerulean and white pokeball to a jetblack string, and then tied it around his neck. "So what Pokemon did you get?" asked the girl whose name was Tiffany. "I got a Mudkip." Brendan said. "Oh. That's a little boring. I'm glad i didn't get a starter." Tiffany said back. "Boring, a starter Pokemon is anything but boring." Brendan stated. "How? Everyone has a starter Pokemon." Tiffany said. "Well, have you ever noticed that all of the starter Pokemon are grass, fire, and water, and how they all start out at level 5, and how they all evolve at level 16, and then again at 36? Haven't you ever wondered all of those question surrounding starter Pokemon? If you ask me, Starter Pokemon are anything BUT boring." said Brendan offended. "Oh well if you put it that way..." "Yeah, well i have to go inside anyways." said Brendan thinking about calling his brother to tell him the news and to see if Lapras got home okay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry if that's not something that Tiffany would say. Just tell me, and i'll change anything.[/COLOR]
  5. Wow. Looks like we're gonna have our hands full writing if we plan to go on the whoooole map. Already posted my share on the Group B Thread, PM or post something here if anyone has a problem.
  6. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]So as Brendan and Thomas were walking towards Pallet Town they started talking, like two brothers should. "So, if you had to pick from a Pikachu or a Gible, what would you choose?" Thomas asked. "Well, that's easy, Pikachu." Brendan answered without hesitation. "Hahah, well, why Pikachu Mr. Comfortable?" once again asked Thomas. "Pikachu can beat any water Pokemon including Gible, but not Mudkip and Corsola." Brendan stated. Since Thomas studied at Viridian Tech., Brendan helped him study all the time and he knew just about any Pokemon Trivia. Brendan and Thomas were walking towards Pallet Town so that they could take a ferry to Cinnabar Island, and then take a 24-hour plane to the mysterious land of Nazumi. A few months ago, Brendan was searching for Pokemon websites to study at his brother's house, and he came accross a forum in which many Pokemon Trainers, Breeders, Coordinators, and Observators would talk, discuss, and debate their favorite Pokemon theories. A few weeks ago he started to talk to a Pokemon Researcher, Professor Willow, who lived in the Continent of Nazumi, in which neither Brendan or Thomas heard of. She had said that the two islands of Nazumi were inhabited with all the Pokemon from all the lands, and even a few that were only kept to the Nazumi area. Willow had asked Brendan to head for Nazumi, so that he could start his very own journey, with a few other trainers, and she said that Brendan and his knowledge could be very useful to the other trainers. Brendan wasn't very sure, but Thomas cheered him on, so that he could prove to their parents that Pokemon were not evil creatures, or his mom anyways, his dad was never home and Brendan had thought to only seen him about 20 times in his life. They were almost now in Pallet Town, about to take the ferry. "So have you been thinking about what Pokemon you might get." asked Thomas. "Well, I'm kinda pulling for a Nazumi Pokemon, that would be interesting, but I really want any type of Traditional Starter from Kanto, Johtto, or Hoenn." said Brendan. "But, you do know that it's hard to find Traditional Starters anywhere but Breeding Centers." "Yes, which is even why i want a Charmander, a Totodile, or a Treecko. Any starter would be good." As they were walking they didn't realize that there was no ships in the port. When they realized, they panicked, and when Thomas looked at his Poketch, he almost fainted because they were 30 minutes late. "Well, I guess it's over now." said Brendan dissapointedly. "No it's not, Lapras! Standby!" yelled Thomas as he threw one of his six red and white balls. A blue and yellow marine-dinosaur-looking-monster with a grey shell came out of the small ball and greeted Brendan. "Hey Lapras, what's up?" "Neeeeeeeyyyy" "So are we riding to Nazumi??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!" asked Brendan excitedly. "What's this "we" stuff, [I]you're[/I] riding to nazumi, alone with Lapras." said Thomas. "But how do I get back Lapras to you?" asked Brendan. "Just tell Professor Willow to send it to Box 6012910, it'll appear on my computer and i can get it back, don't worry." said Thomas. "I don't know how to thank you, for everything i mean," said Brendan. "No problem, just catch a lot of Pokemon, but don't plan on beating me, if you make it to the finals of any league or contest, i'll be watching you, and remember to prove mom wrong." said Thomas. "Hahahaha, okay. I'll be seeing you." Brendan had ran away from home when he was 12, because his Mom was too overprotective and wouldn't let him do anything whenever he saw her, which was not often. He had never seen his dad at his house, so when he got the chance, he ran from Mossdeep City in Hoenn, and made it with the help of the city gymleaders, to Viridian City in Kanto, to live with his brother. And he was so grateful towards him for accepting him and letting him do whatever he wanted for 4 happy years. Brendan jumped on Lapras and on he went down south on the rough, hard, blue ocean for about 24 long hours. To pass time, he observed and drew many Pokemon, with the help of his Poke-pad that was in his backpack. In the collection of Pokemon that he drew and observed were Magikarp, Azurill, Wingull, and Qwillfish. He also talked to Lapras, knowing that they were highly capable of understanding human language. So as soon as he saw Nazumi, Brendan got excited and decided to swim with Lapras along to the Nazumi shore. When he got there, he put Lapras back in his Pokeball, and started walking in the city. He saw many shops, restaurants, shops, parks, and even more shops. They sold anything from T-shirts, to books, and fake Poketch's and pokemon disguised as rarer pokemon. He decided that after all that site-seeing it was time to get to Willow's lab and meet his partners, including is precious pokemon that was waiting for him. As he was walking on a less crowded street, he saw a bunch of trees hiding a house in between a bunch of bulidings. As he started to walk towards the house he saw who he thought was professor Willow and another girl. "Hello Brendan, we've been waiting for you!"[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Name: Brendan Stone Age: 13 Gender: Male Apperance: brown hair, tall about 5' 9'', green eyes, average body 135 lbs., black and red jacket, white t-shirt, brown khaki shorts, black sneakers. Personality: Acts tough, very rowdy, always tries to start trouble, is a big softie on the inside, once you get to know him he's very playful, takes everyone around him seriously, isn't the type of guy that would forgive, will do anything in order for himself to succeed and those few that love him, hasnt found a lot of friends. Bio: Brendan grew up by his mother in Mossdeep City, in Hoenn, but once she passed away, he moved to Viridian City in Kanto to live with his brother. Once he found out that he was gonna give Brendan to a Foster Home, he ran away and immediately headed for Imperial. Once he got there, he befriended an old lady by the name of Agatha, where she taught him everything he needed to know about Pokemon. Type specialization: um..not really into types, i'd rather be a more spread out type of trainer, but if i had to pick one it would be water. specialization: Gym Battles, but is it possible to do a few contests here and there? Starter: Mudkip -- Male Starter History: Found it in the wild. A kid was bullying the Mudkip and Brendan went out to save him. Took it back to Professor Marth and they took care of it until they got better. Once it recovered, Pfsr. Marth gave Brendan a Dive Ball and Mudkip went inside doubtless.[/B][/COLOR]
  8. Okay...so I totally think that we should split up into 2 groups. It would be interesting, if we plan to start together, but we split up because of drama issues [?]. I think that 2 groups would be better, but being in the same RPG would keep it easier, and if we organize it with titles like Team Red or such, it wouldn't hurt. One of the Pokemon RPG's that I liked the best, was Pokemon Legacies, which I think Sakazaki and White were in. I think that you should PM people about this matter because its been a pretty long time since the Inn part of it started. If you want me to change my personality, that will be fine. Personality/History: Strong character. Acts tough. Thinks of himself as very strong inside and out. Loves to fight and argue. Loves Pokemon. Only thinks of them as strong creatures made to fight. Hates fake people and rich people as well. Has managed to be by himself, for almost 3 years. Hasn't had company for most of his life. Hasn't met his father, mother died 4 years ago, of cancer. Lives off of stealing money from people. Has currently been living with an old lady by the name of Agatha, which is where he heard of Pokemon Virtual better??
  9. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Brendan Stone Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: white hair (hahaha, yes, like the ruby and sapphire guy), average body, green eyes, black and red jacket with a white t-shirt, brown khacki shorts, and black and red sneakers. Personality: Very shy.. because of his journey just starting out.. personality will start developing during the story. History: Brendan's always loved Pokemon. Comes from a rich family. Sheltered, wouldn't know anything about Team Shockwave. His parents never approved of that. Grew up very sheltered. Ran away from his home in Mossdeep City, and made it all the way to Viridian, where his brother lives. Brother, Thomas, studies at Viridian Tech [[?? lol]], very decent trainer. Rich father could be later be discovered as a commander for Team Shockwave?? Starter: Mudkip -- Male[/COLOR][/B]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Brendan Stone Age: 16 Gender: Male Side: (Trainer, Team Rocket,or Elite Four*) Trainer Likes: food, sleep, pokemon, traveling, adventures Dislikes: show-offs, rockets, Personality Quirks: Brendan loves to battle more than anything..except for adventures. He loves to travel and is used to being alone. He loves his pokemon and plans to become a master someday, and being a coordinator along the way couldn't hurt. Appearance: White hair, black and red jacket, white tshirt, tan skin, green eyes, 140 lbs., 5' 8' Pokemon Team**: (Pokemon name, Nickname(if any)Gender and Level(Power)) Mudkip- Male - lvl. 34 Breloom- Male - lvl. 28 Growlithe- Male - lvl. 20 Egg- Yellow and Black Biography: Brendan found Mudkip while he was in his school and a kid was trying to see how far he could attack at him until he caught him. He then got in trouble for attacking the kid back with Mudkip's own attacks, since his teacher thought he had a pokemon on campus. He got in trouble by his rich and overprotective parents, and sneaked out with his brother's help as soon as he could. He then found a shroomish that was being ignored by his pack and he soon adopted him. 4 badges later, in Saffron City, he found a stray Growlithe that no body wanted.[/COLOR]
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