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Shadowed Demise

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Everything posted by Shadowed Demise

  1. [COLOR=blue] [I]Gobei watches Leigh and Craig in the room and suddenly his eyes go completly white and his hair begins to stand up and turn gold[/I] Gobei: Never before have i felt such power [I] Gobei walks over to where Craig is and asks Leigh if she wouldn't mind to leave for a few moment[/I] Gobei: Craig I know you are of saiya-jin heritage all saiya-jin know one another when they shall face each other in combat. remember that Vegeta and Son Goku fought when they first met that is because when two saiyajin meet for the first time they must face each other to see who's blood is better [I]Gobei becons Craig to enter the training room and face him in combat while this is going on master huru speaks with craigs master to let them fight but that they not kill each other[/I] Monk: due to an unexpected event we must speed up the tournaments time and will all fighters please make their way to the ring now [I] The anger fades from gobei's face and he ends the transformation and begins to walk out to the ring[/I] Craig: this just got a whole lot more interesting[/COLOR]
  2. Name: Hiyoshi Li Age: 15 Weapons: M16 mk. II pulse rifle and samurai sword Gundam Name: Behemoth Gundam weapons: dual rain guns on one arm and 250mm cannon on the other also has a rocket propelled grenade launcher and a beam samurai sword and shield Bio: born into a wealthy family on a colony Hiyoshi's older brother hito built a gundam and called it Behemoth but unfortunately his family was murdered and his home destroyed he went to his fathers lab and activated Behemoth and vowed to find his families murderers he doesn't take much and keeps to himself Discription: He wears a black trench coat and pants with a grey shirt on the inside. He's 6'1 and has green eyes his gundam looks alot like Deatrhscythe his brother modeled it as he always admired it only it has green shoulders and grey legs with a green and grey head
  3. [I] As Hiyoshi snores uproarusly small twigs begin to break off trees and hit him in the head[/I] Hiyoshi: zzzzzzz.......damn forest ..........zzzzzzzz.........WHAT THE!!!!! [I] Hiyoshi leaps up and takes out his axe [/I] Hiyoshi: Ken, Siren get up i feel there are other beings around us and they aren't friendly [I] Ken and Siren scramble out of their tents and get ready to fightbut suddenly a giant Tyranosaurus Rex come charging through the trees[/I] Hiyoshi: GET BACK TO YER TENTS !!!!!! [I] hiyoshi takes out his axe and grapples with the monster but it is in vain as the beast sinks it's fangs deep into his arm[/I] Hiyoshi: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................. [I] suddenly ken uses his magic of ice to freeze the beats and then decintigrate it[/I] Hiyoshi: thanks..............ahhhhhh......my arm
  4. [I]Gobei looks around the room fidgeting impatiently[/I] Gobei: master when is the tournement going to start ???? [I] Huru looks slightly imbarressed by his students behavior and quickly tells him the competition will start soon[/I] Monk1: the competition will begin in two hours please feel free to use our training facilities to improve your skills, spar and maybe test new fighting techniques [I] gobei looks around and see everone will almost certainly use the training facilities and that he will prove once and for all he is the most powerful saiya-jin of the all[/I]
  5. [I]Hiyoshi uses his giant axe to cut down a tree and then uses his fire magic to set it alight[/I] Hiyoshi: ahh thats better i wonder where Siren and Ken are they should be around here somewhere ahhh [I]hiyoshi spots a wild boar gallpoing through the forest he take out his magic axe and releave the boar of it head[/I] Hiyoshi: ahh dinner and then roasts it with fire magic well i oughta find ken and siren [I]he lumbers throught the forest and finds ken and siren asleep on the ground near a fire[/I] Hiyoshi: ahh they look just like young children ohh well time for bed [I]he lays back on a giant oak slightly leaning it to one side but he take of his cloak and puts it over his comrades[/I] Hiyoshi: ahhhhhhhhhh...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. [I]Hito feels the death star is going to explode anround him and pulls his V Wing out of the core[/I] Hito: Damn i'm heading to dantaione to the jedi secret temple to train and then i shall destroy the sith once and for all but i'll contact the council to tell them where i am [I] hito projects a mental image of himself to the jedi council and tells them where he's going and that he advises them to send a few jedi teams of master and apadwans to dantaoine to train as he knows the sith survived but doesn't know they're on dantaione[/I]
  7. [I]Master huru and Gobei walk up to the machine next[/I] Monk: Young man you first [I]Gobei walks up to the machine and pokes it with his finger[/I] Monk: 515 vey impressive young man next [I]Master Huru walks up and punches the machine lightly[/I] Monk: 625 my my thee most powerful fighter left [I] the two walk back to the crowd and sit down [/I]
  8. Hiyoshi: They took they princess them bastards just a diversion with them goblins ahh i so stupid to have fallen for that Hiyoshi: Teleport*he holds his axe high above his head and twirls it and in a instant he is beside ken* Ken: Hiyoshi my old friend it is good to see you Hiyoshi: where is the princess ken Ken: she has been taken to a temple a days walk from here Hiyoshi: damn we'd better get goin, hang on BARKEEP a keg of your finest drink Bartender: OK here you..struggle...are Hiyoshi: ahhhhh as he drinks the keg in 20 seconds.....burp..lets go
  9. OK sorry it took so long but anyway lets begin ___________________________________ [I]In the deep forest of Alkavia a kingdom near Avador in training so that one day he'll be powerful enough to defeat Byzanya and bring freedom and prosperity back to his home[/I] Hiyoshi: damn it that ***** I knew it she wants to get the dragonheart for herself to wish for immortality i can't allow that but she tortured to sage of avador to laern it's location so i'll need help to get it back *Hiyoshi takes out he axe and starts to cut down a few trees around him* Hiysohi: ahh*Sees village*there it is Avania a small village i'll find help here
  10. [I]Suddenly a vey loud bang is heard and a giant figure was through the door[/I] Hiyoshi: You smelly bast***s take this *he pulls out his massive axe and cut ten of the goblings to pieces* Hiyoshi:Sorry i'm late these bast***s ambushed me the thought it would be easy to take on a giant(changed character from dwarf to giant) *kicks several more out the door* Hiyoshi: come on i need help there is an army of 'em *more kicks*
  11. OK cool Name: Hiyoshi Kabai Age: 270 (29 in human years) Race: Giant Waepons: a magic double bladed axe Magics: fire, ice, thunder and aura Bio/appearance : He waers a boar fur cloak with pants and shirt made of wolf skin. He is 19'7 and carries an enchated axe allowing him to cast magis
  12. Ok just a point of clarison majora you say you see me enter through a door when in my last post i say im battling TIE's out in space so just how am i back on the deathstar ok ?? and people please join my new story *legend of the dragon's heart* *hito send a trans mission to all rebels carft telling them who he is and that he isn't and enemy* Hito: ok the main reactor entrance should be aroung here somewhere *hito see's the gap and begins his decent in to the monstrous beast*
  13. Many years ago in a land far away where mighty warriors and powerful mages and other mythical beings lived there was a ruby the size of a fist in existance that if the right person held it a dragon would hatch out of the egg and grant the owner any wish he or she desired. Now a brave young giant named Hiyoshi has embarked on the chalange to locate and use the ruby which has becom known as the Dragon's Heart so that he can return peace to his home land of Avador. Let the Saga begin.............. ___________________________________________________ Name: Hiyoshi People: giant/wizard Age: 138 (24 in human yaers) Height: 19'7 Weapon: Axe Appearance: Hiyoshi wears a large fur shirt and pance (like a viking). He has thick dragon hide boots and wears a long fur cape.He carries a very powerful enchanted double bladed broad axe that can summon element magics out of it . Bio: Hiyoshi is from the large town of Xydion the capital of Avador but recently a very powerful sorceress named Byzanya has taken over the kingdom with her army of zombie warriors' dragons and very powerful magic. Hiyoshi was studying at the magic school in Zykadus when this happened and when he heard he swore he would retreave the dragon heart to bring peace back to his land.
  14. Hito: now have any of you other stormtrooper a problem with taking me to see Darth Ice Stormtrooper: I have Hito: fine my unwitted foe you shall die next Stormtrooper: *choke* all right i shall take you to see him Hito: good good hito strolls through the maze of corrodoors on the deathstar finally reaching the Emporers throne rome Hito: ahh emporer palpatine you look well Emperor: and who are you you jedi ??? Hito: i am hito kabai jedi master Emperor: ahh a jedi master and what are you doing here young jedi ?? Hito: i have come to chalange darth ice to a duel Emporer: a duel eh very interesting it seems that the choice is entirely up to lord ice himself Hito: Is lord ice *snigger* not here at the moment Emperor: no but my other sith apprentice Darth Terra is Emperor: Drath Terra step forward and teach this young jedi a lesson Darth Terra: yes my master *Terra steps forward and reveals his lightsaber* Darth Terra: do try to hold onto your lightsaber this tim :laugh: Hito: All right you sith pig lets see what you've got *hito walks forward and bears his lightsaber* Hito: come on *Darth Terra wals over and they calmly begin to lightly spar with eachother but soon the fighting begin to get serious* Hito: thats it i'm done warming up Darth Terra: fine *Hito moves like lightning in front of Darth Terra and kicks him square in the head* Terra: How....how did you do that?? Hito: Come on you can't be this weak Terra: go to hell *Terra launches a furious set of attacks against hito* *Hito easily blacks them all and finally uses the force to take Terra's lightsaber from him* Terra: why......why didn't you fight like this on alderan Hito: i wanted to take the measure of you skills Hito grasps his hand into a fist and darth Terra begins to choke Terra: all right *choke* i..i give up Hito: ok *throw terra's lightsbaer to the emperor and leaves back for the docking bay* Emperor: that boy has a lot of talent he could be a great sith *Hito flys out of the docking bay and begins and attack on some TIEs* Hito: that wasn't much of a challange
  15. After several minutes Hito regaines contiousness and rises to his feet Hito: damn sith *pick up lightsaber* i'll have to be less cocky next time *Runs to the hanger where his V wing fighter is held* Hito: R2 are we ready to take off R2D3: Yes ship engines are online and weapons are fully charged Hito: alright charge up the engines were heading for that death star *the ship explodes out of the hanger with a burst of speed* Hito: how long before we reach to death star ? R2D3: 12 minutes hito Hito: ok those siths will pay dearly for what they did to father after 12 minutes Hito reaches the battle hito: alright deflector sheilds up all laser banks on *Hito takes aim on a sith ship and fires the ship is decintigrated* Hito now for more fun he starts dog fighting with a few of the tie fighters OK I'm heading for the main hall i feel that there is a disruption in the force there *Hito blasts a few of the droids out of the way with his laser and destroys to tie ships that are docked in the bay* Hito: *steps out of his ship and walks over to the neerest guard* Hito: I wish to see darth ice immediately Stormtrooper: no jedi like you is getting to see lord ice without passing through me Hito: as you wish *hito pulls uot his light saber and slices the stormtrooper in half* Hito: anyone else ?????????
  16. Hito watches the two two-man jedi teams fighting the siths and contemplates their actions watching closely for any weak points while also sent the young jedi advice psychicly but soon one team are dispatched and Hito decides it's time to teach these sith a lesson Hito *Drops form the roof* ahh you two must be darths Terra and Ice it will be my pleasure to dispatch both of you sith scum *Powers up lightsaber* and fires a bin at one of the siths Hito: Darth Ice i hear you claim to be one of the Emperors close friends i shall give him your head as a present Hito: also you darth terra don't interfere in our fight as it will show both you sith are weak
  17. this really sounds quite cool Name: Gobei Osakadan Race: Jedi Jedi Name: Hito Kabai Weapon: Green single lightsaber Other skill: Has the ability to read minds Bio: He was born in the colony on endor that specialised in jedi training and trained by his father Velos as master on the colony he was trained for many years in the ways of the force from a very young age his father found a sith master on the colony and went to fight him but to Hito's horror he saw the death of his father by the hand of a sith and from the on trained in all ways of the jedi. Even though he has extreme rage inside him he would never turn to the dark side because a sith killed his father. He is a member of the jedii concil and second to yodu (yoda's older brother) Discription: wears the same suit as old ben kenobi wears in star wars. He has short black hair like luke's and green eyes he is 26 and is 5'6 tall
  18. Master Huru and Gobei step up to the guys in charge Guy in charge name, age, location Master Huru: Huru, 42, The Osakadan dojo Guy in charge: ok you next short stuff Gobei looks very angrily at the guy and like lightning he has his spear jabbing slightly into the jerks neck Guy in charge: ok ok don't hurt me Master Huru: Gobei put your spear down we don't want to be thrown out of the competition Gobei *still holding spear*: alright Gobei puts down his spear and says to the jerk in charge: Gobei, 15, The Oskakdan dojo
  19. Ok sorry I haven't replied earlier but our internet cable snapped so anyway i have a new bio for my character Name: Gobei Race Saiya-jinPowerlevel: 95 Discription: Wears a black battle gi with a white belt and white sandels has black hair and green eyes is well trained in used his spear which his father made him which is made of an alloy only found on Neo Vegeta Bio: After Bardock told about frieza was going to destroy Planet Vegeta about 12 saiya-jin families took him seriously and retrieved a cloakable tsufuru-jin ship and left vegeta to land on a planet which they called Neo Vegeta realising that it was there hostility that made frieza destroy them they didn't interact with other races and after 200 years they had a thriving planet his father tarined him in the ways of the fighting and gave him a spear of ridium alloy that is unbreakable but when gobei was 14 a meteor hit Neo Vegeta but gobei was sent to earth in a pod he landed an was taken in by Master Huru a decendant of Master Roshi and was trained even more Now one day while training near mt fuji Gobei hears a rumor that the Tenkaichi Budokai would take place in 3 days Gobei: Master there shall be a tournement in 3 days Huru:Really? then we shall depart and enter Gobei: thank you master i shall win but let us get back to training Huru: alright lets fight!!! After Gobei does a snap kick to master huru' chest the master tells him tomorrow they shall depart After 2 days of travel by foot they reach the place where the tournemt will take place and train hard for one last day The following day the meet with Master Goin and his student Leigh Huru: 'bows' hello goin long time no see Goin: also bows ah huru my friend it is good to see you take part in the competition and this is my student Leigh Leigh: Very nice to meet you master huru 'bows'and who is this with you Gobei: My name is Gobei very nice to meet both of you 'bows' Goin: well huru you have a fine student with you if you dont mind would you like to have them fight against each other Huru: great idea Let the fight begin
  20. Would there be any posibility that i could join i have already posted my bio on the sign up that was presuptious i know but is there any chance
  21. ok ok I know the limit is ten but is there any chance that I could join I have a good character in mind with an ok bio so is there if i can here's his bio Name: Zodius Race: Saiya-jin Age: 14 Powerlevel: 65 Appearance Height:4'5 Hair colour: Black He wears martial arts gi similar to that of the z crew execpt it's black and has a white blet and sandles.He carries a spear made od an alloy only found on new vegeta and nowhere else A saiya-jin child who lived on new vegeta on a far away planet. New vegeta was created in secret and was home to only 500 saiya-jin who escpaed frieza's attack in a cloakes ship. But 12 years ago the planet was hit by an asteroid and destroyed but Zodius father sent him to a planet named earth to be brought up and live after a years travel he lands on earth and is taken in by a descendant of Master Roshi named Gobei who raises him as his own son and teaches him Kung Fu
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