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Everything posted by Switchback

  1. [COLOR="Blue"]Darn you all, got me wanting a smoothie now. I've never actually had one before. You know, with mango and strawberries and such. Something with apple and grapes perhaps would seem nice to me. I'll have to try some of the recipes you've listed, sounds real nice.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Blue"]Pizza huh? Well, my favourite is simply Chicken and Mushroom. No more, no less. I don't really like other pizza's or extra dips with it. I like my food plain but that doesn't mean I'm a plain person. ;D I honestly think local pizza places are the best, I like to scout around and try different places to see which pizza tastes the best. Going to places like Pizza Hut is too expensive anyway I think.[/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Bombu][color=darkred']I dunno about Nintendogs. It was the first game that I got with my DS back in 2005 (so my opinion may be dated because I'm not sure what the newer versions have to offer), and the impression I got was that it was meant to be played in short bursts; spend five or ten minutes feeding it, playing with it, walking it and etc, and then do the same when checking up on it an hour or so later. It wouldn't qualify as a good way of killing time for me, so I'd recommend something along the long the lines of FFIII or Mario Kart DS.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Blue] Hmmm... You do make a point. Plus I don't have any of the newer versions, just like you. When I first got it, it kept me occupied for at least two and a half hours which is why I bothered to suggest it. I think it's best to scratch that now though. With all the people recommending [I][B]Final Fantasy III[/B][/I] I would suggest [I][B]Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls[/B][/I], however it's for the Gameboy Advance. Not the DS, the reason I am mentioning it is because it has [I][B]Final Fantasy I[/B][/I] and [I][B]II[/B][/I] built into one cartride. So it's two games in one, plus it's cheap to buy now I think. Only drawback is the same with[I][B] Final Fantasy III[/B][/I], it could get highly frustrating if you don't know where to go or if you get stuck.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]I join Sakura in envy. xD Going to Japan is one of my life goals, throw learning Japanese in there too... Okay, a few suggestions here... [I][B]Nintendogs[/B][/I] could be a very enjoyable game. It's fun and rather lengthy for gameplay. You can dress up your dogs in clothing, choose their breed, take them for walks, win contests, even give them baths. Only drawback is that you have to talk into the Mic which could get you many strange looks on the plane. ^^; Other than that, it's fun to play. The only other I can think of is [I][B]Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales[/B][/I], which has just recently been released. It looks kiddy and might be aimed at younger audiences but when I played this for the first five minutes, I instantly fell in love. It's so cute it should be banned. Playing as a Chocobo is an added bonus plus there is so many mini-games I've lost count. I think there's about over 40. Plus the storyline, I think that will keep you occupied. ;D Enjoy yourself in Japan, and don't forget the Pocky![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]... I dread to tell anyone this but I guess it's okay here. In my younger years in school, our year was taken to go see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. There we were sitting in the cinema, food flying everywhere and people talking so hardly anyone could watch the movie. I had a friend next to me drinking a slushie when she suddenly goes, "Jeez, this slushie's terrible." I roll my eyes and say, "Oh, give it here!" I throw the slushie without realising that there was still some left inside. The result was that everyone in front of me got dyed blue and a rise of "Urrrgh!" came from many rows in front. Very fortunately I wasn't seen as I tried to shrink in my seat while my friend was in stitches beside me. After the movie, some people walked back to the bus looking like Smurfs. One of the most embarassing moments of my life.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]I came here to be able to talk to people who share similar interests as myself. I come from the UK and despite how many Anime fans are said to be here I just can't seem to find many. There is the odd one or two I discuss it with but it feels great to be part of a big group who share similar interests. It's also nice to be able to meet and talk to others from different countries.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]One of the worst games I have ever played is [B][I]Sonic Heroes[/I][/B]. I regret even looking at it, the storyline was unbelievably dumb but worst of all was the controls. Pressing a button to switch to Tails to fly over a drop can instead switch to Sonic who runs straight off the edge like a suicidal hedgehog. I'm afraid to say it killed what little liking I had for Sonic and now I turn my head at whatever Sonic brand Sega tries to throw in your face. However, games that seem bad to others could be considered fantastic to someone else. Games can also be judged by people's tastes, not just by gameplay quality. Although that is mainly the reason games can be considered bad. Hmmm... [B][I]Drakengard[/I][/B] comes to mind here. Didn't quite make up to my standards.[/COLOR]
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