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About Kredion_Akima

  • Birthday 06/06/1988

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  1. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]If you need characters later in the rpg let me know i will place a sign up then K? Send a PM or a E-Mail. liked the idea didn't want to mess with too much at one time but one this gets started i should have my other stuff cleared up anyhow..[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. Name:Kredion Nash Age:17 Abillity: Healing-The ability to Repair almost any organic or metallic substance by touching it. Shielding the ability to deflect organic or metallic substances by sheer will for a few minutes at a time before he gets worn down. What you would like to inprove on: Improving his powers and discovering the true nature behind them. Appearance: 5'11, Green eyes, Light brown hair, Tends to wear camo pants with a black t-shirt and combat boots. Abillity History: Kredion's First ability manafested it's self when he was a mere age of 7 he was in the park and happened upon a wounded bird after picking it up and examining it he touched it's wing and the wing mended it self and the bird flew off. The second ability manafested it self around his 10th birthday and happened when a car jumpped off the road and whould have squashed him flat. just before it hit him however the shield popped up and the car just slammed into him sending him flying into a nearby wall unharmed. Familly: Listed below Father: George Nash - Deceased Mother: Catherine Nash- Deceased Older Brother: Ryutaki Aka Ryu Nash - Missing
  3. Linkin Park is my "drug" but i can't make it feel as if it has any real part of me.. sort of like distances me from myself if you know my meaning.
  4. Hehe.... I feel like such a old soul when you goes put for metal and heavy rock and all i put down is [COLOR=Red][URL=http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/nickelbacklyrics/howyouremindmelyrics.html]How You Remind Me By Nickelback[/URL][/COLOR] And [COLOR=Green][URL=http://www.lyricsondemand.com/t/threedaysgracelyrics/animalihavebecomelyrics.html]Animal I Have Become By Three Days Grace[/URL][/COLOR]
  5. Yeah but that being said about 10 years ago all we had was the real hardcore anime in american and i hate to say it but some of the excess stuff as floated over i mean look at Kirby that used to be on the fox box for Cristos sake. On saturdays there is a big influx of anime but te rest of the week not so much exceptions being cartoon network and a few other channels. and i don't know about you but i rather watch anime then a bunch of old crones talking about what regis deceid to wear last night....*slips out of rant mode* Opps i guess i went a little crazy.....
  6. *cough* 19 *cough* old fart am i *cough* lol i havn't been around the anime scene for a while... so i am out dated but i digimon and dbz have been around since at least 1990... sooo *shurg* i guess i ain't as up to speed on stuff liek this as you whippersnappers *chuckle*
  7. Oh jeez it's been so long let's see... (opens the musty old chest full of anime related memorys..) WAY back in the day i used to want to be TK From Digimon season 2. Now why is tricky back then i loved the armored digimon they had and Pegasusmon was like my dream ride.. ( were going back to when i was 12 people) I also held i strange fasanation with Sliverknight from .Hack//sign ( he always seemed like a cop to me.. and i used to want to be one.) the finally character oh boy i haven't thought about this one in ages.. Does anyone rememeber Nail from the Freiza saga of DBZ? i couldn't help but admire how selfless that guy was as he got the crap beat out of him.. ( yeah i know i am a wuss but sometimes i wouldn't mind geting the crap beat out of me over something important.)
  8. [COLOR=Navy]I think they call that the nosteligic emotion...but [i]pokemon[/i] did get pretty old feeling after the Orange islands (the word they used for it is stuck somewhere in my head i will edit it in later....) As for theme songs i think i have to say that the [i].hack//twilight[/i] theme song kind of made me a bit angry i like the older [i].hack//sign[/i] theme i guess i am just a centimenal old fool... Also as for [i]sailor moon[/i] it's been so long since i have seen any of them i kinda forgot how it goes... thanks for bearing with me here's .25 cents go upgrade your puter..[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Teal][b]Name:[/b] Kabu Okakitu [b]Nickname:[/b] "Shadow of Qwon" [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Country of Origin/Residence:[/b] South, The massive desert-land of Matsya [b]Profession:[/b] Assassin/Commoner [b]Weapons/Style:[/b] Kunai/Fists/Shadow Fox Style [b]Legacy of Qwon:[/b] [i]The cool spring breezes whistles through the air as a feather would flutter in the wind. A small black shadow slices through the air and black cloth flutters behind the shadow as he rapidly moves across the rooftops towards a nearby Noble's house. Stopping at the last house in the row the figure looks up and his hand grabs a rope wraped around like his belt with a dull metal hook attached to it. Slowly he swings it in a long arc as he aims for a tiny gap in the wall. Willing the hook to land in the crack he tosses his hook at it. Holding his breathe as he pulls firmly on the rope and tests it's tension to see if it will support him. After quickly muttering a prayer to his ancestors for good luck and blessing he climbs the rope quickly and lowers himself onto the wall with little more then a light muffled grunt.[/i] [i]Looking around he notices a few guards at the gate and two more on the wall. Moving like a fox he coils his rope and hook and leaps from the wall to the nearby guard shack landing lightly on his feet. Looking around to make sure he ain't noticed he sticks to the shadows as he makes his way toward the noble's house . Looking up at the Noble's house he is in slightly in awe over the way the house is laid out the "Lords" bedroom is bridging over the two wings of the house.[/i] [i]Pulling out his Kunai he twirls it in his hand and looks at the scratches it has along it's bladed surface. pulling his arm back he stabs the wall with a quiet "clink" in the morter of the building and pulls himself up his muscles flex with the weight of his body being held up by one arm and he stabs the wall again. Slowly he pulls himself up the wall over the next few minutes. As he pulls himself up over the windows ledge and pulls out a small vial of dehibiliting poison and sneaks his way over to the bed slowly he pours a little into the Noble's mouth. As the noble stirs he swiftly leaps out the window grabs his grappling hook and tosses it onto the roof and pulls hard as it sticks he swings up and lands hard on the roof. The guards awaken from the noise and the whole house rises in panic. Under his feet he can hear the Noble choking on the poison in his system. Running down the rooftop he flings himself off the roof and over the back wall into a nearby river and lands with a splash.[/i] [i]The next day the town is a buzz with noise of the noble's ravings and a price is set on the head of the assassin. But by that time however the assassin is no where to be found.[/i][/color]
  10. [COLOR=Teal]sign Ups: Name- Real World- Kredion Akima. In The World- Ryu Okimitu Age- 17 years old Gender- Male Personality- Responsible, Curious, Caring and Slightly Agnorant. Likes- Days Off, Girls, Getting that Next level, Hacking up a new costume and dying his hair a new color every month. Dislikes- PK's (Player Killers) ,Admins , Newbies and Patches of The World. Class:Twin Blade Appearance- [URL=http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/35507/normal_4daime9780078.jpg]Ryu [/URL] Bio- This whole adventure began for me about 4 months ago when one of my co-workers invited me over to try this game she had bought. so after work i went over and i checked it out bringing along a small cd case of my best little viruses and "keys to the digital plane". we had a great time messing around with all the setting and trying the dungeons out even after she got her guy killed a few times. so later that week a bought my self a copy of the game and started to mess around with various apperance viruses that i had used on my friends computer. Little did i know i had just started a whole new phase of my life. It wasn't until a few weeks after that i met some of the others and some of the stuff they pulled right in the cty blew my mind away after we swapped member Id's we kept in touch till that fateful day i heard this rumor on th emessage board about a little girl that used to be in one of the older dungoens and decided to check it out. it turnsed out that the admins had locked the gate againest the keyword so using a trick or two i managed to crack the seal on there lock and snunk into the level only to find it looked like a bunch of big digital worms had eaten parts of it away . Making my way to the dungoen i found it in even worse shape. down and down I went staying away from monsters as best i could and only fighting when I had too. I finally found the room i was looking for at the last floor and when i walked in i found a bunch of stuff that looked like it had gotten split in half but it was standing stright up strangest thing. well after recounting this to a couple of friends that had been around since the game began they slowly poured out a story about how a few kids had fallen into a coma and that this girl used to be seen alot more often but was being chased around. after hearing this it peaked my curiousity and i found my self thinking about it more and more finally i sent out a invite last week to meet at 11:30 Pm tonight at Delightful Jeweled Paradise (Keywords of course) i only hope they all show. Occupation- Twin blade in the World. Also a Hacker of sorts tends to stick to simple things such as alteration of appearances. Weapons- Shogunkon - With the power of La Repth or "group heal". The Shogunkon is a pair of short slender blades with red "barbing" marks on the flat of the blade.it is about 6.5" in length and 1.75" in wide by a mere 1/32 of an inch thick. Making it somewhat supectilible to breaking. Snippet-In the world Ryu is contantingly looking for a new place to expolore so it ain't uncommon for him to be off on a dungeon raid for the next big item or patroling the boards for a snippet or two of info on a new place. It is to be noted that commonly Ryu's hair color in the world reflects the color of he player in RL. [/COLOR]
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