Wet Cement
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About Wet Cement
- Birthday 10/04/1991
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All I can do is write about it.
Mouth breather.
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[COLOR="DarkOrange"]I hate the beach. And I like the water and sea-life and all that fun stuff. I hate the beach for two reasons: ONE - The sand. The ****ing sand. Gets everywhere and it angers me; in your trunks, in your toes, and everywhere else that's wet. And I can't stand it. Sand pisses me off. TWO - The heat. Most beaches are at least somewhat warm, and I hate that. Anything above 20C is too hot for me, and almost all beaches are like that. I can't understand the appeal - I can get sweaty and agitated without leaving my bedroom, why would I compound the problem by getting covered in sand? BONUS - Beach people enrage me. That's a generalization that I've yet to see proved false.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ok, damn. I've been, er, out of town for... what's it been, ten days now? Long time - sorry I didn't mention it in advance but it was sudden. I havn't had access to a computer for that same length of time, too. And so I assume I've missed quite a bit. Looks like I've got a lot of reading to do to get caught up... Can I just assume no one did anything with my character, or what? Anyway, sorry and I'll try to get caught up. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="darkorange"]Levon hadn't waited long to see if Vanyel would return. He figured they'd probably run into each other at some point later on anyway, and the cafeteria might still be serving - there was no time to stand around when there's free food to eat! So down the stairs he went, periodically checking his map to see how many more flights to go, before reaching the correct floor sweating and out of breath. It couldn't have been more than four-hundred steps in all, but to Levon it felt like climbing the Temple of the Sun and the Moon. However, he didn't stop to rest, but pressed on in the direction of the cafeteria, navigating the crowds deftly. He found the cafeteria largely as he'd left it, which was disappointing because he'd hoped the line would have diminished by now. Regardless, he took his place and than took his food, finding a table near a window to sit at. The view, even from the third floor, managed to be dizzyingly high, so Levon stared at the wall while he ate. He noticed the crowd was much denser along that wall. That meal - which was as large as the three he'd enjoyed previously - finished, he decided to go and check out what the fuss along the wall was. Rather than shove his way through the crowd, he bent the light around it, allowing him to see right through them. There was a bulletin board, covered in white sheets with big bold titles and slots to write you're name; classes, Levon speculated, as the words began to come into focus. He briefly wondered whether or not he should sign up for something, or if he should go back to his room and have a nap. He scanned the crowd of paper's from names that caught his attention. He dwelled on teleportation for a moment, but the paper that he was interested in most read simply - [i]Audio/Visual Club for the Thusly Inclined.[/b] Despite the awkward title, it seemed like something Levon was interested in - he'd been a big fan of cinema ever since he spent a week sleeping in a dark corner of a movie theatre. That done, Levon fought his way through the clouds and back up to his room. He needed a rest. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]This topic should be extended for terms that already exist but just don't do justice to the definition. [b]*definition*[/b]: *possible words* [b]He of the Long Wind[/b]: Zephedextrous, Blowmein, Copycatalyst, Proustophile [b]Predisinclined Towards Fat People[/b]: Fatcist, Starvin' Stalin, Afatocious [b]Often Angry or Unusually Aggressive[/b]: Krautoscholastic, Timurial, Napoleatric [b]Funderful or, alternately, Funtastic[/b]: Shpadoinkle [b]Unrequitedly Dull or Intentionally Boring[/b]: Ayndolific, Randy, Quixotepolytronic Good on ya if you get even half those references...[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]I'm out to prove that a man can lead a happy existence without proving a damn thing to anybody. So far, so good. The key is understanding that success is pointless, because at the end of the day we're all gonna be just as dead-and-gone as the next person - just enjoy life anyway you want. That's what I'm out to prove. Oh ya, and that big fat lazy losers get lucky sometimes. I'm out to prove that too. [/COLOR]
Discuss SUCKIT Brigade Underground and Information Booth [M-LVS]
Wet Cement replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Theater
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Just a few more things I'd like to add: The SUCKIT Brigade, when you first join, is just getting things into swing. Our secret base, for example, wasn't some diabolical bit of ingenuity dreamed up by a resident evil architect; we found it accidentally when we had to travel to Fiji to pick up lost luggage. It was abandoned, so we enslaved the Natives and had them fix it up... which means it's not exactly in tip-top shape. Hah. We're a minor evil empire as of now, with a few contacts and some enemies, but things will grow quickly. The way this RPG'll work is that it won't be particularily based on character development, but action almost constantly. Me and DB will assign you're characters various missions - sometimes in teams or solo, but always with a bunch of nameless underlings - and you're free to go about it any way you like. Make sure you provide as much opportunity for absurdist combat as possible. Hopefully this lasts a long time - as the RP progresses me may introduce new Henchmen and kill off old ones as we see fit. If you don't post enough or you lose sight of what the RP is about, never forget we reserve the right the kill you're character when we see fit :P[/COLOR] -
[quote name='Sojiro47'][font="Book Antiqua"]Well, God knows I hope you're right. I know that there are people who will see it for sole reason that the Church disagrees with it. But there are more who won't, for fear of angering God. Not that I give a damn. I God doesn't want me to see it, He'll kill me on my way in. That's how I see it.[/font][/QUOTE] Not really... most Christians hate fundies as much as I do. Half of them'd go see the movie just so they aren't associated with those sign-carrying nutters. Depends where, though - in the rural South, for example, I doubt it'll last very long in theatres, but it'll be intensely popular in the UK and most of North America. That's how I see it going down, anyway.
[quote name='Sojiro47'][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ok, So I'm a Christian, and I'm currently working on finishing the third book, [I]The Amber Spyglass[/I]. I love the series and am looking forward to the movie, but I'm afraid that [i]the Subtle Knife[/i] and [i]The Amber Spyglass[/i] will not make it to theaters because of how the church will react. I mean, remember how pissed they got when [I]The Devinci Code[/i] said that [spoiler]Christ had a child[/spoiler]? Well, imagine how they'll act when they find out that, in these books, [SPOILER]God is no more than an angle, and that angles can be killed.[/SPOiLER] I cant wait for this superstar cast and the movie holding them to come out. It's going to totaly trump every other movie this year.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I think that's exactly [i]why[/i] the Subtle Knife and the Amber Spyglass will be made into movies. The only way I see it not happening is if the Golden Compass flops - controversy sells. A movie that pisses off the fundies just means it gets more exposure, and people will either see it because it looks cool or because they want to piss off said fundies. Besides, anyone who thinks that HDM is a dig at Christianity is a fool. The series is about organized religion as a whole, and how it binds and restricts the mind.
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Treble,[/b] I don't know what to make of your username. I assume it's a reference to the 'treble' knob on you're speakers that no one knows what to do with but turns anyway in the hopes that it'll improve the sound quality. Sadly, the treble knob always comes second to bass. *sad* You're sig, avi, and personal message tell me you've got a thing for 70's cartoons - and what taste! Inspector Gadget was pretty rocking, and Grape Ape could kick Captain Caveman's *** any day of the week![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Every year, new movies come out with all kinds of hype and Oscar buzz. Sometimes, they turn out alright, and sometimes they turn out to be not so great. But it seems that sometimes the best movies are the ones that no one seems to notice. This is a thread for these movies. List you're favourite under-the-radar flicks, old or new. [B]Screamers[/B] - Ok, it's no [I]Alien[/I] and the effects are pretty B-movie, but Screamers is a cool sci-fi movie with a lot of great action sequences and some of the creepiest bad guys in the history of cinema. Adapted from a Philip K. Dick short-story. [B]Johnny Mnemonic[/B] - Another bit of B-grade sci-fi gold. Stars Keanu Reeves in a role designed for him - an empty-headed, emotionless man who's carrying information in his head that's going to kill him if he can't get rid of it. [B]Bubba Ho-Tep[/B] - Like everything else Bruce Campbell did in his life, this was so freakin' underrated. What happens when an aging Elvis Presley and a black man who thinks he's JFK meet in an old-folks home and team up to bring down a soul-sucking mummy? Got good reviews but never got the exposure. [B]Darkman[/B] - Sam Raimi's least-appreciated work is IMO his second-best (Behind Army of Darkness, which isn't really underrated anymore). Liam Neeson gets his face melted off, so he builds himself a new one and becomes a sort-of-superhero, kicking all kinds of *****. Man, B-movies are so awesome. [B] Heavy Metal[/B] - Ok, so maybe a Canadian anime made in the 80's based on a German magazine seems like just a nerdy guilty pleasure... and that's why I love it so much. Completely irreverent, funny and entertaining, Heavy Metal is just plain fun to watch... unless you're one of them plot-nazis. So, what are your favourite underrated movies? I could go on forever (Santa With Muscles, anyone?) but I'll spare ya.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Freakin' subway sandwiches, man. I don't know what it is - obviously, there's a lot of things to love about a sandwich. It's customizable, hand-held, the perfect size for biting, all kinds of good stuff; but I've had two all-meat-and-cheese subs virtually every day for the past six months. Can't get enough of them - get some blackforest ham and some Mexican smoked turkey in there with Genoan salami and some bacon and you've got yourself an awesome lunch. Another thing I'm partial, but not addicted, too is poutine. I know that very few places in the world have this dish, but sweet turnbuckle of Christ it's good. Take fries, deep-fry em' in lard, put them in a bowl. Than take cheese curds - which are another thing that's pretty rare in most places -and put them on top of this pile of french fries... than cover the whole mess in thick gravy. Enjoy. (Seriously, if you don't have cheese curds where you live don't even try to replicate the amazingness of a poutine.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok... social interaction should never be so awkward, but my latest post is up. I decided to not really mention Liam or his plans (or whatever they are), because honestly Levon just isn't interested. Apathy got him this far in life, figures it'll get him the rest of the way. For the sake of the story, I suppose he'll have to be forced into either side of the conflict (if that's even what it is), but for now he's not picking sides.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Out of curiosity, Levon had taken out his map as soon as he was past the doors. As he'd suspected, they were on the top floor, which seemed to, oddly enough, be comprised only of that one room. There were no hallways outside, not even a landing - once you stepped out the doors you were on a stairway going down. Just more of the Hall's mysteries. [b]"Well, that was abrupt..."[/b] Levon said, tucking the map into his pocket and starting down the stairs to catch up with the rest of the group. While his comment had been aimed generally, no one felt reason to respond, so the poorly-dressed procession made it's way down the stairs in silence. It must have been two hundred steps before they made it to the next floor, and half the group was already out of breath. Most of the group kept going downwards, drawing out their maps to find their way back to where they'd been, but a few stayed on the floor. Levon was one of these. He drew his map out and scanned down the floors until he saw the cafeteria; easily twelve stories straight down from their location. He groaned audibly. [b]"This place is really weird."[/b] It was one of the others on the floor, a woman with dark hair and the closed air that Levon recognized instantly as belonging to someone with experience on the streets. [b]"Ya. Laws of physics don't apply here too much, eh? Wonder who built it."[/b] Levon was thinking outloud more than he was having a conversation; he was used to people not responding anyway. So he was somewhat surprised when she said: [b]"Probably someone with a lot of money."[/b] Something about the obviousness of that statement raised a chuckle from Levon. Not willing to let the conversation slip into awkward silence, Levon said, [B]"Well, my name's Levon LeVaughn."[/B] His face flushed a bit when she didn't respond, but he rescued himself, saying [b]"You don't have to be so quiet, ya know... I was homeless too, I know what it's like."[/b] He smiled and hoped it was comforting. [b]"Vanyel Ashkevron,"[/b] she said, smiling back. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE]and so help me if you think a gun will have effect on espers, you're sorely misguided to my intentions.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I figure a nut with a Deagle could do some decent damage before someone turned the gun into steam or transported the shooter to the moon or something. Not that I advocate that or anything, just sayin' that this RP seems so filled with angsty post-teens that such a thing would be practically unavoidable. In any case, you could make that one of the events - an NPC shows up with a minor ESP power and a big gun and goes to town on the Hall and than have the 'chapter' be about how everyone reacts. Kind of thing you'd do later on in the RP when things start to stagnate. But I'm just thinking outloud... disregard it if that's not the direction you want to go in.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]2007DigitalBoy[/b], you're username tells me many things; first off, it's 2007, and secondly that you're a cyberpunk, at least to a certain extent. "It's a trap!" is an obvious Admiral Akbar reference - and a fitting one. Like a venus fly trap, you draw people in with a soft orange font, and than beat them over the head with poor grammar and misplaced capitals. Your sig and banner tell me you're a shameless self-promoter. The fact that you have an internet marriage compounds my conclusion that you're a supreme nerd. As for your avi? Tells me that you're a sick, disgusting pedophile with a cross-dressing fetish, just like myself. All in all? Like lookin' in a mirror.[/COLOR]