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About Da_Heavyarmz

  • Birthday July 20

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  1. well about the sword im thinking that future or mirai trunks has the same one cuz i have movie 13 and at the end it shows chibi trunks running with the sword on his back and then it plays the little theme song and ending and it shows future trunks fighting freeza with the sword and other clips of future trunks with his sword so thats why im thinking that its the same sword...
  2. who the hell is gonna keep their game paused ??? just save it and turn it back on l8er... its not like im gonna pause my game and take week long vacation and come back :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I agree that anyone who hasn't got it, get it. But you can get it on PSX, and PSI now. It just doesn't have as good graphics as the one for the PS2 system. [/B][/QUOTE] and that THPS 3 fpr PS1 got a horrible 4/10 and for PS2 got a 10/10... the PS1 release scored so low because it wasnt made by Neversoft cuz they decided to just stick to the PS2...
  4. AHAHAHA lol gohan fusing wit trunks... lol yay right... urr frendz might not now much bout dbz if they thought that...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]Ah, the Eevee team. Worn-out classic. I try to go for brute force. Feraligator lv. 72 Amulet coin Surf Ice Punch Dig Bite Pidgeot lv. 39 sharp beak Fly Steel Wing whirlwind Swift Furret lv. 32 Pink Bow Thunder Punch Quick Attack Fury Swipes Slam Umberon lv. 37 blackglasses Bite faint attack sand attack quick attack Suicune lv. 45 mystic water Whirlpool Waterfall Aurora beam Gust [/B][/QUOTE] WAT ??? a Furret ??? y would u need one of those...
  6. duo and trowa r tha best... heavyarms/ deathscythe...
  7. .... there iz a SSJ3 Chibi Goku watz this about SSJ3 Goku being stronger than Goget... ya right... and heres a pic of SSJ3 Chibi Goku... ok... cant fint it right now... ill get bak to u on that one...
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