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Tetra of sound

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Everything posted by Tetra of sound

  1. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai was lounging around in her room, doing various things with the objects she called her "friends". "Ichi, Ni, San, Yon, Go, Mu..." Kurai was making sure she had all of her needles. Kurai continued to make sure everything was in order. When she knew she had everything, she picked up her sword, Chiyu Kiba, and began to polish it. Kurai always kept Chiyu Kiba in top condition. Kurai remembered how R-112 had come to make the Carnival his home. Burt had worked on him. Kurai decided now would be a good time to pay Burt a visit. Kurai went down the hall, to the greasy curtain that was the entrance to Burt's room. "Hey, Burt. I was wondering... do you need any help repairing anything? I do have some basic knowledge of such things." [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai didn't like seeing Zeke wiped out. His energy was what made her happy most of the time. Kurai also noticed how Burt wanted to "take her head off" so he could see what caused her mental "malfunctions". Kurai walked past Zeke's room. She glanced at him for a moment, then continued to walk to her own room. When she entered, Kurai picked up her sword, Chiyu Kiba, and hugged it. Kurai was most comfortable around these objects she gave names. The person Kurai was most comfortable around, she was still unsure of that one. Burt wanted to unscrew her head, Zeke's... a little off, CP doesn't talk, Kilo was obsessed with Anya's breasts, and Lyon... Kurai wasn't sure about him. The point was, Kurai wasn't sure if any of the guys had a thing for her. They all seemed to have a thing for someone else, nothing for someone at all, or they were Zeke. Zeke was in a class all his own. "Chiyu... You're always there for me..." Kurai said happily. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. I like the thought. It seems like it would help me from being confused... but then again, I'm easy to confuse.:animesmil
  4. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai was Alice in the previous scene. [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]Her lightweight body made her ideal for the part. The dress made her look like she was headed to a high school prom. Tho whole act, however, made it all worth it. Being handled the way she was, she was sure she would blush, but she hadn't - at least, not yet. The scene was over, and Kurai was taking a quick break. She watched everyone laugh at the jokes about Zeke. Kurai didn't quite get them. "What's so funny? I don't get it." Kurai said, still dressed in the Alice outfit. She was then handed the picture that was just taken of Lyon in his outfit. Kurai took a look at it. Everyone else was laughing, so she started to laugh as well. "Seriously... What's so funny? I don't get it!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai had watched the entire thing. The feeding of vampires interested her. It made Kurai feel like a biologist. Then she remembered the comment about how it was a "jungle". "Welcome to the jungle..." Kurai said with a small smile on her face. Kurai began to remember something. It was about the others, and the mission. "I think we should get back. I'm getting the feeling someone's angry that we're not there..." Kurai began to walk away, but then turned around. "I think we should try to get there as soon as possible. If you want a 'ride', Xen, let me know. I don't mind letting an ally ride on my back in my wolf shape..." Kurai turned back the way she was headed, and continued to walk. Her cold was bothering her again. Colds made it hard for her to find her peers by scent, leaving her to use her ears, or worse, ask for directions. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. OOC: I don't think it may have been mine, but a feeling kept telling me it WAS mine... but maybe that's because every time I go on a chatbox, they think I'm a guy...:animesmil [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai followed Wolfie. She had nothing better to do. She liked this Xen guy. He was energetic, fun-loving - or at least, that's the way he seemed. The whole time, Kurai kept quiet. She waited for a command, or for somebody to speak. Kurai never was the one to start the conversation. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. I just hope that you get in, buddy. As for me... I have my own type of hell... home.:o *dramatic horror film music*
  8. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Though normally not one to get involved, Kurai immediately jumped in to defend the vampire that intriqued her so much. "There's a saying... it's better to be smart and a coward than brave and stupid... I may not have lived as long as some of you, but I may be wiser..." Kurai turned back to her food for a second, then back to the rest of the group. "Also... Did you know that when a human fears for their life, their stomach stops digesting food? Thought I'd share that small fact..." Kurai finally turned back to her food and continued to eat. Speaking out against her own kind was something even rarer than her speaking at all. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [B]Military File 363-636A[/B] (Kurai Yakunan) [B]Project Deceiving Soul[/B] (DS for short) [B]Android Age:[/B] 15 Years [B]Classification:[/B] BIO-ANDROID [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]height:[/B] 5 feet, 3 inches [B]Weight:[/B] 155lbs [B]Specialty components: [/B] [I]Nanotek Synthesizer levitation genodes lightweight frame hologram projector sniperclass optics Distortion generators/absorbers combat limiter protocol override Specialized information banks - Medicine/repairs Scalpels built upon hands, removable[/I] [B]Original usage:[/B] defensive tactics [B]External Weaponry:[/B] A large sword (that she felt like naming "Chiyu Kiba", meaning "Healing Fang"), often carried on her back, but when used, it is often as a means of defense. [IMG]http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u206/jorge_jim14/large_water_sword.jpg[/IMG] A set of ten needles (each also had a name as well - [I]"Ichi", "Ni", "San", "Yon", "Go", "Mu", "Shichi", "Yatsu", "Kyuu", [/I]and[I] "Juu"[/I], which means [I]"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", [/I]and[I] "Ten"[/I] respectively), that can either be used for medical purposes or as long-range weapons. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y184/Deaths_Angel_666/Senbon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality Sidenotes:[/B] Often gentle. She can be quite odd, naming objects that have no humanlike qualities and actually talking to them. DS is known to have some qualities that suggest a mental disorder that causes her to seem insane. She has two distinct personalities. The first has the following qualities:[LIST] [*]Gentle and peace-loving, refuses to fight under any circumstances [*]Behaves like an adult [*]fully comprehends most things [*]obeys those she finds to be her true allies unquestioningly[/LIST]The second personality has these qualities:[LIST] [*]Gentle and peace-loving, refuses to fight unless angered. [*]Behaves like a child [*]Very naive. Even with many hints, may not fully understand it still [*]Rebellious[/LIST][B]android status[/B]: M. I. A. [B]Known history:[/B] An android originally built for defending allies and tending to damaged parts of fellow androids. After five uses, DS was scheduled to be deconstructed for refusal to participate in a sixth use. DS escaped before the deconstruction could occur. There have been multiple sightings of DS, usually where injured humans and androids are located, often coinciding with the location of the Carnival. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp249/nyappys/girl_black.jpg[/IMG]
  10. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry about the lateness. I was gone due to my little brother hogging the compy... but I'm back now! :animesmil Post would be longer, but I'm in a bit of a hurry. I only get an hour on here.:animeswea [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai was late. She normally came on time to things like this, but she had a little trouble getting there. Things are rough for lone wolves. Despite her senses, she had still gotten lost. She had a cold, which really messed her up. When she arrived, she bowed to apologize. She was more "proper" than most werewolves. "Sorry I'm late. I'll do my best to be of use to the team." She watched the entire bit of "training" they did. Kurai had stood there quietly, watching everything intently. When it was all over, she helped herself to the meat that was there, but also grabbed a large glass of water. Kurai had heard that when you're sick, you need to drink a lot of fluids. As Kurai was eating, she was also watching Auron. Normally, she wasn't interested in vampires, but this one's behavior intrigued her. Someone who favored the treaty as much has her, but of another race. It truly fascinated her. "This is very interesting..." [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. This is entirely up to you guys, but... If it's called Otakusin City, don't you think some of the names of places might be based off of anime? Now, of course, this was one of my idiotic/brilliant realizations. It does not have to be used. I just thought it might help. :animesmil
  12. I love the bit about "I want to avenge my family". That was funny. It [I]is[/I] pretty obvious that [I]someone[/I] at some point in time might try to make a Sasuke knock-off. [B] Character Name: [/B]Kurai Yakunan [B]Gender: [/B]Female [B] Class: [/B]Breeder [B] Age: [/B]15 [B] Starter Pokemon: [/B]Vulpix [B] Second Pokemon: [/B]Zubat [B] Pokemon Nickname:[/B] Yakunan [B] Personality: [/B]Kurai is normally a very laid-back and quiet person. She prefers solving things nonviolently. Kurai loves jokes that are not groan-inducing ones. She despises anyone who insults her or her way of doing things. Kurai is more of a follower than a leader, so she often doesn't mind others leading the way for her. She only has one problem, and that is actually [I]following[/I] such orders. Kurai's somewhat defiant nature sometimes causes trouble for the others around her. She is incredibly stubborn and strong-willed, and will, under any circumstances, give in to another's demands. Kurai has a one-track mind. Once she is focused on something, she will not leave it be until she finishes. [B] Appearance: [/B]Kurai wears a black sleeveless top over a long sleeve fishnet shirt. She also wears a pair of black jeans with a chain that always seems to dangle from the waist. Kurai has a pair of black boots that seem a little big on her feet. She often has a black rose hairclip in her hair on the left side, aligned with her eye. Kurai also has a necklace that has a dark purple stone on it with "Yakunan" engraved in it. [B] History: [/B]Kurai had lived most of her life in Veilstone City in the Sinnoh region. Her parents had refused to let her near pokemon, but despite their orders, Kurai went close to pokemon anyway by sneaking out every night and returning before her parents noticed. In this way, she learned a lot about pokemon in secret. She had learned so much, she had bugged her parents to let her get a job babysittling pokemon for trainers. They had eventually gave into Kurai's will, letting her watch over the pokemon of trainers. She learned a lot about the personalities of pokemon through this job. Kurai also learned which pokemon could breed with which, and how long it would take for them to have an egg. She would occasionally find eggs that the pokemon had. Kurai always gave them to the trainers. Most never left behind an egg. When they did, she would hatch it herself, raise it to the point where it could go on its own, then release it into the wild. This inspired her to become a breeder. [B] RP Example:[/B] Kurai was wandering around her place of work like usual. She had spent most of the money she had already earned from taking care of other's pokemon on supplies for herself. "Looks like it's almost time for that contest to start. I should be having a lot of work to do soon..." Kurai walked out of the building and looked up at the sky. "I just wish this job would pay better..." [B] Would you like your character drawn? [/B]Yes, please. [B] Do you have an image of what your character is based to look like?[/B] [URL="http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj29/Kirauchiha13/AkatsukiKira.jpg"]Clicky[/URL]
  13. [B]EDIT: [/B]I have decided to make a banner for the RP club. Once I have it done, I will put it on my Quizilla account and post a little link. I also had another idea: why don't we have another RP for those who don't want to do the one that was voted for? My plan was is that those few would make their own idea to use, and they do that while the others do the idea originally voted for. It's mainly so then nobody gets really bored. It's all up to you guys... because a majority of my ideas have either a major flaw (that is obvious to everyone EXCEPT me for some reason) or are to complex/messed up to make sense.:animeswea So, as of now, I wait for your decision. Have a wonderful day!:animesmil
  14. I could have always given some basic info on Naruto... or directed you to [URL="http://saiyanisland.com"]SaiyanIsland,com[/URL], a site that has a LOT of information on all the characters. And speaking of Naruto... [IMG]http://i308.photobucket.com/albums/kk340/xSasukeNekox/Cosplay/DSC06527.jpg[/IMG] Cosplayers having fun... Deidara's pantsing Sasuke (though it looks more like a glomp gone wrong). I can't believe Sasuke's wearing boxer shorts!:animesmil Naruto: BELIEVE IT!!! Me: Get out of here, Naruto! *Kicks Naruto* Hope you like the pic! (Even though it has reletively NOTHING to do with this...)
  15. [B]Name:[/B] Kurai Yakunan (Kurai means "dark", and Yakunan means "evil", "calamity", or "misfortune".) [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Birth age(Age you were turned):[/B] 6 [B]Appearance: [/B] [I]human-[/I] [IMG]http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj29/Kirauchiha13/AkatsukiKira.jpg[/IMG] [I]Wolf-[/I] [IMG]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa194/sifianimefantasy/Lycans/Werewolf_by_KyoKitten.jpg[/IMG] [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Weapon(if any):[/B] A big-ass sword she calls "Yakunan-same" is her main weapon. Unlike most swords, it doesn't cut - it shaves. She also carries a small arsenal of poison-coated needles. The poison is her own concoction, made of several different types of snake venom and poison mushrooms combined. [B]Personality:[/B] Kurai likes the idea of a truce, though she hopes for it to be permanent. She is not much of a fighter, but more of one for medical treatment. Though Kurai does not like to fight, when she does, she will mainly defend and when she does have the chance to kill, she will only severely injure them. Kurai is normally calm and keeps to herself. When she is open, however, she can be somewhat naive. Kurai is also known to put things VERY bluntly. She is very accepting of others, despite what they may think of her. Kurai is one who treats others EXACTLY the way she is treated - if you treat her like a piece of crap, Kurai will shove it right back in your face.
  16. [CENTER][COLOR=Red][B][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial Black]WARNING: CURSING, VIOLENCE, AND POSSIBLE OTHER PG-13 AND ABOVE CONTENT MAY BE INVOLVED IN THIS RP.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4][U][B]NARUTO: DIVINE WIND[/B][/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [COLOR=darkblue]Naruto was a popular series in the town of Kubochi. Almost every student has seen at least one episode of Naruto. It kept getting more popular until the day of the Divine Wind...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue] The Divine Wind was an odd occurance where several students from the schools went missing. It occurred two days after the disappearance of a local girl named Kurai Tsukikage. A note was found where each child was once at.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue] [I]Dear Reader,[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue][I] You shall never see this child again. They are far away from here. They have been taken because they watched the series Naruto.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue][I] From Anonymous[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue] The town has lost all hope of getting back the children.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue] ~~~ELSEWHERE~~~[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=darkblue] "Lord Orochimaru. I have completed the task. The girl is being held in a secure area. You may begin to do as you wished immediately." said Kabuto. "Good. Go get her. I want to see my new student." "Yes, Lord Orochimaru." replied Kabuto. A few minutes later, Kabuto arrived with a young girl at his side. "Here she is." said Kabuto. The girl looked around at the dark room. She saw the pale man walk forward. "Ah. Good." Orochimaru said. He turned to the girl. "What is your name?" he asked. The girl didn't respond. "Please answer Lord Orochimaru." said Kabuto. "Kurai Tsukikage." she replied hesitantly. She looked down at her feet. "May I leave now?" Kurai asked. "You may. Kabuto, take her back to her room." "No!" Kurai called out. "I want to go see Sasuke!" "Then have Kabuto take you to him." said Orochimaru. Kurai grabbed Kabuto and made him take her to Sasuke. She went into the room Sasuke was in. Kurai motioned to Kabuto to leave. "Do you know why he wants me?" she asked. "Go away." said Sasuke. Kurai growled, then left. She decided she would make do until she got enough strength to run off. She didn't like Orochimaru or Sasuke. [/COLOR][LEFT][COLOR=darkblue] Two days later, Kurai had already mastered the odd ability she had obtained upon entering the Naruto world. She had already learned Summoning, Fireball, Dragon Flame, and Phoenix Flower Jutsu. She had even learned a few basic medical techniques from Kabuto. It was 6 AM, and Kurai decided she would flee now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue] All three of them were asleep. Kurai made her way out the door with her things and ran as fast as she could to the southwest, where the Akatsuki base was supposedly located...[/COLOR] [/LEFT] ~~~SIGNUP SHEET~~~ Name: Age: Gender: Grade Level: Animal: Bio: Weapon: Appearance: Ninja Appearance: ~~~SIGNUP EXPLANATION~~~ You can be one of the people missing from Kubochi, a ninja, or any current Naruto character. [B]Name:[/B] Nothing too long, please. [B]Age:[/B] Nothing below the age one enters school. [B]Gender:[/B] Simple. [B]Grade Level:[/B] 5th - 11th grades recommended, but other grades are welcome. Optional. [B]Animal:[/B] Choose one from the list below. [B]Bio:[/B] Tell what happened to your character before they arrived at Orochimaru's base. [B]Weapon:[/B] No guns. [B]Appearance:[/B] Description or picture, I don't care... but I do suggest that if the pic will stretch the page, put the link instead. [B]Ninja Appearance:[/B] Appearance in the Naruto world. Same things as regular. ~~~ANIMALS AND ABILITIES~~~ I made this bit up, except for the animals and their Japanese names. That is real. Only one person per animal. Snake is off-limits to everyone else. [B]Snake - Hebi - Shapeshifting (Fully and partially) Horse - Uma - Superspeed (Equivalent of Sonic the Hedgehog) Rabbit - Usagi - Telepathy Ox - Oushi - Super strength Tiger - Tora - Heal quickly (Shortens lifespan a bit, how much determined by severity of healed wound) Dragon - Doragon - Breathe underwater (No physical alterations to the person) Monkey - Saru - Teleportation (up to 50 feet) Rooster - Ondori - Flight (No physical changes are made to the person) Dog - Inu - See the unseen (See invisible things, such as ghosts) Pig - Buta - Invisibility (lasts up to 30 minutes) Sheep - Muton - Control plants (Any species of plants) Rat - Nezumi - Change size (No smaller than a mouse, no larger than an elephant)[/B] ~~~MAP~~~ Below is a map of the Naruto world. [IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i3/GothicYami/Naruto/bettermap.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-waterfall-village.gif[/IMG] -- Waterfall Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-leaf-village.gif[/IMG] -- Leaf Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-sand-village.gif[/IMG] -- Sand Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-sound-village.gif[/IMG] -- Sound Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-grass-village.gif[/IMG] -- Grass Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-rock-village.gif[/IMG] -- Stone Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-rain-village.gif[/IMG] -- Rain Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-cloud-village.gif[/IMG] -- Cloud Village [IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm241/aidenxphoenix/symbol-mist-village.gif[/IMG] -- Mist Village ~~~MY CHAR~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Kurai Tsukikage [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Grade Level:[/B] 10th [B]Animal:[/B] Snake Bio: Kurai is a huge fan of the Naruto series. She has watched every episode and has read quite a few spoilers for Shippuden. Kurai was an A-student. She always did her work, is a good artist, and was highly intelligent. She learns quickly. Kurai is often quiet and gentle, but can also be quite bold. She was drawing the forest when she was taken. Her summon animal is a snake. [B]Weapon:[/B] a small sword named Orochi. It is named after the eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent Orochi from Japanese mythology. She also carries a few needles with her just in case. [B] Appearance: [/B] [URL="http://tektek.org/avatar/24855040"][IMG]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0903/d05/1700/ddab620.png[/IMG][/URL] [B]Ninja Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://tektek.org/avatar/24855609"][IMG]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0903/d05/1716/40a8351.png[/IMG][/URL]
  17. Well, it looks like the lonely sound kunochi is gonna have to vote for herself... I didn't understand half of the stuff in Shy's because... well... I guess it's 'cause I'm failing English 10... :animeswea Mine is different because instead being the good guys like most RPs, we get to be the dead-sexy bad guys! :animesmil But again, that's why it's different... Not why it should be chosen. That's why it's up to you. I'm a follower, not a leader, that's for sure.:animeswea
  18. Yeah, I changed my character. The reason below it said that if there were any more problems to PM me so I could fix them. Since I didn't get a PM, I assumed there was nothing else that needed fixing.:animeswea So, yeah. If there are any more problems, tell me which part of it and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
  19. Heh. I think a map would be an OK idea. I'm not making it, though... I have schoolwork. Also, feel free to drag me into your posts... I don't mind.
  20. I hope this gets up soon! :animesmil Let's see... who all do we joining...? We got Botar, Nessaja... Rurouni... me... and of course, Drizzt, the guy who came up with this. That makes 5 people. I hope we get more! :animesmil
  21. I say make the idea work! I'd love to see that! That would give me something to do. By the way, I also thought of bringing over one of my Naruto RPs. I could send you the information. It's going pretty will where I originally made it. 4 pages in 4 days! :animesmil
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]Kurai was having a wonderful dream. She actually saw Night relaxing. He wasn't yelling in the dream. She wandered around, enjoying the sweet silence that came with a relaxed leader. Just as she was getting complimented by Night in her dream, she awakened, falling out of her bed. "I knew it was too good to be true..." Kurai said, irritated by the fact she had just woke up from one of her favorite dreams. She then heard a voice. She instantly knew it belonged to Cal. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]"Kurai, you awake? You don't need to be sleeping all day, you know. Its too nice a day to be cooped up in there."[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kurai sighed as she walked to the door. She grabbed her notebook and a box of markers and opened the door. "I'm not going to sleep all day. I just wanted to make sure I got plenty of sleep. Is that all you wanted to see me for, Cal?" Kurai started sketching Cal. She hadn't made a picture of him yet. Kurai did, however, have a drawing of Night hanging on the wall. It was done from memory since she couldn't get close enough to him to actually do a better job. The same was for the drawing of Thea. She didn't have one of Rasic because she didn't feel like drawing him. "After I finish this drawing, I'm going to get something to eat. Don't let anyone bother my scythe while I'm out of my room." [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. You've got my support on this one. I'd love to have a club like that. I'd be submitting role play ideas. I have a mind with endless possibilities for role plays. I already have four running at one time in the [B]SAME [/B]forum on another site, and one is at 22 pages after only two weeks since it was first posted. One has 10 pages, and has only existed a week. One is dying, but the last one has been up merely two days and is already near the end of page 2. So you know... they are all results of my Narutarded fantasies. I just never seem to run out of ideas! :animesmil
  24. I'm guessing each of you chose... Tobi! I also think that Chibi chose Hidan (Somehow, I have that feeling...). Now to find out who chose Sasori... I probably should have asked for which of the main four I like should have been the choice... By the way, those four are Kisame, Zetsu, Tobi, and Deidara.
  25. [COLOR=purple]Kurai made her way to her room. It was full of her artwork, which was taped onto the walls. Her bed was a mess, like usual, and her drawing pad had an unfinished drawing on it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]"I guess I'll finish my drawing... I don't have much else to do..." The drawing was of the first hellspawn she had ever killed. She drew a lot of demons. She also had a few drawings she made of her fellow hunters. Most of the drawn hunters, however, were dead. After she finished her drawing, Kurai laid on her bed and fell asleep with her scythe in her hands. Kurai never let anyone handle her scythe unless the situation called for it.[/COLOR]
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