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Tetra of sound

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Everything posted by Tetra of sound

  1. Hey, guys! This is my first time showing up in this place, but I have a good reason for a sudden appearance... You see, I'm making a story on Quizilla. It takes place before Shippuden. I have the first three chapters in one section. I'm having trouble coming up with what Akatsuki member/ Naruto character to make my character start to date/fall in love with. I was planning to throw in more characters in Chapter 4 so then I would have a better variety to choose from, but writer's block has struck me pretty hard... So this is where you guys come in: I need your help to choose which one. I'll take any suggestions other than Sasuke Uchiha, because I hate Sasuke. If you think someone will give you a lot of heck for your choice, feel free to PM me. Also, I'll take requests of putting in your own character. Just give me a PM if you want in the story. Here's a link to the story (It might have some bugs I still need to work out involving fonts and pics). [URL="http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8961124/how-did-this-happen-an-akatsuki-story"] http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8961124/how-did-this-happen-an-akatsuki-story[/URL] Thanks for listening!:animesmil
  2. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Intro:[/B] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=purple]I walked into the bar where a detective was rumored to be. I had began to believe that he might give me a job. I needed one, after all. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]It had already been a week since my last job. I was sent to kill a notorious murderer. For someone who was wanted, he was too easy.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]"Hey, give me a coke. I'm thirsty." I handed the man a 10-dollar bill. I normally didn't let anyone keep the change, but I was feeling generous today.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]After receiving the drink, I turned my attention to the detective. I always keep a picture of my potential clients with me. I watched as he punched the guy in the nose.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]"Hahahaha! Nice one. Though I probably shouldn't be laughing, considering I'm jobless..." I took a sip of the Coke.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]"Anyway, I have a question for you. With all those criminals out there nowadays, I figure you're gonna need a bodyguard of sorts, and I'm willing to do it. You know how many people will kill anyone helping the police. Besides, I don't ask for pay in money. All I ask is for a place to stay and three meals a day. That's all I ask. So, what do you say?" I looked at the man with a small smile on my face.[/COLOR][/FONT] [B]Name:[/B] Tetra of Sound, more commonly known as Tetra or the Sound of Death. [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Occupation:[/B] Assassin for hire or bodyguard. She refers to herself as a ninja because of her fighting style (She just likes to call herself a ninja...). She is notorious for her work. Tetra has no current client. She never takes a job where she has to kill the innocent or protect criminals. She requests to be payed with the following services: A place to stay Three meals a day [B]Appearance:[/B] Light - [IMG]http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd74/onestepcloser11/anime_girl_fav4236.jpg[/IMG] Dark - [IMG]http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj29/Kirauchiha13/AkatsukiKira.jpg[/IMG] Tetra is 5 feet, 3 inches. She weighs about 155lbs and her eyes change color with the light. They are a gray, almost black in light and red (or appear to be so) in the dark. Her hair reaches about midway down her back and is black, despite how it seems to be a dark gray in the light and purple in the dark. [B]Personality:[/B] Tetra is a very calm person. She loves jokes. She is difficult to anger. However, when she is angry, she will attack anyone who tries to attack her or literally stands in her way. Tetra always keeps a promise. She plays a lot of video games, mainly ninja ones. Tetra is very creative, so one of her hobbies is drawing. [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]She also sings a bit. Some songs remind her of her family.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Family (if applicable):[/B] Tetra has no known family. Rumor has it she killed them all years ago. [/FONT]
  3. ((Oh, I understand, Esbell. I was gone for a few days due to illness, and I'll probably be gone a couple more real soon due to the fact I have an appointment and my eyes get dilated every time, causing me to have trouble reading.)) [COLOR=purple]Kurai had finally finished her demon. She walked toward Cal and the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]"Finally! We can get some rest... The demon I had was giving me a hell of a lot of trouble..." Kurai followed them back to the mansion.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]She watched the sun rise from the rooftop. "The sun... a symbol of all that is pure and good... While the moon... it is a symbol of all that is tainted and evil... or at least that is the way most see the moon..." Kurai began to think about the moon again. "The moon... a symbol of water... Water... a symbol of calm and peace... It's funny how everyone interprets things differently..."[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Purple]As the beast worked its way to Cal, a winged figure appeared from nowhere and sliced its head off. [/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]"Did you think I would let you die?" Kurai said with a slight smile on her face. "I never let my allies die. Never. C'mon, let's get moving."[/COLOR]
  5. Mori pulled herself up. "I-I'm Mori... It's nice to meet you. I'm a kitsune, as you can probably tell... I'm still not so good with shapeshifting..." Mori then helped Keith up. "So, what's your name?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's so short... because... I'm busy... and still recovering from a stomach bug... Ugh...:animestun
  6. [B]Wonderful idea. Sone of it kinda sounds like the Megaman series (the older one, specifically the X line of the series). :animesmil Oh, and I hope you don't mind my Naruto-like idea popping in here... Name: [/B]Kurai Kubochi. (Dark Depression, depression/kubochi is her middle name.) She is sometimes called "Wasuremono", meaining "something forgotten". [B] Age:[/B] 15 (Earth years and her own) [B] Race: [/B][I]Souken[/I] - The Souken are a people created by humanity's creative thoughts (mainly the long-forgotten ones) taking life. Kurai resulted from a long-forgotten anime known as "Naruto". [B] Appearence: [/B][url=http://tektek.org/avatar/24396511][img]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0902/d18/1659/88f3576.png[/img][/url][B] Home world: [/B]Rasen Kumo no Muge(Spiral Cloud of Dreams) [B] Personality: [/B]Normally a gentle person. Kurai will only attack in the most dangerous of situations. She prefers to solve her problems nonviolently, and even when attacked, mainly defends. Kurai is a very calm person. She is often found in her room, staring at a picture of her love. [B] Biography:[/B] Her love was buried alive a month after they got married. Her older half-brother was killed by his younger brother. She took the older one's body and made it her own so she would have a human form. Her best friend is dead. [I][B]Oh, and here's something for a little amusement... that is, if you find it amusing. It's Akatsuki E-mails!!!:animesmil I'm KageTetra. My faves are Kisame and Deidara. Those answers were awesome.[/B][/I] [URL]http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/result/8903492/6534869/[/URL]
  7. Kurai took on her regular battle state. "I'm here if backup is needed." She had her scythe ready just in case. "I'll watch the back for now. Until then, we should probably let Cal handle those two."
  8. [COLOR=Purple]Kurai nodded. "Understood." She then turned to Cal. "I'm ready when you are." She zipped up her white coat and walked out the door. Kurai looked up at the moon. [I]It's full... most dark rituals occur on the full moon...[/I] She pulled out her scythe and stood there. "I suppose I'll wait here until Cal's ready..." [/COLOR]
  9. I bet mine (some) will cause random ROTFLMAO's. [B] "Your mind is like a koopa shell: it's empty, but it harbors some forms of life." - [/B]My brother on my stupidity. [B]"Well, Gaara- OMG, did I just call you [I]GAARA[/I]!? I did, didn't I!? I called him Gaara!!! I CALLED HIM GAARA!!!" -[/B] Me whenever I called my friend Gaara over the phone. I've been watching WAY too much flash. [B]"If you wanna rule the world, you gotta know your HTML!" -[/B] Me when I was telling one of my brothers about HTML. [B]OMG! OMG! LOOK! LOOK! I MADE IT [I]MOVE[/I]!!!" -[/B] Me in Digital Imaging class, telling the teacher how I made a red circle move from the left to the right. [B]"Beware of snake!!!" - [/B]Me telling this to random people while I had a plush snake on my arm. [B]"ITACHI!!! WHAT THE H*** HAVE YOU DONE?!" -[/B] Pein in "Fun with Akatsuki", right after Itachi blew up the toilet seat. [B]"OMG! YOU KILLED HIDAN! YOU BA*****!" -[/B] (First sentence is Zetsu, second is Deidara) "Fun with Akatsuki", after a PIANO falls on Hidan. [B]"Money? What m-m-money?! I didn't take any money! I swear it!" -[/B] "Fun with Akatsuki", Kakuzu right after Kisame stops Itachi from frying the TV AGAIN.
  10. [COLOR=Purple]Kurai walked out of her room and slid down the railing of the stairs. She was normally quiet and rarely spoke to the others. Her silver hair was blowing just a little as she walked toward the others. She took her place beside Ty, considering she would occasionally get some alcohol off of him when she was in the mood to drink. "I hope we leave soon. Something keeps pulling at me inside telling me we're going to be too late to save some lives..." [/COLOR]
  11. Thank goodness you kept it open; I was gonna sign up yesterday, but the recent storm's winds kept knocking out the power...:animeswea [B] Name:[/B] Kurai Mori (just called Kurai) [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Half-demon, but only though an odd process. She was a human magically combined with a demon. [B]Team:[/B] Hunter [B]Appearance:[/B] (She can shapeshift a little. These are the three forms she takes) [COLOR=YellowGreen][B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Standard[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=Black]-[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj273/SilverSmeargleSplatter/absolavi.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Combat[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=Black]-[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd16/ilovewolves16/Pokemon%20and%20Trainer/thDarkrai.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Combat, all out[/COLOR]- [/B] [IMG]http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj34/AnimexGirlX/Pokemon/Pokemon%20Trainers/Sinnoh/Giratina.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bio: [/B]Once a cheerful child, she was kidnapped by Acolytes at age 10. They were trying to see if they could "make" their own demon using a human child as the body. The experimentation resulted in her becoming a half-demon. The result displeased the Acolytes, so they dropped her out into an area full of demons. They took care of her only to pass on their strength before they would eventually be killed. 5 years later, she met up with the hunters and went with them only to get her revenge on the one who did the things to her. [B]Personality:[/B] Kurai is normally a calm person. She is very intelligent and thinks things out often. [B]Weapons:[/B] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Gai no Tsukikage[/COLOR][COLOR=Black]- A scythe that gleams like the moon.[/COLOR] Kurai often uses her regular combat form's claws. When in her all-out state, however, she uses the form's wings. [B]Magic: [/B]N/A
  12. I plan to get into this. I'll edit this with a signup once I get rid of this danged Writer's Block I have. At least I'm in an awesome mood! :animesmil As I said, I'll come back to this later. Seeya!
  13. [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Name:[/B] Mori Tsuki (Just call me Mori, please) [B]Age: [/B]15 [B]Gender: [/B]Female [B]Home Planet: [/B]Namanamashii [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Appearance: [/B](It's a good thing I carry tape and a couple pictures of myself just in case)[/FONT] [/SIZE][/FONT] [/LEFT] [FONT=Times New Roman] [img]http://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq202/Liadaine/heads%20up%20is%20Akatsuki%20girls/Warrior-anime-girl.jpg[/img] [/FONT]
  14. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange][U][B][SIZE=4]The Forest of Mystery[/SIZE][/B][/U] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]There is a legend passed down to the children of the villages, a legend about a forest. It is said that this forest contains creatures from another world. [/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange] This forest is supposed to contain all the malevolent, the benign; all the good and evil; all the pure and tainted. It is said once you enter this forest, you never leave as you once were. Your soul is judged by a fox-like creature with nine tails. This creature decides your fate. It is also said that grabbing one of its tails results in something so horrible, nobody has ever mentioned it. The fox creature has been said to have helpers who guide travelers who unknowingly and unwillingly walk in the forest to the exit. These helpers have been seen by few, and those who have seen them are called crazy. [/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange] It is said that all who are impure in even the slightest way will be transformed into a beast of some kind. A mythical beast. One of the creatures that parents would tell their children about in bedtime stories: vampires, werewolves, fairies, dragons, and the like. [/COLOR][COLOR=Lime][COLOR=DarkOrange] As for those who are pure, nobody knows what happens. None who have gone in who were pure came back.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/B][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mori was walking through the forest. The night sky had always made her happy. She stared up at the stars through the trees. "It's been so quiet lately. I wonder what has been going on?" Mori said. She walked toward a small clearing. In that clearing sat a nine-tailed fox. "Lord Mayonaka, why has it been so quiet?" "I don't know, Mori." It was getting late, so Mori decided she would leave Mayonaka alone for the night and go to bed. She walked back to a small cave and went to sleep. [/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=Black]~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]OOC: Your first post should be your character entering the forest. I don't really care how long or short it is, as long as it doesn't make my head hurt. Have a great day, everyone! :animesmil[/B] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
  15. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]*Attempted a post explaining the new level of absurdness PETA has reached but failed miserably due to bloodloss from headdesking*[/SIZE][/quote] One of the funniest mods has struck again. Thanks for the laugh, Gavin. Now I need a new pair of underwear... agiain. PETA did it the first time. I mean, [I][B]sea kittens?![/B][/I] C'mon, people, use your damned brains!!!!! Then again, I don't think PETA ever really had any...
  16. I'm a dog person. And dogs do have their own unique personalities. Mine is energetic and lazy. It all depends. If nobody has left/come, he'll just lay down in the sunniest spot he can find. When the sunlight moves, he moves to that spot. He loves to sleep under the covers, he's very loving and will always try to comfort me when I'm depressed, he loves on you when you're sick... the list of his intelligence/stupidity is endless! He's afraid of his own shadow, both figuratively and literally, except for when it comes to me and my brothers. He is loyal to my family and only them. Nothing could change this, not even all the hairbands, steak bones, and blankets in the world (he really likes hairbands, blankets, AND my hair...). Then again, maybe I'm a dog person because cats always flee the area when I come along, while dogs will just walk up to me and love on me, even if they've never seen me before. I think cats fear me because I just pick them up to much... I love my beagle! And mutts are full of more love than regular dogs. My grandmother has a mutt. She's really old now, but I've known her since she was a pup. As soon as we get to my grandmother's house, she comes right up to me specifically. She has always sat with me, and always comes up to be pet, get a belly rub, or a hug. She and I are really close. The dogs' names... the one at my house is Copper Sparks, though I just call hum Copper or Buddy, (Sparks came from the fact there's a lightning bolt pattern at the base of his tail) and my grandmother's mutt is MC... or at least, that's how I think it's spelled. She's also got another dog that her boyfriend (has been with her since before I was born...) picked up at his place of work. They called him Prince because he likes to be the center of attention. He and MC get along well. She will play with him, even when she's tired. In the end, dogs are my favorite. They are way more interesting than cats. They are always different, especially mine... he's too easy to screw with, and it can be absolutely hilarious sometimes.
  17. OOC: Much longer than the ususal posts... bear with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Mori kept shooting fireballs at the party while running. She knew what was to the west. This was the route that led to her old forest home. "I know! I'll open the gate to my old home! The gate will close immediately after we enter, and they will never find it, because only I know how to open it!" They were nearing some trees that made a near-perfect arch. Mori began to whisper some words. "Rokotsu za kado, natsukashii kanshisha no za hayashi..." Instantly, a green aura surrounded those trees. As they ran through the forest, Mori watched as the group that had been following them stopped, apparently confused. "Let's get into my little house before the others find you. They will be angry if they find a yosomono, an outsider." But it was too late. "MORI!!!!! How dare you bring an outsider to our sacred home! You know humans are to never find us!" There stood a fox. It had nine tails. It was a golden orange, with red on the very tips of its tails and ears and on the lower area of its legs and its paws. "Senpai! Please!!! There were other humans trying to kill him! I couldn't let them hurt him! After all, we both had a vision involving the Brothers!" "I see... I knew this was going to happen..." "Y-you knew!? Why didn't you tell me, Senpai?!" "I was going to tell you, but you left before I could. As most of us know, that is no mere story. It actually occurred. I had a vision of my own 900 or so years ago. It showed me two people. One was of our own kind, the other a human. I will give some things to aid you." "Really?" "Of course. for the human, the power of his ancestors: the green lightning. For you, Mori, Nenshou Kiba, burning fang. It is our sacred blade. Take care of it." "I will." They wallked into Mori's house for some quick rest before they would have to leave the next morning.
  18. Kurenai had followed Xavier out of the prison. She figured that she would do so until Malice was done helping Uschi. Kurenai listened as they went on. She didn't speak a word because she was nervous. Finally Kurenai worked up the courage. "H-hi... I'm K-Kurenai..." She turned to Xavier. "I'm sorry I followed you, Xavier-senpai. I felt it would be pointless for me to stay wit Malice-aite if I couldn't help in that situation... Sumimasen..." Kurenai was still shaking from the cold. Kurenai turned back to Draco. "So, Tomodachi Ookami, why are you in a tree? As far as I've known, Ookami don't live in trees." ~~~~ OOC: Here's a little something to help you out with her words. [B]Senpai - Senior (in work or school) superior, elder Sumimasen - Sorry Tomodochi - Friend Ookami - wolf Aite- Companion, partner[/B] Hope that helps. ~~~
  19. Good. Good. I'm just going to wait a few more days before we start. I hope we can get one or two more people to join in. EDIT: Well, gonna get it up ASAP! Signups still up, though.
  20. No, the term decides the new form. Impurities are just something i put in. (I can't remember why...) And guessing at the terms is a bad idea. The word may mean one thing, but you might get another. [B]UPDATE: [COLOR=Purple] RP has officially started. once Knuckles' Girl replies, I'll start "gathering" everyone. Also, your new form only comes in after you meet Mayonaka. He does the transforming. Have Fun![/COLOR] [/B]
  21. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I shall now put my post in a format with Corn's (of TheOtaku, cause I'm not sure she's on the 'Boards) E-card, "Emo Cereal", which features Sasuke "emo" Uchiha.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][URL]http://www.theotaku.com/cards/creations/28172/37c87542d04312eef8e4288cbe0eb2bc/[/URL][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]You gotta admit, Corn does a helluva good job on her E-cards.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]And yes. Sasuke's hair does look like a chicken's butt.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']If we're starting a gang we need a cool insignia that is stylishly embroidered on our black leather jackets.[/quote] OOOH! Ooooh! Pick me! PICK ME!!! Around where I live, if you're not a prep, an emo, or someone who doesn't pick on me [I]specifically[/I], you're either a Narutard or an outcast. And why people pick on me specifically? I'd say it, but it's pointless. To put it simply, I'm not for emos, or preps, or emo narutards, as well as Sasuke fangirls, because if you are of any of the preps or Sasuke fangirls, stay away from me. My hatred for Sasuke burns hotter than my intense love for Kakashi and watching Kakashi try to feed Naruto veggies. Ok, for real this time. I don't mind emos (or whatever you want to call them *cough*sasukeemulators*cough*), just don't push your beliefs on me. You'll pretty much get the same answer from me when asked about religion: I don't mind any of the religions (heck, if you actually try Jashinism, Hidan's religion, I don't even mind!), just don't try to convert me from my religiously-neutral (as I call it) state. Oy... I think I didn't make as much sense as I thought... Oh, and when I think about emos from my area, I think Sasuke. Anyone care to explain to me why that occurs? I have no idea why...
  23. Alright, if you have questions, hit me! I'm ready to take'em on! Also, my "Brothers Armageddon" banner will soon be out of commission, so if you see this, Monarck, this is a side note to let you know! Thre reason why that banner's gonna go? I'm gonna make one for this. So anyways, if you've got questions, I've got (prabably) answers! Have a wonderful day!!!:animesmil
  24. I tried this idea on Gaiaonline in three different guilds, and it came out well in each, so here goes! [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=SeaGreen]The Forest of Mystery[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [COLOR=SeaGreen]There is a legend passed down to the children of the villages, a legend about a forest. It is said that this forest contains creatures from another world. This forest is supposed to contain all the malevolent, the benign; all the good and evil; all the pure and tainted. It is said once you enter this forest, you never leave as you once were. Your soul is judged by a fox-like creature with nine tails. This creature decides your fate. It is also said that grabbing one of its tails results in something so horrible, nobody has ever mentioned it. The fox creature has been said to have helpers who guide travelers who unknowingly and unwillingly walk in the forest to the exit. These helpers have been seen by few, and those who have seen them are called crazy. It is said that all who are impure in even the slightest way will be transformed into a beast of some kind. A mythical beast. One of the creatures that parents would tell their children about in bedtime stories: vampires, werewolves, fairies, dragons, and the like. As for those who are pure, nobody knows what happens. None who have gone in who were pure came back.[/COLOR] [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] This is the the story of the Forest of Mystery. [U][B]SIGNUP SHEET[/B][/U] Name: Age: nowhere past 50. Gender: MUST be revealed. Weapons(If any):Does not include magic. Impurities: any sort of thing along the lines of being an alcoholic or gambler to being a killer or bank robber. Personality: Appearance: I recommend you add a link if the image will stretch the page. Bio: Please reveal their past a good bit. Term: [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [U][B]TERMS[/B][/U] These terms will help determine what you will become when you enter the forest. Choose only one. [B]Koumori [COLOR=Sienna]Ookami[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Sennin[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Doragon[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Yuurei[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Zonbi[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]Ningyo[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Inu[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Neko[/COLOR][/B] [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [U][B]MY CHARACTER[/B][/U] Note that my character(s) was/were already in the forest. To help make it fair to everyone else, their Term(s) shall not be revealed. They is/are the only character(s) that will be allowed to have no impurities. [B]MORI[/B] Name: Mori Age: 300 Gender: Female Weapons(If any): Just a staff containing the powers of light and fire. Impurities: NONE Personality: Kind and gentle, yet a little naive. She is a kitsune. (unavailable to everyone else) Appearance: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/22802204][img]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0812/d31/2109/026c151.png[/img][/url] Outside of forest (comes in later)- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/22955503][img]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0901/d04/1246/6992940.png[/img][/url] Bio: Currently unknown. Lives in the Forest of Mystery. She is not mentioned in the legend. Mori has aided Mayonaka for 285 years. Term: NONE [B]MAYONAKA THE FOX SPIRIT[/B] Name: Mayonaka Age: 899 Gender: Male Weapons(If any): NONE Impurities: NONE Personality: A kind spirit. Cares for Mori. Those who enter his forest are like children to him, despite the fact most hate him. Appearance: Normal- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/22955657][img]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0901/d04/1250/9c73489.png[/img][/url] Rare occurance (Possibly coming in)- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/22954486][img]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0901/d04/1216/ffe2372.png[/img][/url] Unknown Man (Possibly coming in)- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/22956421][img]http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0901/d04/1309/83f0319.png[/img][/url] Bio: Mayonaka is the fox spirit that lives in the forest of mystery. He is raising Mori to be his successor. When Mori first arrived at the age of 15, she had her memory of her past life erased so she could live in the forest helping Mayonaka without worry. Term: NONE [B]~~~[/B] [B]Note:[/B] Your character starts out human. Once I give you your result for your Term (through PM) , you can make a second appearance (Put your signup here, DON'T PM it to me.) . Only one appearance to begin with, however. And [B]PLEASE[/B] don't stretch the page!!! Have Fun!:animesmil
  25. [quote name='chibi-master']Uhh...guys, the RPGs been sort of non-productive latley...SOMEONE PLEASE POST, I DON'T WANT THIS RPG TO DIE!!!:animecry:[/quote] I'd post, but I'm waiting on Drizzt. My character has been tied to his as of his first post.:animeswea
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