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Tetra of sound

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Everything posted by Tetra of sound

  1. When Maia heard that she had control over Vael, she was shocked. [I]I control the life of my friend...?[/I] While in the chariot, Maia looked to whoever spoke, listening closely. Maia watched as the two spoke to one another. She wasn't sure what to do. Maia was still thinking about the blade. "Nenshou Kiba..." she whispered. Staring at the lovingly forged sword. "Burning Fang..."
  2. [B]Name:[/B] Kurenai Mori (translates to Crimson Forest) [B]Code number:[/B] VSB-13 [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Weapons:[/B] A bow with crescent moons on the arrows' feathers, a staff with a crystal crescent moon on it, and a blade called Nenshou Kiba (burning fang when translated. It is imbued with a small amount of magic energy) which can have various abilities depending on her mood. [B]Appearance:[/B] Standard- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/21472709][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0811/d27/0033/33ad42.png[/img][/url] Kitsune-[url=http://tektek.org/avatar/21472982][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0811/d27/0044/819a51.png[/img][/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Very sweet and caring. Kurenai doesn't often attack, as she specializes in medical techniques. However, when she is angry, she has enough strength to destroy an entire city in ten minutes. She is very quiet around those who make her nervous. [B]History:[/B] Kurenai is a Kitsune (fox spirit, live for up to 1000 years, grow more tails over time) from Japan who was shunned from the rest of them for her failures at transforming. She snuck on a boat headed for England, then onto a truck headed to Germany. She was found by the members of the Geist-Jugend at the time and was given a home with them. She still has trouble transforming.
  3. If you have questions regarding my new rp, Anime Mercenaries, this is the place. [center][U][B]Main Info You Might Want to Know (might)[/B][/U][/center] I've been thinking about bringing it here for a while now, since it came out so very well on gaia online. Only problem with the gaia version is we couldn't stay on topic/stop spamming long enough to go to other anime worlds. Now, as you can tell, it will involve the animes' original characters to some extent. (for example, the villain of the whole thing was originally Orochimaru from "Naruto", but of course, we got off topic/stop spamming, and someone made a new villain in the original gaia version) [center][U][B]Other[/B][/U][/center] Here is a link to [URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13591757"]Anime Mercenaries[/URL] on gaia online. I am Xx KageTetra Proto xX. If you want a reserved spot, just PM me, and I'll probably let you do so. (as in it is almost guaranteed) [FONT=Verdana][/FONT]
  4. WHOA. :o We killed the Alpha... awesome!!!:animesmil Blonde, dude, you are onto something... :animesmil I hope I can sleep tonight... I had trouble last night, and was on here ALL NIGHT. No joke. ~~~ By the way, I hope I was the villager with the shoe. The use of a shoe as a weapon sounds a lot like me. :animesmil NOTE: This has little to do with this, but... I was talking to my brother, and I saw Sephiropth was online, and I said, "Every time Sephiroph is on, somebody dies." Sounds like a Chuck Norris joke, doesn't it? Hope I spelled "Sephiroph right... I have nothing to go by at the moment...
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]The various anime worlds are all connected. With all the violence that is rising in occurance, it has been discovered there are more mercenaries than once thought. Meanwhile, in the Sound village... Tetra stood in front of Orochimaru. "I got you what you wanted... Now where's my pay?" "There is no pay, my dear... I'm afraid I'll have to kill you, for you know too much..." "You son of a...!" Tetra ran from the many ninja trying to kill her. "Don't worry, I'm on my way with the chopper!" Mika was preparing to drop down a ladder for Tetra to climb into the helicopter. "Ok, guys. Hurry back to home base." Neige, the operator, was ready to get them on their next contract.[/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You get the point of this. It shouldn't be too hard. Name: Age: Gender: Job: don't have to be a mercenary. Appearance: Anime: (Anime you're from) Where are you supposedly from? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Tetra Age: 14 Gender: Female Job: Mercenary Appearance: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/21400631][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0811/d25/0536/e57070.png[/img][/url] Anime: (Naruto) Border of the lands of Fire and Wind Name: Neige Age: 14 Gender: Female Job: Operator Appearance: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/21400720][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0811/d25/0551/c11c19.png[/img][/url] Anime: (Naruto) Leaf Village Name: Mika Age: 14 Gender: Female Job: Pilot (Helicopters, planes, you name it) Appearance: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/21400805][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0811/d25/0602/9cac29.png[/img][/url] Anime: (Naruto) Leaf Village [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B][COLOR=Blue]~~~RULES~~~ No godmodding. Follow theatre rules. if you're going to use a large image, please add a link.[/COLOR][/B][/FONT] Have Fun!!!:animesmil
  6. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Now their flagship superconformist here: [IMG]http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/T/TE/TEE/TeenTitansFan65/1139595073_picsSasuke.jpg[/IMG] He can die a thousand deaths and still leave my burning hatred unquenched.[/FONT][/quote] Wow Ace. I'm really[I] not[/I] the only Sasuke hater. Go die in a hole, Sasuke!!!! Now, on to my thoughts on emo... My friend was emo for about a month. She kept broken glass under her bed, cut herself, and proclaimed she was emo. I honestly didn't care. We have an emo kid she called Mopey. Now she's gonna call him FX because of his sound effects he makes. He isn't really emo. He's more of... one of us... people in our area without a place. (as in we have no clique/group/whatever you wanna call it) And again, DIE SASUKE!!!! Jiraiya's much better than him... *starts ranting*
  7. Maia yelled out. She wasn't one to go against her friends. "No! Vael! Please! This is my Uncle Ibiki's home! Don't!" She leaped in front of Vael, trying to stop him. Being the sweet and gentle one, she was the one who always ended the massacres using her tears, which somehow healed the land that was burned to the ground. "I don't want to have to fight you, Vael... but please... don't kill them... please..." Maia began to tear up, trying to use that charm that always stopped the Bands' killing.
  8. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']And, Tetra... Johnny Cochran was a famous defense attorney.[/quote] Omg, I can see it now... (or maybe not) I'm so lost... time I watched more Fun with Akatsuki! Who can resist this little bit from "looking around"? Deidara: What the hell are you doing, hmmm?! Itachi(he's blind, swinging around a rabbit on a leash) Looking around. If any of you get the chance, watch ep.07 "You lack power". [URL="http://saiyanisland.com/media/?m=funwithakatsuki"]Fun with Akatsuki[/URL] Still sticking with my lynch, though... as I still ame confused....
  9. None taken. I'm called insane all too often. (every day, by everyone) As for the first day... I was going to change my vote, but alas, I didn't get on that afternoon to do so. (I had posted around noon, in my fourth period) For now. I'll just follow you guys... I have gotten myself too confused to know for sure who to vote for.... [B]Lynch: Ace[/B] Also, [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Johnny Cochran? Somebody please tell me who that is, because I don't watch anything other than things that are animated/anime. [/FONT]
  10. I'll admit, I went a little overboard in my last post. I only acted crazy about peanut butter because I figured I could make someone laugh... i mean, it's one of the only two good things I can do... I only try to entertain because it is the only reason people in the real world bother to even go near me... I was trying to make my sadness from earlier that day go away by getting a few lols... I'm getting even more depressed....:animedepr Waaa...:animecry: Besides, I was getting angry when I had to say for the second time that I was a civilian... I don't usually reveal something like that, but I did for my own sake (and I'll probably die in the night cycle if you spared me now)... and I don't lie... When I get that way, it means I was telling the truth to begin with... I just don't like having to repeat myself. I am pretty smart, and they probably are "turning the civilians against one another" like was mentioned itn the sign-ups. That's better logic than what you had against me. They just want to kill two civilians in one full day cycle. I mean, I don't want you to waste another investigation on me. I'm actually wanting the civilians to win. So I'll stop before I begin to rant on about my depression and possible other mental problems. [CENTER][B]Wakare, Mai Miuchi [/B][SIZE=1](it means "Farewell, my friends)[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
  11. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Maia walked into the village. Surprised by the change. "The village has changed so much... I wonder if I can still recognize my uncle..." She wandered around, looking at all the wolf demons, whispering to one another, "Is that one of the Band?", "What is a half-breed doing here?", and "Maybe she's after the blade in the tree..." "Uncle Ibiki? Where are you?" Maia called out. Then the village's leader walked up to her. "Ibiki? You mean the one who is the last known relative of Maia of the Band of Seven?" "That is correct." "Very well. I am Chief Tsuki Ookami. I shall take you to Ibiki Ookami." She followed Tsuki to her uncle's home. He had gotten remarried since her death. "Ibiki! This is Chief Tsuki! You have a visitor!" Maia walked in the house. She saw a woman with her uncle that she didn't know. "Uncle Ibiki!" "Maia?!" "It's so great to see you, Uncle Ibiki!" "Maia... It's been so long... what are you doing here? I thought they killed you." "I was revived. Let's go into the bedroom. I'll explain everything." [/FONT][/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/FONT][/COLOR][LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]"I see. I'll speak with the Chief. I'll make sure you and the Acolyte get the help you need." "Thanks, Uncle Ibiki..." "Oh yeah. I have something for you. I forged it long ago for your 15th birthday, but never got a chance to give it to you. It's a sword made especially for you. Only you can use this blade. I've named it Nenshou Kiba, Burning Fang. Take it with you." Thank you, Uncle Ibiki!" "Also, long ago, before you joined, the village made a name for you. They have referred to you as such within the village." "What is it?" "[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]Mori Ko. Forest Child." "I'll head back to Acolyte. Goodbye, Uncle!"[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Maia headed back to Acolyte. "We should have them on our side. My uncle is going to try to convince the chief to help us."[/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
  12. [quote name='chibi-master']Now then, that logic is quite powerful, but what if the werewolves merely did that to MAKE us think this way, hmm?! What if it was a trick to rain doom upon Tetra, who so strongly proclaimed her innocence?! But then, why would the werewolves go that far for one person?! [/quote] Easy, Chibs: I'm always the scapegoat, no matter where I go. How much more of a reason do you need for me to be a target? Look, I said it once, and I'm going to say it again: [B][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial Black]I AM NOT A WEREWOLF!!!! I AM A REGULAR, FRIGGIN' CIVILIAN!!! IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, JUST WASTE LRB'S INVESTIGATIONS ON ME!!!!! I AM AS SERIOUS AS AN IDIOTIC SOUND KUNOICHI CAN GET!!!! (and that's pretty serious)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B] If you people want to be a bunch of idiots playing into the wolves' hands, fine by me. Vote out the one who got "Shikamaru Nara" on a Naruto quiz. Vote out the lazy and naive, yet smart one. I don't care. But when you get your butts kicked by wolves, I don't wanna hear it. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]You have been warned. Farewell. If I could Lynch you all, I would. [/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
  13. Could you add some female characters? Y'know, like Amy Rose, or Princess Peach... you get the point. I'm asking this because it just feels kinda awkward playing a character of the opposite gender. Oh yeah, I'm also gonna try to make a banner for this. It may not be very good though...
  14. Y'know.... there [I]is[/I] one person who hasn't posted... Maybe they are a wolf trying to hide their words so as not to be suspected... No joke. I'm beginning to suspect Darren because of such... Soooo.... You might want to check him out, Lrb... I also apologize for the vote against you... I was kinda... ehehehe... off. :animeswea [B]Edit:[/B] I see it now. I must've overlooked it. Boy, I'm just too naive these days... Lynch: [B]No Lynch [/B]
  15. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']well the right person would obviously be the undercover cop, but no one has come out[/quote] True on that part. :animeknow
  16. Yay! We're all happy! Congratulations! Wooo!!!!!:animesmil:catgirl::animesmil With what all the world has going on in its insanity, this adds just a little more joy and hope. And again, WOOOOOO!!!!!!! Now if only I could get our local gay/bi/straight guy to date me.... I mean, he has his own crowd of fangirls!:o and by gay/bi/straight, I mean one day he's gay, the next he's bi, and the next next day he's straight. With him, you never know. By the way, he's not on the 'boards, just to keep things from getting messy in my PM mailbox.
  17. "Oh Natsu-sama! I made silver gloves! Here's your pair!" She handed Natsu the gloves. How she made things was a mystery for all. "I remember how I had a wolf demon uncle. He was married to my mom's twin sister. They lived in the woods somewhere around here."
  18. [quote name='Lrb'][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=dimgray]But of course, that's exactly what a werewolf would say! However I'm not going to vote quite yet because[B] I'm not 100% convinced.[/B] :shifty:[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] I'm not very convincing. Ever. But then again, I'm no liar. I'm quite honest. (except at school, about my work, then.... ehehehe...:animeswea) I might change my vote.... My mind gets so logical, it isn't even logicalany more after two minutes.
  19. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Well I suppose that I'm going to go ahead and cast a vote for Tetra. Probably playing into my own demise, but you have to start somewhere.[/quote] As much as I like werewolves and moonlight, I hate to say I'm not one. That is why, for now, I shall choose a random person... Lrb!
  20. I hope I can trust the many (really, about four) peoples I know.... Waaaa.... (runs around with peanut butter jar and spoon in hand, panicking) I NO WANNA LOSE MY PEANUT BUTTER!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
  21. I thought I should tell you all this, but I'm working on a new image for Maia. I plan to take a photo of it and put it on this post when it's ready.
  22. Maia took the scales off her fish, putting them in her bag. She then ate the rest. 'Yes, we do need to find them... at least so she can see the wonderful moon again..." Maia started playing around with the scales, making them into something. She saved the scales every time, but whatever she made was a mystery. A few minutes later, she finished a silver pair of gloves made of fish scales. She had made a pair for everyone, using the scales from their fish. She only had enough pairs for the band, meaning Acolyte wouldn't get a pair. "I appologize for leaving you out... I didn't have enough scales..."
  23. Maia quickly got dressed, grabbed her weapons, and ran out of the cave. Her innocent and caring eyes stared at every farmer as she shot them in their heads with her arrows. "Sorry... I hate to do this... but I have to..." When she ran out of arrows, she began to kill using her staff. Maia retrieved the arrows from the heads of the farmers. She quickly ran back to Acolyte, done with her share of the farmers. "I finished my share... I'm not much of one to kill... I'm just pretty obedient..." Maia shook a little. SHe was nervous, speaking to a man she didn't know.
  24. Maia's mind was frozen for all those years. All she saw was an endless ocean of blue sky. [I]Where am I? What happened?[/I] She remembered how she was the first to die. She remembered how they went from the youngest to the oldest in killing the Band. [I]I feel something... a tug... it's pulling me away... Why...?[/I] Maia awoke in front of a man and her fellow members. "What's going on? Can anyone tell me?" She glanced at the man, then to Artemis, and finally over to Sazuki. She had no idea what was going on.
  25. Tetra was staring out to the sea. She was thinking about her past again. [I]The government will pay for what they did... they WILL pay...[/I] She remembered the day they attacked her home. Tetra had once lived on an island where those who didn't want Devil Fruit would dispose of it. Because there was so much of it, it eventually became customary for every person once they reached 13 to be given one. The island was known to be a hotspot for unusual and useless powers - that is, until Tetra turned 13. The government knew of the island. They never thought of it as a threat to their power until the rumor of an Inu Inu fruit being tossed there. Two weeks after her birthday and eating the fruit the government had showed up. "Help!" You could hear the people scream. They killed every adult. Coincidentally, Tetra happened to be the only child. They didn't kill her, or thought to do so because to them, who would give such power to a mere child? They had left her to die. She wandered the island, gathering things to make a raft. She had finally made her raft. She managed to reach another island a week later. Her survival was a miracle. When she landed, she remembered seeing a man that reminded her of her father. She begged to come along. She managed to convince him to let her on board. [I]That was the day... I met my captain... a year ago, this very day...[/I] [I]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/I] [I]***Just a little bit about her past... [/I]
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