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Tetra of sound

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Everything posted by Tetra of sound

  1. [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER]The stellenium. An age of Lawlessness. Where man wanders the stars and might prevails over right. This remote planet on the frontier is no exception. ~ Lunar Knights Proloque[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]It has been 100 years since the paraSOL which had blocked the sunlight from reaching the planet was stopped. Vampires are still feuding with humans, though. The vampires have New Culiacan under their rule once again. Humans are living there, but are the food supply for the vampires. They have three of the six terrenials. Most people fear them and only obey just to stay safe. There are those who refuse to obey, though. They are from the Guild in Old Culiacan. They fight back using Solar guns. These solar guns only work when held by their rightful owner. However, there are only a handful of these "gunslingers" left, and most people are losing hope. One day, the people of the frontier town of Acuna found a baby vampire. They weren't sure what to do. Some wanted it dead, some said it was a trap. They finally decided to raise it as their own. 14 years later, the girl was told the truth. The people gave her a dark sword they found when she was three. It was called Vanargand. A month later, she found the terrenial of darkness, Nero. She now know the other vampires would want to get a hold of her.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, a few things: 1. If you want to be a vampire, you have to be evil. Only exceptions are me and if you want to be half vampire. 2. Someone needs to take the terrenial of light, Toasty. To do so, you have to be human and own a solar gun. The solar guns have names too. Ex: Ninja, Knight, Bomber, Witch. 3. You can make your own race because the planet has some alien inhabitants in the game. 4. Follow the rules. 5. No Godmodding. Do I have to say it? [B][SIZE="3"]Signups[/SIZE][/B] Name: Age: Gender: Species/Race: Weapon: Bio (Optional): Appearance: [SIZE="3"]My Signup[/SIZE] Name: Neige Age: 14 Gender: Female Species/Race: Vampire Weapon: Dark Sword Vanargand Bio (Optional): Listed above squiggles, Par. 4-6 Appearance: Combat - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17948712][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d15/1712/c16331.png[/img][/url] Standard - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17948807][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d15/1714/d2ee97.png[/img][/url] Standard(Armorless) - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17949044][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d15/1720/82cf50.png[/img][/url] Terrennial mode - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/18059797][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d18/1405/e5a545.png[/img][/url] [B][U]Terrenials[/U][/B] [img]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Seshomaru_/Boktai%20Lunar%20Knights/BoktaiDS.png[/img] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]Nero(Dark)[/B]- middle six; lower center[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"][B]Toasty (Light)[/B] - middle six; upper center[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"][B]Alexander (Wind)[/B] - middle six, lower right[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B][SIZE="4"]Other Characters[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Plum"]Jameson Taylor - Drizzt Do'urden[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Van Lonestar - Aceburner[/COLOR] Have fun!
  2. OF course, you all are accepted. I need at least one more person to joi, so I'll leave things open for a while. Signups are officially closed! Last chance for anybody to get in! I'll set up the RP ASAP. Until then, have a great time! [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Green"] Please do not double post, instead copy your older text into a new post, and then delete the older one. Thanks! - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. This is for all of you who have quetions. This is, of course, where you ask them. I will make this clear: only three people have terrennials. I have the terrennial of darkness, Aceburner has light, and Drizzt has wind. I hope this RP manages to get up and rolling. Thanks for listening!
  4. Your OtakuBoards Username: Tetra of sound Nickname: Tetra or Proto, whichever floats your boat. Age: 14 Gender: Female Why are you better then every other member on this forum? I'm not really insisting I'm better than the rest, I just have some good qualities (and some bad ones...). I'm quirky, so I make for some goooood entertainment. I'm a decent writer. I can stay pretty calm. I often stare into space, but I can think inside and outside the box at the same time. I'm the best in my area when it comes to puzzles. I'm not all to good at real-time combat, though... or grammar. I get along with all who don't get me PO'd. Basically, if you're kind to me, I'm kind to you. I tend to make a few bad jokes that you miiiiiiiight want to be careful of. In short, I'm just in this for the fun. I'm not very competetive, but I can get very funny. I made a ton of chat people say ROTFL. I'm that funny.
  5. For me, I can do several games. One for sure is Pokemon Pearl. I've had it for almost a year, and I beat it in 2 days!!! IT"S TOO DANG EASY!!!!! All I do is press A repeatedly, and I win every battle. I haven't even beaten Lunar Knights, and I took one of the bosses while thinking about Naruto!!! Then there's Pokemon Trozei, where I played it so much, I could have sworn I fell asleep and made it to endless 55. Unfortunately, every time I play it, when I close my eyes, I see little wooper and teddiursa being lined up and disappearing. It's not always those pokemon, but you get the picture. I used to have a Crash Bandicoot game for DS that was an incredibly sucky Mario Party knock-off. I beat the thing in 2 hours. I could beat it again in my sleep as many times as I want if I could find the danged thing. Then I've played Inuyasha: Feudal Combat. I was going against my brother, who is KILLER at any games, and I beat him with Sango while half asleep, (He was wide awake and was using Naraku) and I barely played that thing! I still kept dying when he used Miroku, though. I might remember more... just depends on if someone jogs my memory.
  6. [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER]The stellenium. An age of Lawlessness. Where man wanders the stars and might prevails over right. This remote planet on the frontier is no exception. ~ Lunar Knights Proloque[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]It has been 100 years since the paraSOL which had blocked the sunlight from reaching the planet was stopped. Vampires are still feuding with humans, though. The vampires have New Culiacan under their rule once again. Humans are living there, but are the food supply for the vampires. They have three of the six terrenials. Most people fear them and only obey just to stay safe. There are those who refuse to obey, though. They are from the Guild in Old Culiacan. They fight back using Solar guns. These solar guns only work when held by their rightful owner. However, there are only a handful of these "gunslingers" left, and most people are losing hope. One day, the people of the frontier town of Acuna found a baby vampire. They weren't sure what to do. Some wanted it dead, some said it was a trap. They finally decided to raise it as their own. 14 years later, the girl was told the truth. The people gave her a dark sword they found when she was three. It was called Vanargand. A month later, she found the terrenial of darkness, Nero. She now know the other vampires would want to get a hold of her.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, a few things: 1. If you want to be a vampire, you have to be evil. Only exceptions are me and if you want to be half vampire. 2. Someone needs to take the terrenial of light, Toasty. To do so, you have to be human and own a solar gun. The solar guns have names too. Ex: Ninja, Knight, Bomber, Witch. 3. You can make your own race because the planet has some alien inhabitants in the game. 4. Follow the rules. 5. No Godmodding. Do I have to say it? [B][SIZE="3"]Signups[/SIZE][/B] Name: Age: Gender: Species/Race: Weapon: Bio (Optional): Appearance: [SIZE="3"]My Signup[/SIZE] Name: Neige Age: 14 Gender: Female Species/Race: Vampire Weapon: Dark Sword Vanargand Bio (Optional): Listed above squiggles, Par. 4-6 Appearance: Combat - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17948712][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d15/1712/c16331.png[/img][/url] Standard - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17948807][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d15/1714/d2ee97.png[/img][/url] Standard(Armorless) - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17949044][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d15/1720/82cf50.png[/img][/url] Terrennial mode - [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/18059797][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d18/1405/e5a545.png[/img][/url] [B][U]Terrenials[/U][/B] [img]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Seshomaru_/Boktai%20Lunar%20Knights/BoktaiDS.png[/img] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]Nero(Dark)[/B]- middle six; lower center[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"][B]Toasty (Light)[/B] - middle six; upper center[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lavender"][B}Alexander (Wind)[/B] - middle six; lower right[/COLOR] Have fun!
  7. Name: Neige Kagekiba Age:14 Gender: Female Appearance: Before- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17986119][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d16/1553/0da051.png[/img][/url] After- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17986619][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d16/1605/64c989.png[/img][/url] Bio: She had just moved to the city from her original home on a farm in the mountains. She lived with her aunt and uncle in an apartment since her parents were killed. Neige had just gotten settled in when the blast occurred. Her aunt and uncle died immediately after the blast. She took refuge in an abandoned house. It fortunately, and somehow, had a TV and was stocked with plenty of food. Over the next ten days, she began to develop strange physical features. She wrote down on a piece of paper what happened. [B]Day 1- I feel funny. I wonder what's wrong with me... Day 2- I seem to be getting... hairier. Day 3- I have claws now? I should stop... Day 4- A tail? Am I going to turn into a cat? Day5- My ears have transformed into... cat ears, I think... Day 6- I'm getting used to the tail. Maybe I can be a superhero! Day7- I'm glad that I still have my own human mind in control. Day8- The news isn't helping much... but that guy interrupting it is interesting. Day 9- I think the blast might have done this to more than just me. Day 10-I've decided to find the others who have gotten powers during the blast. [/B] Abilities/Skills: Claws, stealth, and incredible skills with a bow. Weapon(s): Her weapon is shown in this pic- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/18018974][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d17/1255/fc1036.png[/img][/url]
  8. Name: Neige Gender: Female Personality: A- Likes seeing humans, considering she once was one. She is kind and normally gentle. has always wanted to go back home. She belives in many myths. When she is angered, she goes into a different form. B- Very sadistic. This state is unleashed under instances of extreme anger or stress. This form is a result of a curse that was placed on her upon entering NightMare. Shfe has no fears in this state and is still conscious and can control all of her actions, but not her speech. She says a lot of nasty things while this way. It lasts until she either tires out or the cause is gone. Appearance: Normal- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17984425][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d16/1510/d30c98.png[/img][/url] Warped state- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/17984782][img]http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0808/d16/1519/137981.png[/img][/url] Ablities: Flight and some magic. Technically, her curse might be one. Weapons: I guess if claws count, then yes.
  9. OK! I took long enough, but here it is! The underground thread for [B]When Things Go Horribly Wrong...[/B] I did this because I got PMs that they really wanted one, and I thought they were getting a little impatient, so I made it. IF you're leaving for a while, want your character dead so you don't have to keep up with this, want to plan a fight between to characters, and so on, this is the place to say in.
  10. Rika was in a mild state of fear. "ABEL, please let him go... please..." said Rika, in a calm, slightly scared, yet sad voice. "He's not here to hurt you, he just stumbled upon your home by accident."
  11. Rika yelled. "Stop! Why are you doing that!? I can tell a person's true nature and current feelings by looking into their eyes. When I look into his eyes, I can see the purity that flows through his body. I only want peace for those of us created by the inhumane things our cruel government did. Besides, I rarely ever try to attack, and if I did, it would only be in self-defense." Rika knew that she was speaking the truth, but she could only hope that ABEL understood the way she felt.
  12. While all those things occurred, Rika had dozed off. In her dream, she saw the abandoned warehouse, and in it were the two from before,and another. It was ABEL. Apparently, Rika's aura left her body in her sleep, allowing her to go miles away in seconds, yet her aura could only leave for five minutes. "ABEL! I found him!" Rika said, not realizing that they could hear her. She then awoke in her home and ran over to the abandoned warehouse, opened the door and then... "I found him! Finally, I get to meet ABEL! I found a fourth person like me, running from the government. Maybe you could help me find a way to stop the madness the government has caused by creating us?" ~~~Sorry about being gone so long, my brother kept getting on for hours after school, so I had trouble getting a chance to get here.~~~
  13. (you are okay, Godot.) Rika knew with the fact more of her own kind came, that they would have to find a new hiding place. "I think we'll need a new hiding place. Also, have you heard of one known as ABEL? I feel that he may have information that I could use to find a way to destroy the mythical beasts that are going to destroy humanity. By the way, my name is Rika. I can sense that you all are part of the experiment on humans as well. You see, I can communicate with the creatures of nature. Also, I didn't mean to scare you, young girl, if I did." Rika was feeling compassionate toward the two.
  14. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Oddly enough, people somehow made it into Rika's house. "How did you get in my house!? Oh, well, it doesn't mater now. First, I'll heal any wounds you may have." Rika placed her hands over the female's wounds, then her forest-colored aura became visible to all as she used it to heal the wounds with the energy that her own body produced. "I have a few extra rooms. You cam stay if you want." She looked into Madeline's eyes and saw the fear. Communing with nature made her able to see into the hearts of others through their eyes. She not only saw Madeline's pain and fear, but she also felt it.[/COLOR]
  15. It is 2500, and scientists finally try to genetically improve mankind. They wanted to make humanity resistant to the world's most deadly diseases. NATIONAL LAB 0600 HOURS Scientist A: We need to make about 5-10 of these new genetically improved human beings Scientist B: Yes. I agree. But what if we screw up? Scientist A: Well then, if that happens, we just cal the president and tell him we screwed up, and that we need the military to kill them. Scientist B: Yeah. I guess you're right. Besides, that's not even likely! But something went horribly wrong... Now there are 5-10 genetically enhanced humans on the planet Earth. This is their story. [COLOR="Purple"]Rika~~~Tetra of sound[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Cyan"]Madeline Neko~~~Monipo1928[/COLOR][/CENTER] [RIGHT][COLOR="Red"]ABEL~~~Godot[/COLOR][/RIGHT] [CENTER][COLOR="Magenta"]Odin 'Loki' Yggdrasi~~~Odin M Yggdrasil[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Martel Stoneshaw~~~Odim M Yggdrasi[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][CENTER]Kaelthrin~~~Malvok[/CENTER][/COLOR] These are the people our story revolves around... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A normal day for Rika is a normal day for any fugitive: avoid being caught, survive another day. She wonders what happened to the others that were a result of the experiment. She saw the news about ABEL, and knew she and him must meet, for it would help her figure out what happened to the others is what she thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There's our start
  16. Don't worry! I'll get it started ASAP! I'm pretty hasty myself! I'll leave underground updates up to Monipo if I'm gone for more than 5 days, considering my brother gets on way more than me, making me have no time to ge on before 9. As for the plot... we'll all work on the stuff together! Malvok, mythical creatures that most people won't know what they are, you can describe, if you want. See you later!
  17. A few things: A~ All are accepted. B~ I LOVE everyone's ideas! and C~ having people sign up for my stuff is a little new to me, in a way, because nobody has ever signed up for my other two failed rps. So thank you, everyone who signed up! I'll come back later to check the thread for new posts, till then, have a great week!
  18. Momodesu, you are not alone. I lost my portfolio on TheOtaku. But look at the bright side: at least it's still on MyOtaku. As for which one I now visit, it's neither. As it goes for me, if it confuses me or I can't decide, I go somewhere else. Since the change, I went to Gaia Online and Runescape. It works for me, but it does not work for everyone. So I suggest if you cannot decide, go somewhere else. It solves my confusion!:animesmil:animeswea:animesmil
  19. WTF?! :animestun That was totally random... thanks for a little entertainment!:animesmil Now please, let's get back to our story, it's getting really interesting!
  20. Name: Kirika Age: 14 Planet of birth: Earth Gender: Female Organization/Side: SS66 Biography: Result of one of the mobs' inhumane experiments on ... people. She was to be used as a tool of destruction, but she escaped at age 7. The SS66 decided to use her for her abilities to detect sounds that most humans cannot hear, her incredibly sensitive sense of smell, and the fact she learns so quickly that it took 2 days for her to learn how to type. She was put on this job for those reasons. Personality/Attitude: Quite caring. Kirika would risk her own life to save that of her friends. She will try to comfort her friends if she feels she possibly can. Normally doesn't say much when trying to investigate things. Snaps every now and then. Skills: Sensitive hearing and smell. Learns quickly. Very good with hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons. Equipment: Gloves with retractable claws (like in the pic), light, but powerful armor (like in the pic, as well) Description: Note: the character out of these few in the pic is the girl with the claws on the left.
  21. Name: Nei Age: 14 Gender: Female Race: Hybrid Demon Lord: Twilynn, Demon Lord of the Twilight Powers: Able to hide in shadows. Can levitate objects and teleport them a short distance. Can shapeshift a little, enough to alter her appearance. Appearance: [url=www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/7109528][img]http://a2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/98/7b/fc890926c7b98_flip.png[/img][/url] Only difference from her looks and this is she has hair like Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, not black hair like in the picture. Snippet: Aah, time to start another day! If only I knew how I got these powers...
  22. Tetra began to think while she was making the fook. What if I really am what I think I am? I don;t want to be related to him! He's so horrible! No, don;t think about it Tetra, just pay attention to the food so you don't burn it. "Salene! get ready! The food's almost done!" Tetra then put the homemade ramen into a couple of bowls to cool.
  23. It is 2500, and scientists finally try to genetically improve mankind. They wanted to make humanity resistant to the world's most deadly diseases. [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]NATIONAL LAB 0600 HOURS[/B][/FONT] [COLOR="Red"]Scientist A: We need to make about 5-10 of these new genetically improved human beings[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Scientist B: Yes. I agree. But what if we screw up?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Scientist A: Well then, if that happens, we just cal the president and tell him we screwed up, and that we need the military to kill them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Scientist B: Yeah. I guess you're right. Besides, that's not even likely![/COLOR] But something went horribly wrong... Now there is 5-10 genetically enhanced humans on the planet Earth. Not only that, but the scientists screwed up another project: The NATURE Project. Now we have all mythical creatures known to man roaming the earth, out of control, destroying humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]So, here's the thing: you are one of those experimental genetically enhanced humans gone wrong. You are running from the goverment, no matter what. Even if you wish to help them save humanity.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"]RULES[/SIZE] 1, NO INVINCIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I don't know how much we need to know this, but I'm saying it anyway. 2. No killing other characters without the character's creator's permission. (you can kill your own character if you want.) 3.The third rule is... HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SIZE="4"]SIGNUPS[/SIZE] Name Age Looks (can be a picture, preferably no longer than a 3-5 sentence paragraph) Personality (Preferably no longer than 2 paragraphs) Bio (you can reveal it as we go if you want.) Abilities,if any Note that I am pretty lenient. As long as you don't go overboard, I don't mind.:animesmila [SIZE="4"]MY SIGNUP[/SIZE] Rika 14 Magenta hair, purple skirt, blue shirt, purple boots,long, elf-like ears. Rika likes to make friends. She has great medical skills. She is also very intelligent, but doesn't seem like it at first glance. She can be shy at times, but is normally outgoing. She likes to have someone with her. Rika was the first in the series in genetically enhanced humans. Her abilities are retractable claws and the ability to talk to animals. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need 5-10 people total. You can help save humanity, or do the opposite. I do need one military general, age limit: 8-49 I am leaving signups open for a month and a half, for those who have a lot on their plates.
  24. This is kind of late, but how the hair got in the screwed-up potion that made Nei was the fact they had the window open due to fumes, the wind was blowing, and humans shed. That explains most of everything I thought would be questioned by anybody. Any questions about Nei, just ask me. I have plenty of free time on my hands now. One last thing: don't forget that I have a character too! I'd lide some interaction with her!
  25. Sorry about being late. I have a lot on my plate. Nei wandered around the village, like her father lets her do every day. She was wondering what she could do. she never did figure out what that book meant to her father. All she did was go on trips every time there was a new issue. It always went like this: Nei: I'm here. Jiraiya: That time again, huh? Nei: Yeah. Here's the money, you give me the book, as usual. Jiraiya: Here you go! Have a nice day! Nei: You too! Constantly, she wondered what was in the book. One day, she decided to take a peek. She opened the book to the first page. What she saw was horrifying. Nei: Aah! That's nasty! I can't believe he reads that stuff! She never looked in there again. All she wonders now is who would she meet today, and if they were nice or not.
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