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Everything posted by garmeil
Name: Hashiki, Maru Physical Description: Maru is pretty tall for his age and it's apparent that he's going through puberty just by looking at him. He's around 5'7 or 5'8 and has a lean build. Maru's hair color is white and goes about shoulder length. Usually his hair is tied up in pony tails by the side burns and in the back. Occasionally he'll place the extra free lieing hair on the top of his head. His face is a bit serious and this allows him to be taken "Seriously". He wears a shuriken pouch around his waist on a belt that is put on over his shirt. His shoes are tabi and are what he really prides himself in. Different designs and colors, his tabi are his real defining feature. His pants are baggy, but tight at the entrances of the pants. They're black and usually have a kunai holster over them on both legs. His shirt is a tight vest that he wears to show off his arms. The gloves he wears are styled on tekken fighting styles andn have metal platings on the fist. The finger holes only come up to the first patch of each finger. Strengths and Abilities: Maru prefers to fight close-up using kunai and other weapons. He can make due at far range using shoehorn and an assortment of ranged jutsus. Starting with his close combat weapons, he has many kunai placed around his body. He also uses kenjutsu with only his kunai (He doesn't have a sword yet). Though he's not very experienced in it, Maru does have a wind chakra affiliation. Maru conceals kunai, wire, and explosive tags around his body. As his last resort, Maru has a tanto strapped to his back. With a balanced combination of wind ninjutsu and kenjutsu Maru plans to carve his name into the konoha history books. Bio: Maru was born in konoha (obviously) and grew up looking up to his dad for inspiration. His father was a part of the S.W.O.R.D. Ninja corps. Mary thought his father was a sword god because of the things he knew how to do. From the time that Maru's father died, he wanted to become the leader of a now dying S.W.O.R.D. His doesn't have a rival or love interest yet. Bio: No more than a hundred words or so, but feel free to write as much as you want.
Cody was calm as he exited the portal that was just then departing, he was a bit used to it. He would land on a knee, kneeling in the parched earth road. He began looking forward into the lush vegitation beyond him. It was beautiful, the trees sprouted from a light green grass with it's vividly colored roots crawling through the ground. It'd been a while since he'd seen any plant life other than weeds and cacti. The boy on the other hand was different about it. The boy flew out of the portal tumbling across the ground. He picked him self up and looked back to the portal, amazed. It dissapeared with an instance. The boy looked to Cody and said, "Thank you so much for saveing me... I'm D-" As he wasabout to state his name, he noticed Cody quickly turn his head to bhind the boy, makeing the boy's head quickly follow. Some one was standing there, she was vaguely silent so not to be heard. Cody stood up and brushed himself off, feeling no iminent danger from the girl. "'Ello there." He stared at her showing his attention on her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: I didn't want to RP anything for u tetra, I'm just not good at that, I tend to mess it up badly and get yelled at. "MY CHARACTER DOESN'T ACT LIKE THAT!" and "THAT'S GODMOD U DOUCHE CUMER!!!!" So leaving that open for you to do whatever your character would do.
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Cody sits on a peace of dry wood, with a dead rabbit. He placed his hand on the edge of a jaged rock, senseing how sharp it was, and picked it up. With the rock he cut open the rabbit. First shanking the point into it's torso. The rabbit was drained of all it's blood earlier, so he didn't have to wait. The fire he'd started a few minutes ago seemed to have been blazing furiously. So he pierced the now skinless rabbit with a stick and placed it over the fire on two other sticks. He looked to the side as he exhailed deeply to see a hugenormous scorpian, his mouth watered over the apitizer, grabbing it, ripping it's tail and pinchers off, and gourgeing himself on what was left of it. This only made him hungrier. So absorbig a bit of heat around him a illusionary wave of heat baked the rabbit that he quickly began to tear apart. His head was so burried into the food he barely noticed the russeling coming from the (whatever the dessert version of bushes were). He silently placed his rabbit down on the scorched desert ground and continued stareing at the bush, "They've found me..." Immediately and near in the same movements, Cody fell into a portal under him and the topotech agents rushed up from over a dune of sand and out from the bushes shooting at where he was. Cody fell onto the floor of some supermarket followed by the stray bullets. He looked around at the people around him that were in awe at what had just happened. Trying to pretend as that didn't just happen, he walked into a random isle. He watched the shelves as he passed them, looking for a change of cloathes. He snatched up the closest thing he could find that would fit him and he'd to find something to drink. Guzzleing down one bottle, he cleared the shelf of water bottles, brushing them off into his arms. Looking both ways to make sure noone was watching, he'd dissapear into a portal. He appeared in some corridor with some boy running down it. Cody squinted his eyes at the boy's face to see the boy's emotions. The boy stopped, shuttering at Cody, frightened and confused on how he just appeared out of some portal. The boy was too paranoid to think Cody was an alpha, "Please don't take me away!" Cody didn't really know what to say to that as he had been deprived of human contact for a while. At a loss for words he just stared at the boy with his mouth gaped open. The boy was around 3-4 feet infront of him when his eyes shifted to a topotech agent that had just ran around the corner to see them. Cody quickly grabbed ahold of the boy's arm, dorpping all the water and shit he'd stolen, and pulled him through a portal to the side of them. They were thrown out of the portal and into the middle of some dirt road. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: That agent was Alexis, if you have any problems with this please do let me know. I'll edit any shit that need's to be changed. I just made it Alexis so we could develope bit of story and what not.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Name: Cody Ranga Age: 15 Alpha Ability: Reality Rift - The ability to open rifts in reality, basically portals and what not. "Upside" Quick easy traveling l "Downside" Not really that destructive a power. Temperature Modulation - The ability to alter the surrounding temperature by absorbing it into a concentrated area. Basically, make it cold by absorbing the heat and using the heat as a heat wave or abosrbing the cold to freeze things. "Upside" A pretty useful offensive ability l "Downside" He is still effected by the temperature, so the more he absorbs, the more damage i done to his body. Meaning if he absorbs cold, if he dosn't release it in time, he'll catch a cold or get hypothermia, Vice versa for heat. Appearance: Personality: Gloomy, eternally annoyed by everyone. Though he wasn't always like this, he is now so don't be offended by his sarcastic remarks and depressing words/tone. This is probably because of what has happened to him over the years. He never tries to atatch him self to anyone so he doesn't feel the pain of loseing them for being assotiated with him. This is the primary reason he stays in desolent areas with little population until he is driven out by Topotech. Biography: He was always a happy go lucky boy, eger to play with some one or make some one's day. Most people liked him and he was always more prone to temperature than most. He didn't know this because he's parents didn't tell them about their being an Alpha, his father had the ability of reality anchoring which was the reason Cody didn't show any signs of his reality rifting ability, while his mom had temperature regulation, which kept the temperature from changeing. These both protected Cody from realizeing and activateing his powers early on. Unfortunately, while at school in a freezing class room, his instincts kicked in makeing the temperature rise dramatically and suddenly while he got colder. He'd sneeze only to make his desk freeze solid. He proceded to go home to tell his parents about what happened only to find a empty house. He searched through it seeing no one. Worried, he ran to the door to try and go to his closeby grand parents house. The Topotech agents were waiting at the door. They tackled him to the ground and atempted to detain him. And just as they would about to slap the cuffs on, he pictured his grandmother's house and was suddenly throown through a prtal under him into his grandmother's house. He realized this and confronted his grandmother with it. She began to tell him about alphas and what not, him being shielded from that type of stuff. He was then prompted to run away. Which he did, after he gathered enough heat to kept him alive in antartica. There he lived out near 2 years with a friend that was also hideing there. They were eventually found and she was killed he went into deper hideing. He now resides in the sahari desert.
Name: Koji Bushido Age: (over 18 please): 21 Personality: Pretty much calm in every single situation, and never really frets abut anything. It?s like he doesn?t care about life anymore because it?s not worth living. But he still pushes on, trying to find meaning. He?s been through a lot and would reject other peoples? ideas just because of the fact that he wasn?t able to do it himself. Koji wants to be the best, he wants to be significant, but he can?t seem to make it up there, but he feels that after gaining back the mechs that were stolen, he?d be able to be recognized in his life. Appearance: (image and/or description): Mech: Black Panther Other: (anything else you would like to add about your character): Koji is dieing from a disease that?s never been cured. The doctors have tried everything but they have yet to even scale the skin of it. Ever since he was diagnosed, Koji lost his playful nature and went into a depression, wondering about how he?d be remembered when he died. Until the day he was recruited for the mech quest, his life really had no significance. Koji was also formerly in the military and sent home after he obtained the disease. He did fairly well in the army too, so that might have been the reason they recruited him.
After seeing all of these weird Zanpkatous with different twists and abilities. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Shunsui and Ukitake's bankai's were their Zanpaktou's combined.
Shougou watches as his captain jump down from the figure head of the boat. As Captain garlock jumped away from his sight he moved his self too to the figure head of the boat. He watches as Garlock begins talking to a stranger woman that he hadn't ever seen before. Not being able to hear the conversation pumped his thirst for knowledge and his curiosity took over. He jumped off the boat and safely landing with one knee kneeling and his fist facing toward the ground. He slowly lifts himself up from the ground as he walks anxiously toward Garlock. As Shougou makes his way toward a captain he notices a man walk toward the captain, that pirate the captain was talking to, and a beautiful red headed girl. The man seems as if he's talking and then takes the red headed girls hand. Shougou begins to speed his pace up quit a bit. "-What say you?" Is the first thing he heard his captain say as he approached them. Shougou sneaks up behind Garlock and places his hand on his shoulder. "So captain, who is this?" Shougou asked grunting in his voice as he said it. Garlock looked back at Shougou and began to explain to him, "Oh, Um this," he points to the girl pirate he was talking to, "Is Captain Vixen." He then turns his head back to the direction of Vixen awaiting an answer. Shougou scratches his head furiously itching a spot on the top of his head. As he scratched back and forth white flakes of dandruff fall to the ground. He then flicks his head backward to wave annoying red hairs from the middle of his face. He then looks at the captain who was still looking at Vixen then whispers to him, "Captain, haven't you not yet wondered of who might be these spectators? I would digress toward the fact that these are strangers, but idiom enough of this bon mot conversation would be frontally plunged toward what would be called a "Awkward situation", maybe because of these questions I'm asking you know, but more of the fact that people of unknown origin are gathering around. If I were you, I'd be worried about what they might be planning to do with us. We are, in fact, pirates. I suggest that we quickly make our way from this village after your done exchanging words with your apparent old friend." He took his hand off of Garlocks shoulder and places it in his pocket. Garlock then took a quick glance back at Shougou with a face warning Shougou to step back, or at least from Shougou's experience it was. Shougou stepped back trying carefully to place himself next to the red haired woman trying not to make it apparent that he was attracted to her.
Name: Rosuto, Shougou, Nanashi (First name Shougou: Meaning- Name...... Last Name Rosuto:Meaning-Lost...... Middle Name Nanashi: Meaning-No name) Age:15 Gender: Boy Appearence: [URL="http://www.absoluteanime.com/mar/nanashi.jpg"]Shougou[/URL] Devil Fruit: Boom Boom Fruit- Can make sonic Booms with sound he makes himself. EX: Clapping, Stomping, Snapping, Cracking Knuckles.Yelling The power is so sensitive He can punch in one direction and it will send a sonic boom from the swift sound of cutting through air. He can choose when to make a Boom except for when he's talking. So he tends to not talk much. The boom is not an explosion it is a giant and super strong gust of air and sound. But the only way to hear it is if it goes by the ear. Weapon: A sword he made his self, It is long and broad and has the crushing strong blow like that of an espada, Sharp like that of a katana, and light Swift and easy to muneuver like a Rapier. Also a Combonation of Fighting and his fruit's power. Previous Occupation: Blacksmith Bio: When he was born he was thrust into a city with thugs and bad people, He grew up with a parents that were different than the people around him. He always was succesful and was taught how to make the greatest and best of swords. Once he reached the age of 13 his parents took all of his money away from him and forced him to continue working. He ran away from them to become a pirate. In the city he lived in it was easy to find a crew. He became the Captain of his ship and went on the search for one peice on the grand line. One day while on the search, a Pirate ship pulled him over and conviscated his Ship. He was thrown into being a worker for them. Even though he dislike being a crew member, he still liked being a pirate. He stayed alive and waited till one day. Garlock's Ship came pass the ship Shougou was on while the others on his ship were sleeping he quickly extended a board to the other side and became a stowaway on the Spiral king. Once he was found out, he pledged loyalty to the Captain claiming that the ship was a sign of salvation. He is now a close friend of Garlock and Tetra. His fighting skill are better than alot of the other shipmates on the Spiral king. While on the Ship he still whones his proffession by creating great swords for the crew.
Udyu was thrown acroos and hit a tree with unexplainable amount of force. He lay there on his back paralyzed from the injuries. He Struggled to move his head in the veiw of the fight and noticed that draco was on top of a rock with blood pooring down the sides of it. Just as Udyu saw Draco pass out he turned his head and noticed a strange figure with a hooded robe on. He caughed. He slid his body up the tree so he could site up. As Udyu Tried to listen in on what the Mysterious person was saying he could help but think of the pain that draco was going through. So he started to slowly stand up and regain his stregth. Udyu limped over in draco's direction and colapsed on the ground before he got there. Then he saw next to him Kai who was standing up right, but bruised. Kai bent down and picked up Udyu. Kai had hit the ground so he didn't have as much injury but if he hit the tree he probably would still have less injury than Udyu. Kai let him go bye a bench so he could sit down. "Thanks, man," Udyu said gratified. As Udyu sat on the bench he over heard the mysterious mooded man say something. "I'm Neji Hyuga," the man commented. (OCC: Sorry I haven't been posting lately. My life has been consumed by the dreaded video game!)
[COLOR="Red"][I][B][SIZE="3"][FONT="System"]"Hmph," Udyu Crossed his arms and sat down," Yall didn't even let me fight him!" He Puffed his lip out and turned his head the other way. "Your such a baby Udyu," Kai Complained. "Oh Yeah you can just go on some other adventure with your, Anbu mask," Udyu Argued Sarcasticaly. Then the 2 got in a arguement and the rest of the team thougt about what their next step may be. "We are going to need a strategy next time we go into battle," Rizen explained," And we won't be able to get any thaught up if the 2 babies don't stop fighting." Arimi sighed at the ridicoulus fighting between the "kids". "Ok! How abot you two stop this fighting right now," Rizen demanded. The two looked up and blinked with alertness. Udyu put his hand to his head to sollute him,"Yes sir." Udyu then got out his rapier and peirced it through the wooden part of his scroll. "I am sorry, and will be better." He sounded like a movie he had seen right before the mission about a man with a good tailed beast in him, but everyone hated him. At that thought Udyu lowered his head and started to giggle. "You may continue," he said after he ended his laughing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/I][/COLOR]
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Lucida Console"][B][I][COLOR="Red"]He stood on the water holding his fist and shaking it. "Whoa, that felt good!" He lowered his head laughing. Then looked back up and realized he was surrounded by three of those water clones. "That's not good!" They all rushed towards him ready to pummle him.He jumped and placed his hand on one of the clones and turned it the other direction. He fell o the water with his hands and then spun around on a hand stand and forced them away. He pushed up with his hands to get higher in the air and landed on his feet. The three regathered them selves and charged towards him. He grabed 2 peices of tissue paper out of his pocket amd hurled them at the outer 2 clones. Then yelled," Suiton: Mizu Ho-ru!" With his hand still in the handsong postition that water below the middle clone sank. Then while the two with the tissue on their faces were stunned he mereliy grinned and said, "Kami Chein no Jutsu." As he said that chains of paper peirced through the back of the clone's head and they dissolved to water. The he walked over to the hole in the water and opened his palm wide open. Then with a quick and sudden movement collapsed he water on the cone and the water pressure took care of the rest. He clapped his hands from side to side taunting the weakness of the clones.[/COLOR][/I][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR="Red"][I][SIZE="3"][B][FONT="Garamond"]Udyu worked his way towards the old man. "Sup," Udyu greeted. "Just tell me what you want," the old man rushed. Udyu Stood up on his tippie toes and looked over nto the confined soace. "I think I'll have that box of tissue and somethin sharp," he told him. The old man looked surprised at the order. A box of tissue and somethin sharp?" "Ok," he replied as he walked to to his box of tissue "and what's your name?" He set the box of Tissue on the counter. "Udyu, Udyu Epe." He Grabbed the box of tissue and took out the tissue and threw the box to the side. Udyu put the stuff in his pocket. "Oh, that's a unique name. Well I got a weapon just for you," he started to walk over to the closet to get somethin down. Udyu sighed. He knew what weapon he was going to give him. "Here it's a rapier," just like your last name. Udyu grabbed the box and got out the sword and it's case. He quickly set it to his side and put the money on the counter. "Thanks," he said sarcasticly. He sat down on a bench across from the other 2 that had already gotten their stuff. He started findlin with his stuff as he waited for the intermission of the mission to be over. [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR]
Name: Udyu Epe Age: 16 Appearance:He is 4'11 and weighs about 113 lbs. He has slick white hair and 2 strands of hair dangling over his face. He wears sandles and hoodie much like that of Kiba which he always has unzipped. under the hoodie is a net shirt (don't know the real name of it, shikamaru wears one). And his Giant Scroll [SIZE="1"]TM[/SIZE] that hangs off his back by a strap. Udyu has one thing that may very..... His pants. Personality: He is always to self confident and likes to make jokes. Udyu thinks he is always right if he doesn't have proof that he's not, but will ocassionally go with the safest plan of action if it's crutial. If he finds the chance he'll make a joke about something, but really he is just laid back and acts as if he has no cares. Blood line trait: His bloodline trait is an eye Technique called Ken. It alows the user to form another pupil in each eye and be able to have precognitive abilities. The power of these abilities get stronger with each new pupil. His mother's clan was konan's clan. He is able to make origami and use paper as a weapon. Common special techniques: Kami Chein no Jutsu: It means paper chain and it forms chain out of paper that can burrow under ground and captivate the target or peirce through the enemy. Kugutsu no Jutsu: Yeah that's right puppet techniques too. Well this summon a puppet. Kami Clone no Jutsu: Paper clones. Hirate Seiryoku: He focuses all of his chakara into the flat palm of his hand, in which he thrusts at enemies and forces the away. The attack uses so much chakara that it can be 1 ft away and hit. Because it is so much chakara it can't all stay in on place so it send a light aura Which makes the range varie. The not used chakara flows back through the body. If he uses to much he will pass out and the chakara in his body doesn't regenerate while knocked out, so his overall cakara decreases by 2% if he uses it eighter to many times or with too much chakara in it. Bio: He was born in the Hidden Rice village, and whilst growing up he learned all there was to know about his father's clan. He lived a happy life and enjoyed traing, but one day it was attacked by the shukaku which had gotten away from the akatsuki. His dad had stayed to fight while his mom took him to the leaf village. On the way there the akatsuki who was trying to catch the demon back stopped them. But fortunatly his dad was there to save them he summoned 3 puppets and demanded that his son and his wife go on. Udyu who was 6 at the time treasured him as a hero for saving them. They made it to the leaf's gates and rushed in with the other sand villagers. They stayed there for a little while until they got news that the Shukaku was defeated, but alot of men were killed in the process. Akatsuki had captured the demon and sand villagers went back home except for Udyu and his mom. Their original country brang back to many bad memories. So they stayed there in konoha. There he learned about his mother's clan. He grew up and became a genin then eventually an Anbu and made freinds and lived a normal life after that. He became Anbu at such a young age because he was Talented at so many jutsus, styles, arts, and elements. His personal favorite element is Doton. Right now he is still mastering puppetry as a hobby.When aged to 15 years of being on this planet he went back to live in The rice village to help out his former country. Note: He always wears his black ops mask.
I have a plan of making an rp, and just so when I make it I'll be prepared. If I make a Yu-Gi-Oh! Rp would anyone join it. If not can people give me some sugestions. Just say it and it would probably be made if not the first one made. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Green"]I added the subject of the idea into the title, so that people will better know what this is about. - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Then Ikustaka camme ad beat everyone up. The end.
Name: Cody Gabreil Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: Silver, slicked back hair. Army cargo shorts, a white T-shirt, and random tennis shoes is what he usually wears. Faction: Federation Commander: Falkner Biography: Cody was born in sinnoh. He beat every gym in sinnoh then moved on to johto. The first gym he went to there was Falkner, but Falkner was out in war. Cody thought that would be a bigger chalenge. So he signed up as a private for falkner's squadron because it was the only one he knew. List of Servace Pokemon: Poliwrath LV62 Walrein LV65 Meganium LV64 Ambipom LV64 Weavile LV65 Dusknoir LV70
[quote name='Gecko']uhh, lol, well he kinda did... The way he spoke in his posts and also [i]"As he went he saw Airi, a jounin of the Inuzuka clan native to Konoha. He would have said high were he not practically mime by nature."[/i] This was a fair description by The Enemy. You also changed the characters heritage. Despite their all living in some sort of a twisted version of, Feudal Japan(?), you changed they language into one that suited you better. You added words like "Yall". As if they were suddenly American southern. Now it may seem silly of me to pick on the language since none of us probably speak Japanese. But I think that we can compensate for that by at least having dialog thats in a similar manner as Japanese in the Naruto setting. It makes the RPG sound that much more realistic.[/QUOTE] I didn't know what it meant when he said mime by nature. And well if he couldn't speak any japenese then he wouldn't say anyhting. So I don't think every thing has to be exactly perfect. I forgot about him only being able to talk asian. So sorry bout that. And as for me using yall. I was born in texas and it's a habit to use that word. Sorry I can't stop doing what I normaly do.
[SIZE="4"][B] Naruto: Path to Light[/B][/SIZE] 15 years have past by. Uzumaki Naruto is now officially the 7th hokage. Haruno Sakura is head of Konoha?s medical team. Uchiha Sasuke has made peace after finally taking revenge on his accursed brother Itachi and has joined Akatsuki in his brother?s place. The world that was once terrorized by Orichimaru and his legion of the sound has died down to little smuggle attempts and minor deaths of less important people. Konoha has finally been restored well than ever and new generations of shinobi have just graduated from the academy! These children have had, so far better talents than the generation of the great Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke? As the world may be in peace, evil is stirring in the newly formed village of the fire. Shinobi from the fire have been reported to have ?unnatural? abilities. The villages of mist and sand have formed a treaty and have started keeping an eye on the village of fire. As all attempts to get close the village of fire have been either stopped or returned with no new leads? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The idea of making this backstage forum was brought to my attention by Gekko. I'm sorry for changen the stuff, but yall didn't didn't have a personality thing. So I didn't know what yalls personalities were. He didn't show any sign of being a loaner is his posts. I don't know what you were talking about when you said I'm changing like the mood to fun or something. Isn't it supposed to be fun?
Gekko got up. Gekko: What's up. Long time no see! Koro: Yeah! Can't beleive we're teamed up again. Airi: Looks like you two have some history. How do yall know each other? Gekko: Well we were all on a mission when he first came to the leaf. Me, him, and Hinabi (the hyuga one) were all on a squad and we fought together well, but when I turned anbu we seperated teams. Until I wanted to be a jounin to teach a squad. Then Donobu came threw the door. Naruto: Finally. We have everyone. So we will do the breefing, but yall will have to tell Illudin. Koro: Illudin is coming? Naruto: Yeah. Yall have to train him. He is destined to become a sannin. Airi: That's awsoeme. We get to train the future sannin. Naruto: Well, you are going to in filtrate the Snow village to get Daisukes Uchiha. He is also going to become a sannin, and the oher one will be your kid. Gekko. Gekko: Wow, my child. Naruto: Yes, and we won't go until Illudin's clone get's him to come here. Illudin's Clone: Ok, I'll go get him. The clone dashed out the window towards his real self.
15 years have past by. Uzumaki Naruto is now officially the 7th hokage. Haruno Sakura is head of Konoha?s medical team. Uchiha Sasuke has made peace after finally taking revenge on his accursed brother Itachi and has joined Akatsuki in his brother?s place. The world that was once terrorized by Orichimaru and his legion of the sound has died down to little smuggle attempts and minor deaths of less important people. Konoha has finally been restored well than ever and new generations of shinobi have just graduated from the academy! These children have had, so far better talents than the generation of the great Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke? As the world may be in peace, evil is stirring in the newly formed village of the fire. Shinobi from the fire have been reported to have ?unnatural? abilities. The villages of mist and sand have formed a treaty and have started keeping an eye on the village of fire. As all attempts to get close the village of fire have been either stopped or returned with no new leads? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gekko opens his eyes. He is still in bed and lifts his head up strugglingto notice that the sun hasn't fully risen up from the east. His head slammed back into the pillow. He slid his legs out of bed and stud up rubbing his eyes. Slowly he drug his feet towards the kitchen. Some tea had already been made. With his tea in his hands Gekko walked out to get his mail. Most of it was junk, except for a letter telling who was in his squad. A cloud of smoke then poofed by the mail slot. Inside the smoke was a letter inviting him to the kage's tower. He put on his jounin suit and took of his pajamas. Gekko sprinted not even thinking about why he was being called. Being still asleep he didn't rush as fast as he could. He didn't even concider he was sent for a serious matter. When he got there he sat in the Kage's room. "Congrats on being the first to get here. We are waiting to start the breifing for the mission when they get here," said the Hokage. He was slouching in his chair (not the way a kage should show great posture). Gekko sat up and said "Who exactly are we waiting for." "Airi Inuzaka, Donobu Otah, and someone you know, Koro-ni," answered Naruto. Little did Gekko know that while he was waiting in the Kage's room, that a problem was stering. An evil was brewing, and ready to attack Konoho. This would change everyones life and no one would be the same. The path you take willdecide your fate. Either it be the path of darkness, or the path of light.
In a distant time, technology became intent on destroying the planet. Humans were thrust back into the stone ages. Mankind didn't know how to survive, but they compensated for this lack in technology by useing a higher percentage of their brain. Computers soon became inferior and was not required in liveing. The human intellect was superior to all other forms of intelligence on earth. Computers then adapted. They had everything the humans had, but were greater in strength and numbers. A war broke out between the 2 races. Human-beings were low in population. The last alternative was to infuse their selves with the strongest life forms other than their selves. Once the cyborg army heard this they put all of their effort into creating 5 robots with divine god like power. The only way the humans can win is by finding the 6 scatered parts of the divice which are built into the divine robots. The where abouts of the 6th part is unknown. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` You are a warrior on the front lines your in a group of all of they people that are able to fuse with an animal. You will fight against the robots and try to shut down all of the robots and reprogram them to work for you again. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Name: Gender: Apearence: Race: Life Form Infused With: Powers: (One elemental and two physical powers, strength, speed, sight, read minds, fly, Ect.) Other: Optional- Bio: Personality: Age:
Ok, I'll keep this thing up. Blazerman gave me to permission. So Every one is accepted, and if yall still want to do it pm me and tell me if yall are still in.
Name : Bakumi, Gekko Gender: Male Age: 28 Clan Bloodline: Bakumi- Atadara - Allows the user the ability to see the enemies intent Appearence: He looks like Hitsugaya from bleach, but has a scroll on his back. Breif Bio: Gekko was born in the sand, and when was 3 he had to move to konoaha where all of his family went to get away from the newly born shakakou baby. His family was a viriety of sand user. He learned puppetry, paper techniques, explosive clay, and other jutsus/fighting styles accumulated in the sand. As well as leaf village techniques. Weapons: Scrolls, and weapon scrolls Others: N/A Welcome back to otaku blazer.
Has anyone gotten ther new Digivice iC. If you have then can you please tell me how to get ultimate on there.
Then, the two saw an explosion of smoke come from behind a tree. "What was that," said Salene, and she saw Ikustaka and two othe genin fighting him, his other genin was barely keeping up so not to fight him. "What are you doin here," exclaimed Tetra. "Oh, sorry, were doing last minute training. I'm about to go away for a while, so I'm training before I go," shyed Ikustaka, "But what's going on here." "She's hurt," whispered Tetra in a caring voice. The girl genin of Ikustaka's group came from the tree's. "Help her," demanded Ikustaka.