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[COLOR="Green"]Kai watched the others assemble into their small groups. He had gotten up to find a group, but in that few seconds everyone had already begun. He looked over to his dismay found the only 2 not sparring to were Draco and Udyu. ?Aw hell?? he muttered to himself and began to walk over to Draco. ?Yo Kai! Come spar with[I] me[/I]!? shouted Udyu. He ran over and started poking Kai in the chest with his skinny fingers. ?Stop.? ?What, you scared? Maybe you should pair with Draco after all so I don?t hurt your self-esteem!? He pushed Udyu backward and he toppled over into the dirt. Udyu got up, spitting out random curses at him. ?What the hell was that for!? ?You said you wanted to spar? He said putting emphasis on ?spar?. He got into a stance as Udyu pulled out his Rapier. ?Go.? He whispered and dissipated into a puff of smoke. Kai crept up a tree a few yards to the east from where Udyu was standing. He activated his eyes and began to watch Udyu. He wasn?t moving but Kai figured the rookie was in shock by his quick disappearance. Udyu began to look around. ?This isn?t fair! Stop hiding and come out!? he shouted. Kai grabbed a shuriken from his pouch and attached an explosive tag. He waited for Udyu to stop shouting for him and threw the kunai directly at his feet. Udyu had noticed too late and the small explosion was heard. Spitting dirt out of his mouth Udyu pulled himself to his feet. "I let you do that! I'm not gonna let you win!" His shouting was getting tiresome but now he would let Udyu try somthing. He jumped down from the tree and shouted over to Udyu. "Here I am."[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"][I]Shit..." Kai mouthed. He got into a stance and began to look over his new threat. He barely had time to analyze most of the clones before the girl took them out. Kisame however seemed to be enjoying this and produced more clones. The kid he had sat next to in the armory, was standing a few inches away from him. "Yaa-hoo! Time for some fun!" he yelled and sprinted toward Kisame. He stretched his arm and balled his hand into a fist. It slammed into Kisame’s face and it splashed down into the water. Kai watched as the man; who called himself Rizen stepped up to challenge Kisame.[/I][/COLOR] OOC:sorry for it being so short >.>
Kai enterted the armoury. His hair was soaking wet and little beads of water trickled down his face. He walked over to the clerk. " Can I get 20 Shuriken, an exploding tag, and a few feet of wire." He spoke quick and quietly and the old man barely had time to take it to mind. "Are you sure you only need a few shuriken?" "I'll be fine. Things always have a way of coming back to me in the end." Kai replied. "I see. Well I'm going to throw in a few Kunai for ya free of charge." He went into the back room. The old man came back with his order and Kai paid. When he had stowed everything away he walked over and chose to sit next to the yougest one out of the four sitting down. The kid seemed nervous and in no mood to talk. "I[I] can't beleive a kid this young could be in this mission." [/I]he tought in his head. He seemed so uncaring and un-talented compared to the rest. He couldn't be anything big. Just brought in to disguise us perhaps.
Sign Up: Name: Kai Katsuyi Age: 17 Appearance: Kai is a little over 5?4. He has Dark brown hair which he keeps messy at all times. His eyes are cold and black. His attire includes a beaded necklace, which he does not ever take off. He wears a black short-sleeved shirt with a scroll pouch strapped onto the right sleeve. He wears black shorts which he holds up with a spiky black belt. On his head he wears the headband of his village. He carries a small sword which when a button is pressed sends an electric charge through it. Personality: Kai?s second nature is to kill. Kill or be killed is his only moral. Despite that he kills only to protect himself. Those he protects are usually very close to him. Kai is very shy around people he has just met but will open to them very easily. At the end of the day he can be a very easy to be friends with. Blood line trait: Kai?s Blood line trait is very similar to that of the Hyuuga. It is an eye technique nicknamed the ?Halo?. Like it?s nickname a halo like ring appears on Kai?s eyes. These ?Halo? eyes allow him to see 360 Degrees, without a blind spot. As an added bonus he has his very own night vision. There are 3 Forms of these eyes, but the main technique of these eyes is to gather information about the opponent. Kai can see the enemy?s chakra level, their physical shape, and their past interactions with weapons*. Common special techniques: Windfury Strike- Kai builds up an incredible amount of air in his body an exhales out a gust of wind with the power to slice through things such as trees. Wind clone-Self Explanatory Ogadarengan-A small ball of wind which Kai can ram into enemies. Bio: Kai is somewhat a child prodigy. At the age of 10 he had already become a Chunin. At around the age of 13 his village; The village hidden in the gust, was poisoned by an enemy village. Everybody close to Kai began to do but not him. He already knew he had been exposed but somehow it wasn?t affecting him like the others. He watched his village die in the worst way possible thanks to his blood trait. When everyone else in his village had died the men who had poisoned them came back, but they did not expect to find Kai. Kai unleashed his long sorrow and rage on them. By the end of the day Kai was miles away and the men were dead. Now he resides in the village hidden in the mist. In sense he is a missing nin, but his village is no more.. *In sense Kai can trace enemies by a piece of their clothing or a weapon recently used by them.
[COLOR="Blue"] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial Black"]Blue Dragon: Age of Everlasting Shadow[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Back-story: The world is cold. So very cold... The distant future holds no hope. Just more emptiness... Times have changed. The world Shu knew is now lost. One is never free from the eye's of TheWarlord. Who is The Warlord you ask? No one can say for sure. He was not born on this earth we call home. He is of...different people. About 10 years ago The Warlord unleashed his army a Grynats. Grynats are his defending force. His army if you would. These were but small pawns in his conquering of the world. The Warlord brought forth his dark magic in the form of a shadow... There are many records of this "shadow" being seen, But it has never been without great consequence. With this force The Warlord has..enslaved the world. Molded it with his hands of destruction into a world where fear and tyranny Reigns. [/FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]There is but one hope for our world. A prophecy. Foretelling us of..warriors that will combat the Warlord with power very much like his own. But this is just a feint glimmer of hope and in these dark times, you need more then a glimmer to save you.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]In this RP you will become the warriors of the prophecy. Traveling the world, fighting Bringers army, and striving to win back a world that was once yours, by using your shadows. You however can not do it alone. You must meet and befriend many allies in this perilous quest. Now go and become one with your shadow![/B] [COLOR="Red"]Sign Up Sheet: Name: [Any name as long as it suit?s the RP. First and last] Gender: [Male or Female] Age: [11-14] Shadow*: [Can be any Animal or Mythical Beast] Shadow Appearance: [What does your shadow look like?] Weapon specialization: [Swords, daggers, hammers, Etc. You don?t have to have one.] Personality: [How your character acts] Appearance: [Hair color, clothes, etc] Brief History: [A short paragraph of insight on your characters past.][/COLOR] [COLOR="Cyan"]*Shadows- For those of you that are not familiar with Blue Dragon and it?s perks, Shadows are physical beings on their own. But they in a way use a host. If not learned to be controlled the host is manipulated by the shadow beast within. Shadows have a tendency to be any type of animal. They do not exactly have to be one animal and can be many mixed together. They also do not have to look like their animal. Maybe just a few characteristics of the animal to make it obvious as to what animal it is. More about shadows will be explained during the Rp.[/COLOR] I'll post My Sign up in a bit. Thanks for Reading!
Seeing as i'm to busy and i just can't seem to focus on this..im gonna have to close this. Sorry.
Dunno, But we're stil lgodd with the ammount now i think. I checked up with some of you so i think we're good. >.>
[I]Accepted[/I] I'm waiting on one person guys so I'll start this soon. ^^
Well after watching all the seasons, (1-4 in english and 1-5 in japanese) I really liked 1-3. I hated 4 it wasn't what you would call the highlight of the series i mean seriously, Spirit evolve? lol. Anyways i thought the fifth season was alright but overall i think the first 1-3 seasons rocked. ^^
NAME: Asagi Mantomo AGE: 27 GENDER: Male WEAPON STYLE: Fighter MAGIC STYLE: Choas PERSONALITY: Asagi never feels good about himself and often wonders why he he just dosn't end it himself. At times he can be polite and has a will to protect those very close to him. He can be rude at times but does not always do it beause he hates someone, but more because he wants to be like them. HISTORY: At six years of age his mother died and at ten his father left him. From then on he lived his life on nothing more than to survive. At the age of twelve he met a man named Takashoi, who raised him like a son and tought him how to read, write, survive, and msot importently. Fight with weapons. He always had a respectible bond with this man until one day in Asagi's early twenties, the man went missing. From then on he has strived to find the man and return him to his home.
Whoa, Sorry i've been gone for a long time i just recently remembered >.> Well you're all accpted of course and i'l ltry to get this up and running ASAP. Though 'm probably going to have to change a few Sharignans..seeing as there is alot.
15 years have past by. Uzumaki Naruto is now officially the 7th hokage. Haruno Sakura is head of Konoha’s medical team. Uchiha Sasuke has made peace after finally taking revenge on his accursed brother Itachi and has joined Akatsuki in his brother’s place. The world that was once terrorized by Orichimaru and his legion of the sound has died down to little smuggle attempts and minor deaths of less important people. Konoha has finally been restored well than ever and new generations of shinobi have just graduated from the academy! These children have had, so far better talents than the generation of the great Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke… [COLOR="Green"]As the world may be in peace, evil is stirring in the newly formed village of the fire. Shinobi from the fire have been reported to have “unnatural” abilities. The villages of mist and sand have formed a treaty and have started keeping an eye on the village of fire. As all attempts to get close the village of fire have been either stopped or returned with no new leads… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this story you will take the role as a genin or one of the 2 jounin that will lead the genin, from Konoha. As you adventure forth into this tale the characters will be thrust into lots of surprising and unexpected situations even an expert shinobi may not be able to get out of… As the story advances these young genin will grow up into fine shinobis and choose their own path to either the light or the dark. Whatever the path you choose, it is truly Naruto: The path to Light! Rules: 1. No cussing/cursing 2. No god modding 3. Have fun! 4. Don’t offend other members! The sign ups: Name: (Clan name first!)\ Gender: (Male/Female) Age: (12-13 for the genin/20-34 for the jounin) Clan and Bloodline limit: (\Put both clan and if you have a bloodline limit please add that) Appearance: (Anything from 1-3 sentences will suffice or put a picture) Brief Bio: (History about your character) Weapons: (kunai, swords, explosive tags, Etc.) Other: (Anything else we need to know about your character) Here's mine, sorry if it's a little short..: Name: Uchiha Daisuke Gender: Male Age: 13 Clan and Bloodline limit: Uchiha/Kaguya (Father Uchiha mother Kaguya) Sharingan [limited] and bone traits [also limited] Appearance: [URL="http://www.animeresimleri.com/data/media/128/sasuke2.jpg"]See here[/URL] Brief Bio: Daisuke is the son of Tobi and has a strange resemblance to Sasuke. When Tobi met a surviving Kaguya women he befriended her and later had Daisuke. Daisuke, once born was left in konoha all alone. For the last few years Daisuke has been asking around if anyone knew or knows where his parents are…or if he even has any. He has no memory of his parents whatsoever and feels as though nobody in the village really cares about him. Daisuke age 13 has finally graduated from the academy and is ready to take on the world and achieve his goal of finding out whom he is and whom his parents are. Weapons: Kunai, Shuriken, Explosive tags, and his bones later on. Other: Nothing At The Moment Have fun! Happy “Auditioning”![/COLOR] [right][size=1][COLOR="orange"]I resized the text back to normal to make it more enjoyable to read. Hope that's okay! - Sandy[/COLOR][/size][/right]
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Fixedsys"]Skyler ran into the pokemart, after introducing himself to Cody?s friend. He quickly spotted the potions and antidotes and grabbed handfuls. ?Hey Skyler where are you?? he heard Craig call from the door of the pokemart. ?Over in the potions section, Craig!? he called back.? Skyler walked over to the counter and paid the person behind it for their battle supplies. Finally Craig and Cody found him and they headed out to the courtyard, where Cody would battle. Cody and his Friend Jax walked over into the courtyard for their battle, they each took out a pokeball and shouted go?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: sorry it is really short. I?m sorda busy lol. Oh well, and by go. I mean like ?Go Torchic?
[SIZE="1"]Tom sat down in the carriage that would take him to the school he loved. His thoughts were racing. [I]?Calm down, Tom, calm down?[/I], he said to himself. ?This year is going to be fine even though you?re a little stressed.? This was it, Tom?s fifth year and his year for O.W.L.S. About an hour ago, he had sat in the compartment at the end of the Hogwarts express trying to calm him down, but he was unsuccessful at this task. Tom had been worried all summer that he would fail his O.W.L.S or maybe even fails his classes. ?Come on Tom?, yelled a few Slytherins he knew from his past years. ?I?m coming?, he yelled and got out of the carriage, but tripped and fell face first to the solid earth. A few Slytherin girls giggled and the boys called out in awe, ?Are you okay, Tom?? Tom got up slowly and walked over to the other Slytherin boys waiting for him. ?Yeah, I?m fine?, he replied and brushed himself off quickly. Tom and the other Slytherin boys walked into the entrance hall, then to the great hall where a long awaited scene formed. Four long house tables filled the large room. The tables were lined with goblets, plates, and more importantly, people. It seemed like this year there were more people then ever to Tom. He walked over and took a spot in the middle of the Slytherin table where he received many greetings from fellow Slytherin friends. Peeves the ghost floated above their table, turned and pointed at Tom and said, ?Ha! Ha!? He looked over to see some of the usual Hogwarts staff sitting in their places at the staff table. They looked cheerful except for some who looked as though they could care less if they were here or not. Tom then noticed Professor Zeta, his favorite teacher. He and Professor Zeta had shared some good times together in the previous year. A girl that looked about thirteen sat down across from him. At first he had not recognize the girl but then realized she was Medea Weasley, a third year Slytherin. She looked at him for a moment and then spoke, ?Hey Tom, how was your summer?? in a gentle voice. ?It was good for the most part, but my dad kept butting in when I tried to have any fun.? he replied, feeling calm for the first time since he?s arrived. [COLOR="Red"]OOC: Sorry I haven?t been on Lionheart, I?ve been really busy, I hope this is an ok post[/COLOR].[/SIZE]
Discuss Pokemon: Crater Academy Underground thread ((pg-VL))
Blazerman32 replied to Metalcore501's topic in Theater
Could you post a list of the Forbidden Places?