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Name: Dyuu Uchiha Nick Name: Uzuki Age: 14 Gender: Male Ninja Rank: Genin Important Items: A Diamond sword, which is very light considering is big size. It is about 2 ½ feet long. He also carries around kunai in a special pouch. Appearance: Click here with a red shirt instead of black and Brown hair. Dyuu has a pouch where his back pocket is where he keeps his small weapons like shuriken and kunai. He also sometimes has a strap that he keeps his large diamond sword in. Personality: Dyuu is shy to a point where he cannot talk to anybody that he does not have a friendship or relationship with. He is very reluctant to do anything that has nothing to do with him. He is also very calm and can think on his feet in a time of danger, but is tempted into a fight very easily. History: Dyuu was born in a hut, in the sand village. His dad was an Uchiha. His mother was a He did not know his mom. He was abandoned at the age of 2, and was taken in by a man. The man was nice to Dyuu for a couple of months but then started to lash him with the whip he always carried with him. The man eventually bit him on his neck leaving a mark shaped like 3 lines in a circle. From then Dyuu only felt pain, pain that made him want to be dead. He wandered around the earth, crawling through the seemingly endless desert that surrounded the village the man lived in. Until one day, when a nice Women found him in the woods by Konoha and took him in. He has lived in Konoha with this woman for 12 years. During those years, Dyuu, studied hard at the academy, he was not the most excellent student but he tried hard to make something of his life. He always felt he was useless which made him feel sad... After months of work he finally became a genin, which made the woman who took him in proud. The woman who took him in, was not the young woman she was 12 years ago when she found Dyuu, she was beginning to be fragile and get sick, which did not appeal to Dyuu at all... Bloodline Limit: part Uchiha [Sharingan] (on his fathers side.) and part Kaguya (on his mothers side.) [As to make it so Dyuu is not over powered his Sharingan is not as powerful as a pure Uchihas. Same with the Kaguya clan traits.] Dyuu does not know where he gets the power to shape his bones into drill like weapons. Others: Dyuu's mark somtimes appears like it is moving over his face. Sometimes when this happens he becomes very aggressive. Ninjutsu: Phoenix firebomb: Hits the foe wit a ball of fire, explodes within 20 seconds. Resengan: a ball of spinning chakra. (He can not build chakara most of the time for this attack) Water transportation Jutsu: This move allows Dyuu to become one with water for a very short time allowing him to travel faster in places with large bodies of water. Future Skills: Chidori (if its all right), Summoning Jutsu (Can summon Snakes), more fire style techniques, some water and earth style too. (If it’s ok.) Some Genjutsu. Shadow clone Jutsu. Bone particle Jutsu: This Jutsu allows Dyuu to turn his bones into sand like particles and use them in the same way as Gaara uses his sand (but to a very lesser degree, like the particles can not be more than 2 feet away or they turn back into his bones. This also makes Dyuu in no condition to fight and is used more as a shield than a weapon.) Genjutsu: Dyuu does not know any genjutsu as of now. Kinjutsu: Rezangen: The Rezangen is basically a small or huge ball of chakra. That he can throw at an enemy.
Beatlesfan53-[COLOR=Blue]Accepted[/COLOR] Sakazaki-[COLOR=Blue]Accepted[/COLOR]
Tetra of sound-[COLOR=Blue]Accepted[/COLOR]
The mind is a complex part of the human body but even more misunderstood is the human's imagination. Every person sees, feels and thinks about the world differently and these thoughts create ideas and images within their head which are unique to them alone. Their ideas can be simple to very advanced and no one person will see it the same way. Ideas give birth to some of man's greatest inventions and its most beautiful art. They are the cause of peace and the starting of wars but all the same ideas are only images, thoughts of the mind. Something must happen first to make an idea or dream become reality... New York, one of Amercia's most busiest cities has for the past few weeks been bombarded with disturbances, its once bustling streets have begun to quiten. The police have been reported with increasing disturbances and murders of late. However the police suspect the crimes not somethng performed by a loose killer or some criminal gang. The crime scenes have been splatted with blood, the corspe literally ripped apart. Inhuman footprints and handmarks have been left on the walls and floors close to their victim with strange teethmarks left on the body. None of the bodies appear to be any of those who have dissappeared, people who some fear are the unlucky ones. The police are not the only ones feeling uneasy during these times. The citizens have noticed it too. The strange sounds echoing through the night, the sound of heavy footsteps from the alleyways and the abnormal moving of shadows where its most dark. People recently have been staying clear of such areas in New York or deciding not to go out all together. The news finally hit the city big time when it was when it was released in the local paper. People demanded action to be taken before something so mysterious got even worse. After much discussion within the city council, it was decided there would be an immediate evacuation until this problem was sorted and the safety of the city was assured. Those who dared were allowed to stay behind at there own risk. A twist was about to unfold. Back story: You are one of the people/or part of a family whos decided to leave the city during the crisis. A few days before the move, you are blessed (or cursed - your personal view) with a guardian, the being appearing before you in an event of some kind. You realise that this guardian is something from your dreams/imagination/an idea when you were little (you get the picture) only made solid. The guardian knows exactly who you are but doesn't know how it got into the real world. This event is but a first that will trigger a series which will send you, your guardian and others like you on an adventure to learn more about the murders and eventually a much more horrifying truth. Notes: Gaurdian: Your guardian will be your companion and protector during the RPG. They will appear when you are have a strong emotional need (scared from being attacked, lonely, sad and want someone to comfort you etc) and stay by yourside eversince. The guardian itself will be a creature which you had created in your mind or imagination some point in your life which ment something to you. They will have no memory on how they became real but will have full account of you and your life since they were created. They will have powers/abilities/weapons you had designed them with which will help protect through your journey. Although not natural and hard to kill, they still have needs such as resting, eating etc. Their main weakness is you. They are sustained by your life and as long as your close they will be at full strength. The further a guardian moves away from their creator, the less grip they have on reality to hold on to. Too far and they could fade away all together. The most important is if you their creator is killed, they will cease to be as well. Another good reason why they protect you. As most guardians have powers some of this might not be true. Form: Name: Age: (12-24) Gender: (M or F?) Description: (What does your character look like? As much as you can describe) Personality: (How does your character act?) Guardian: Name: Gender: (M,F... Neither?) Description: (Whats your guardian look like. As much as you can describe) Personality: (How does your guardian act?) Power/Ability: [ Nothing too extreme here please] I will post mine later.
Name: Davis Nart Age 17 Ability:Power over fire. What u would like to improve on: Nothing Apperance: He has silver hair, A white T-shirt, blue jeans, and red eyes. Ability history: He got his powers, hen he was angry with his parents for not buying him somthing he reallly wanted. Family: He left his family when he was 14.
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Ronark Marth Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Ronark has spiky black hai, that is hard to stick down. Topaz eyes and always ahs a said face on. He usally is wearinga black t-shirt with ripped blue jeans. He also most of the time either wheres a vest or a headband. Biography: Ronark was born in a rundown apartment complex; Ronark is an only child. He had a simple life, he did not like his dad but put up with his constant yelling. They did not buy him much of anything, only things they thought he needed like, Clothes, a toothbrush, and shoes. He put up with it but he always had a burning rage he wanted to use on his dad. Until one day when he was 3 days away from being 14, he started a fire in his apartment, as the fire kept eating away at his house, he felt connected to the fire. He started to swing his arms, and eventually the fire went out. During the whole thing his mother was watching, She walked over to him and said, ? GET! Go Away from here! You freak!? The whole thing crushed Ronark?s heart, so he ran, and eventually came to an ally, and hid in an empty dumpster. On his 14th birthday (2 days after the fire) He was walking and came upon a building in the middle of nowhere. He didn?t think there would be anything all the way out where he was. So after camping outside of it that night, he finally decided to check the place out. Powers: 1.Psycho kinesis over fire 2.He can become invisible for short amounts of time. 3.He can levitate himself a couple inches in the air. Affinity: Straight Other facts: He has a problem with his arm since birth that hurts painfully every now and then.[/COLOR]
[quote name='garmeil']I'm the son of the Prof. and a Prof. in training.[/quote] ok sure, you can be the proffesor's son.
Garmeil-[COLOR=Blue]Accepted[/COLOR] Is he a professor with his lab coat?
The Imperial Region, a newly discovered place, houses all 493 pokemon but some are not as common as others. Since the Imperial Region was discovered 15 years ago, Trainers and Researchers have come from all over to explore and catch pokemon in this new region. People now live in specially made houses because of the Imperial Region?s weird and ever changing weather conditions. Little kids who have moved to the Imperial Region with their parents are now old enough to get their very own pokemon from a pokemon professor named Elena Marth. Professor Marth gives trainers their very first pokemon. They are the 12-starter pokemon from the original 4 regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Although The Imperial Region is attracting many trainers from around the globe, many are both excited yet fearful of the unknown journey ahead. In some parts of the Imperial Region, strange things are happening to the pokemon. They get sick all of a sudden then without warning die. Many Professors are trying to unravel the mystery, but so far they are helpless against the sickness, now called, the DOPD (death of pokemon disease). Trainers now flee to their hometowns, away from the Imperial Region. But it does not stop some Trainers from doing their best to follow their dreams. During this RP Trainers will get to participate in: Gym battles, Contests, and a new league to battle in called a Battle Tournament. In a battle tournament, you use 1 of your own pokemon and 2-rental pokemon. You battle against 8 foes during the whole tournament. If you win, you get a poke ball shaped badge made of a certain mineral (Depending on which Battle tournament it is). In the Imperial Region, there are only 7 badges instead of 8. There are also 5 contest ribbons you have to have to get into the Imperial grand festival. Trainers are traveling the Imperial Region hoping to become better trainers, Professors, and coordinators. These trainers did not know it but they were destined to save the Imperial Region. But as they travel along, an ominous thing follows them all through their journeys. During these adventures, 6 trainers will team up to conquer the Imperial Region together. Also during this time, a man called Professor Vax, who started working for team galactic about 45 years before the world discovered the Imperial Region, continued his lifelong research in DNA study and experimentation. Making Professor Vax the world?s foremost pokemon DNA specialist. Professor Vax was interested in trying to make his own pokemon by mixing their DNA together. One day, long before the Imperial Region was discovered, he was mixing some pokemon DNA and accidentally mixed 2 different bottles of DNA. One from an Absol he found in the wild. The other was DNA from a Charmander. Thus creating a terrible monster. The monster ran out of his lab into the wild before he could even touch it. From that day on, he devoted himself to learning more about creating more of the creature he created by accident. After many days of endless tests, he created another monstrous creature. This time he had mixed the DNA of a wild Blastoisen with the DNA of his own Solrock. This time before the creature could run or hide he put a large metal container over it. After some tests, he discovered that it was starting to melt into a liquid even more powerful than acid. It would have almost burnt down his lab if he had not made a chemical to counter it. From then on, he added this special chemical to the mix of DNA to counter the effect of the melting. He created 1 more creature with DNA from a Golbat and an Absol. This time, he tested out in the field. It could defeat any pokemon in the area. It began stalking the other pokemon, hunting them than pouncing and then destroying. It left nothing alive. When he showed the creature to team galactic it slaughtered all of their pokemon. Surprisingly after a while it began to weaken and disappear. He thought for sure it was because he did not put enough DNA. He now called these new creatures, Xpokemon. Xpokemon were stronger, faster, smarter, and could camouflage to look like anything. They amazed Professor Vax so much that he mixed all of the pokemon DNA he had to create a massive Xpokemon. But this mixture was different from the others, the creature grew extremely slow. The previous xpokemon had fully grown in a matter of hours. This new one was taking months maybe years to grow. So when Professor Vax could not take the wait any longer and subsequently team galactic had cut his funding (for no results), he froze himself so he could not age. He would one day wake and return just as he was when he had been frozen to see the birth of the ultimate XPOKEMON. As the Professor walked into the freezing chamber he named the Xpokemon, XOmnimus. Towns: [B]Koch Town[/B]: Koch town is a very peaceful place. It has lots of springs, waterfalls, and fields. Koch town is the farthest west town in Imperial. Koch is home to Professor Marth, Koch, she explains, is a peaceful, yet delicate place, for me to study and live with the pokemon. [B]Ville town[/B]: Ville town is locating directly south of Koch. Its terrain is very much like a desert, so people live in houses that block out sand. In Ville, a man named Ivan makes special poke balls, like the fastball, heavy ball, and dive balls. Also a company called pocket tech, creates a device called The PokeMech. The PokeMech is a device that has a built in encyclopedia of all 493 pokemon, a visual phone (You can see the person you are talking to), a radio, and can transport poke balls to any place (in development). [B]Kylo City[/B]: Kylo is home to the first gym and contest in Imperial. The gym in Kylo is a fire type gym. The badge from the Kylo city gym is Flame shaped and is green. In the contest department, the ribbon is red with blue stripes. [B]Solar town[/B]: Solar town was the first town to get a battle tournament. The crystal made in this town is Emerald. Solar town is a rival with Luna Town, because Luna town thinks water pokemon are the best, and solar town thinks fire is the best. [B]Luna Town[/B]: Luna town has a gym, a contest hall, and a tournament. They also have huge building called the poke mart tower. The tower is 13 stories high, it sells about every supply a trainer could need. The gym type is Grass, and the badge is a bush with flowers in it. The contest ribbon is gold, and the Battle tournaments crystal is Silver. [B]Wint Town[/B]: Wint is a snowy place with a gym and a battle tournament. The gyms type is ice and the badge looks like a snowflake. The battle tournaments crystal is Topaz. [B]Eteva City[/B]: Eteva is a port. There is a ferry there that takes anyone to Mt. Fire gem (the place where the battle tournament finals are held). In Eteva there is a gym. The gym has 6on6 battles. Type: Electric Badge: Thunderbolt. [B]Hindi Isle[/B]: Hindi isle has 2 of everything, a gym that has two gym leaders, a contest with 2 ribbons, 2 pokemon centers, and 2 crystal badges from the battle tournament. The Gyms first type is Water and the second type is normal. The first badge is a waterfall and the second badge is shaped an egg. The first contest ribbon is purple and the second is silver with stars. The crystals used in the battle tournament are, Crystal and cobalt [B]Pawn City[/B]: Pawn city, has hot springs, a volcano, festivals, and is said to be home to a Groudon. Pawn city also has a battle tournament, with the finale Crystal Gold. Notes: 1. In Imperial you can catch at least 1 more starter. 2. The battle tournaments have 5 poke ball shaped badges made of different crystals. They are Topaz, Crystal, Gold, Silver, cobalt, and emerald Form: Name: [first and last] Age: [Simple] Appearance: [simple] Personality: Bio: [history] Type Specialization: Specialization: [Gyms Contests or Tournaments] Starter: [no evolutions] Starter history: [did you get it in a lab or in the wild] Name: Daisuke Dyem Age: 11 Appearance: Daisuke Always wears blue Jeans, A Green T-shirt With a vest, and always has a hat atop his head; he has Brown spiky hair and Blue eyes. Personality: Daisuke is very rude, but can be polite at times. He loves to fight and is very sure of himself. Bio: Daisuke was born in Hoenn, when he was 5, he moved to Imperial with his mom. Daisuke lived 5 years with his mom in imperial. When he turned 10 he was about to leave to get his pokemon, but his mother stopped him. Finally, when he turned 11 he was able to get his pokemon. Type Specialization: Fire Specialization: Coordinator Starter: Torchic Starter history: Daisuke got Torchic from Professor Marth when he turned 11.
OK! Here is my finale Digimon: In-training: Tokomon Attack: Acid Bubbles Rookie: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kudamon]Kudamon [/URL] Attack: Holy shot Champion: Reppmon Attack: Whirling Blade Ultimate: Quilinmon Attack: Gale soaring Sword Mega: sleipmon Attack: Bifrost Sun: Flamdramon Attack: Fire Rocket Moon: Baihumon Attack: Zephyr Claw Matrix: Bantyoleomon Attack: lion king Advance Galactic: Chaos Blk War Greymon Attack: Gaia Force * If u Don't know who Kudamon is click his name for a picture of him.
Sweet! Thanks for accepting me, this is my first RPG on this forum, so thank you again. Anyway, here are 2 more of my Digimon for the RPG. 2nd: In training: Sunmon Attack: Burst Flare Rookie: Coronamon Attack: Flamer Fist Champion: Firamon Attack: Giga Flare Swipe Ultimate: Flaremon Attack: Emmer Blitz Mega: Apollomon Attack: sol blaster Sun: Apollomon BM Attack: Spark Emitter Moon: Sunlormon Attack: Sun shower Matrix: solar Eclipticmon Attack: Eclipse Of Fire Galactic: lundedmon Attack: Life blazing Punch 3rd: In training: Koromon Attack: Bubble flame Rookie: Agumon Attack: Baby Burner Champion: Geo Greymon Attack: Geo Blaster Ultimate: Rise Greymon Attack: Trident Revolver Mega: Shine Greymon Attack: Shining Burst Sun: Shine Greymon BM Attack: Corona Blaze Sword Moon: Shine Greymon RM Attack: Corrupted Blade Matrix: Draco Greymon Attack: Fang tail Whip Galactic: Geo Alpha Greymon Attack: Glorious Galactic Scythe * I forgot to mention i made up my digimon's Sun/Moon/Matrix/Galactic forms. I hope thats ok.
Name: Daisuke Dyem Age: 14 Gender: male Apperance: Daisuke Always wears blue Jeans, A black T-shirt With a vest, and always has a hat atop his head, he has Black spiky hair and topaz eyes. Crest: Rage Digivice Color: Green 1st Digimon: In Training: Dramon Attack: Venom claw Rookie: Dracomon Attack: Venom shoot Champion: Grozzmon Attack: Axe Crusher Ultimate: Shreth Grozzmon Attack: Vx Strike Mega: Sinthin Grozzamon Attack: vex striker Sun: Volticdramon Attack: Lighting Mirage Moon: Lunitechmon Attack: Tech Buster Matrix: Rainbowdramon Attack: Rainbow synthesis Galactic: Rantic Grozzmon Attack: Glorious Blaze
Name: Daisuke Dyem Age: 14 Gender: male Crest: Rage Digivice Color: Green Character Description: Daisuke Always wears blue Jeans, A Black T-shirt With a Vest, and always has a hat atop his head, he has Black spiky hair and topaz eyes. 1st Digimon In Training: Dramon Rookie: Dracomon Champion: Grozzmon Ultimate: Shreth Grozzmon Mega: Sinthin Grozzamon Sun: Volticdramon Moon: Lunitechmon Matrix: Rainbowdramon Galactic: Rantic Grozzmon