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Everything posted by kamichamamew

  1. yep. I just EH! It's so buttface. I do not recommend it, of course.
  2. Hey everybody! I luv it plus my font sucks, I know. I'll edit it later. anyway, I luv Karin or Chibi Vampire, whichever you prefer. So anybody agree that it rox? :animeswea [indent][size=1][color=#007520]I'm giving you the same comments and warnings as the Haruhi thread. Keep content and quality a central theme in your posts. If you want to create a thread for a specific Anime that hasn't a thread of its own, why not tell us what the Anime is about? Give us your opinions about the Anime, rather than your font. Why do you love it? Why does it rock? What does it compare to? PM me if you have any questions. -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
  3. HOW DARE YOU!!!!! THE KAMICHAMA ROCK!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU BETRAY THE ANIME OF WONDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :animeangr :animeangr :animestun [color=#007520][size=1][indent]Considering this is a thread about theme songs you [b]hate[/b] you have to expect someone to outcry against an Anime that you like. You can't take it personally, just like how you can't spam the thread. So if you're going to post in this thread, try to follow with the topic, rather than flaming someone else. Also... quality and content in your post. You didn't back up your arguments by saying why Kamichama rocks (even though this is the wrong thread for that, so I don't encourage you to do that right now). So if you're going to post about a theme song you hate, make sure to post your reasons behind your loathing. Otherwise, let haters hate that which they hate and they'll let you love that which you love. -r2[/indent][/size][/color]
  4. It's everywhere! OOOH! I wanna kill it! It's so popular nyenyenye! :rolleyes: I hate it! anyone agree? :D
  5. nope. But sew? sew somethin'! Duh! ;)
  6. I checked it out once, but I got bored... :animesigh heeeee..
  7. :catgirl: I love magical girl anime! A little on the girly side... I'm usually really not a girly girl, but-- eeh! -_- So anyone here a fan? [indent][size=1][color=#007520]kamichamamew, I merged your thread with the "What kind of Anime do you prefer" thread since the topics are very, very similar. -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
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