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About AmnesiacKaiten

  • Birthday 07/26/1987

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  • Occupation
    Restaurant Assistant Manager

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  1. [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/FranziskaVonSOTW-1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/KiraDNJZ.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/HyungTempesT-1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/Tempusic.png[/IMG] And a Photomanip I did =P [url]http://keytothestorm.deviantart.com/art/Shock-Value-78089100[/url]
  2. [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/grPhx/KulaLP.png[/img] Iunno, I was sorta bored and just feeling uncreative... v2 [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/grPhx/KulaLP-1.png[/img]
  3. Stretches the page =( [url]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/grPhx/RyuPower.png[/url] WRRRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!! [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/grPhx/wrrrry-1.png[/IMG] =D
  4. [quote name='jigglyness']Thanks very much for the C&C so far. It has really helped me see what I need to work on [A LOT]. SO much critique I don't even know where to start. ^^" [b]boothten[/b] - Yeah you got me. I mainly just brush and smudge. =.= I haven't got the time to be experimenting much with photoshop much so I don't really know a lot about PS [not even C4d's]. If you have links to tuts, it would be great to share the wealth ;] haha. I appreciate the help you're offering. If it's not too much trouble, I would love those tuts. :][/QUOTE] I posted tutorials on this site ;)
  5. Because I dont make them all at once. And last time I made a sig thread, no one even posted in it -_-
  6. [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/PharrellWilliams2.png[/IMG] So many sigs... I think I'm going to take a little break ;P
  7. Yoko Kanno is so... :\ Anyways, after hours of searching I finally found Rina Aiuchi's COMPLETE discography and right now I have [B]NO NEEDS by Rina Aiuchi[/B] playing from her album [B]A.I.R[/B]
  8. They are alll really plain... Nothing really ultra appealing to the eye. I would have to say that most of them are too flat, especially the Serene one. Bliss is too white... Gah, I can't CnC them all :( but that's my input.
  9. Wow... Sounds alot like a person that I know. Its really sad that some women have to lie to look like the victim or the good guy. Personally, I would wait until you are 18 and try to get guardian status of your little brother and get him out of that house. Maybe she was just having a bad day or something. Sometimes fighting back isnt the best solution for this form of "discipline". If you can't stand looking at her, its best to let her do what she does and then call the police, it might sound redundant and useless, but it will help. As for me, I've never had any family problems, I never had a chance to meet my dad for real and my mom died 4 years ago. Good luck with your problem, you sound like a great person.
  10. I-no from Guilty Gear XX. The sprite was VERY hard to find, I'm glad I did because it was very high quality. [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/t00668.png[/IMG] And here's the sig ;P [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q268/YoUgOtBeAtByAgUrL/Signatures/I-nosigAmnevariant.png[/IMG] CnC would be appreciated. Sigs are more fun than Vectors, that's for sure.
  11. All right, sorry ^^' Her boobs are a bit too low imo. Which makes her chest bone look inhuman which, in turn, makes the opposite shoulder look like she has an adam's apple. Her nose is really really wrong, the shading is pretty decent but you can usually come out with better results in CS2. Other than that, maybe her ear is a little weirdly positioned as well... It's sort of hard to CnC drawings because its not as simple as opening the PSD and fixing a few things. Decent job 7/10
  12. Yes, there is a defintite contrast issue in them. The text in the first one isn't much to look at. Although they may seem very pretty, they really arent upon a second glance. The black lines in the second one really throws the aesthetics that it could've had, WAAAY out of whack. Sorry, but you're going to hate me when I tell you that I've done better things in 10 minutes :x Keep practicing
  13. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] I usually dislike the anime character+sharp graphics in banners, but this doesn't make me think about it. I like the balance of the banner, although it'd be cool to see more colors (like the bit of orange you have there in the background). But mostly, you're great at graphics! :) Have you thought about doing a piece for the Graphic Worm?[/font][/QUOTE] Haha, thank you very much :) but what's a Graphic Worm?
  14. Hmm.. her opposite shoulder makes it look like she has one hell of an adam's apple.
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