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Everything posted by Terror Stick
Terror Stick watches as doctors, nurses, patients, and CTU agents fumble around in the halls. CTU agents rush to find the bomb and disarm it, all the while Terror Stick looks on with a devilish grin upon his face. "It appears as if my plans have gone up in smoke, but appearances aren't always what they seem. Gotta go!" Terror Stick yells as he thros a smoke bomb to the floor flooding the halls with a thick white mist. He seemingly vaporizes with it, leaving the onlookers confused and distressed. --------------------------------------------------------------- Fluff sits by her mother's side, holding her hand tightly fighting back the tears as she stares at her mother's pained face. Crystia, alarmed after hearing of the bomb, is reluctant to leave Fluff and Gadget alone, but the prospect of bomb exploding within the hospital is the greater concern. "Listen, you two, stay put while I assist the others in disarming the bomb. Promise me." Crystia says. She gets up stiffly, as if her body is being torn between the two dilemmas and heads for the door. When Crystia finally reaches the doorway, she stands in the threshold and looks back at the devestated trio. "Listen," she says, "We just have to have faith in the right people. I know that your heart aches, but don't forget to listen to that little voice in the back of your mind. Beasts do not bargain, you two. Be careful who you place your faith with. Please, stay put." With that, Crystia is gone, leaving Fluff and what remained of Gadget by Mother's side. As Crystia leaves the room, a wild eye peers through the crack of the door watching over them--an eye of a beast they had forgotten about. The eye of a beast that is much closer than the one they now fear. "Fluff, you know what we must do," Gadget says, "Although Crystia is right--that it is dangerous to bargain with beasts, we also cannot bargain with time. Mother's time is running out and if we remain here, she will surely expire." Fluff stares at Gadget, lost in thought. She listens to her heart, she listens to that little voice in the back of her mind, she listens to evey fiber of her being and they're all screaming the same exact thing. "I can't sit here and let my mom die," Fluff says, "She means everything to me. If it means saving her, I'm willing to put my own head into the jaws of the beast. Let's go, Gadget." In one swift motion Fluff returns Gadget's head to the duffle bag and starts for the door. When she reaches it, she grasps the handle and looks back at her mother, an expression of anguish overtaking her face, despite her best efforts to smile. "Hold on mom," she says, holding back a sob, "I'll be back--with the antidote!" With that Fluff closes the door, revealing her maniacal grandfather. Little did anyone realize that the bomb was a phony--a decoy meant to lure the CTU to the basement so that he could assassinate Fluff. Terror Stick couldn't explain why he hadn't dispatched her when he had the chance. It wasn't exactly love, or sadness, or even sympathy, for he no longer retained those things. Perhaps it was simply the memory of them that stayed his hand. For when he saw Mother lying there the way she did, suddenly the landscape of his mind changed. Slowly, hesitantly, he approaches Mother. "Blast you!" he says, "I was supposed to be the one to finish you off!" Terror Stick withdraws a large sledge hammer from his beard and raises it above his head menacingly. "I could do it right now!" he exclaims, "I could!" The old terrorist glares down at his daughter and remains frozen on the threshold between the human decency he once possessed and the monsterous nature that had since possessed him. The image of his daughter fills his eyes and for a moment, just a moment, his bottem lip quivers. "Curse you!" Terror Stick says, "Finishing you like this would be too easy. There is no way that girl of yours can match that Beast. Surely he will eat her up!" Terror Stick waits for a reaction and gets none. "Gah!" he says, "That girl even looks like you. Perhaps it would satisfy me to finish her off. Why should I allow the beast the pleasure. After all, his lisp is as long-winded as his dreadfully boring posts! Then it is settled, I shall recover the antidote so that I can return you to your former health and then kill you and that wretched brat in your top form! Yes, I'll recover the antidote even if I have to pull it from the beast's hide myself! With that, Terror Stick vanishes from the room, determined to prove to himself that he is the biggest monster on OtakuBoards. Meanwhile, a faint, barely perceptible smile appears on Mother's face and a single tear in the corner of her eye.
[B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2]Treble's face showed an expression of pure jubilation as he stared off into space, he had defeated the mighty Terror Stick with the help of El Kabong and won a great victory for his team as well as saving the lives of two of his superiors. He was a hero. He was later awarded the medal of honor and a purple heart, and given a long leave to rest and recover from his injuries. The trip he would take would lead him to the popular vacation spot of Hawaii, and in only a weeks time he would meet his future wife, world famous super model, Cindy Crawford. Upon returning to the United States he'd throw his hat into the political ring and run for President, and win. In the coming years he would change the world, bring peace in the middle east, be instrumental in the creation of cures for diseases thought incurable at this time, and stop world hunger. He would be a hero to the entire world! Treble's face lit up with joy, pride, and accomplishment as he thought of it all. [COLOR="Red"]"What's his problem?"[/COLOR] a voice suddenly said breaking his concentration. Terror Stick was standing before him with a still shocked looking Mother and still in the dark Grape Ape. [COLOR="Red"]"Why is he staring at me strangely, smiling like an idiot?"[/COLOR] Treble finally was shaken out of his delusion and forgot that he was simply accompanying Mother to the office of commander Grape Ape and began to feel embarrassed. [COLOR="purple"]"Don't worry about him, he does that a lot. He has a wild imagination and sometimes has difficulty telling the difference between the real world and his fantasy life. Last time he thought he was having sex with Cindy Crawford, but in actuality he was trying to penetrate the ear of a sleeping camel with his, uh... Go Go 'Gadget' below."[/COLOR] Terror Stick laughed at Treble's stupidity and fantasy driven actions. Treble felt embarrassed beyond what anyone could possibly imagine. Treble ran screaming and crying from the room with snot bubbles popping on his face as he ran into everything possible before finally making it back to his room to collapse on the floor in a heap in front of his door and cry himself to sleep. [COLOR="purple"]"So where were we?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Well, Mother, don't you have anything to say?" [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2]The Counter-Terrorist Unit Headquarters stood tall and imposing, guards posted at every entrance possible. In the distance the guards spotted a lone silhouette of a humanoid figure. It was approaching their location at a steady but slow pace, the sun at it's back left their identity a mystery as the shade veil their appearance. A guard brought a pair of binoculars to his eyes and looked through them far into the distance, still impossible to make out, but a trace of a bushy beard and turban wrapped up on their head. The guard reached for his radio and spoke into it. "Agent Ape, are you available?" [COLOR=Purple]"Roger."[/COLOR] Grape Ape responded after the click and paused hissing that preceded it. "Sir, it seems we have a suspicious man approaching CTU Headquarters. What would you like us to do?" [COLOR=Purple]"Get some guards to meet him halfway, then proceed to check him for weapons of any kind. Once clear, bring him back here for questioning."[/COLOR] "Understood. Out." The guard in the look out tower radioed for a team of four to retrieve the approaching suspect, search him for any lethal objects, and then return with him for questioning. In a camouflaged SUV a team of four set out, in no time at all they came upon the suspect and leap from the vehicle with their weapons drawn before the driver could fully stop. Their weapons pointed at the suspect they order him to raise his hands in the air, to which he complied calmly, seemingly without fear at all. He placed his hands upon his head and waited patiently as he was patted down. From his ankles, up his legs, around his waist, up under his arms, down his sleeves and even a quick pat to the turban.... Nothing, he was clean. "We are here to secure you for questioning, please place you hands behind your back and make this easy on all of us." A guard ordered, but this time the man did not comply. [COLOR=DarkRed]"There is no need for restraints, I am not armed and am not here to do you any harm. In fact, I've come, from the...terrorists run by Charles Bin Laden. I am here to talk to your leader, ah, what's his name? Ape, I believe? Grape Ape? Yes, that's it. I've come to speak with the Ape of Grape. Take me directly to him."[/COLOR] The guards spoke among themselves for a moment and one guard nodded walking away a few paces drawing his radio. "Agent Ape, sir, the suspect says that he is here to speak with you, he's come from the terrorist cell of Charles Bin Laden. He's clean sir, nothing on him. He wishes to be brought straight to you, without restraints." Grape Ape sat silent for a moment, then responded [COLOR=Purple]"Take him to the cells, it is not our policy to deal with terrorist, especially ones who've nothing to deal with."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Tell him...Fu...Terror Stick wants to speak with him of defecting to the CTU."[/COLOR] The suspect said revealing himself to be the Terror Stick. Grape Ape did not need to be told, he heard Terror Stick himself and spoke. [COLOR=Purple]"Bring him to me, I'll interrogate him myself. If he is telling the truth, it could deal a significant blow to the terrorists."[/COLOR] "Roger. Out." The Terror Stick, as requested was not restrained, but still felt the soldiers grip the whole ride back to the CTU Headquarters. Terror Stick was quickly ushered to the office of Grape Ape, they brought him in and force him to take a seat before Grape Ape dismissed them. [COLOR=Purple]"Terror Stick...Forgive my men, it's so hard to know who to trust these days. Especially when the person who isn't trusted happens to call himself the, uh, Terror Stick."[/COLOR] Grape Ape said with a sly grin. [COLOR=DarkRed]"It is not a problem, my friend. Grape of Ape, let's cut to the chase. I wish to speak with you of defecting to the CTU. You see, I am not one of your typical terrorist. I, in fact, am like you. I was lost however, a while ago, in the desert. I was discovered by the terrorists and was next to be one of their sacrifices by beheading. However, they felt it more insulting to your...erm, my people to attempt to brainwash me and force me to join their ranks and fight you...."[/COLOR] Terror Stick trailed off for a moment stroking his beard as Grape Ape turned his back to him to shuffle through some papers on his desk. Terror Stick grinned at a small window of fortune, and the luck that Ape's guards failed to search his beard. Terror Stick pulled a small dagger from his dirty beard and raised it high into the air ready to plunge it into Ape's back. Suddenly, Ape realized Terror Stick had gone quiet and spun around to see what was the matter. The Stick was too fast however and quickly shoved the dagger under his turban. [COLOR=Purple]"You were saying?"[/COLOR] Grape Ape asked signaling Terror Stick to continue. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh, yes, sorry the sun...must have got to me. Anyway, I led them to believe they'd brainwashed me and led the life of a terrorist until a perfect opportunity arised where I could escape. That opportunity is now...."[/COLOR] Grape Ape thought of something and turned to his desk to grab a pen and jot it down so he wouldn't forget. Terror Stick quickly reached under his beard and pulled out a stick of dynamite...strangely it was already lit. He leaned forward about to shove the dynamite down the back of Ape's pants, but he had already started to turn back. Panicking Terror Stick quickly threw it out the window and a small explosion sounded moments later. [COLOR=DarkRed]"As I was saying..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"What was that sound?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"What sound?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"That sound just now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I heard nothing."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"It sounded like an explosion."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"It was thunder."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"But, we're not supposed to get..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"It was thunder!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Okay... So what were you saying again?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I, uh, I gained their trust and set out claiming to be on a suicide mission to destroy you, but as your men discovered I am carrying no weapons to do so, because I had never planned on actually carrying out my mission."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Interesting story, Stick, but I find it hard to believe after all this time you are of your own mind and willing to serve until the CTU. Against your former allies no less."[/COLOR] Grape Ape responded not buying Terror Stick's story at all. The door suddenly opened before Terror Stick could respond and in walked Mother, Terror Stick grinned and Mother stood in shock at the sight of the man before her. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ape of Grape, meet the other reason I decided to defect to the CTU."[/COLOR] Grape Ape looked confused as he looked back and forth between Terror Stick and Mother, it was almost as if they knew each other. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hello, Mother."[/COLOR] Terror Stick said slyly smiling in Mother's direction. [COLOR=Magenta]"H-h-hello,...Father."[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2]The Stick knows no fear, he only instills it in those who appose his ways. The Stick is infamous from where he hails, going under the vulgar name of F**k Stick. He prides himself in the anarchy and chaos he brings to those whom he calls his enemies, and there are many. Though, out of the many enemies he possesses, he still has a few to stand by his side, those he proudly calls his comrades. The one known as Charles Bin Laden sent urgent news to the F**k Stick of his needed presence to help combat the infidels of OB, however the message got lost in the post office for quite some time due to it being blown up. It arrived though, late, but still it arrived. F**k Stick grinned evilly as he read the message and proceeded to don a dirty white turban and a false white beard...also dirty. He strapped explosives to himself and raised his finger high into the sky and with a mighty voice exclaimed... [B][SIZE=3] "Allalllalalllalalallallallallallalallalalallalallalallalalllalalalallallalal!!!!"[/SIZE][/B] Sometime later F**k Stick arrived and met with Charles Bin Laden in secret. Charles Bin Laden stroked his beard ever so slightly while looking over his newest ally to the cause. "F**k Stick, my old friend, it's been ages. I am pleased to see that you have decided to join us." Charles said with a yellow grin. "Yes, Charles, I am here to help you destroy the infidels and eradicate their tyrannical rule over this land." F**k Stick responded. "However, it's not F**k Stick anymore. From this day forward I shall be known as the [B][COLOR=DarkRed]Terror[/COLOR][/B] Stick! Praise Allah!!!"[/SIZE][/FONT]