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About Linku-kun

  • Birthday 04/30/1991

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  • Occupation
    Highschool student

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  1. I can't belive no one who has posted is from Louisina! It's the home of Gator Bites, lovely roadside swamps, Jazz festivals, Cajuns who you can barely understand what they're saying, New Orleans, and drunk rednecks! I would have to agree that humidity makes a big difference seeing that I have to deal with it day in and day out. I was just far enough in Northern Louisiana to avoid any damage from Gustav. Anyway it's not too bad here, not that interesting but not too bad. This is just about the only state you will find an Aligator on the Interstate after a good rain. (true story!!!) I was born, raised, and still living in Louisiana. Kinda sucks though that we arn't home to many, if any, rockstars. Unlike England having Queen and Ozzy and many other of my favorites.
  2. Yeah I joined up a little while back and hand't been on for over a year. :animeswea I used to be on all the time then I lost my highspeed internet so with dial-up being on the internet 12 hours a day is out of the question soi I kinda lost interest. Well anyway....HI PEOPLE I ISH LINKU-KUN. Nice to meet you! :animesmil Well anyway I will hopefully be on the Otaku often. Hmmm...pie is good...
  3. Ok I gotta go with ganondorf...on 3 occasions! 1) [spoiler]Ganon on Ocarina of time. When you first see him while you look through the window you just know he is evil. Then the attitude and ruthlessness he used when he was chasing princess zelda. Then when you talk to him when he plays the organ and the fact that he comes back after you beat him once![/spoiler] 2) [spoiler] On wind waker. His devious plot and his whole reason for taking the trifoce then the fact that he attacks and kidnaps without mercy. His laugh when the king gets the triforce instead of Ganondorf its...creepy. When he dashes and knocks Zelda's reincarnation out wow...and him using two swords as well as having awsome moves. But the fact that he gained weight takes the danger factor down a bit.[/spoiler] 3) and finally[spoiler] on Twilight princess. You have no clue its him until way later on. His manipulating the Twili person and his being run through with a sword but coming back to life and killing one of those spirit people. Then his using the twilight magic to posess Zelda and after you seemingly defeat him he comes back as a spirit which is horrifying. Then midn uses those shadow pieces and transports you away then ganondorf appears shortyl after having killed midna. * :animecry: * He just won't die!Then you still have to fight him two more times. Talk about tough to get rid of! This I have to say is the toughest and my favorite ganondorf of all![/spoiler] Sorry for all the spoiler stuff. :animesigh But I dont know what all might be considered a spoiler so I covered all the bases. lol :animeswea
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