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About Nickl4aPickle

  • Birthday 03/18/1988

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  • Occupation
    College Student

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  1. [quote name='MetalMadness122'][B]That's Your Horoscope For Today by Weird Al is one of the funniest songs I have heard.[/B] [/QUOTE] YES. Just... YES. Ya know, it's funny when people think he's serious. XD
  2. [quote name='KatanaViolet']TM Revolution of course... Invoke was probably the first J-Pop song I ever got really addicted to. I love Ignited too, it just makes me want to boogie around my apartment (which I do). I learned all the words too. Took a while but now it's even funner to boogie too. I really like angela's songs for Soukyuu no Fafner. "Shangri-La" makes me want to dance, and "Seperation" is such a touching song... I also have alot of L'Arc~En~Ciel, Luna Sea...and Utada Hikaru (I LOVE Devil Inside, from her english album. The guitar with the shamisen, AWESOME!).[/QUOTE] I totally agree!! TMR has some AWESOME stuff!! I absolutely love his "Vertical Infinity" album! :D Awesome dance tunes, plus easy-to-sing-along-with stuff. I also like some of his older stuff, like the "coordinate" album. Neo Sphere, Abort//Clear, & Boarding are so catchy! ^^ I also love the futuristic feel to his stuff. So cool! ^^ angela's stuff is amazing as well! :D I first heard them at their concert at CNAnime (FanExpo Canada) in '05 & was blown away! atsuko (the vocalist) has such a powerful & beautiful voice! And KATSU's instrumentation is superb. :D But my most fave artist (Japanese or otherwise) is HYDE. You might know him as the lead singer from L'Arc~en~Ciel, but his solo work is amazing.
  3. LP is one of the few American bands I like, but I must admit that this album is not up to par with their others in my opinion. Different, yes, but not necessarily in a good way. They seem to lack the passion they once had. I also miss the wonderful imagery they used to use (remember the lyrics for "Forgotten" from Hybrid Theory? Freakin' sweet.). Though I must admit, I rather like "Bleed It Out" & "Leave Out All the Rest." :3 "Bleed It Out" sounds like it'd be fun to dance to, & "Leave Out All the Rest" just hits home a little for me. :3
  4. [B]King of Fighters Maximum Impact 1 & 2/2006:[/B] Seriously, 2 (aka 2006) is my most fave fighting game EVER. But sadly, the English voices & the announcer SUCK. Horribly. >>; I mean, even the English that Terry Bogard's [I]JAPANESE[/I] voice actor did was better than any of the English voice actors.... XD And don't even get me started on the announcer on the character select screen. >( As for some of the other things addressed before: - I like both Tidus's & Sora's voice actors. I think the voices are very fitting for them. Tidus was supposed to be cocky - & his VA did a really good job of portraying that. In KH1, Sora was... 13, I believe. Anyone remember how the boys in middle school sounded? [I] REALLY FREAKING YOUNG.[/I] And guess what? Haley Joel was about 13 or 14 when he did the voice. Can't get any more real than that. At least you could tell that Sora had a boy's voice (unlike if he DID have a 5-year-old's voice. In which case you wouldn't be able to discern if he was a boy or a girl & he would be mispronouncing words all over the place.). Ok, there's my 2 cents.
  5. I LOVE comedies - no doubt about that. I love to laugh! ^^ I also love romantic stories. :3 I'm a sucker for love. Those 2 points being said, my fave series include (but are not limited to): - Ouran High School Host Club - DNAngel - Fruits Basket - Love Hina
  6. Oh, we watched almost the entire series in anime club this past year!! OMG, it's sssooo funny!! XD There really never has been a vampire like Karin. And the first time you see [I]exactly[/I] why she's different is so hilarious! XD The poor girl! ^^; I need to re-watch the series (plus see the last few episodes)! ^^; It's really great - definitely worth checking out!!
  7. I've wanted to check this one out. I think next time I'm at a bookstore, I'll read the first volume. :D It looks really cute, & I love the drawing style (kind of like a combo of Arina Tanemura & Ria Ikumi (of Full Moon wo Sagashite & Tokyo Mew Mew, respectively))! ^^
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