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Everything posted by DarkerSephiroth

  1. Sorry to burst your bubble but i dont think it says that in there hold on and ill post what it says about them
  2. What color is yours?Mine is white not by choice. its white becouse it was the only color they had a the store
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B] his HAIR is too purple?? krap, what kind of a complaint is that?! I like his purple hair:D I used to hate Mr. Satan the most, but after watching some more DBZ stuff near the end of the Buu saga, I hate Mr. Popo the most now. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes i like the hair as well and mr.popo needs to DDDDDIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE:flaming: :devil: :devil: :flaming: :devil: :devil: :flaming: At least u have a sense of humor piccolo at least i think u do?(wonders)
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]GT Trunks - He looks like a geek and his hair is too purple. He's not as strong as the other Trunks [/B][/QUOTE] I think the gt trunks is awsome
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]I hate the Ginyu force, they suck! [/B][/QUOTE] The Ginyu force is in second on my hit list
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i] [B]Well I dont. It could possibly be that the UK gets it later then normal [/B][/QUOTE] Normal as in being in the U.S.A i think he means.
  7. SS Trunks was it msomeone on the game?
  8. Right on shyguy that make gay noises and act stupid the game boy games are still awsome though
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]A simple answer to a tought question The reason we can't get along is simple... one word... "HUMAN".... Lets face it, humans suck... they are imperfect, they are stpid... they are bad in general... thats why no one can get along... [/B][/QUOTE] Transtic u make it sound like your an alien saying they are.
  10. What state do u live in mauler?They probably put them on there first
  11. Hey ice dragon can i be on your team???
  12. I know what u mean he is so D@mn annoying
  13. I would serve my country in a war by fighting for it u cant just try to help people survive in war u have to fight back or else we would all be killed.So yes i would serve in a war even if i didnt agree with it to help save every american citizen in this country by giving my life.I am not yet old enough but when i am i will join the air force, the army,the navy or whatever is possible.I will join in 1 1/2 years.Being as soon as possible.
  14. Look at the pic and u will know who mine is[URL=http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/darksephiroths/Cells_Destruction.gif]This[/URL]
  15. What is your least fav. pokemon mine are those d@mn unknown(may have spelled wrong)
  16. I was thinkin sense some people are rookies at pokemon and dont know much about the games just ask any question about Crystal right here.I recently bought a pokemon crystal book and i can tell u when a pokemon learns a move,where to find a pokemon,what tms/hms it can learn what the move tutor will teach it,where to find certain tms/hms,a complete walk through, battle technics,what pokemon are always male or female,breeding instructions and much much more. Just ask and u will receive the imformation. P.S. u dont have to be a rookie to ask questions.:) :) :) :) :)
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] Cool! I have a Golden Steelix.*points to avatar* Infact my old Otaku name used to be Golden_Steelix.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh that was u i very disliked u then.I think it was just the stupid avatar that u had that ticked me off.Plus u were a little annoying.
  18. I will face anyone on pbs just post here the time and day u want to.Especially u gary oak the past was yours but the future is mine.
  19. :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: Pokemon red is so so but i think crystal is the best:ball: :ball: :ball: :ball:
  20. Ben are u gonna post to this thread again?
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