As how many of each or all of them together?
All of them:PKMN Stadium, PKMN Stadium2, Hey u pikachu,Gold,Silver,Yellow,Blue,Red,Trading Card Game,and Crystal
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i]
[B][color=teal] U should post this under DarkerSephiroth's Crystal help topic. He's giving help with Gold, Silver and Crystal. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
Thank u Matt.D but i can post it here
Ok beat the gym leader of Goldenrod (Whitney) go to a house near by talk to the lady in one of the houses.She will be watering plants she will give u a squirtbottle.Go north and use the squirtbottle on sudowoodo beat/catch him and go to the right a (exuse my language just describing the guy here) fat man will be standing there talk to him he will give u TM08.
Hope i helped u Taz
Awsome the story continues uhhh shouldnt u post the begging like u did on the old otakuboards. Just becouse this is the new otakuboards doesnt meen that new people won't come otakuboards and want to read the story.[U]But it shall continue.[/U]
Anyone (which is most of u)that was here before shinji screwed stuff up knows that i started a topic like this and u can still ask me about anything in G/S/C versions.I know alot of stuff about Crystal considering i have 235 pokemon and did it without cheating so just ask away.Oh 1 more thing if u are gonna ask how to catch Celebi dont becouse i still havent figured it out.I've been 2 busy tryin to catch or trade for all the other 250 pokemon.