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- Birthday 06/03/1987
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I think Bush deserves more credit. I certainly think he is doing a better job in office right now than Gore would have done, and he did win fair and square by our voting system; it isn't his fault that the system is faulty and stupid. Although I was pro Nader, and I think he would have handled the situation better. I think Bush is milking the war for all it's worth, but I don't think that is a bad thing. I think that this is just what the world needs right now. One thing that does piss me off is how everyone else is our lapdogs(no offense). I think you European people need to start thinking for yourselves rather than just standing behind us and nodding. (of course you people aren't really doing that; but your governments are, if you are European which I am guessing but oh well.):D Anyway, no offense to anyone who is Jewish or strongly pro-Israeli, but I have thought that Isreal were, rmmm, acting a little bit of a bully on Palistine, and now they saw they're perfect oppurtunity to kill Palistine finaly, and we aren't letting them do it and hahaha. :laugh:
Hmm, people got nice all of a sudden..... Well, thank you all (again) and I appreciate it. I am not sure what you have to apologize for, BabyGirl, but thanks anyway.
Well, I have been bashed, which I expected when I posted the topic so I'm cool with that, and I have been talked to level mindedly, which I appreciate. I would like to take this moment to state that I have been hit on twice before by gay guys, though I try to realize that that doesn't mean all gay guys will hit on me and whatever. I realize that individuals are different within a group, and I do not consider myself homophobic, rascist, sexist, antisemetic, blah blah. I have one or two friends myself who are gay. Thanks to all, I didn't feel comfortable sticking to a logic that my heart didn't agree with, and you helped. I'm convinced. However one point I would like to make (and say so if you don't agree), is that in my experience guys are just a lot more horny than girls. Gay guys may be different, but I don't know. Therefor I would probably still feel more comfortable around a girl than around a gay guy. Plus theres a fact that if a girl started hitting on me, or whatever, I wouldn't mind (unless I am in a really bad mood), where is I can't feel that way towards a gay guy.
Are you sure sexuality can not be influenced? I thought I heard somewhere that you could choose your own sexuality if you really wanted to, or that your conditions while growing up would influence sexuality. Does this mean there is nothing around the stereotype of people going to "all boys schools", and coming out gay? And as for the bit about the only people who are uncomfortable around gay men being uncomfortable about their own sexuality; I am not sure whether to take that personaly or not. I am reletively secure in my own sexuality, and I feel uncomfortable changing or sleeping near (not just being around, I'm cool with that), anyone who is sexually attracted to my gender, and I don't return the feelings. Good points! I am still not completely convinced either way but thanx!:)
I have a lot of extreme liberalist friends, and extreme conservative friends. This being my situation, I often find myself bombarded from two sides by political views and here is one that interests me. I am currently leaning against gays in the military/adoption. I want anyone that will to convince me otherwise, or help continue to support this veiw. Heres some reasons against gays in the military/adoption: -If a gay couple adopts, the child is raised in a family without a mother, and mothers play an important role in a childs mind, and also the kid (if male), is then going to grow up to be gay and this deprives them of right of choice. -In the military, gays are liable to violence from other army members, and cause great uncomfortability among straight military men. Segregation of the armed forces would only cause (like in all segregation of schools), an inherent feeling of inferiority among the gay men.
Me play. When me play me be Brun the Brick. Brun have intelligence of five. Brun dumb. Brun be fun to play.
My fav war movie is, um, King Henry the V. Most of it is boring diplomatic stuff, then theres a great warseen of British vs the French. Very violent. A sad seen when the french slaughter all the innocent british messanger boys. My least favorite, is, um, Thin Red Line. I like Black Hawk Down. I don't see anything wrong with war, if its to do things like free all the slaves or stop a madman from slaughtering jews and taking over the world.
When I said high rails I meant like two feet off the ground. None of that four feet high rails down fifty stairs that you see in vids. Broke an arm trying one of those. Nearly broke a ball. I am not trying it again in a hurry. PLus skill is not based on age, man. Have you seen Tony Hawks kid? I haven't, but I heard he's as good as the old man.
Here I am, and I have a question. What happened to my "Gorillaz" topic that I posted just a half-hour ago? Oh well. Gorillaz kick azz, I like tomorrow comes today, and 19-2000. Anyone seen the music video for that? That's the tightest music video. With cars, freeways doing loops, a giant moose and UFO's. It's beast.
My board is Blind, Destructo trucks, Darkstar wheels, and I can't remember the bearings. People say Blind boards break easy, but I must have done a hundred boardslides on high rails, and my boards hasn't broken yet. The only "skatepark" anywhere near my house is a basketball court where some guys dragged a couple of kickers, a rail, and a quarter pipe. It really sucks. Oh well.
Anyone out there listen to the Gorillaz? I got their CD a little while ago and I like it. A tad, eer, strange. But a good CD for skateboarding. I bust tricks I didn't even knew that I knew while listening to Clint Eastwood. Anyone know them?
I go to Einstein High. The pathetic thing is I don't know how to spell "Einstein". I think I got it right here though. I don't know if we have a site for our school. If we do I can find no point in knowing it. Something something k12, or something.whatever. My school can only be compared to a whore house. The girls are all sluts. I have already had two nasty experiences with girls I thought had personality, but ditched me as soon as they discovered I wasn't interested in instant sex. One girl is different, but she has a boyfreind. AAAAAARGGHHHH!!!!:mad: Oh well, you probably dont care... A cool thing about my school is that the second story, is more like a bunch of criss-crossing walkways suspended in air over the first floor. Its great, except people stand up on the walkways and spit on people going under them. Oh well... It's painful being a freshman.:(
The 15 year old kid was the only one to die. His parents are blaming it on his medicine for his zits. Said it made him psycotic. Whatever. :rolleyes: Also, I have never heard of Sky. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I may have simply not heard of it.
Survival of the fitest. There is no heaven or hell. We are just higher evolved life forms. The view of the scientist. No fate or destiny. Kind of deppresing, but now you know how I feel.
Done it before, and I would do it again (It didn't work the first time, but I don't care. Just the kind of guy I am). When you go out with someone you were friends with they could turn into real, er, nevermind. Point is, I was friends with a girl for a year. I went out with her. She started getting all wierd and bitchy on me. Then, we mutually broke up. She acted like I was the one who was acting strange. Maybe I was. Oh well. We weren't friends anymore afterward.