Up until recently, I was in an A Cappella group made by my friend Josh,
It was called "The Roots of Harmony"
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHb8Kxxtx4k[/url] (not the best, but the only thing I have)
It started off with 15 members, then went too 6, then it ended with 9. (Too big was too bad, as we were trying to emulate a Barbershop quarter)
We did good for the most part, preformed a few times, got paid.
Until last month, the group revolted against the founder Josh (kid in the white sweatshirt with curly hair)
There were two founders,
The one in white - Josh,
and the one too the left of the TV - Jamie (he's in a picture of mine in the "what do you look like thread"
Well, Jamie pretty much said, "**** you" as Josh kept signing us up for gigs without telling us, and when he said that, the group followed.
Currently, the RoH still exist, but Josh recruited new people.
In the meantime, I got together with my best friend Angela and we started a group,
While the RoH was an all guys group, mine is open too girls and infact has 6 members so far about, 5 girls and me, haha.
I also sing Bass, the lowest voice part by the way (When I was in RoH).