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Everything posted by Udon

  1. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="YellowGreen"]I still play this 2d racing game called "Topgear" for the super nintendo. I only play it because its just realy, realy, realy easy. Its sort of addicting to win all the time.:animesmil[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="YellowGreen"]Yes, I have to agree. I didnt realy lie the movie, but i didnt hate it. It's true that there are parts unexplained and there was only 1 battle scene in the whole movie. The last movie set a high bar for the other movies to come and i dont think they made thier (or my) expectaions.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="YellowGreen"]I realy liked the series Neon Genisis Evangelion, I didnt like it as much as I thought I would. But part of the blame was because I got the whole series a few years ago, when I only prefered the action of a anime over the plot. So I realy didnt understand the ending or a few other parts. Plus Im a bit too lazy to watch the whole thing over again just to under stand the story. But it was a very good series, I just didnt understand the story when it got very deep.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. I kinda look like Light from Deathnote, But instead of blonde hair i have dark brown hair. [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z83/WakaWaku7/YLnF.jpg[/IMG] I picked this toy picture because Light looks evil most of the time, But the expression in the pick matchs my expression that I have most of the time.
  5. [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]At the moment Im watching Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.Im readng Air Gear, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Sgt. Frog, Tsubasa, and Deathnote (Yea, I just got into it...)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]I just bought Final Fantasy XII for the PS2, so I've been playing that for a couple of days now. Before that I was playing Soulcalibur 3 after my memory got corrupted a long, long time ago. So I've been trying to unlock everything as I can. But for PC, I've been playing Gunbound. I stoped playing for awhile because the 2nd version wouldnt work on my computer, but now im playing once again.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Tahoma"]I have what everybody has (or i think they have) a iPod. But! Its is actualy the iPod nano and its only 2 gigs. But the bad part is that I havent even used half of the gigs :animeswea. But before that had a small samasung mp3 plyaer (i think thats the brand) adn it even came with a radio. But I truthfuly love music, its just that I cant afford a itunes card and my dad wont let me use limewire because he's afraid the songs i download might have spyware or something...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Well, like Shinmaru I also live in Southern California which accepts many other countries cultures. But I wasent exacty "Isolated" physicaly, but mentaly. I firsted started in middle school when bringing mangas like FLCL and Cowboy Bebop to homeroom for "morining reading". Which only got me a few other friends besides the others I have made during elementary school. But after I was transfered to a private school closer to my home, I kept my anmie a secret. So the only people I know who know that I have aniem are the friends that come cover to my house and some friends that watch anime occasionly. Anywasy, since Im in high school and got a bit smarter. Ive tried to find some fourms where I can talk about anime freely. But regarding the fourm, There is a anime club at my school but I'd think all of my friends would laugh at me if I'd join it and probably I would truely be Isolated. So mentalty I feel isolated because I cant realy share any interests with anyone that I know.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]I realy hope so..:sweat: So what exactly is the second season about? Im having a hard time trying to figure out what it can be about.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]OMG I can't believe I missed that... I was at AX too but since I got both dvd's at AX I didn't really know who they were. When I heard something called "SOS Brigade Invasion Tour Concert", I thought it was a real concert with a singing group that was popular in Japan. Im pretty sure their not going to do something like that next year right? Or are they? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. Udon


    [COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial"]You can go to the Oreburgh Mineing Museum (Odviously in Oreburgh). Then you can give a fossil to the guy standing to the right with the glasses behind the counter. Then you just have to walk outside and come back in to get the fossil again (You dont hav to wait a long time). But anyways, does anyone want to share friend codes here? Its getting kind of boring fighting my few friends. If anyone posts any friend codes I'll post mine afterwards. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Well, I listen to rock and all of the other sub genres that come with it. When Im in the passenger seat I usualy put the radio on a rock station. But my parents are another story, they dont like my music very much... and I dont liek thier music either.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR="Lime"]Does anyone know wen the next dvd comes out?[/COLOR]
  14. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]So how did you get into the world of anime and manga? As for me, it happened when I was very young l, my mom said that I watched Salior Moon and Pokemon (so i guess I was about 5 or 6 years old). Then when i was 7 years old, I moved to a new school and my friends introduced me to Digimon. So when I was a few years older I still watched Saturday morning cartoons like Metabots, the second season of Digimon, and the second season of Pokemon. When I was about 10 years old I started a couple of episodes of Cowboy Bebop and Inuyasha on cartoon network. As I kept watching the anime on cartoon network, I discoverd FLCL because of its funky title. But it was, and still is, my favorite anime of all time. Then I saw a manga book of Cowboy bebop and manga FLCL. I bought them as soon as I saw them and those were my fist manga books. I've also heard of Fullmetal Alchemist when I was about 12 years old, but since I watch the first episodes I realy didn't understand it (because I got the part when Ed was fighting No.48). Thats also the time when my sister got into anime and Fullmetal Alchemist was her first favorite anime series. Then years on I heard of Naruto and Bleach from my cousins, I started watching them and soon I found my self addicted to both series. So after several years of exploring different titles of manga anime and manga. I've collectied quite a collection, I've even got my parents to watch anime :D. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Lime"]I like the beach too, with all of the stuff you can do there. Like you can go swiming, make a hudge sand castle, bury someone in the sand, and pock dead jellyfishes with a stick! But there are somethings that I dont like too. For example, when your swiming in the ocean and this hudge wave gets salt in your eeys, nose, and occasionaly the mouth. Which is very unpleasent[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Lime"]My post is pretty short compared to others. But anyways, I was at a small store a couple or so weeks ago. The store sold books (I think), and I was looking thier products. So I grabbed a product and I asked the cashier what the price of the product was. Then after she told me I replied "Oh nevermind then." and as I was walking I heard her say under her breath was "Jerk..". That realy pissed me off, talk about friendly service.. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Lime"]Hahahaha, you got summer school too? Well back to the question, Im pretty much a 8 because I finaly done most of the stuff i wanted to do today. So not to sad, but a little more happy:animesmil.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Lime"]Being busy is my anti-drug. I just have better things to do instead of wasting my life with drugs.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Lime"]My favorite book when I was young was a book called "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. I liked it because at the time my I was watching the first episodes of Fullmetal Alcemist and I was interested in real life alchemists. But the book was fictional, so it gave me no real referance to the real alchemists. But the book was realy good and pretty deep, but I didnt understand what happened at the end. To this day i keep reading that part over and it still confuses me.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. Oh wow, nice job. Thanks Korey for the awesome banner. I am eternally grateful.:D
  21. If you have every watched the anime I had a question. You know in some episodes when Haruhi dosent come to the club room and the other club members go and pass the time. Usualy Nagato reads a book, Mikuru serves the other club members tea, and occasionly Kyon and Itsuki play a board game. So my question is, What is the name of the board game that Kyon and Itsuki play?
  22. Yes, I'll remember to give you credit. But one last thing, maybe no green fade, but i like the picture though.
  23. Sorry, this is my first time requesting anything. But I would like to hav te whole sos brigade on it (if possible), if not then i just would like have most of the sos brigade in it. i'd also like to have a cool green color on the edge, like a neon green fade of somewhat. and of course I'd like my username on the bottem corner in white. I hope this is enough, and i hope im not being too greedy:animeswea
  24. Well since Im a guy i dont carry around a purse, so i carry most of my stuff in my pockets (which isnt alot). For starters I carry around my cellphone in on of my front pockets, my keys are in the other front pocket, and my wallet is in one of my back pockets. Not to mention the occasional lint of old tissues that are in there as well.
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