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5 Deadly Venoms

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Everything posted by 5 Deadly Venoms

  1. Tus: **** guess he wont be calling for us...We need to attack now! Swift fang prepare for battle.*swift Fangs grabs its pulser rifle and is starting up the charges...*Those two acs are a powerful team...Lets Give them a run for there money! Kevin: I second that motion. Com ready weapons Com: Yes sir Kevin i wonder how long my weapon will reach....Com start track ac b.... Com: Locked Kevin: Lets hope we can hit him... Tus: FUll Burn
  2. Tus: hmm....More killing i presume...well lets do it... lets group wit the others... hey, i may not know you well but i know your a good fighter, but this is gonna take all we got, so...lets work as a team, you watch my back i watch yours Kevin: Sure, Wow thats alot of troops, Tus:... im going send a file over to your ac. hold on*tus types alittle sending the Yan system* if you have no other option activate this. it takes all you energy and makes it go to your core meaning.... lets just say Boom! Kevin: I wont need this but thanks... Tus: im going to try and contact the others...This is tus moore trying to contact Aeon...Aeon you there... We here to help so let us group with you, or if you have a better group than tell us. We will be wating but we will not stand by for too long. For the record This is my final battle. if i survive than i will retire....Tus Moore out. Kevin: Well, Good Luck Tus: Yeah but we are gonna have to have more than luck on our side...hey if you make out of this alive than... Give this to my mom on earth...*sends recordes to kevin*Promise to. Kevin: Dont talk that way... Tus: PROMISE DAMN IT
  3. Tus:...hmmm so i guess we should get moving. we cant hide here in the mountains and starve.*tus pulls his ac to where he can look up at the stars.* Kevin: Well i guess but we may be in a fight or two. Tus:...Dosent matter.:smirk: my life is allways like this. run and hide. kill who you can... Death would be a present compared to this...I need a vacation...after i escape i'm gonna retire...:( Kevin: Retire you cant not till all this is- Tus: but if you have seen what i have than you would too... No more Killing. i will fight but not kill. Kevin: How? How can you say that? Tus::laugh: How long have you been fighting? Me 3 years but thats enough to drive a man insane...*Tus grabs the s.m.g. and loads it. Staping to the back of his shield.*Im gonna go fight my last battle...For my father*Tus boosters power up. Kevin: wait youll be seen Tus: good. Maybe oskborn will be around... Kevin: Wait for me *the two acs blast twoards the skys.*
  4. Tus: heh now im ready. AHHHHH *tus Flys straight at them dodging there shots. He pulls out the sword and slices through the first and throws the sword at the other... as sparks fly tus goes full burn and pulls his sword out of the enemys ac and leaves the explosion away* Tus: YeeHaa...OWWW...Remind me not to say that again Kevin: ok... Tus: so whos next? I want blood!
  5. *tus attempts to stand up and falls over as he heads for the door.Kevin walks in* Kevin: I thought i would find you like this... Tus:we must escape...he is comming... Kevin:Thats the least of your probelsm right now....We got to get you out of here. *kevin help Tus up then puts his arm around his shoulder and they walk into the Docking Bay. Kevin then helps Tus into his AC* Kevin: computer your piliot is wounded.....so auto take off then follow auto follow my AC DragonFly SwiftFang:Scanning......piliot wounded....will auto follow DragonFly *kevin climbs into his ac and launches followed by Tus & SwiftFang*
  6. *Tus lays down on his bed* Tus: Well...Guess battles wont ever stop following me around...Funny i guess...I guess im the "Doom Bringer" *tus laughs to him self* :laugh: Tus: hmm... Doom Bringer i like it...:laugh: well then if im gonna be the doom bringer than i need to rename my ac. hmm what should it be?....i know! "Doom Bringer":laugh: :laugh: owww my head.
  7. Tus: I dont want others to die because of me. i will leave as soon as my wounds heal or when my mech is ready. which ever comes first. but dont act like my friend. My name is Tus Moore son of the great Laou Moore. and i must have my revenge. Kevin: well tus moore lets get you somthing to eat and settle yourself in your quarters. when your mech is ready then by all means leave.
  8. I want to join. Name: Tus Team: Unified Earth Orbital Frame name: Big Boy Orbitral Frame: Big and Slow. Power is strong. Red and blue. Amrs/abilities:Shoots Energy shots out of its palms. Apperance: Tus is medium size long white hair. looks like sephiroth. Bio: No one knows about his past not even him. Defence: 900,000 Strength: 900,00 Speed: 100,00 Evasive: 100,00
  9. ac is the **** it rocks. havent played ac2 yet. but i hear its good
  10. Kool pics yall, guys comeon stop asking to be a judge. if they needed any more judges than they wouldv asked
  11. Tus: Uhhhh. Wha...what happened? Kevin: your awake? Tus: uhh...my head.:confused: *puts his hand holding his head. Notice the stiches. PUshes kevin away* Tus: I dont need your help. I have to leave as soon as my mech is repaired. He will find me soon. And that meens he will find this out post. And you all will be finished. *tus starts back toward the Dock but falls* Kevin: Your not healed yet you cant leave. Tus: :flaming: i Will Oskborn. I WILL!:demon:
  12. *After an hour of evenly matched fighting another message comes through.* Oskborne: :laugh: your not that bad... but i have to go so ill end this now.:naughty: *oskborns mech nightstalker fly to the air and whips out a Z-354 enerygy rifle and aims it carefully... Swift fang starts to go full burn away from night stalker...* you might be fast but not fast enough!*tsewww the blast hitsone of swift fangs boosters. He shoots again knocking off a arm. and again and again. Swift fang is barly able to keep medium burn as he is shot agian. tus takes out his puilser rifle and shoots an area and makes an explosin.* hahah gotcha. now i can leave.*nightstalker flys away As swift fang is slow moving towards the closest human setlement* *a few hours later he reaches the settlement that happens to be the one that chole is at* *his ac collapses as many mechanics watch. as he leaves his mech he reliezes that he barely survieved* Tus: i need... some...hel..p*he colapses on the ground as many mechancis rush around him*
  13. Tus: gotcha *tus Shoots at a enemy mech that fly stragiht up* Damn *aiming again at the mech he unloads another shot at the enemy but this time the shot hits* Yeahh Now for some real fun. Stanger mech: You think that hurt me? Hahaha. You remind me of your father. a weakling. *the enemy mech fly straight for tus* Taste Steel!. Tus: you first *his Fangs slide down his arm to his hand and shove it into the enemy mech* Now i have my revenge. Enemy: Haha*cough cough* yeah right. i didnt kill you dad who killed your dad was Oskborn. But you will never be able to destroy him unless you can find his weakpoint and thats his *A shot come fly out of nowhere and hits the enemy mech . Boom* *The blast knocked tus's mech off its feet.* Tus: You!*he looks up and sees a pure blacke mech that was huge* YOU...you...you...ahhhh*he starts to unload his pulser rifle on the mech* Oskborn: hahaha. dont think that mech can hurt me..:demon: Die you idot.
  14. *Tus looks around searching for the mech he badly damaged* Tus: Where are you...THERE! *He unlodes his m. gun on the mech *** it swoops around a tree and aproaches. With a big falsh the mech blows to pieces* Tus: About time...Now where am i? *tus looks around* *A energy blast sends tus's ac back* Tus:There you are! Your [B]DEAD[/B]!
  15. i dont think you should call yourself the ultimate warrior, i think you should have some limtations i mean not every one can be perfect. i just think it would be more realistic if you find some flaws everyonce and a while. i'm just saying lets not go off and say we are the ultimate warriors. but if that is how you want to be know "the ultimate warrior" than i should be " the other ultimate warrior" and so should everyone else.:( and that would not be fun 1 more suggestion list your weak points if any
  16. for all you who dont know Anti is related to me so if i treat him "meaner" than thats why. same wit drunken master88 and pyromaniac okays well g2g baiz
  17. i would never miss this!:D Name:Tus Moore Alias:Fang Age:18 Height:5' 6" Hair: White Bio: Born and raised on Earth. His father gave him his ac right before he died. After that incident he was trying to find the killer of his father. After 2 years when he was 17 his ac was destroyed. Now he has a modified version of his first ac King Fang. Now its called Swift Fang. Description:Always galsses so no one will be able to see his eyes which are scared from when he lost King Fang. Long White hair. Black pants white shirt. Silent most of the time. AC Name: Swift Fang AC Descrption: Medium Height. Black and white. Fast speed and medium power. Small round shield for defence. Relying on speed to move and shoot. AC Weapons: Small machiene gun.(not laser) Small sword(Diamond tiped) Pulser rifle.(Laser like blast but not power full) Fangs(Swing down the arm to hand.) ok theres my ac
  18. Sure its ok to have a kame hame ha wave. and sure whatever you want to do. some of the stuff i have is real shaolin stuff. im waiting for a friend but if he dosent get here soon than ill just start it. and if we get past 3 pages than no one can join in unless im in a good mood.(not often):demon:
  19. We need a few more than we can start the rpg untill then just hang around. if you want to start a prelude than go straight ahead. well peace for the nite
  20. Well for all you who know me know i love kung fu movies. This is where i get the idea of this rpg. Whoever seen the shaoin temple knows that is similar. You are a student of a shaolin temple. A big army is soon to attack your temple. You must prepare and defend the temple. here is my charcter. [B]Name[/B] : Jah Shin [B]Weapon[/B] : Kuan Doe(a big Spear with a giant knife on top and a spear tip on the bottom. I did not make this weapon up) [B]Style[/B] :Jun Ta Majong Law Horn [B]Bio[/B] : From Shang High China studied many diffrent martial arts and made his own style using Majong Law Horn and others. [B](3)Special Moves[/B] :1.Death Torch, 2.Eagle Spear 3.Chi Push [B]Finishing Move[/B]: Chi Do(makes my weapon into a chi missile)
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