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Everything posted by Konata

  1. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well, unless you're buying the special edition DVDs I don't now what you're gunna be able to get without importing. In any event get ready to brutally slaughter your wallet, HAHAHA! Haruhi **** is expensive as hell. My best friend had all 3 girls dakimakura (yes, the things that cost 80-90 bucks before shipping/handling). He never opened them, kept them in a box in his closet. A few weeks ago, his dad was cleaning the closet and threw the box away !!! Rich bastard wasn't upset about it enough though ^^;;[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Haha, I was planning on buying a dakimakura, but I just didn't see much of a use for them. Or at least, my $90 worth =P @Avenged: Stuff you put on your clothing?
  2. Well, bumping this because of a mildly important update about second season =P As you probably know, [url]http://haruhi.tv/[/url], the main Japanese SuzuHaru site, is all about those alternate reality games or whatever you call them. Posting secret images of Mikuru and causing fans to randomly guess the URLs for them and then find a "kinsoku jikou desu!" on their screen (first season), or displaying a 22 minute "live" school cam on Tanabata of [spoiler]Kyon and Haruhi[/spoiler] raiding a school and painting weird images on the yard,... You get the idea. Well now, since it [i]is[/i] mid/late [i][b]December[/b][/i], they've conveniently (maybe more than just a coincidence...) the website [b][i]disappeared[/i][/b]. Or at least, they display a "Page Not Found" page. But it will then open up a password prompt with five spaces for letters. [spoiler]If you type in K, N, S, A, and K, the first letters of the SOS Brigade's surnames (K for Koizumi, N for Nagato, etc), and in that order, press enter and you should be let in.[/spoiler] After that, you reach an "xterm". In which... Yuki types to you regarding this message ?! [spoiler]When she is done and it says "Ready?", then press Enter. If you don't, you'll receive a "Deleted" message, and you will have just wasted your two minutes.[/spoiler] If all is done correctly, or you just don't want to go through the process of getting past haruhi.tv's website, then just go here: [u][url=http://www.haruhi.tv/yuki_pic.html]Link[/url][/u] With a little music in the background, you'll see a picture of Nagato Yuki extending her hand out (I wonder, why is she doing that? =P). There is also a confirmation of the season, etc. It's good to see some actual artwork, besides the whole sitting Haruhi image that was spammed in newspapers, magazines, and everything. The copyright dates are 2007, 2008, and 2009...
  3. Now I'm sick >_> Conveniently during Finals week... the week where I'm going to spend all of the nights studying, preparing for several presentations, and probably procrastinating on all of the former by drawing or going on the Internets until 1 AM ;P But all day, I've just done some homework, a few tests for my online class, drawn some characters, browsed the Internet, etc, etc. The usual Sunday. And I'l probably pull an all-nighter studying for finals, lol.
  4. SOL? PAD? School is bad for me right now =( I have an 89% in one of my classes omg. And overall, my grades really bother me. Like, I have a 99% in one class because I screwed up on one test D: And in AVID, I dropped from a 102% to a 90% because of one pop quiz ='( Even though it's back up to 94%, I'm still disappointed. As for my college classes, I'm doing okay though. I was guaranteed an A in my Civilization course, because I did so much extra credit and stuff, the professor said I didn't have to take the final. Precalculus is the same. I have an A in that class, so I just need to do well on the final and the other tests. Hmm... School organizations have been okay too. I told my friend once, when our Art Club started, that I would become President of the club and take over. Recently, the president who had once refused to give up her position, contacted me and asked if I would relieve her of presidency next semester =3 If it all works, I will finally control over 66% of all of my school's clubs =D And I hope to get the Art Club to finally be active !
  5. Sorry it's taking so long >_> I originally sketched it out and scanned it, but I lost my tablet pen haha. I'll redraw it and ink it instead. Expect it within the next day lol. Edit: Bought another tablet pen, so: [URL=http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/5753/carmawc5.png][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/5753/carmawc5.th.png[/IMG][/URL] Your character was very fun to draw. Her colorful-ness reminded me of the Harajuku style =P ------------------------------------------- My character: Keiichi Amakura. [URL=http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/2443/keiichistuffht1.png][IMG]http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/2443/keiichistuffht1.th.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8148/005gi5.jpg][IMG]http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8148/005gi5.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Keiichi is basically the stereotypical male protagonist >_> He acts slightly laid back and "cool", but when he enters Cosplay Royale (a "Battle Royale" program, except it's a program that involves all otaku at a certain convention to kill each other (lol copypasta)), he becomes a bit scared. He is faithful to his friends, and will do almost anything to help them as well. However, he sometimes ends trusting the wrong people... His weapon is a normal sword, but he soon discovers that he has a unique ability: time manipulation, which allows him to slow down time. I hope that's enough info lol...
  6. Omgomgomgomgmgomgomg. Words cannot describe ho grateful I am for both of the Hitomi pictures. Thank you so much, medafunk and Lunox! As for Chikara, your picture is claimed!
  7. The anime death that made me feel sad was when [spoiler]Misuzu died in AIR[/spoiler]. Of course, it was a couple or few years ago when I watched it, so I dunno.
  8. All of the replies are honest, silly =P
  9. I'm extremely honest, in everything I do. But of course, I would be lying about that. And that recent statement would be honest. Unless of course, it's a lie. Which would mean that I was lying about lying I was honest, so I was honest in saying I was honest, but conclusively I would be a liar, which would therefore cause me to be a liar. So whether or not I am telling the truth or lying about the truth, I would say that I am honest about lying. I won't lie unless it truly benefits me, and if I know how to support that lie. But I try to be honest because most likely, that's easier to support than a lie. However, like I said, I lie when I benefit from it, even if it means to be cruel. But it's cruel to be kind, isn't it? For example, if I meet someone who I deem as a low-self esteem writer who shows me her work, and it's absoutely horrible to my standards, I will compliment her and say it's a wonderful masterpiece. That would benefit my relationship with her. If I believe the writer is confident and appreciates the truth more than typical lies, I will tell her the truth. Whatever I believe to strengthen ties with them will ultimately impact whether or not I lie or tell the truth. Although this usually happens offline exclusively, I will lie to someone online on some occasions. Because even though it's not great to pretend I do something or am something I am not, it has helped me in the end.
  10. What's the story of Mrs. and Mr. Whale? Sounds interesting.
  11. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Perhaps you could show me the manual for common issues or problems on the Internet?[/quote] [u][url=http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/11parent.htm]The Internet Owner's Manual > Excerpts from [i]The Children's Partnership's Parents' Guide to the Information Superhighway[/i][/url][/u] On a serious note, like I said before, what you're addressing (learning how to printscreen to get proof, contacting administration, etc) is a simple equation of Computer/Internet Basics + Common Sense + Performing the action. There are introductory and advanced classes for the Internet and computers, as well as keyboarding. There are sites like the one above that inform of harassment and how one can prevent it. There is usually a manual that comes with the computer that one buys, which should explain the basics of their computer. There are books about harassment specifically, or those typical "Dummy's Guide to (computer-related concept)". And that's where Part Two comes in. Common sense. But one needs common sense for everything, practically. Lastly, the third part of the equation, is performing the action, and it's all up to that person to do whatever one wishes to do. And those actions are usually easy. Unless it's much too hard to press the "PrtScrn" button, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+S, and upload. Well, at least, it's not painstakingly hard for me. By this, I mean literally pushing the buttons. If they don't know the knowledge for it, then they should've done any of the above. [quote]I think you are failing to see my point here and assuming that everyone knows where to go online to find the type of information I'm talking about.[/quote] So they don't know how to 1. Go to Google, Yahoo!, AskJeeves, whatever search engine is there 2. Go to a bookstore 3. Read their computer manual 4. Read their Internet manual 5. Ask a friend who does go on the Internet, unless of course that person either does not have a friend who goes on the Internet and knows the basic procedures, or does not have any friends at all 6. Go to a computer, keyboarding, or Internet class 7. Use common sense 8. Press the X button in the corner of the screen if they don't know how to do any of the above 9. Unplug the computer if they don't know how to push the X button in the corner of the screen 10. Turn around the computer screen and never look at it again if they don't know how to unplug the computer [quote]I also think you're assuming that since it's obvious to you, it therefore must be obvious to everyone else too.[/quote] Because I find it obvious that Mizuho Inada was most likely suffering from schizophrenia due to her constant delusions of Ahura Mazda and her belief that she and her "Lorela Lausasse Kaori" were magical warriors, granted powers by their God of Light, it therefore must be obvious to everyone else too, right? I don't assume everyone knows what I should know. But if they don't know how to use a computer, then they shouldn't use it. And that is common sense. With the amount of information they have stored in society, it only takes a simple phone call or trip to the library or bookstore to learn more about combatting internet harassment. You know, pick up the [i]Cyberstalking: Harassment in the Internet Age and How to Protect Your Family[/i], [i] No Room for Bullies: From the Classroom to Cyberspace[/i], and whatever there is. They don't necessarily have to know how to type [url]http://www.google.com[/url] in order to find their information. And if they don't know how to travel to a library or bookstore, then why not call an technologically educated acquaintance? And if they don't have any, why not ... etc. [quote]And yet there are sites like this: [URL="http://www.besafeonline.org/English/bullying_online.htm"][U]Click[/U][/URL] I'm saying that gathering information like that and making it standard with say getting Internet service or getting a new computer could be a good thing. [/QUOTE] Doesn't that contradict your argument a bit
  12. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Not until it's been done. :p Using a computer doesn't automatically mean you have full knowledge of every aspect of said computer. But there are cases where it does, that's the point. ^_~ And for those sites that don't have help, that's where the advice on going elsewhere comes into play. Like I said, even if it's obvious, not everyone is intimately familiar with things, that's why manuals are written, instruction pamphlets come with new purchases and why even simple information can be useful. Whether or not it's been done before or not isn't the point, there are lots of new kids getting online, new people using a computer who haven't before because they either weren't old enough or couldn't afford it. I'm not saying it's a perfect solution, but I am saying that just because there will be times it won't help isn't a reason to think it can't help. And I know you're not saying that, I'm just saying that I am positive such information would be useful to people. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't really see the point because it's being done. As in, these manuals, classes, etc, are already being delivered, taken, and what not.
  13. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']I'm not as disturbed about that as I am by your [i]other[/i] hobby.[/QUOTE] What other hobby?
  14. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] And it is my belief that [COLOR="DarkRed"]Odin[/COLOR] is bipolar, or tripolar. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE] Last time I checked, he wasn't. He just tried to be. Aside from that, today, I got a lovely "Your computer may be infected with viruses or malware! You should download [insert generic fake spyware program name] today!" popup. I really hope that didn't come from my computer and not the Internet. =(
  15. [quote name='Aaryanna']]I was talking more about what to do when it becomes more than just a simple case of someone being rude. From sexual predators to cyber bullying. Because sometimes, knowing how to get proof you're being harassed to hand over to someone like a moderator who can and will issue a warning is in many cases more than enough to get the person to leave you alone. :p[/quote] Okay, but that's like learning how to use the computer. It's already being done. [quote]I speak from experience on that one since some idiot was convinced that I was someone at a different site with a similar name. Sure I could have simply deleted the pm's since my polite response explaining that they had the wrong person only made them more vicious and mean, but it was more fun to get screen shots of said pm's and let someone in charge give them a warning instead. This was at myOtaku account by the way, not here obviously. lol Still, I never heard from them again after that. And before you say I could just ignore them... other than to delete the messages, at the moment there is no ignore function at myOtaku, so I didn't feel like constantly deleting the stupid pm's every day.[/quote] But there are always cases in which learning how to deal with it physically won't help (or basic tools of the Internet/computer). What about those site's moderation or administration doesn't deal with harassment? As for me, when I was 11 or 12, I don't remember because it wasn't a big deal, I used to go on an interactive chatroom. Like, a place where you had your own little walking avatar, and you could walk/run around the town and talk to the users there. But of course, since it is a chatroom, there were a bunch of people that would insult me and stuff everyday. Oh, I was amazed at how many ways they could insult me too. Not only f-bombing and using whatever profanity that existed, but they also combined them into the phrases and stuff, haha. Since they could customize their avatars, they would usually make it so their character was naked, and then they would simulate rape with my character too. And of course, even though you could "block them" by making their avatar be replaced by a gray figure, they're still all over you and raping you. But in that case, I couldn't depend on administration because there wasn't much at all, haha (and it was a Japanese company). I just had to play the role of the harasser, and that's when they started calling me a hacker lol. Some of them even apologized later on ;P
  16. [quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh my, Konata... those spoilers are there for good reason. You must be either brave or proud to admit those things openly the way you just did. I must say, it is a bit disturbing. You're one sick individual. =P (I say that jokingly)[/font][/color][/quote] It's not something like "I've put a great effort into telling this!", but it's not like "lolol hey gaiz i'm crazy give me attention plz" either. I don't care talking about it because as long I don't turn into a malicious serial killer, I personally don't think it's such a bad hobby. Even though it disturbs some, lol. [spoiler]I only like mild kinds. I don't care for the supposedly "real" snuff videos (although all that I've seen looks horrible fake), because they're dealing with not only death, but unnecessary nudity and sexual content. And I don't care for guro. I'm not even that fond of gore, with the guts spilling out, decapitations, etc. I'm mostly into just bloodshed and torture =3[/spoiler] Besides, it's a learning experience ;D But as I see more, it seems like I'm getting more of a soft spot ='( [quote]Actually.... have you ever heard of this one dude who [SPOILER]looked for somebody on the internet to murder and cannibalize? The guy found some other guy, they both got liquored up and ate the dude's penis.[/SPOILER] I think the man was later arrested. I don't know any names or specific details, i only heard about this in passing a while back.[/quote] Hm... I might have heard of it because there are a lot of Internet stories of things like that. But hearing about isn't as good as [spoiler]watching or seeing it. I have seen pictures of Internet killings though. I'm probably never going to find one, but I want to see a video of Issei Sagawa or Tsutomu Miyazaki. And not just Issei Sagawa on talk shows. If there was anyway to see him in action, which I think is impossible, because he was never reported to record his act of cannibalism, I would watch it. Same with Miyazaki. Or if there was a video about Boy A or Girl A...
  17. [quote name='AzureWolf']Hemophilia, which is also the name of a genetic disease, so that's why it's probably not listed on the list, lol.[/QUOTE] No, it's on there. Hemophilia, hemaphilia, and hematophilia. I just don't wanna say "HAY GUYS I HAS HEMOPHILIA lolol"
  18. If you know OMY at least a little, he tends not to make a lot of sense. Or be very much believable. Not intended for flaming purposes. And what was with the Dr. Norton anyway? I lol'd. I know the program doesn't do anything to help me, but I don't ever remember Norton being a hacker, haha.
  19. >=( They don't ALL have to be 34 year old guys living in their basement. And some of them DO have a life =( Anyways, on a serious note, I guess they're doing it so it can benefit them. Or perhaps they feel more in power. Like you stated, the whole credit card scams can be quite the profit for phishers. And likewise, keylogging, trojans, and all of that stuff can lead to gaining the right amount of information for credit card information, passwords, and all that good stuff. If they're raiding your games, most likely, they're good enough to get the game ;P And that doesn't rule out the possibility that they're just doing it for fun. The nature of man is savagery, right? [Thomas Hobbes-ism]
  20. Everyone has them. Or at the least, a little bit of a phobia and a little bit of a philia. So, what are yours? What are you afraid of, and on the other hand, what do you absolutely love? [url]http://www.phobialist.com/[/url] _> It happened this year when I had to withdraw a class >_______> My parents were thinking I might commit suicide, I was freaking out so much. Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts), although this particularly could be a -philia too. Rather, it doesn't necessarily have to be apparitions, but anything unknown. I just don't know the phobia name for it ;P But it's also a -philia because i like to go look for the unknown. But I just fear it way more. Genophobia (fear of sex) - ...yeah. Pathophobia (fear of disease) - Rather than listing all the phobias of diseases I have, I'll just put this one up in general. Sickness, disease, or whatever. Even if you're a best friend on a deathbed, if your disease is contagious, I'm staying away from you. =( Actually, since this is what I mainly fear (in diseases, sicknesses, etc), then I'll mention parasitophobia (fear of parasites). That's why I have someone else cook raw meat, and the only time I did cook meat, I burned it until it was black >_> Now -philias. Plutophilia (love of money) - Or rather, I have a fear of having no money, lol. Now, for my primary -philia. I'm spoilering some of this because some people get disturbed by this. [b]So by viewing the spoilers, it's at your own discretion. =P After all, I don't think it's considered morally right.[/b] [spoiler]Thanatophilia (love of death) - Not in a sexual or erotic way. I just like death. Just not if it deals with me. [spoiler]But if I see a corpse somewhere, I want to investigate and analyze it. I'm respectful at funerals, of course. But if it's not in casket... Anyways. I watch videos of dismemberment and torture. I've seen suicides and other stuff. And not always the fake kind ;D One of the main reasons for liking this death is because of:[/spoiler] Love for blood (I'm not sure what to call it, lol. Any help?) - Specifically bloodshed. [spoiler]Which is why I enjoy dismemberment by knife most.[/spoiler] Haha, I'm not sure when this -philia started though. Probably when I was really little, like five or four. [spoiler]Another fascination of mine is with cannibalism and torture. As for cannibalism, I love researching people like Issei Sagawa. I've been trying to find a video of cannibalism for a long time, but I've failed. And torture, I don't care for the sexual ways of torture. Just things like of course, dismemberment. But of course, I'd never dismember, torture, kill, cannibalize, sodomize, or anything, because it's simply not allowed =P[/spoiler] My "idol" is Natsumi Tsuji, lol. Anyways, that's my side. What about yours?
  21. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Preventive measures don't have to be limited to going after actual cases, they can include education to younger kids as well as parents to help them be more aware of what to watch out for while they are online. So even if there is no push to create laws for punishment, I think it would be beneficial for quite a few people to be educated on what to watch out for. Sure those of us who grew up with computers might know better, and by grow up I mean actually spend a good amount of time online. But I'm sure there are lots of parents as well as kids who are clueless or at the very least aren't sure since they've never thought about it before. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] In this case though, the victim and her associates were educated on what to watch out for. Unless of course, you count the fact that she should've watched out for herself. =/ But then that's like having those little educational lectures about suicide, and that's already been happening. No matter if they know what to watch out for, it won't improve much. Of course, the overprotective parents would probably ban their children from the Internet (or even send them to go to therapy and be electrocuted for "obsessing" over the Internet! (lol china)), and in the end, people would still be getting harassed, except more people would be banned from the Internet. And besides, it's not like Internet harassers are only harassing children and teenagers. It's bigger "fish" to fry, especially for those bigger organizations of "Internet bullies". Or anybody who TRIES to educate people on what to watch out for on the Internet. [quote]Sorry, I'm just sick and tired of beautiful girls making the news because they die in a car crash or committed suicide.[/quote] But unfortunately, that's what makes the most money ='( That's partially why I'm so skeptical about it. Not only because I think she should've stayed off the Internet and lived her life, but honestly, her suicide won't affect me one bit. 1. Last time I checked, she didn't die for an honorable cause; she died because she was too weak to handle the Internet and she decided not to pull away from it. 2. There are too many cases that are almost identical to this (like someone suffering from depression that hangs himself because of Internet harassment by several adults and possibly parents; I wouldn't know because no one paid enough attention to it to actually bring it to the news headline with investigation. Or a girl who commits suicide after etc, etc, etc.) and no one pays attention to them. 3. It's getting way too much attention than it should be. I've noticed so many people are putting full blame on the parent and sensationalizing over the suicidal girl while not even knowing the full story. Because she [i]totally[/i] didn't have another way to escape from the harassment, right? Because there [i]wasn't[/i] a little red "X" button on the corner of her monitor screen, right? And of course, her depression takes into play. But it's not like schizophrenia where homocide by the insane is not punishable by sentence. It could have impaired her sense, but she could have still had sense left to decide between staying and being harassed, or leaving.
  22. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']That's what makes the case stand out more than anything, as a parent I find that hard to understand, that one would knowingly do that to someone's kid. So on some level that hits home to me since I find the idea reprehensible.[/quote] And as an Internet harasser and victim (it neutralizes!), I stand partially against the child, and partially the parent. Like stated earlier, I want to know about the parent before I can finally say "Oh, okay. The parent was more at fault." or "Well then in this case, the parent shouldn't be blamed as much because...", or something else. [quote]Of course not, you would have to go directly to the source and even then you would be limited by what they would be willing to tell you and how their own perceptions limit what they remember and how they remember it.[/quote] Exactly. Meaning that it's almost impossible to find the right news, unless you ARE part of that news. Even then, it's still difficult to find out what's the truth, and what's the lie. [quote]Also, even if others are suffering, or the truism of being able to find something worse just by looking exists, that doesn't make it any less important does it? If we start saying we don't care because there is something worse, we'll fall into the loop of never caring. I'm not saying you do that I'm just saying that even if you're being sarcastic, it doesn't make it true that people think that way.[/quote] Yet we ARE making things less important. [quote]I think your getting into the responsibility of the media as well as the truism that sensationalism sells but by no means do I think it's the only thing we are concerned with, it is the thing that we are concerned with because it is what is being reported. ;) And that for quite a bit of the population is no fault of their own, they read what is presented to them and of course like we are now here in this forum, they react to it.Bias in the news is unavoidable, there's no getting around it and though being skeptical is good at the same time I think it's important to be careful that the same skepticism doesn't have you turning your back on things because of potential bias from the media. [quote]Also, what are these good old days where everything was statistics and cold, hard facts? I'd be curious as to just what days you are referring to since for as long as I have lived, I've been hearing that phrase from each generation, from the one before me, to my own to the newer generations such as yourself. In my experience, the good old days often have rose tinted glasses on them making them appear more perfect than they really were.[/quote] Well, when did anyone ever reveal true news without any intent of money? [quote]As for looking both ways, if there is any truth in the case that this girl was deceived and bullied. Regardless of the outcome bullying does need to be addressed especially when it descends to the level of outright harassment. If anything something like this should be prompting us to take a closer look into preventive measures. At least that is what I think. ;) And it doesn't necessarily require supporting the child to do that, since that's more along the lines of support all kids and adults who face being harassed or bullied.[/QUOTE] Preventive measures? See, I know Japan and some other countries are trying to do this, but I am very skeptical of this. Mainly because, like I said before, this case wasn't the only one. Internet harassment happens daily, hourly, secondly. And to me, these measures are probably going to be like the Prohibition Act. [quote]And I'll agree with A_M that it's still sick that a parent would even send a "malicious" message.[/quote] While I agree that it's sick and of course, a parent shouldn't have done it, that's just how the world goes. It's not like that parent was the first. Short response, but school =D
  23. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Or I can explain that I'm a 50 year old parent who until last year never joined an online forum, has never read any of the Internet rules [nor do I intend to based on what I've heard] and will in all honesty admit that most if not all sarcasm goes completely over my head. I try to understand it but honestly I don't. It makes it hard for me to know when someone is being sarcastic or condescending or trying to be funny. There's no need to apologize for your satire, I'm only sorry that I seem to fail to grasp it. It's not intentional I assure you.Don't do that, seriously, and again I can't tell if you're being sarcastic/funny/condescending or not. I sincerely hope you are, just trying to be a bit funny or sarcastic. Just as I hope you understand that part of my sadness over this whole thing is the lack of caring towards others who do struggle with depression and end up killing themselves. I can't and I hope I never do understand how the other mother could knowingly do what she did to the girl. Anyway, I'm sorry for being harsh.[/QUOTE] That's not harsh. But if you wanted it to be harsh, sure it's harsh. I've been used to it for a long time, and I'd rather "meet with no more respect than you exact". Concerning my satire, however, I will even edit my entire post in order to reference and thoroughly explain every joke, describe every reference from an aphorism or paradox by Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and every other author or famous/infamous people that have made their way into this post, cite evidence of every claim, define every word term to be deemed jargon, distinguish the cliche "Internet memes" that were addressed, and conclusively analyze the entire post. If needed. Why choose satire? With it, I find it easier to expose the truth. But of course, that's obviously been proven to be a complete waste of everyone's time. But who can say that I was not contradicting my thoughts in the first few posts and merely trying to aid the discussion by playing the role of the opposition, while I supported you? Stressing the fact that I could be one person and not the other, who might support this or that, I point out that not everyone on the Internet is what they say they are. That's partially why it's a horrible place, and why she should have realized that. Besides, if I am a condescending, saddening fool of nonconformity, but a disliked fake of conformity, then I do wonder how I'll survive online. But anyways, in the end, it doesn't matter if I'm sarcastic, satirical, condescending, heartless, foolish, saddening, or whatever terrible, horrible, despicable creature I am in the end, as long as I acknowledge it. And I do. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "love your enemy, for they tell you your faults," right? Because I have no relevance to that girl who committed suicide. And this topic is about the girl who committed suicide. And okay, maybe I can't stand in your shoes because I'm not a mother and I don't plan on being one for my own avaricious and inconsiderate reasons, but like earlier stated, I acknowledge your standpoint, and everyone else's standpoints. Actually, while I'm at it. [quote]QFT?! This! Is!! !!![/quote] Internet meme. If you've seen 300, you might understand it. [quote]I'm not really sure,... But I think I know this. [b]Oh wait[/b][/quote] A common use of sarcasm on the Internet. [quote]Yeah. I'm sorry, I don't know anything about depression. After all, I've only studied depression for a semester in a Psychology college course. Actually, I partially lied ;D I'm still studying it. I'm sure the first thing on my OtakuBoards Christmas List might show something about one of my hobbies. But for a hobby, I'm sure ignorant, mediocre, and absolutely ridiculous in my knowledge of psychology. I'm probably reading something terribly wrong, like Wikipedia. Because I don't want to be misquoted, that was partial sarcasm ;O And there is partial sarcasm in a lot of my sentences, and if I need to colorize half of this response to tell you THIS IS SARCASM and THIS IS NOT SARCASM, then just tell me. But I do admit, you're probably way more informed than me about depression. Anyways.[/quote] Like I said, I was partially lying. Of course, you're not going to know what part I was lying in. That college course was mediocre and it was only an Introduction to Psychology. That's why I'm saying I'm very ignorant in the subject. But then, what is sarcasm? And what isn't? Because you can't have a sarcastic tone on the Internet! Unless you're doing a voice conference session, haha. That's why I offered to distinguish my sarcasm. But I'll let you know this about me. If I EVER say I'm smarter or more sophisticated than someone else, than that there is sarcasm. And it's usually going to be along the lines of "lol i r so smrt loloolololooolool!!!!!11111" I mean, why lay an egg and think it's an asteroid? But I'm still condescending, am I right? Alas, alas. [quote]Also, I'm going to smack you a bit here young lady. Follow my earlier suggestion and google this and read up on it, the girl got permission from her parents to join myspace, she got permission to add this fake "Josh" to her friends list. She talked to them about what was happening and they tried to tell her it would be all right. In other words, her parents were involved in her life and actively trying to help her.[/quote] But likewise, does that really mean that she didn't have the choice to exit out of MySpace and live her life regularly? Or irregularly, depending on what you deem regular. Like I earlier stated, despite her depression, she could have made that decision to exit. And people say, "Well a lot of people choose to look into it more!" Well what about that other people that aren't included in that "a lot?" She could've chosen one of those options, but did she? No. And the thing is, no matter how much I click on Google, I'm not going to find all of the information I want. Because most of the time, the news says one thing, and another thing happens. Or while others are horribly suffering torture and emaciated from hunger, all we're concerned about are sensational crime scenes and celebrity justice, right? That was partial sarcasm directed at some. And a lot of the news has a sense of bias, even a little, which I'm very skeptical of. What ever happened to the good old days when everything was statistics and cold, hard facts? Oh wait, those don't make the money... Before I can say anything supporting the child's side, I would like to know about all sides that affected the entire situation. And overall, there is hardly any information about the parent, compared to the massive redundant load of information about the girl. I'd like to look both ways before crossing the street.
  24. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Goodness, I can understand your intent about sarcasm but it's way overdone and just rude really. Honestly, you can refute someone's point or simply point out that you did say the parent was at fault with out the long condescending rant. Also, I'm going to smack you a bit here young lady. Follow my earlier suggestion and google this and read up on it, the girl got permission from her parents to join myspace, she got permission to add this fake "Josh" to her friends list. She talked to them about what was happening and they tried to tell her it would be all right. In other words, her parents were involved in her life and actively trying to help her. So you don't feel sorry for her, that's fine, but honestly sadder than hell that you seem to feel no sympathy whatsoever. No one is expecting you 'die' from tears. And if you can't see that most of our replies are because we find it strange that you could be without pity, then really, you're missing out here. Though if you've read all of the articles out there on this and you still have this snarky I don't give a damn attitude, then that's just even more sad. And I'll leave it at that since overbearing sarcasm that implies the rest of us are stupid is a waste of my time to even respond to.[/QUOTE] I'd like to say that the parts that might make me seem condescending weren't sarcastic because if I say I'm stupid, I mean I'm stupid (and I cherish all of your opinions, because after all, if we were all consistent, then all of your great minds out there would have simply nothing to do[/emerson]), and maybe I should've highlighted all of the sarcastic remarks. I know I make people sad, I know I am a fool, I'm sadder than hell, and I guess I have a snarky I don't give a ---- attitude (which contradicts the fact that I did reply to this topic which means I possibly have an I do give a ---- attitude since I am acknowledging this particular topic, but I shouldn't say it because I wouldn't be conforming), but Okay. Very well, I humbly apologize for my satire and I will never attempt to be humorous on [url]http://www.otakuboards.com[/url] again. And I'll conform. To everything. Now let's start over again so I am conforming. And although I can't concur with this topic anymore, I shall agree on every topic here, from now on. I shall not make people sad nor shall I be a fool. My vulgar behavior was unerringly extraneous. Henceforth, due to the fact that my opinions and satire are wrong, conclusively, I shall resort to conformity. Thank you for the wonderful advice.
  25. [quote name='cancer'][SIZE="1"]So I'm making a movie poster for my final Intro To Computer Graphics class project, and I'm curious what people would like to see made into a movie. What kind of movies or games would you like to see spoofs or remakes of? Or what new kind of movie would you like to see made? I want to get an idea of what the most popular genre would be and whatnot. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Have a poster of a man jumping out of explosions! That would make everyone wow and want to watch that movie. Nah, really, are you looking for an A in the class, or just being creative and great, even if you won't get an A (although you will probably get an A depending on your teacher)?If you want to just conform to your teacher's standards, what does he/she like most? Or at least, what does he/she usually give As on? But if you don't want to conform, then what interests you most? Also, what are your requirements? But if your teacher appreciates the conformity of nonconformity, then go for it! As in, be creative. I personally would love to see a spoof of something. A well-made one at that. Like, exposing the obvious cliche in some various bestsellers, lol.
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